New High Contrast Syntax Highlighting Themes

Since the beginning on CodePen, our default syntax highlighting theme on CodePen has been our take on "Twilight". I'm not even sure what the original canonical source of Twilight is, but just about everywhere that offers syntax highlighting themes has some version of it.

In addition to the default Twilight, we have a total of 6 dark and 6 light themes to choose from in your settings.

Now we have one more one each side!

These are entirely new and hand-crafted by our own Klare Frank. They are somewhat based on the colors from CodePen's own branding and design system colors.

High contrast dark
High contrast light


All the colors have been designed to pass WCAG AAA color contrast guidelines.

But I don't really need a high contrast theme as my vision is pretty good...

That's cool, me too. Sometimes I even worry that picking a high-contrast theme will be too intense for me and I'd prefer something more subtle. But that's not the case here at all, I've switched to using the dark theme myself and I find it entirely pleasing.

I'd highly recommend trying them out, as you may find out, as I have, that they are extremely nice to work in!


We haven't flipped over to one of them as the default theme for new users, but we just might! We'd love to tweak them if you see any bugs or have suggestions.

The post New High Contrast Syntax Highlighting Themes appeared first on CodePen Blog.

A Brand New Job Board & $100 off Job Posts in May!

Spring cleaning isn't just for garages. Here at CodePen we've spent some time shining up the CodePen Job Board, both visually and under the hood. We think it's a much nicer place to both look for a job and to find developers to fill job positions at your company.

Our resident designer extraordinaire, Klare Frank, has given the board a fresh coat of paint, expanding on the gradient motif that’s been tiptoeing its way into our look & feel.

The "under the hood" part refers to making it easier to post jobs. If you never have before you won't notice anything new, but just know that it asks you far less questions along the way, and doesn't force you into a weird account creation workflow first 😉

Let us brag a little.

Well, brag about you. The CodePen community grows and grows. There are a lot of you! And you write lots of code! We wanted to make that super clear for people looking to post jobs. The reach here is pretty great.

As a reminder, the CodePen Job Board is one and the same with the CSS-Tricks Job Board and the ShopTalk Job Board, so your job postings will reach those communities as well.

A Big May Sale!

For the entire month of May 2019, job postings are $100 off. Instead of the normal $299, they are $199. I'd say that's the most bang for your buck for any job posting out there related to front-end and full-stack web design and development.

Go Post a Job


Your job will run for 60 days instead of the normal 30 days. You can change it at any time, or yank the post if the role is filled.

Better design, less money, longer-running jobs. Triple win.

If you’re a front-end developer or designer...

Want to find yourself someone great to work with? We’d be thrilled if you encouraged your employer to post new roles on CodePen. If you need some help with that, feel free to email us ( We're happy to talk about it and find a way to incentivize it.

💜 ⚒ 💙

The post A Brand New Job Board & $100 off Job Posts in May! appeared first on CodePen Blog.