jpackage Is Production-Ready in Java 16

If you shudder thinking about compilation for different platforms, I know the feeling. One of the Java promises, the WORA (Write Once, Run Anywhere) principle, while revolutionizing platform independence, it stopped short of one more step – to be able to deploy anywhere. Personally, I think that WORADA sounds awesome, but I guess before Docker it didn’t occur to people that eliminating “works on my machine” is as simple as shipping your machine.

So you wrote a class, you’ve built a jar file and then you needed the right JVM (or JDK) and all the right dependencies, organized in a very particular way in order to make it work. What are the chances this knowledge will be consistently transferred intact from the Dev silo to the Ops silo?

Java: How to Create Lightweight Database Microservices

Build database microservices that are as light as a feather!

The number of cloud-based Java database applications grows by the minute. Many organizations deploy hundreds — if not thousands — of microservice instances. However, most applications carry an astounding amount of unnecessary overhead with respect to the runtime environment. This, in turn, makes the application slower and more expensive to run.

In this article, I will demonstrate how to write a database application that is 10 times smaller than normal(*). The storage requirement will be about 32 MB instead of the usual(*) ~300 MB taking both the application, third-party libraries, and the Java runtime into account. As a bonus, the required RAM to run the application will also be reduced by 25 percent.

The Most Significant Changes to the Java Ecosystem

To understand the current and future state of the Java Ecosystem, we reached out to our community for their insights. Unlike other topics like containers and security, there are far fewer people willing to share their thoughts on the current and future state of Java. This appears to be a function of its maturity relative to other technologies.

We are grateful to our three contributors who all have significant experience with Java: