The Gorilla Guide to Kubernetes in the Enterprise, Chapter 3: Deploying Kubernetes

This is an excerpt from The Gorilla Guide to Kubernetes in the Enterprise, written by Joep Piscaer.
You can download the full guide here.

Deploying Kubernetes from Scratch

Deploying a Kubernetes cluster from scratch can be a daunting task. It requires knowledge of its core concepts, the ability to make architecture choices, and expertise on the deployment tools and knowledge of the underlying infrastructure, be it on-premises or in the cloud.

Selecting and configuring the right infrastructure is the first challenge. Both on-premises and public cloud infrastructure have their own difficulties, and it's important to take the Kubernetes architecture into account. You can choose to not run any pods on master nodes, which changes the requirements for those machines. Dedicated master nodes have smaller minimum hardware requirements.

The Gorilla Guide to Kubernetes in the Enterprise — Chapter 2: Kubernetes Concepts and Architecture

This is an excerpt from The Gorilla Guide to Kubernetes in the Enterprise, written by Joep Piscaer. See Chapter 1: The Changing Development Landscape. You can download the full guide here.

Kubernetes: More than Just Container Orchestration

As stated before (but is worth stating again), Kubernetes is an open source platform for deploying and managing containers. It provides a container runtime, container orchestration, container-centric infrastructure orchestration, self-healing mechanisms, service discovery and load balancing. It's used for the deployment, scaling, management, and composition of application containers across clusters of hosts.

But Kubernetes is more than just a container orchestrator. It could be thought of as the operating system for cloud-native applications in the sense that it's the platform that applications run on, just as desktop applications run on MacOS, Windows, or Linux.