Optimizing The Image Element LCP

Largest Contentful Paint (or LCP) is one of three metrics of the Core Web Vitals. These metrics are used by Google to evaluate the quality of user experience. LCP measures the time it takes for the browser to load the main content in the viewport.

Since recently becoming a ranking factor, this major web performance KPI is still a new concept for many web developers. It becomes especially tricky to optimize when the LCP element is an image.

To address this problem, I’ll provide an overview of the best practices for the integration and optimization of an LCP image. I’ll cover the following:

  • How to improve the LCP Resource load time subpart with the help of the <img> tag and a focus on proper LCP image sizing.
  • Some explanations on the browsers’ behavior for this <img> tag and its attributes, so you can really understand and integrate your LCP image correctly.
  • How to improve LCP Resource load delay subpart.

All the explanations will be illustrated by an example that we will iterate on. The images used in the article’s Codepen demonstrations will be integrated with TwicPics to save time in their creation and speed up the optimization of the LCP metric.

Note: The other LCP subparts are “Time to first Byte” and “Element render delay,” which will not be covered here. Read this “Optimize Largest Contentful Paint” article by Philip Walton and Barry Pollard to learn more about the four LCP subparts and their relation to each other.
If you want to find out how to identify the LCP element on your web pages, check out this guide by Laurent Cazanove.

Improve LCP Resource Load Time With The Help Of The <img> Tag

The goal here is to decrease the loading time of your LCP image as much as possible without compromising its visual quality. To succeed in this operation, one of the key points is to let the browser choose the best-suited version of the image.

Instead of declaring a single image file via the src attribute — whose dimensions would be identical for all users across any devices — we need to let the browser choose the image file best suited to each context. This approach allows images with smaller dimensions to be downloaded for users on smaller devices. This way, the image loads faster, and your website will get a better LCP score.

To do this, we need to give the browser the information it needs using the <img> tag and its srcset and sizes attributes:

  • The srcset attribute points the browser to a list of image files, with a description of their intrinsic width.
  • The sizes attribute tells the browser the intended display width of the image. It can be combined with CSS media queries to select the appropriate image for the width of the screen.

Note: The <picture> tag could be used instead of <img> to allow the browser to load different images depending on device characteristics, such as the width of the viewport or image format compatibility. For simplicity, we will only use the <img> tag in our examples.

The srcset Attribute Of The <img> Tag

The srcset attribute of the <img> tag indicates a list of image files and their intrinsic width. The browser uses this list to choose the image that it thinks is best suited to the users’ context.

This makes the srcset attribute the first step towards optimizing your LCP image.

<img srcset="" src="" alt="" />

To declare this list of images, it is recommended to follow a mobile-first approach. That means first declaring the smallest image as the default option with the src attribute and then declaring it again within the srcset attribute, followed by the larger dimension variants.

The intrinsic width of each image, expressed in pixels, should also be indicated using the unit w (w for "width"):

    image-300.png 300w,
    image-900.png 900w,
    image-1800.png 1800w" 
  alt="Image description"

Our example above defines three images (image-300.png, image-900.png, and image-1800.png) separated by a comma, with respective intrinsic widths of 300, 900, and 1800 pixels. To respect the mobile-first approach, image-300.png is the default image here, defined in the src and srcset attributes.

Note: When using the srcset attribute, it is important to keep the src attribute, so the browser knows which is the default image and to ensure that it is displayed on browsers that do not support the srcset attribute.

Note: It is also possible to use the srcset attribute by declaring the Device Pixel Ratio (DPR) of images rather than their intrinsic width; however, this approach will not be discussed here.

Knowing the user’s context, the browser can now choose the image to load from the list declared in the srcset attribute.

However, in order to avoid unexpected results, we need to understand how the browser selects the best-suited image:

  • Within the srcset attribute, the browser always chooses the image according to the viewport size; it ignores the image display dimensions. Consequently, your CSS styles and media queries have no impact on its choice. You will also have to keep in mind the landscape orientation of mobiles and tablets when defining the list of images.
  • By default (without the size attribute being specified), the browser chooses the image, assuming it is intended to occupy 100% of the viewport width.
  • As the browser knows the resolution of the devices, it also adjusts for the Device Pixel Ratio (DPR) in its calculations. Therefore, to optimize the LCP image, it will also be necessary to define a variant for each DPR.

Based on these behaviors, the default formula applied by the browser to choose the image according to the viewport width is:

viewportWidth x 100% x DPR

Note: When no image in the list matches the calculation, the browser will choose the closest match. In case of a tie, the browser selects the larger image.

Let’s illustrate the browser’s behavior with an example using our previous code:

    image-300.png 300w,
    image-900.png 900w,
    image-1800.png 1800w"
  alt="Image description"

👉 See live: Codepen demo 1.

Note: In your browser development tools, open the Network > Img tabs to see the image chosen by the browser according to each viewport and DPR.

The image in this demo is displayed at a fixed width of 280px on all devices. But on a 900px wide screen with DPR 1, the browser will search the srcset attribute image list for an image that is:

900px (viewport width) x 100% (viewport width occupied by the image by default) x 1 (DPR)

In this case, the browser is looking for an image 900px wide.

In our example, while the display width of the image is 280px, the image with the intrinsic width of 900px will be loaded anyway.

We can see from this example that the images declared within our srcset attribute are not adapted to the display width of 280px on all devices.

While the browser applies the formula viewportWidth x 100% x DPR to pick the image to load, we can use a simpler formula to generate the different images declared in the srcset attribute:

imageRenderedSize x DPR

Taking into account DPRs 1, 2, and 3 on our first demo, we would need to create and define the following three images:

  • DPR 1: 280 x 1 => an image 280 pixels wide;
  • DPR 2: 280 x 2 => an image 560 pixels wide;
  • DPR 3: 280 x 3 => an image 840 pixels wide.

And finally, update our code :

    image-280.png 280w,
    image-560.png 560w,
    image-840.png 840w"
  alt="Image description"

👉 See live: Codepen demo 2.

Still, the updated code is not fully optimized for all devices yet.

In fact, for a laptop device with a viewport of 1024px and DPR 2, the optimal image should be an intrinsic width of 560px (imageRenderedSize x DPR= 280 x 2= 560). But with this code, the browser will want to load an image of 1024 x 100% x 2, i.e., an image of 2048px, which does not exist in the srcset attribute.

Let’s see how the sizes attribute can help us solve this issue.

The sizes Attribute Of The <img> Tag

The sizes attribute gives developers additional control over the browser’s behavior, preventing the browser from assuming images occupy 100% of the viewport. This helps to ensure the optimal image will be loaded and, consequently, optimize your LCP metric.

<img srcset="" sizes="" src="" alt="" />

Note: The sizes attribute is therefore not necessary when the image actually occupies 100% of the viewport.

To assign the value of the sizes attribute, we can use and combine the following approaches:

  • Define the image width as a percentage of the viewport width, e.g., sizes="50vw", when the image is responsive (for example, when the CSS width property is defined as a percentage).
  • Define the width of the image in pixels, e.g., sizes="500px", when it has a fixed display width regardless of the users’ devices.
  • Use one or more media queries to allow the browser to make the best choice of an image according to different viewports, e.g., sizes="(min-width: 1024px) 800px, (min-width: 768px) 80vw, 100vw" (with 100vw being the default when no media query is applied).

Let’s update our code example:

    image-280.png 280w,
    image-480.png 480w,
    image-560.png 560w,
    image-840.png 840w,
    image-960.png 960w,
    image-1440.png 1440w"
  sizes="(min-width: 768px) 480px, 87.5vw" 
  alt="Image description"

Note: To know the width of the viewport occupied by the image in percentage, apply the calculation formula (imageRenderedSize / viewportWidth) x 100, e.g., (280 / 320) x 100 = 87.5% of the viewport width (87.5vw).

👉 See live: Codepen demo 3.

Now with the source code of our third demo, and regardless of the DPR, the browser can load the perfect image:

  1. For a display width of 280px for a viewport of 320px (87.5% of the viewport).
  2. And for a display width of 480px on all devices with a viewport of at least 768px.

At this stage, if the integration of the LCP image has been correctly carried out thanks to the <img> tag and its srcset and sizes attributes, the optimization of LCP Resource load time should be optimal.

Note: We’ve mainly focused here on properly sizing the LCP image according to the users’ device. For the LCP score and its “Resource load time” subpart to be really optimal, you may also consider compressing your images using modern image formats, setting far-future cache expiry headers, or even using a CDN to reduce network distance.

Note: Even if your LCP image is well-optimized and well-integrated within the <img> tag, keep in mind that this would not be sufficient if your page contains render-blocking resources such as JavaScript files. Refer to this talk by Philip Walton to see how you can eliminate unnecessary element render delay.

Now let’s see how it is possible to further optimize the LCP score by reducing its loading time.

Improve LCP Resource Load Delay Subpart

In this section, we are going to complete the code example used earlier to see how to load the LCP image as soon as possible.

Don’t Lazy-load The LCP Image Element

When users browse the internet to visit a website, the LCP image’s loading is often delayed by the lazy loading technique, whether applied by native lazy loading or a JavaScript library. But it’s important to note that this loading delay is included in the calculation of the LCP time.

For instance, with a lazy-loading JavaScript library, the script must first be loaded in order to load the final image. This additional step contributes to a significant delay in loading the LCP resource.

In other words, lazy loading an LCP image penalizes the LCP score of the web page.

Similarly, progressive loading or Low-Quality Image Placeholder (or LQIP) is not considered for LCP by Google at the time of this writing. However, discussions are ongoing regarding LQIP, so the situation may change in the future.

Use Priority Hints

We have just seen that the LCP image must not be lazy-loaded. But how can we prioritize its loading?

To manage the resources of a page, the browser natively applies a loading order according to a priority defined, among other parameters, by the type of the resource.

Images have a lower priority than render-blocking resources. In addition to meaning the resource is fetched with a lower priority, it also means the fetch is actually delayed, as browsers deliberately delay “low” resources initially so that they can concentrate on more critical, often render-blocking, resources.

This means you need to change the browser’s default load order and its behavior towards hero images so that the LCP image is not delayed and can be loaded as soon as the HTML document is received.

It is the fetchpriority="high" attribute that allows us to modify this loading priority.

<img fetchpriority="high" src="" alt="">

Let’s update our code example. Simply add the attribute to the <img> tag, and the browser will automatically determine the right version of the image for prioritizing based on the sources declared in the srcset attribute:

<img fetchpriority="high"
    image-280.png 280w,
    image-480.png 480w,
    image-560.png 560w,
    image-840.png 840w,
    image-960.png 960w,
    image-1440.png 1440w"
  sizes="(min-width: 768px) 480px, 87.5vw"
  alt="Image description"

👉 See the final demo.

Note: The fetchpriority attribute also works on the <img> tag of the <picture> element. For now, it’s mainly compatible with Chromium but should be supported by Firefox in early 2023. However, note that you can still use the fetchpriority attribute without any downsides: the attribute will be simply ignored by browsers that do not support it.

As shown in our demo, the <img> tag and its src and srcset attributes are present in the initial HTML source code. This means there is no need to preload the LCP resource here, as the browser’s preload scanner can discover it.

Note: The preloading of responsive images is not supported by all browsers, as is the case for Safari: make sure not to use the href attribute on the <link> element so that non-supporting browsers don’t request a useless image. Read this article to learn more about this topic and see when you might need to preload your LCP resource.

In this last demo, not only can the browser now know the optimal image required for devices with a viewport of 320px and for devices with a viewport of at least 768px, but it can also prioritize its loading compared to other resources. As developers, all the points illustrated in this article should therefore help you improve the LCP score of your website.


In conclusion, here is a summary of the steps required to optimize the LCP image:

  1. Once the page template for your website has been defined, create and store all the images needed for each device and each DPR based on the imageRenderedSize x DPR formula. To simplify this step, you can use the TwicPics API to generate multiple versions at different dimensions from the high-quality original image.
  2. Use the srcset attribute of the <img> tag to include the list of images defined in step 1, following a mobile-first approach (remembering to put the default image within the src attribute).
  3. Using the sizes attribute of the <img> tag, combined with the media queries as needed, tell the browser the display width the image would occupy according to the different device contexts:
    • If the image is responsive, define its width as a percentage of the viewport width using the formula (imageRenderedSize / viewportWidth) x 100.
    • If the image is fixed for a range of viewport widths, simply define its width in pixels.
  4. To further improve your LCP score, use priority hints with the attribute fetchpriority="high" to prioritize the loading of the LCP image. And remember not to lazy load your LCP image resource!

Further Reading on SmashingMag

PBX Starter Guide: Learn the Basics

Nextiva is one of the most versatile and well-rounded options for using a cloud-based PBX system. New Nextiva customers can receive a 30% discount when signing up for the service.

PBX, or public branch exchange, is a private telephone system that uses hardware and software to route calls rather than forcing humans to route the calls manually. Although PBX traditionally consists of on-premise hardware and software, cloud PBX services are growing in popularity. These services provide you all the hardware and software, running through your current phone system.

The 4 Best Business Phone Services for PBX

Selecting a PBX system depends on the features that are most important for you. We put together a list of the best business phone services to help you determine which service fits your PBX needs most closely.

  • Nextiva — Best for most
  • RingCentral — Best for hybrid or remote work
  • GoTo Connect — Best for getting a wealth of features in a basic plan
  • Ooma — Best for small businesses needing an easy setup

How PBX Works

Screenshot from Nextiva's hosted vs on premise phone system blog.
When selecting a PBX system, you can choose an on-premises PBX or a cloud-based PBX.

Your PBX system is the internal telephone network for your company. It manages the routing of calls from external sources. It allows your employees to make calls to each other. It allows for outbound calls as well. 

The PBX system provides advanced calling features that make telephone communications as smooth as possible. In a simplistic manner, think of the PBX as the automated answer to the old days of having a human operator sit in front of a switchboard and move cables among the various ports to route calls.

The hardware required to run your PBX system depends on the type of PBX you want to use. 

  • On-premises PBX: When you select an on-premise PBX system, you need phone hardware for each user. You also need software to manage the system, a server to host the software, and PBX routing hardware. 
  • Cloud-based PBX: With a cloud-based PBX, also called a hosted PBX, you manage your own phone hardware for your users. The software, PBX routing hardware, and server hardware used to run the system exist with the cloud provider. You access the software through a high-speed internet connection.

The setup process for an on-prem PBX system can be quite complex. Your company probably would need to hire someone to set up the PBX hardware on-site with the communications features that you want to use. Some companies have system administrators who have the experience needed to set up and manage the system, but it is a challenge. 

Setting up your own PBX can be far easier if you use a cloud-based PBX system. 

Advantages of On-Premises PBX

With the PBX hardware and software on-site at your company, you always have full control of your phone system. You don’t have to worry about a cloud PBX provider suddenly having an outage or going out of business, leaving your phone system inoperable. 

With an on-prem PBX, your internet connection quality doesn’t control your telephone system. If your internet connection is shaky or intermittent, you could have very poor phone call quality with a cloud PBX, and you also could have frequent dropped calls.

If you like the idea of only allowing calls to go through the system, an on-prem PBX gives you this option. Employees cannot use the system when working remotely unless you add digital capabilities (using the Internet) to your on-prem PBX.

Although the on-prem PBX system often has quite a bit of expense associated with it initially, its cost over the system’s lifespan often is lower than a cloud PBX. However, with an on-prem PBX system, you will also have hardware upgrade and maintenance costs that you must bear in the future. If you have regular hardware failures, the cost will increase quickly.

Ultimately, some companies simply prefer the on-premises PBX because it is proven to work. Although cloud-based PBX continues to grow in popularity and works well for many companies, the on-premises PBX has decades of success behind it.

Advantages of Cloud PBX

Screenshot from Nextiva's products cloud pbx page showing what is cloud PBX? with description answering the question.
A cloud PBX system provides telephone communications for your company across an internet connection.

When using a cloud-based PBX, your company will subscribe to a PBX service from a business phone service, as we explain in our Nextiva review. Some companies prefer the per-user, per-month subscription cost found with a cloud PBX because it’s a known, fixed amount. It’s easier to budget for the monthly cost versus the variable costs of purchasing the hardware and software for an on-premises system.

The cloud PBX offers a number of built-in features that are possible with the on-premises PBX but that may be more difficult to use. For example, the cloud PBX automatically provides support for mobile devices, automatic call recording, and built-in video conferencing.

When your company’s communications needs are constantly changing and evolving, the flexibility of a cloud PBX may fit your needs better. The on-premises PBX is nowhere near as flexible. 

You can request an increase in call capacity at any time with a cloud PBX, such as when you have extra phone traffic around the holidays. You can then go back to your original capacity once your busy time ends. Adding temporary capacity for inbound calls is far more complicated with the on-premises phone system.

Although you may worry about downtime with a cloud PBX system, the reality is that the best business phone services claim at least 99.999% uptime. A cloud-based PBX gives you nearly worry-free performance as long as you have a reliable, high-speed internet connection.

Automated Features in a Cloud PBX

Screenshot from Nextiva's features and voip admin portal web page showing a call flow graphic with short description of their service.
A cloud-based PBX can automate many aspects of your inbound phone system, including using IVR.

Beyond inbound and outbound call management, a PBX can provide a number of other features, should your business need them. Some of the best automated features available in a cloud-based PBX include auto attendant services and an IVR (interactive voice response).

Rather than dedicating your customer service team to answering the initial inbound call, you can use an auto attendant that’s built into the PBX. The auto attendant serves as a virtual receptionist for inbound calls. It answers the call and then directs the caller to press a button on the phone to route the call. 

To set up the auto attendant and IVR with Nextiva, you can take advantage of a tool called Call Flow Builder. The setup process works like building a flow chart, so you can see exactly how different commands from the caller will affect the routing of the call. By designing the call flow with this tool, you can be sure the IVR is sending calls to the correct location.

For a small company with only a few destinations for routing inbound calls, a basic auto attendant may serve your needs well. However, if you have more complex requirements for an auto attendant, you may want to consider activating an IVR with your cloud PBX.

The IVR system answers the call, like the auto attendant, but it offers more advanced features. With an IVR enabled, you can have callers press buttons on the phone to activate actions in a menu. You also have the ability to let callers give verbal commands to the IVR system to explain the purpose of the call.

If you activate the voice commands function in the IVR, the system can answer simple questions that callers may have. Rather than having a customer service team member provide your mailing address or store hours, the IVR system can provide this type of information upon request.

One final automated feature often found in a cloud PBX is call queuing. When all your customer service team members are engaged in phone calls, the PBX can place other calls on hold. It can play hold music and let them know estimated wait times.

Training Tools in a Cloud PBX

Screenshot of Nextiva's dashboard showing various call data.
Nextiva’s cloud-based PBX provides a number of statistics about call volume and the performance of your customer service team.

When you want to measure the performance of your customer service team and provide training, a cloud PBX system can help. 

