Pros and Cons of Using Ionic Framework for App Development

Are you planning to build a mobile app for multiple platforms?

React Native, Native Scripts, Xamarin, and Flutter are a few common app development frameworks that may come to your mind. Although they offer a high degree of performance, functionality, and better control, they also result in higher expenses. Instead, you can create advanced and fully functional cross-platform apps using affordable solutions like Ionic frameworks.

Benefits of Hybrid App Development With the Ionic Framework

These days there's a mobile application for everything: dating, music, insurance claims, gaming, email, ride sharing, and so forth. By the time that you imagine an application, it's most likely available for download. More importantly, as clients connect with organizations, they hope to work with them by means of their smartphones.

Hybrid mobile app development with Ionic guarantees that you have the speed of web advancement alongside the customized client experience that comes through local portable application improvement. These Ionic framework applications are worked through HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript web measures and run inside a compartment that lets them be introduced likewise to a local application. Furthermore, once made, you can distribute your hybrid application in the Apple, Google, and Windows App Stores.

Interacting With a Leaflet Map in an Ionic Framework PWA

Upon popular request, I had recently written a tutorial that demonstrated using the HERE JavaScript SDK in an Ionic Framework progressive web application (PWA) that used Angular. This previous tutorial demonstrated showing an interactive map in a web application and mobile application using the same set of code and it used the default HERE interactive map renderer.

However, HERE is very flexible when it comes to the tools and libraries that you can use with it. For example, you could use Leaflet, a popular renderer, with your HERE data, something I demonstrated in a tutorial titled, Render and Interact with HERE Location Data using Leaflet and Angular. This time around, we’re going to accomplish the same, but within a PWA using Ionic Framework.

Display an Interactive HERE Map in an Ionic App

Back when I first started at HERE I had written a tutorial titled, Display HERE Maps within your Angular Web Application. In fact, it was my first official tutorial since starting and since then I’ve received several similar requests around it. One popular request has been around taking the Angular web application and making it compatible with the Ionic Framework.

In this tutorial, we’re going to see how to build a progressive web application (PWA) using the Ionic Framework that can be deployed on the web or on mobile devices running Android or iOS.