How to get Type-Safe and Intuitive Hibernate/JPA Queries

A large proportion of Java database applications are using Hibernate/JPA to bridge the gap between Java and SQL. Until recently, we were forced to mix Java and JPQL or to use complex imperative criteria builders to create database queries. Both of these methods are inherently neither type-safe nor very intuitive.  The newly launched  open-source library JPAstreamer addresses these issues by allowing you to express Hibernate/JPA queries using Java Streams. This means we can avoid any impedance mismatches between JPQL/HQL and Java and get full type-safety. In this article, I will show you how to put Java Stream queries to work in your application using JPAstreamer.

JPAstreamer in a Nutshell

As mentioned, JPAstreamer allows JPA queries to be expressed as standard Java Streams using short and concise, type-safe declarative constructs. This makes our code shorter, less complex, and easier to read and maintain. Best of all, we can stick to using only Java code without needing to mix it with SQL/JPQL or other language constructs/DSL.

In short, we can query a database like this:

Java14: Join Database Tables With Java 14’s New Record

Java14 Records in Joins

Did you know that you can join database tables into a Java Stream with Java 14's preview record feature? Read this short article and find out how it is done using the Speedment Stream ORM. We will start with how to set up your project.

You may also like: A First Look at Records in Java 14


Download Java 14. Go to the Speedment Initializer and download your project skeleton (including pom.xml). Modify the following lines in your pom.xml file.

Java: How to Become More Productive With Hazelcast in Less Than 5 Minutes

What if you want to use a Hazelcast In-Memory Data Grid (IMDG) to speed up your database applications but you have hundreds of tables to handle? Manually coding all Java POJOs and serialization support would entail weeks of work, and when done, maintaining that domain model by hand would soon turn into a nightmare. Read this article and learn how to save time and do it in 5 minutes.

Now, there is a graceful way to manage these sorts of requirements. The Hazelcast Auto DB Integration Tool allows connection to an existing database, which can generate all these boilerplate classes automatically. We get true POJOs, serialization support, configuration, MapStore/MapLoad, ingest and more without having to write a single line of manual code. As a bonus, we get Java Stream support for Hazelcast distributed maps.