With a cloud PBX like Nextiva, you have the option of automatically recording all incoming calls. Administrators can use the recordings to train team members on better ways to handle certain situations. They also can highlight recordings of extremely successful customer service calls.

If a dispute arises with a customer after a call to your team, use the automatic recording in the cloud PBX to determine exactly what happened. If the dispute could lead to a legal problem for your company, having the recording can be invaluable.

With Nextiva, the administrator can choose to have all calls recorded for a particular user, to have no calls recorded, or to allow the employee to turn on and turn off call recording.

Additionally, your cloud PBX system should provide detailed analytics about your customer service team’s performance on inbound calls. The PBX system can measure things like:

  • Time per call
  • Time until the call reached the correct person
  • Average number of team members who spoke to the customer on a single call
  • Calls answered per day
  • Calls lost per day
  • Average number of calls at different times of the day (which can help with having the correct number of team members on the phones)

You can see measurements for the team as a whole or for individual team members. 

From a training standpoint, if one team member is successfully completing calls faster than others, you may want to incorporate some of the techniques that that team member is using. The statistics also can point out areas where your IVR system may be struggling to route calls properly.

Managing Remote Workers in a Cloud PBX

A screenshot from Nextiva showing a mobile phone, hardline phone, and a laptop to communicate their mobile device service solutions.
When deploying a cloud PBX through Nextiva, you can easily manage remote workers who are accessing the network via a mobile device off-site.

With many companies allowing employees to work remotely on occasion, a PBX system needs to be able to support these users. With a cloud-based PBX like Nextiva, employees can use an internet connection to the PBX. They can connect to the network from a desktop computer at home or from a mobile phone while out of the office. 

The remote employee still has full access to the PBX’s features. They can participate in audio conferences. They can accept inbound calls and have the PBX system include their call numbers in the analytics.

If having remote team members use the cloud PBX is especially important to you, pay close attention to the app that the PBX system provides. Remote users should connect to the cloud PBX system through either a desktop or mobile app. A poorly designed app in the cloud PBX could frustrate your remote workers.

Additionally, by selecting a cloud PBX system that allows remote users to connect via an app, there’s no need to purchase extra hardware. Those working remotely can use their own phone and desktop computer through the app. They don’t have to purchase specific hardware items compatible with the cloud PBX system.

When remote workers access the cloud PBX system, having call encryption available is important. Encryption protects the data as it travels across the internet from the cloud provider’s hardware to your PBX system and to your remote users’ hardware. 

With a cloud-based PBX, the most common types of encryption are TLS (Transport Layer Security) and SRTP (Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol). When either encryption protocol is in place, hackers cannot intercept data, audio, or video transmissions through the cloud PBX system.

Audio and Video Conferencing in a Cloud PBX

A screenshot of Nextiva's video conference setup process with necessary information such as data, organizer's email, how many participants, as well as various number options to join the meeting.
A Cloud PBX system, like this one from Nextiva, can help you set up and schedule audio and video conference calls for your team members.

Cloud PBX systems can often do far more than simply routing and managing inbound and outbound calls. You may be able to set up audio or video conference calls for your team members through the PBX system.

Because your team members already have access to the cloud PBX system, running the conference through the software greatly simplifies the process. Team members do not need to download special software to join the conference. As long as the team members have access to high-speed internet, the call audio and video quality should remain high.

They don’t have to worry about hardware incompatibilities, either. Nearly any desktop computer or mobile phone should work with the cloud PBX system app so that hardware also can join the conference.

With Nextiva, you can set up the conference call through a virtual meeting room. Those who can attend the meeting will receive a passcode via email, allowing them to join and keeping others out of the meeting.

When selecting a video conference, team members can share their screens to demonstrate certain techniques. Again, there’s no need to download special software to access screen sharing, as it all occurs through the cloud PBX interface.

With certain pricing plans, Nextiva allows you to record your conference calls. This allows team members who cannot attend the conference in real-time to go back and watch it later. 

Final Thoughts About PBX

Choosing to use a cloud PBX gives you an impressive feature set and a high level of performance when you have reliable internet. Some smaller businesses may not need the complete feature set of PBX, however. They may prefer to use a VoIP phone system.

VoIP phone systems have a lower cost than PBX, and they provide the ability to easily use the phone system off-site. The best office phone systems should be able to handle either PBX or VoIP.

Cloud-based PBX continues to grow in popularity, and it serves many kinds of businesses well. It can expand as your company grows, giving you a reliable phone system that keeps your customers in constant contact with you.

Leveraging ML-Based Anomaly Detection for 4G Networks Optimization

Artificial intelligence and machine learning already have some impressive use cases for industries like retail, banking, or transportation. While the technology is far from perfect, the advancements in ML allow other industries to benefit as well. In this article, we will look at our own research on how to make the operations of internet providers more effective

Improving 4G Networks Traffic Distribution With Anomaly Detection

Previous generations of cellular networks were not very efficient with the distribution of network resources, providing coverage evenly for all territories all the time. As an example, you can envision a massive area with big cities, little towns, or forests that span for miles. All these areas are receiving the same amount of coverage — although cities and towns need more internet traffic, and forests require very little. 

Dropped Calls Starter Guide: Learn the Basics

Have you ever been in the middle of an important call when suddenly the line goes dead?

Dropped calls are an annoying and sometimes costly reality for many mobile phone owners and businesses. But what are dropped calls, why do they happen, and how can you prevent them from occurring in the future?

Let’s take a look at all of these questions and more in this starter guide to dropped calls.

What Are Dropped Calls?

Simply put, a dropped call is when a phone call suddenly terminates before its parties are finished talking. This can be due to many reasons, such as connection issues, bad infrastructure, and even user error.

When a dropped call occurs, the caller will hear either dead air or an automated message from their carrier informing them that the call has been disconnected.

Sometimes the call can be reconnected, but if the problem is not resolved quickly, the call will likely be lost.

Why Do Dropped Calls Happen?

There are numerous reasons why call drops occur, both on the user and carrier sides.

Poor Signal Strength

If you’re making a call to a customer or colleague from a weak signal area, there is an increased chance that the call will be dropped. This is because the signal strength of your device decreases as you move further away from a base station or cell tower.

It’s important to note that aging phones and low-end devices can also contribute to poor signal quality.

The solution: If you need to make an important call, ensure that you are in an area with a strong signal.

Spotty WiFi Coverage

If you’re using a cloud-based call center or VoIP service, then spotty WiFi coverage can also lead to dropped calls. This is because the signal strength of your router or modem may not be strong enough to maintain a stable connection.

Most cell providers also offer WiFi calling, so this is an issue that applies to both businesses and individuals.

The solution: Make sure that your router is placed in an open space with minimal obstructions. If you’re using a cloud-based phone service, ensure that the service provider has strong coverage in your area.

Network Congestion

If you’ve ever been to a music festival, sporting event, or another super-crowded place, then you know exactly what I’m talking about when I mention network congestion.

When large numbers of people are all using the same networks, it can lead to an overload and cause dropped calls. This is especially true in urban areas where cell towers are overcrowded with users.

The solution: WiFi can usually handle more users than a single cell tower, so if you’re in a crowded area, use WiFi to make your calls (if possible). If not, then move to an area with fewer people.

Entering a Dead Zone

Even if the stars are aligned and there’s no network congestion, you can still experience dropped calls if you enter a dead zone.

Dead zones are areas where cell phone signals are blocked due to topography, building materials, or other obstructions.

The solution: Don’t plan important calls while driving through or near a dead zone. If you do, make sure that you have an alternative signal source, such as WiFi.

Faulty Devices

In some cases, call drops have to do with the device itself. Older phones, for example, may not be able to maintain a steady connection or produce enough signal strength.

Bugs and glitches with certain devices can also lead to dropped calls, so it’s important to make sure your device is up-to-date before using it.

The solution: Always keep your device’s software and firmware up-to-date. If you’re using an older model phone, consider upgrading to a newer one that has better signal strength.

App Settings

With hundreds of options for customizing your iPhone or Android, it can be easy to get lost in all the settings. And if you’re not careful, one wrong setting could cause dropped calls. To avoid any potential issues, be sure to double-check your network settings before making any other changes.

Often, app setting configurations can affect the way your device handles calls.

The solution: Make sure to review your app settings and ensure that they are properly configured for call quality. If needed, reach out to the app developer for help.

Business Implications for Dropped Calls

Unfortunately, dropped calls can have a considerable impact on businesses. Customers may become frustrated if they are unable to reach someone over the phone, and this could lead to lower customer satisfaction scores.

Businesses should also be aware of missed calls—when customers hang up before getting connected or when the call is dropped after being answered. Missed calls may indicate an issue with the phone system, such as a slow IVR menu or long wait times for customer service.

And since over 89% of companies see customer experience as a critical factor in growth, it’s important to ensure that your phone system is functioning properly.

A few issues you might run into if your calls consistently drop:

  • Slower response time and difficulty communicating results in fewer deals closed for sales teams.
  • Customer success teams can’t handle customer inquiries or complaints quickly, leading to a decrease in customer satisfaction.
  • Technical support teams can’t troubleshoot issues and answer questions properly, leading to costly delays.
  • With less data, customer feedback, and customer interactions to analyze, teams are unable to get a full picture of the customer experience.

How Can You Prevent Dropped Calls?

The best way to prevent dropped calls is to be aware of your surroundings and try to maintain a strong, stable connection.

If you’re using a mobile phone, make sure that you stay in areas with good signal strength or switch to an area with better coverage if necessary.

If you’re using a VoIP service, then ensure that your router is up-to-date and has sufficient bandwidth for your needs.

It’s also helpful to keep an eye out for dead zones and try to move away from them when possible. You can find these by using an app that shows cell phone coverage in your area.

You should also make sure your device is updated with the latest software so that you don’t have to worry about any bugs or glitches that could lead to dropped calls.

If your device is more than a few years old, it’s probably a good idea to upgrade it as well.

How to Tell Who Is Responsible for a Dropped Call

If you’re experiencing a lot of dropped calls, then it’s important to determine who is responsible for the problem.

If the issue seems to be related to poor signal strength or dead zones, then it might be time to switch providers.

On the other hand, if you’re still having problems even when you have a strong connection, then the issue may be on your end. In this case, it’s best to check your device for any bugs or glitches and make sure that everything is up-to-date.

If you’re still having trouble, then it might be time to contact customer service at your VoIP provider or phone manufacturer.

Fixing Dropped Calls On a Cloud-Based Phone System

If you use a cloud-based phone system (i.e., VoIP) to make and receive calls, then there are a few things you can do to make sure that your calls don’t get dropped.

And luckily, you don’t need to be an IT wizard to get things up and running.

Spot issues with the network

Depending on which VoIP provider you use, they’ll probably send you notifications when there are any issues with the network that could lead to dropped calls. Weak signal strength, network congestion, and dead zones are all things to watch out for.

These pop-ups usually come with instructions on how to fix the problem and can be very helpful in preventing dropped calls.

If you’re having problems with your network, a few quick fixes include:

  • Resetting your network
  • Restarting your app
  • Checking for updates
  • Switching to a different router if you’re using a VoIP system

If not, connection errors may signal a problem with the connection between the callers. In these cases, make sure the person you’re speaking to has a strong WiFi connection.

Identify and isolate bottlenecks related to your software

Chances are, your VoIP provider will have a variety of settings and features that you can use to optimize your connection.

For example, most providers allow you to adjust the codecs (voice compression algorithms) used in calls, as well as the bandwidth and jitter buffers, which help ensure a steady connection.

If you’re having trouble with dropped calls, it’s worth checking these settings and playing around with them to see if you can improve the connection.

Check your internet speed

One of the most common causes of dropped calls is having a weak internet connection. Performing a speed test can help you determine if your internet connection is too slow or unstable to support the kind of call quality that VoIP requires. Plus, it only takes a minute or two.

Screenshot of results from Fast.com internet speed test
determine whether a weak internet connection is the source of dropped calls with fast.com’s internet speed test.

If it’s not up to snuff, then you may need to switch providers or upgrade your current plan in order to get a faster and more reliable connection.

Use an ethernet cable connection

Ideally, you wouldn’t have to worry about dropped calls in the first place, so it’s important to take preventative measures.

Have an ethernet cable handy just in case, as this is still the most reliable way to connect to the internet.

If your router has ethernet ports, then you can quickly plug in and make sure that your connection is rock-solid before you make any calls.

Relocate your router

Occasionally, walls, furniture, and even appliances can interfere with your router’s signal. Not all router locations are created equal, and if you’re having a lot of trouble with dropped calls, then it might be worth experimenting to find the best spot.

In general, your router should be placed in an open space as far away as possible from any potential sources of interference.

So if you have walls or furniture blocking the signal, then it’s time to move them or try to place the router in a different spot.

By experimenting with your router’s position, you can trial-and-error your way to the strongest WiFi signal possible in any room. Run speed tests periodically to check on your progress and make sure you’re getting the best results.

If your internet connection is weak the further away from the router you are, you may want to look into getting a WiFi booster. Also called a WiFi repeater or WiFi extender, these devices can give your network’s signal strength a much-needed boost in areas with little to no signal.

Reboot your system

If your VoIP system has been running for a while, it’s possible that you might be experiencing memory leaks or other software problems.

These include problems with the audio drivers, network settings, and even the hardware itself.

If you’re having trouble with dropped calls, try restarting your system to see if that helps.

If it doesn’t, then you may need to look into updating your drivers or resetting your network settings.

Contact your internet service provider (ISP)

If all else fails and you still have trouble with dropped calls, contact your internet service provider. Your provider may be able to diagnose the issue and offer solutions that you can try.

They might also be able to increase your bandwidth or switch your connection to a more reliable technology like fiber-optic cable.

In some cases, they might even be able to provide you with a new router or modem if the one you have is causing signal problems.

It doesn’t hurt to ask, and it’s worth exploring all your options before giving up on trying to fix your dropped calls problem.

Final Thoughts About Dropped Calls

When it comes to improving your customer service, getting rid of dropped calls is a must. And even at the individual level, dropped calls are a source of frustration and confusion.

The key to avoiding them is ensuring you have a strong, reliable internet connection and use the right hardware. You should also take preventative measures like using an ethernet cable or relocating your router, as well as contact your ISP if the issue persists.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can get a better handle on your VoIP service and improve your call quality significantly.

How to Point a Domain to WPMU DEV Hosting

Pointing domains… nameservers… figuring out DNS… it can all feel daunting! Fortunately, WPMU DEV makes it easy, whether you’re working with a domain purchased from us or from another provider. We break it all down in this article.

Keep reading to learn how to easily connect your domain to our hosting service.

Here are the topics we’ll be covering:

Connecting Your Domain To WPMU DEV Hosting

With our new domain service recently rolled out, you can directly purchase domains and register them through WPMU DEV – in which case we automatically do the DNS hookup (i.e., the pointing part) for you.

If you purchased your domain through another DNS provider and are hosting with us, the tutorial below will show you exactly what you need to do and explain why this is also a great choice.

Prepping for a Change in Domain Nameservers

Nameservers are often referred to as the phone book of the internet, sending you to the correct domain when you type in a web address.

There are two primary components to making your website accessible to the public:

  1. Your domain name (purchased from a registrar)
  2. Nameservers (provided through a host)

The first must point to the second to connect the two.

The registrar you purchased your domain from also has its own nameservers (if it offers hosting), however if you want them managed elsewhere you must change the DNS records.

Doing it all from a single location is ideal, as it cuts out the middle agent and puts the same quality that powers your sites behind your DNS.

DNS propagation is the term for your site’s nameservers and other records (e.g., A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, etc) updating across the web. This process can take anywhere from a few minutes to a couple days to finalize.

If your site was already live, it might become briefly inaccessible to visitors during the nameserver change. You could create a temporary page with info regarding the approximate downtime, then publish it just prior to the server change. (Remember to change it back once the process is complete).

It’s also helpful to handle nameserver changes during a period when traffic volume is typically on the low end.

Importing Your Domain Records to WPMU DEV

Alright, we’re ready to start our edits. The first thing we’re going to do is navigate to The Hub on WPMU DEV.

Click on Domains from the top menu bar, then Connected Domains from the submenu, then the Connect Existing Domain button.

connected domains - populated and unpopulated (wpmudev)
Connecting domains in WPMU DEV’s The Hub.

The Add New Domain modal will pop up. Here you will enter your domain name in the text field – making sure to include the extension (e.g. .com, .net, .xyz) – then click the blue button.

add domain (step 1)
Step 1 of 2 in WPMU DEV’s Add New Domain modal.

The Hub DNS Manager will run a scan for common DNS records, then automatically import and list them for your verification.

setup dns (step 2)
Verifying the scanned records to import into a WPMU DEV DNS configuration.

Here you’ll see the summary of record information, which will include:

  • Type – A, CNAME, MX, TXT
  • Hostname – @ for root; www for www. subdomain
  • Value – if record is an alias, directs, or returns
  • TTL (seconds) – Time To Live is how long the DNS query caches before expiring and needing a new one. (The lower this number, the better/faster.)

You can remove any records, if you want to exclude them from being imported, by clicking on the Trashcan icon.

You can also manually add any records that are missing. See Add or Edit DNS Records for details.

If you’re in any doubt as to whether records should be added or deleted, just reach out to support (any time, day or night) and they’ll happily walk you through it.

Once you’re satisfied with the populated DNS records, click the blue button once more.

After the ellipsis bounce, the page will load with the imported information specific to your domain.

WPMU DEV nameservers are listed towards the top of this page, where you’ll see there are three of them.

wpmudev nameservers
WPMU DEV’s trio of nameservers, ready to copy/paste into your domain registry records.

Keep your Hub page open, as we’ll be copying & pasting the nameservers in the next step. (Or, do what I do, and just copy the first one, then replace the “1” with “2” then “3” as you paste each, since these ordinal numbers are the only difference.)

Putting WPMU DEV Nameservers in Your Domain Registry Records

Now that we’ve imported your domain details into WPMU DEV, the next step is to overwrite the nameserver records of your registrars with ours.

There are a lot of registrars, so how your domain details are kept and displayed will vary, but they should all have the same key elements. We cover more than a dozen of the most popular ones here.

In the case of registrars that serve as hosts, what they permit when it comes to allowable changes in nameservers can vary. For example, pointing nameservers to another host is not permissible for a Wix-purchased domain. However, you can transfer your domain away from them (although it involves a different process).

Assuming your domain registrar allows for pointing nameservers away from them, or that you’ve taken any necessary prior steps in preparation, login to their website and locate the records for your domain.

namecheap nameservers (orig)
Changing nameservers through the Registrar; in this case, Namecheap.

Popping back over to the Hub, copy that first nameserver, then head back to your domain registrar details page, pasting it in the appropriate text field. Do this for all three nameservers, then save your input.

Depending on your registrar, you’ll probably get a confirmation message with time estimates on how long it will take the DNS hosting server to update.

It’s rare, but on the outside chance your domain registrar requires identifying our nameservers by IP address, you can find them here.

Double-Checking Your Changes

As with any significant edit, verifying everything is working as it should is an important last step.

Some registrars will send you an email notifying you that the propagation is complete. With others, you might need to revisit the site and continue checking.

Either way, we can verify things through The Hub. Let’s head there, and navigate to Domains > Connected Domains.

For the domain name in question, if you see the green check marked Propagated correctly under Nameservers Status – you’re good to go. If it says Pending, click on the vertical ellipsis icon to the right, and select Manage DNS from the dropdown.

onnected domains manage dns (wpmudev)
Managing DNS through WPMU DEV’s The Hub is effortless.

If everything was done properly and the process has completed, you’ll see a row of green highlighted text, confirming Your nameservers are propagated correctly. If that message isn’t displayed, click on the Check nameservers button.

check dns - nameservers propagating correctly (wpmudev)
Success! Nameservers have been propagated to WPMU DEV.

You’re all set! Your nameservers are successfully pointing to WPMU DEV as your acting DNS provider.

If you don’t get a confirmation or see an error message, check out our detailed documentation, or reach out to our always-on-call support team.

As an additional option, you can use this DNS propagation checker to verify the current IP address and DNS record information for your domain name(s).

The Benefits of Pointing Domains to WPMU DEV Nameservers

Nameservers are essential in directing internet traffic as they locate and translate hostnames into IP addresses.

If you host your own or your client sites with WPMU DEV, pointing your domains to our nameservers has definite advantages.

For starters, subpar nameservers will experience difficulties more often, and your visitors could get “DNS server not responding” messages. Quality nameservers, like ours, can limit or avoid that altogether.

Additionally, pointing your domains to our nameservers allows you to keep the settings with your current email client as is, eliminating the hassle of making a bunch of changes in that regard. (Just make sure existing MX records are imported during the DNS record setup.)

Finally, with the ability to purchase domains now directly through WPMU DEV, managing client sites becomes even more centralized, as your hosting provider and domain provider will be one in the same.

This gives you all of your domains in one place/one dashboard, with auto renewal, free protection, and a built-in grace period; priced incredibly low for Agency members.

Not a member yet? Give us a go, and see how much our hosting has to offer. If you’re not thrilled, we’ll refund you 100%; simply cancel within 30 days. Chances are good you’ll find our value and service are unmatched.

How To Finance Your Site With Micro-donations

Donations are a great way to show support, providing businesses and nonprofits with a monetary contribution to assist in the continued creation of goods or services that they deem important or valuable.

It’s pretty common in today’s service industry to have tip jars prominently displayed at counters and checkouts. Customers will often throw in a little extra in appreciation for quality service – using that jar for cash & coins, or rounding up a small percentage on their credit/debit transactions.

Either way, it’s common practice to give monetary thanks for a job well done. This applies online as well, and not just as a result of specific transactions, but as a way to say, “I really like what you’re doing here, and would like to help keep it going”.

Of course when you’re online, cash, coins, and tipping jars don’t exist, so monetary gifts have to go through some sort of payment platform.

In the case of micro-donations, where amounts are typically on the low end, it’s important to choose an option that doesn’t absorb the majority of your gift in processing fees.

We’re going to look at some payment portals that are ideal for micro-donations via WordPress websites.

Continue reading, or jump ahead using these links:

Let’s dive in.

Defining Micro-donations

Incremental amounts anywhere up to ten dollars are typically considered micro-donations, and are making micro-philanthropy a significant portion of the fundraising landscape.

Historically, businesses effectively used micro-donations through the collection of spare change at the checkouts of their brick & mortar locations. However, with the growth of the internet and increased time spent on the web, online and mobile donations have become the dominant source of this form of philanthropy.

Millennial and Gen-Z donors top the leaderboard when it comes to micro-donations. Thanks to the popularity of smartphones and social networks constantly within reach, these younger donors can be tapped into through effective use of social media.

A Fraction of Your Funding

An interesting phenomenon is that most individuals are more willing to give a little bit a lot of the time, than to give a lot all at once.

Consider this coffee shop example… If a friendly, skilled barista asked for a $35 monthly donation upfront, most people would balk. However, those same customers buy a cup of coffee every morning for $3.50, pull out a five dollar bill, and toss the remaining change into the jar. Let’s say after taxes they’re tipping $1.25 each time. Add that up over 4 weeks – and there’s your $35.

This is the benefit of micro-donations; small, incremental amounts that become significant over time, especially if they come from a number of people, and/or are given on a repeated basis.

Using this same formula, many of you who are running WordPress websites could also benefit from micro-donations, whatever type of businesses they might be.

Perhaps you want to support philanthropy on your site by collecting and contributing to a charitable cause. Or, maybe you’re a writer hoping to get a little financial bonus for the time-consuming creative content you produce for your readers. Of, could be you’re a coder who could really use supplemental funds to cover the development & distribution of your plugin.

Most hard-working online creators are appreciative of a little boost in income. Why not present the opportunity to your audience? They might be ready and willing… you just need to make them able.

Qualities to Look for In a Micro-donation Solution

What exactly makes for a good micro-donation platform?

Most importantly, it has to be simple to use, quick to submit, and recognizable. Any transaction method that requires significant time to complete will cause potential donors to bounce. Likewise if the payment platform they’re considering opening up their wallet for is something they’ve never heard of.

Secondly, transaction fees should be relatively low. If the user is only contributing a few bucks, it’s important that most of that isn’t eaten up by a processing fee – or worse, actually costs you money.

So which micro-donation plugins fit the bill? Let’s take a look.

Recommended Micro-donation Plugins

We researched what was available in the arena of WordPress donation plugins, and are sharing the ones we thought were best. Bonus: they’re all free.

Here’s the list of reviewed plugins:


Forminator is much more than a simple donation plugin, but earns a spot here because it handles this specific task quite well. And hey, why not use a plugin that has more than one function? You’ll cut down on resources, and your learning curve.

In addition to being an all-around form building wiz, Forminator does feedback widgets, interactive polls (with real-time results), buzzfeed-style quizzes (no wrong answer), and service estimators – including the option to include payment elements.

It’s easy to use, appealing to look at, and has a proven track record for successful leads and conversions.

forminator forms summary section
Forminator’s dashboard provides a lot of detail in a concisely summarized section.

We have some great articles on the blog specific to Forminator on form creation walkthroughs and details on its other fantastic capabilities, so I won’t go through the setup in detail here.

Instead, I’ll just quickly demonstrate how things look on the front end using a donation form I created.

Forminator helped me create a donation form in minutes.

When creating in Forminator, Fields, Appearance, Email notifications, Integrations, and Settings are all editable, with a significant amount of options.

This allows you to make the content, format, look, and behaviors of your forms customizable to the smallest detail.

Payment gateways Stripe and PayPal are included in the free version, as well as every other powerful feature Forminator offers (minus, the e-signature field). And of course, it includes a testing mode.

There’s also a Submissions section, so you can easily track all the donations that come in, along with their associated details.

Forminator has 5/5 stars, and the pro version is available with a WPMU DEV membership, along with all of our other premium plugins, managed WP hosting, and our site management maestro “The Hub”.


This plugin is smooth and polished from the starting line, with a setup wizard that gets things going as soon as you activate it.

Almost everything is customizable, from text to images to the process itself (choose defined amounts or allow the donor to enter) – and it’s all very nice to look at.

givewp basic vs customized donation widget
GiveWP’s donation form: default vs customized.

Options allow you to create a number of different donation forms, all with their own format, features, and content. You can view or edit a form’s content at any time, as well as keep tabs on actual donation information.

givewp donations summary
GiveWP‘s donation summary reveals details like donor info, gateway used, payment type & amount, and more.

The free version allows you to connect with PayPal or Stripe, and make test payments.

GiveWP has 4.5/5 stars, and offers paid individual addons or tiered plans with preselected features (like Recurring Donations and more payment platforms).

Accept Donations with PayPal

This plugin does a nice job of putting basic donation options on your site. Instructions are easy to follow, and you can place your PayPal Donation button anywhere on your site with a simple embed code.

As you can tell from the name, this connects to your PayPal account, so you have to have one (or create one for free). The process is quick, and allows for a fair amount of flexibility – you can choose from different button types (including making your own), create a sandbox account to test in, designate custom redirect URLs for Cancel and Return pages, and choose predetermined currency amounts (or allow for free entry at time of donation).

Accept Donations with PayPal plugin -- form amount dropdown
Selecting a donation amount from your predefined drop down in Accept Donations with PayPal.

Additionally, there is a section with details on all donations that come in, including info like payment amount & fee, transaction ID, date, and payer email.

Accept Donations with PayPal plugin -- donation details
Accept Donations with PayPal plugin’s donation details screen.

This plugin works with any WP theme, and the developer is an official PayPal partner.

Accept Donations with PayPal has 4.5/5 stars, and offers a premium paid version with additional features (such as Recurring Donations).


Formerly known as WPPayForm, this plugin allows you to build your own donation form.

It comes with a selection of prebuilt forms (which are editable), to help you get started.

Creating a form from scratch works similarly to the WP block editor, but with fields. You can select from general fields (name, email, dropdowns, radio field, text area, etc), donation & product fields (payment item, item quantity, etc), and payment method fields.

paymattic form creation (front and back ends)
Form creation in Paymattic, from both the front and back end.

Stripe is the only payment method included in the free version, but the premium upgrade includes an additional 8 gateways (plus an offline option).

There isn’t much in the way of customizing the look; colors and fonts are locked into the plugins’ default selections. You can add a checkout image in the Stripe setup, and choose the wording for your text fields and form name.

It allows for payment testing, and provides a full listed summary of donations made.

paymattic donations summary
Paymattic’s donation summary screen in the WP dashboard.

Paymattic has 4.5/5 stars, and offers paid plans with additional features (like Advanced Reports & Analytics, and pro support).


Charitable touts itself as The WordPress Fundraising Toolkit.

Forms are added and created as campaigns, which are basically WordPress pages.

You can add multiple suggested donation amounts (as well as a custom donation field), extended descriptions, and change the creator of the campaign if desired.

Emails are available for donor, admin, and user, and include options like donation receipt (donor), donation notification (admin), and password reset (user), among others.

Design options are included, and work as if you’re in a theme. You can select any color (affects links and button backgrounds), choose where your form will show (separate page, same page, or in a modal), and whether or not to show required fields only.

You can use their prefab text for Privacy and Terms & Conditions fields, or edit to suit your preferences.

Making a test donation in Charitable.

Making a test donation in Charitable.

Stripe, PayPal and offline donations are all available in the free version, and testing mode is included.

There is also a donation summary list with assorted details (e.g., amount, donor name, campaign name, and status ) to keep tabs on the status of donations.

Donation Forms by Charitable has 5/5 stars, and offers paid plans with additional features (like unlimited campaigns, no transaction fees, and additional payment gateways).

Seamless Donations

This plugin works by placing a single embed code on any page or post. There are no additional arguments or options, but it’s been designed so that extensions can add features to the main shortcode.

Seamless donations automatically keeps logs on system information and Cron data, both of which are viewable from the plugins dashboard menu in WordPress.

By default, it uses the Stripe payment platform, which initializes in sandbox mode for testing. Also readily available is the option for PayPal, which you can set up in Live or Test mode.

There are six predefined donation amounts (referred to as ‘Giving Levels”), which you can select or deselect, but cannot edit.

Options for which form fields and sections you’d like to display include repeating donation, employer match, anonymous donor checkbox, and more.

As for styling options, there are two defaults built-in: classic or modern (or you can go with none). Or, you can purchase from the premium add-ons, which include a library of 35 additional form designs with customizable images.

seamless donations front end donation form wp
Seamless Donations uses a single embed code on pages/posts to display your donation form.

Emails have a Thank You template which is editable, and can include four available placeholders for personalized text. Sections include name, email address, message body, designated fund, anonymous donations, closing, and more. A separate Thank You message page can also be set up.

seamless donations donor email
Seamless Donations post-donation email confirmation.

As with the other plugins reviewed today, Seamless Donations keeps a summary of donations, each with associated details, like date, name, payment platform, and amount. However, this one also keeps two additional summary sections, for donors and funds.

Seamless Donations has 4/5 stars, and offers seven premium add-ons with additional features and benefits (such as Giving Level Manager, Basic Widget Pack, and Thank You Enhanced).

Payment Portals and Their Associated Fees

Fees are dependent on what payment portal you are using, and the country that is associated with any given donation.

Because of the variance in these deciding factors, and the knowledge that they are subject to change at any time, we’re not going to include specific amounts in this post.

If the donations you will be accepting are strictly nonprofit, it is possible to get discounts from PayPal, Stripe, and Mollie. (Sidebar: Mollie is currently not supported in the U.S., but available in about 30 other countries.)

Some of the plugins we selected offer add-ons that can offset overhead transaction fees (ex: GiveWP’s Stripe Premium add-on or Seamless Donations Donors Pay Fees), providing additional savings if you’re getting a large overall amount of donations.

Your best bet is to do a little math in advance. Using the associated fees of any given payment platform, determine what base figure wouldn’t cause you a transactional loss, and set your lowest donation option to that amount. You can always change it later if rates should fluctuate higher or lower.

A quick disclaimer: When it comes to the status of a business entity – LLC, Inc, 501(c) nonprofit, etc – there are financial and legal implications regarding how you report different types of income (including donations). Make sure to check with a certified, licensed attorney or other legitimate lawful source. WPMU DEV does not claim to give nor are we qualified to give legal advice.

Giving Feels Good and Getting Brings Gratitude

Micro-donations are a fantastic way to collect small monetary gifts that can add up to substantial gains.

Amazon is a great example of micro-donations. Through its Amazon Smile website, 0.5% of total spend amounts are made to the nonprofit of a customer’s choice. Given how much business Amazon does, these can and do make a huge impact over time.

But even on a smaller scale, you can benefit from the generosity of others. That might be collecting to contribute to a cause you believe in, or allowing your customers to tip you when they’re feeling generous.

With so many options for adding donation capabilities to websites, it’s as simple as choosing one you like and setting it up. Even if no one ever donated, it doesn’t cost you anything – assuming you’re using a free plugin. And if donations did start to really pick up on your site, you could always add premium features to improve the process.

If you’re a WPMU DEV member and have any questions about Forminator – or any of the plugins we reviewed – just reach out to our excellent support team, and they’ll get you sorted in no time. If you’re not a member yet, get your free trial on, and see what you’ve been missing. :)

21 Best RTL WordPress Themes (Right to Left Language)

Are you looking for the best WordPress RTL themes?

RTL (Right to Left) themes are designed to work perfectly with languages written in the right to left direction. These include Hebrew, Arabic, Farsi (Persian), Urdu, and more.

In this article, we will show you some of the best RTL WordPress themes that you can try on your website.

Best WordPress Themes for RTL (Right-to-Left) Language Support

Building a WordPress Website in RTL Languages

WordPress is an ideal platform to create a website in any language, including languages written in RTL (right to left) direction.

There are two types of WordPress websites. These are WordPress.com, which is a hosted solution, and WordPress.org, which is a self-hosted platform.

For more details, take a look at our article on the difference between WordPress.org vs WordPress.com.

For your website, you need to use self-hosted WordPress.org. It gives you all the flexibility and features you need to set up an RTL website.

To start a WordPress website, you will need a domain name. This is your website’s address on the internet, like wpbeginner.com. You also need a WordPress hosting account.

We recommend using Bluehost. They are one of the largest web hosting companies and an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.

Bluehost offer for WPBeginner users

For WPBeginner users, Bluehost offers a free domain name, a free SSL certificate, and a BIG discount on web hosting.

After signing up for hosting, use our article on how to install WordPress for full details on setting up WordPress on your site.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress RTL themes that you can use.

1. Astra


Astra is one of the most popular WordPress themes on the market. It comes with dozens of starter sites and supports RTL languages to launch your website quickly.

The theme is compatible with WordPress drag and drop page builder plugins such as Elementor for customization. You can also use the WordPress live customizer to make changes to your website.

Astra is a fully responsive WordPress theme, so your site will look great on all devices. You can easily include Adsense ads on your site, too.

2. Divi


Divi is a modern multipurpose WordPress theme designed for any type of website. It’s fully compatible with RTL languages and easily lets you create a website in any right-to-left language.

It features a built-in page builder plugin, color choices, parallax effects, a custom header, and more. Divi is easy to set up without editing any code as it comes with hundreds of starter sites, suitable for all sorts of businesses and non-profit organizations.

Using the Divi theme options, you can add a custom logo, social media icons, and a favicon.

3. OceanWP


OceanWP is a free WordPress theme with premium-like features and options. It’s highly flexible and offers a 1-click demo content importer to get started in just a few clicks.

Inside, you will find RTL language support, eCommerce integration, custom colors, font choices, and powerful extensions.

OceanWP has a fast page load time. This is good for your WordPress site’s SEO (search engine optimization), helping you to rank well in Google and other search engines.

4. Hestia Pro

Hestia Free Theme

Hestia Pro is a premium WordPress theme for bloggers and businesses. It is RTL-ready out of the box, and you can also use it on multilingual websites.

It comes with a companion plugin to add client testimonials, services, and a custom homepage section.

Hestia is compatible with page builder plugins, giving you lots of customization options. It also works well with bbPress if you want to add a forum to your website.

5. Ultra


Ultra is a classic WordPress multipurpose theme. It comes with beautiful typography and color choices that make your content pop out.

The theme is translation ready and supports RTL languages. It has multiple widget areas, template choices, and layout options to design your multilingual website easily. You can also add custom CSS using the WordPress live customizer.

6. Parallax


Parallax is a stylish one-page WordPress theme for all business websites. The homepage features a fullscreen background image and stunning parallax effects.

It includes several header styles, a portfolio section, a team members section, animated progress bars, and a separate RTL stylesheet. It has a custom theme options panel to make changes to your website.

7. eCommerce Fashion

eCommerce Fashion

eCommerce Fashion is a stunning WordPress theme for business websites and blogs. It comes in dozens of beautiful color schemes and has several navigation menu locations, RTL language support, built-in Google Fonts, and more.

The theme has multiple header and footer layouts to fully customize your theme. It also includes image and carousel sliders to engage your users.

8. Benson


Benson is a beautiful WordPress photography theme. It features a fullscreen homepage layout and works with your favorite translation plugin to create an RTL (right-to-left) website.

Plus, it comes with multiple image layouts, video and slideshow support, custom widgets, and color choices. It integrates with page builders such as Visual Composer for quick setup and customization.

9. Fargo


Fargo is a stylish WordPress wedding photography theme with one-page and multi-page layouts. It comes with interactive homepage elements, parallax scrolling, and support for RTL languages.

It has unlimited color choices, a 1-click demo content importer, custom backgrounds, and mega menus. It makes a great WooCommerce theme to start your online store easily.

You can also add WooCommerce plugins to extend your online store options.

10. Inspiro


Inspiro is an elegant WordPress photography and videography theme. It’s multi-language ready and supports RTL languages to create a website in any language.

The theme features include a sliding sidebar, video embeds, a homepage slideshow, a responsive gallery, and built-in templates. It integrates with Beaver Builder to design your custom page templates without writing any code.

11. Gumbo


Gumbo is a stunning WordPress podcast theme built specifically for podcasts, audio, and video websites. It’s RTL-ready and lets you display your podcasts in multiple languages.

It supports third-party audio sources, layouts, videos, and featured sliders. Gumbo has dozens of page builder settings to add your content and set up a website.

12. Agency


Agency is a great business WordPress theme for companies, agencies, and designers with complete RTL support. It includes a beautiful portfolio section with each item capable of showing a single image or a gallery carousel.

It also comes with sections for testimonials, team members, and highlights. This makes it easy to offer a great user experience. Agency is easy to set up and includes a demo content importer, page builder, and custom theme options page.

13. Writee


Writee is a free WordPress blogging theme suitable for authors, writers, and bloggers. It features a minimalist layout with a featured content slider on the top of your homepage.

Writee has a simple setup process. All theme options can be configured using the WordPress live customizer in your WordPress admin panel.

14. Neve


Neve is an excellent WordPress multipurpose theme designed for all kinds of websites, including one-page websites. It comes with dozens of starter sites and is translation ready to create a multilingual and RTL website easily.

Neve offers drag and drop components to customize your header and footer. Plus, it has built-in optimization for speed and performance. This helps make your website fast and SEO friendly.

15. Noto


Noto is a classic WordPress theme for writers and bloggers. It has a black-and-white layout with light colors, making your content highly readable.

The theme is translation ready and supports RTL languages seamlessly. It comes with a few homepage widget areas, landing pages, a custom header, and more.

16. Credence


Credence is a free WordPress theme with a minimal layout design. It’s well-suited for business and professional websites.

It has a full-width template, custom logo, color choices, and sidebars. With RTL language support, you can easily make a website in any right-to-left language.

17. Fullscreen


Fullscreen is a gorgeous WordPress theme suitable for photographers, artists, and designers. It comes with fullscreen galleries to showcase your work.

It includes custom widgets for featured posts and recent Tweets, a minimalist navigation menu, a blog section, and a contact form page. You also get multiple theme skins and styling options.

18. Balance


Balance is a flexible WordPress eCommerce theme to start an online store. It has multi-language and localization support to translate your website to any language.

Inside, you’ll find built-in pages and a 1-click demo content importer. You just need to replace the content with your own to create your website or online store.

Balance uses responsive design and is retina ready. This means it will look great on all mobile devices.

19. Spencer


Spencer is a beautiful WordPress business theme for startups and entrepreneurs. It comes with a blog page template to start your personal blog quickly.

It has a sticky menu, custom colors, a newsletter signup form, a call-to-action button, and more. The theme integrates with WPML and supports RTL languages out of the box.

20. Gema


Gema can be used as a stylish WordPress magazine theme or personal WordPress blog theme. It has a beautiful layout design with featured content sections on the homepage.

The theme includes an image gallery, custom logo, layout options, color schemes, and crisp typography. It integrates with WordPress translation plugins to let you create an RTL-supported blog easily.

21. Felt


Felt is a WordPress magazine theme built specifically for online publishers, magazine membership sites, and entertainment blogs. It fully supports video embeds to add visual content to your website.

It has a widgetized homepage, a customizable header, and multiple layout options. Felt is fully translation ready and can be used to create RTL websites.

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress RTL themes for your website. You may also want to check out our guide on the best WordPress plugins to add extra features to your site.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 21 Best RTL WordPress Themes (Right to Left Language) first appeared on WPBeginner.

60+ Internet Usage Statistics and Latest Trends for 2022

Are you curious about internet usage statistics?

When you learn how people around the world use the internet, it can help you understand what your business’s online presence should look like and how users will interact with your website.

In this article, we’ll share the latest internet usage statistics and trends that all business owners and marketers should know.

Internet Usage Statistics and Trends

Key Internet Statistics and Trends (2022)

We’ve split up these internet statistics into several different categories. You can use the table of contents below to jump to the internet stats you’re most interested in.

General Internet Usage Statistics

General Internet Usage Statistics
  • As of April 2022, there were five billion internet users worldwide, which is 63% of the global population. 
  • China, India, and the United States rank ahead of all other countries in terms of internet users. As of February 2022, China had more than a billion internet users, and India had approximately 658 million online users.
  • The global internet penetration rate is 62.5%. 
  • Northern Europe ranks first with a 98% internet penetration rate among the population. 
  • The countries with the highest internet penetration rate worldwide were the UAE, Denmark, and Ireland. 
  • From the year 2000 to 2022, the usage of the internet increased by 1,355%.
  • The Middle East has seen a 6,141% growth in internet usage since 2000. 
  • There are still over 2.7 billion people in the world with no internet access.
  • The most popular language on the internet is English. 25.9% of the internet is in English, 19.4% is in Chinese, and 8% is in Spanish.
  • 32% of internet users worldwide are 25 to 34 years old.

Internet usage increased by a whopping 1,355% from the year 2000 to 2022. Now, there are 5 billion internet users worldwide, which is 63% of the global population.

With so many internet users on the planet today, it’s important that every business has a website. Otherwise, you’re missing out on a ton of people who could discover you online.

If you haven’t created a website yet, simply follow our tutorial on how to make a WordPress website for step by step instructions. Or, you can read this guide on how to start an online store.

Web Search Statistics

Web Search Statistics
  • The Chrome web browser is used by 65.52% of internet users worldwide. Chrome is followed by Safari, which is used by 18.78% of internet users in the world. Microsoft Edge is the 3rd most popular browser at 4.3%, and Firefox is 4th with 3.16%. 
  • The three most popular websites on the internet are Google.com, YouTube.com, and Tmall.com, which is a Chinese online retail platform. 
  • The most popular web search engine is Google, with 92.7% of the market share. Google is followed by Bing, which has only 2.8% of the market share. 
  • The most searched words on Google USA in 2022 were weather, Facebook, and YouTube. Other search words in the top 10 were Amazon, NBA, Gmail, NFL, and Google Translate. 
  • The Google Search Index contains hundreds of billions of pages that add up to over 100,000,000 gigabytes in size. 
  • Almost 30% of global web traffic is generated via online search usage. 
  • There are approximately 106,083 Google searches made every 1 second. 
  • According to a Moz survey, 84% of respondents use Google 3 times a day or more. 

Search engines like Google play an important role in how users find and navigate to different websites. This is proven by the fact that 30% of global web traffic is generated via an online search.

In order for your website to be discovered by users in search engine results, it needs to be properly optimized for SEO.

Search engine optimization might seem complicated, especially for beginners, but it doesn’t have to be. See this guide on WordPress SEO to get actionable tips for improving your SEO and increasing organic traffic.

You can also follow this tutorial on how to set up All in One SEO for WordPress.

All in One SEO, the best WordPress SEO plugin, will help you set up the proper SEO foundations for your site in minutes. Plus, the SEO audit feature will analyze your entire website to detect any critical errors that could be harming your rankings. Then, provide you with easy recommendations for improvement.

Mobile Internet Usage Statistics

Mobile Internet Usage Statistics
  • Over 90% of the global internet population uses a mobile device to go online. 
  • In 2021, internet users worldwide spent over 54.7% of their time browsing the internet via mobile phones. This is an increase of 5% compared to 2020, when global internet users spent almost 51% of their online time accessing the internet via mobile devices. 
  • Mobile internet traffic accounts for almost 55% of total web traffic. In mobile-first markets such as Asia and Africa, mobile connections account for an even larger share of webpage views. 
  • Mobile ownership and internet usage are forecast to keep growing in the future. This is largely due to mobile technologies becoming more affordable and readily available.
  • Samsung has 28.76% of the mobile vendor market share worldwide. Apple is in a close second with 27.83% of the worldwide market. 
  • In 2021, the number of cities with access to 5G reached 1.662 worldwide, which is an increase of more than 20% over the course of the year. 
  • The top three countries with the most extensive 5G in 2022 were China, South Korea, and the United States. 
  • TikTok was the most downloaded app globally in 2021, with 656 million downloads. 

In the not-so-distant past, you could only access the internet from a desktop computer. But now, it’s clear to see from these statistics that people are loving being able to access the internet on the go.

Over 90% of the global internet population uses a mobile device to go online, and mobile internet traffic accounts for almost 55% of total web traffic.

Because of this, it’s important that your website looks great and is equally functional on mobile phones and tablets as it is on desktops.

See our recommendations for the best responsive WordPress themes. These themes will automatically adjust to the users’ screen size so you can provide the best experience for mobile users.

Website and Domain Statistics 

Website and Domain Statistics
  • There are over 1.5 billion websites on the internet today. But, less than 200 million are active. 
  • There are currently 370.7 million registered domain names in the world. 
  • China has the highest number of registered domains, with over 8.8 million domain names accounting for 33.80% of the global share. 
  • The US has only 3.6 million domains registered, which amounts to 14.04% of the global share.
  • The most common domain name extensions are .com, .net, .org, .co, .us. 
  • More than 43% of all websites are using WordPress as their content management system. 
  • WordPress holds nearly 65% of the CMS market share. 
  • 38% of the top 10,000 websites are powered by WordPress.
  • Every day, more than 1000 new WordPress sites join the top 10 million websites tracked by W3Techs.com.

It’s easier than ever to create a website on the world wide web today. That might be why there are over 1.5 billion websites on the internet. But, less than 200 million of those are active.

If you have an inactive website, to get it up and running, all you need is web hosting and a domain name.

To find the right options for your needs, you can check out our recommendations for the best web hosting services and the best domain name registrars on the market.

At WPBeginner, we always recommend choosing Bluehost. It’s one of the most reliable hosting companies in the world, and they’re officially by WordPress, the best website builder software. Plus, WPBeginner users can get a free domain name, free SSL certificate, and a discount on web hosting!

Online Shopping Statistics 

Online Shopping Statistics
  • In the United States alone, we’re expecting to have 300 million online shoppers in 2023. That’s 91% of the country’s current population. 
  • The countries with the leading average eCommerce revenue per shoppers are: USA ($1,804), UK ($1,629), and Sweden ($1,446). 
  • 72% of online shoppers are women, while 68% are men.
  • Millennials aged 25-34 are the largest group of online shoppers in the US. 
  • 59% of shoppers say they do research online before they buy in order to make the best possible choice.
  • 74% of in-store shoppers searched online before going to the physical location. They said they searched for information like the closest store near them, in-stock items, hours, directions, and contact information. 
  • 67% of users admit to window shopping for fun on their smartphones.
  • 77% of these digital window shoppers make impulse purchases. If they don’t purchase right away, 70% of them will come back and make a purchase from their device within the first hour of seeing the product.

In 2023, there’s expected to be 300 million online shoppers in the United States alone. That’s 91% of the country’s current population!

But, even with so many online shoppers, it can be hard to generate traffic and sales for your online store because there’s so much competition.

Since 59% of shoppers say they do research online before buying something, it’s vital that your eCommerce website shows up in search engine results if you want to compete with the big guys. You can read our ultimate WooCommerce SEO guide for easy tips.

You can also check out our list of the best WooCommerce plugins for your store. These plugins can help you reduce cart abandonment, create custom checkout pages, boost affiliate sales, and much more.

Social Media and Email Usage Statistics

Social Media and Email Usage Statistics
  • Of the five billion internet users worldwide, 4.65 billion, or over 93%, are social media users. 
  • Over 230 billion tweets were tweeted on Twitter so far this year. 
  • Nearly 27 billion photos have been uploaded on Instagram this year. 
  • Over 2 trillion videos have been viewed on YouTube so far in 2022. 
  • There are over 4.1 billion email accounts registered by internet users worldwide, that’s 107 million more than in 2019. This number is expected to grow by over 4.3 billion by the end of 2023.
  • Nearly 75 trillion emails have been sent so far in 2022. 
  • 61% of consumers prefer to be contacted by brands through email. 
  • 99% of email users check their email every day, with some checking as much as 20 times a day. 
  • 58% of users check their email before they check out social media or the news.
  • 40% of people 18 years old and under will always open an email on their mobile device first.

Social media and email are some of the most popular activities online, according to these internet statistics: There are 4.65 billion social media users worldwide and 4.1 billion registered email accounts globally.

Instead of waiting for your target audience to visit your website, you should be reaching out to them on social media platforms and via email. This will make it easier to drive traffic to your site and increase sales.

You can check out our social media cheat sheet for tips on how to set up your social media profiles correctly.

Then, follow this step by step tutorial on how to create an email newsletter.

Internet of Things (IoT) Statistics 

Internet of Things IoT Statistics
  • The estimated number of IoT devices will jump to 125 billion by 2030.
  • By 2022, the smart home (IoT) market is projected to grow to $53.45 billion.
  • In 2021, about 41.9% of US households owned a smart home device. This is predicted to increase to 48.4% by 2025.
  • Globally, an estimated 127 new devices connect to the Internet every second.
  • The wearable devices market will be worth $1.1 billion by 2022.
  • Approximately 70% of new vehicles worldwide will be internet-connected by 2023.
  • There will be more than 3 internet-connected devices for every human on the planet by 2023.

The Internet of Things, or IoT, refers to the many physical objects that have been embedded with sensors and software and are now connected to the internet.

According to these internet statistics, there will be more than 3 internet-connected devices for every human on the planet by 2023 and the estimated number of IoT devices will jump to 125 billion by 2030.

So, expect to see more smart refrigerators, locks, doorbells, watches, vehicles, and many other devices, in the near future.

List of Sources

Statista, OptinMonster, BroadbandSearch, Nameboy, InternetWorldStats, Internet Live Stats, StatCounter, Radicati, Amazon, SimilarWeb, Google, Mobile Magazine, Business of Apps, IHS Markit, McKinsey, Moz, WPBeginner, eMarketer, Cisco

That’s a wrap. We hope these internet usage statistics will provide you with valuable insights for growing your online business. You might also want to check out our ultimate list of blogging statistics, or see our roundup of web design industry stats and trends.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 60+ Internet Usage Statistics and Latest Trends for 2022 first appeared on WPBeginner.

Compare The Best iPad POS Systems 

Our recommendation for the best iPad POS system is TouchBistro for its feature-rich core plans, transparent pricing, and terrific customer loyalty add-ons. Book a free demo today.   

Android tablets are reasonably popular for POS systems. However, iPads dominate the mobile POS space for multiple reasons. If nothing else, the iOS software is renowned for its constant security fixes and updates, layer security, and robust firmware. Apple also develops and manages its software and hardware, so there’s tighter synchronization and fewer glitches. 

However, there are multiple iPad POS systems on the market. We explore these options so you can find the best system for your specific needs. 

The Top 6 Best iPad POS Systems 

We picked at least six iPad POS systems that excel in unique and varied use cases. However, POS systems are prevalent in the food service industry, and we think TouchBistro is the best-in-class iPad POS. Sign up for TouchBistro today to request a custom quote for your preferred feature set

  • TouchBistro – Best Overall 
  • Epos Now – Best For Accounting Integrations 
  • Shopify – Best for Combining Online and In-Person Sales
  • Lightspeed – Best for Multiple Locations and Franchises 
  • Loyverse – Best Free Loyalty Program 
  • SalesVu – Best for Increasing Sales 
Company logos for our best iPad POS reviews

Match Your Scenario to the Right iPad POS Solution 

The best iPad POS solution is often a subjective matter. Most people will swear by their preferred system. It’s a good sign that they’ve found a POS solution that perfectly matches their needs and use case. We designed this section to nudge you in the right direction by outlining the most common iPad POS scenarios and how they might affect your purchase decision. 

You prefer month-to-month payments

Best Option: Lightspeed

You don’t have to worry about getting locked in long-term contracts with Lightspeed. Although you can save money by paying annually, the software also supports month-to-month payments. You can also cancel your contract at any time at no extra charge.

Another Great Choice: Shopify POS  

Similarly, Shopify POS offers transparent month-to-month pricing. You know exactly how much you’ll pay for your Shopify store and POS. Additionally, the vendor charges a standard processing fee so you can keep track of your cash flow. There’s no charge for canceling your subscription. 

If you prefer month-to-month payments, pay attention to

  • Fine Print: Some POS systems advertise a monthly rate but charge a lumpsum for an annual or long-term contract. 
  • Cancellation: You should be able to terminate your contract at any time after paying the current month’s fees. 
  • Recurring Payments: Remember that most vendors automatically charge after the free trial expires, sometimes with no prior warning. 

You don’t want to pay for separate customer relationship management software

Best Option: Loyverse 

Customer relationship management is critical to running a successful business. Loyverse offers a free CRM with surprisingly robust features. You get a basic loyalty program, loyalty card scanning, and adding bonus balances to customers’ printed receipts. 

Loyverse interface showing customer details: Contacts, first visit, the last visit, and total spent
Encourage customers to keep coming back with Loyverse’s free CRM software.

Loyverse focuses mainly on its loyalty program, so it’s not as robust as most alternatives. However, it’s a free feature and an excellent place to start. 

Another Great Choice: SalesVu

The next best thing to a free CRM is getting this feature as part of your package rather than an add-on. SalesVu offers a robust CRM tool with features like customer profiles, customer purchase reports, and segmentation. However, this feature is only available with the Advanced and Premium plans. 

Still, it’s good that you don’t have to pay extra for CRM capabilities if you’re already on these plans. It might also be worth upgrading to these tiers for the added functionality. Alternatively, the software integrates with popular CRMs like Zoho CRM. 

If you’re looking for CRM capabilities in your POS, pay attention to

  • CRM Features: POS systems aren’t as feature-rich as standalone CRM software but should provide most of the features you need to build customer loyalty.
  • Customer segmentation: You should be able to divide your customers based on criteria such as purchase history and habits. 
  • Real-time Reports: A good CRM should provide real-time insights into your customer’s behaviors and preferences. 

You want a POS that works for iPad and Android 

Best Option: Shopify POS 

You may be set on an iPad POS. But there’s no telling if you’ll change your operating system in the future. Therefore, you’ll need a POS system that supports Android and iOS. Shopify works with Android smartphones and tablets if you ever change your hardware. 

The software supports Android version 7.0 (Nougat) or higher. This version was released in 2016. So the Shopify POS also works for older android devices. 

Another Great Choice: Loyverse 

Loyverse also supports Android devices. The software works with Android version 5.0 or higher. But again, you can work with older Android devices as far back as 2014. 

If you want a POS that supports Android tablets, look out for: 

  • Supported OS: Most POS systems are based on the iOS platform, so check that the software is compatible with Android devices. 
  • Android Version: Although many POS software support legacy Android tablets, running the latest operating system is better. 
  • Purpose Built: Cross-platform apps are functional, but apps purpose-built for either iOS or Android are almost always superior. 

You want to use the POS software on multiple iPads

Best Option: Shopify POS

Your software costs can increase dramatically if you need to pay for each device you’re using. The Shopify POS has a payment plan to save you money. Shopify POS Pro costs $89 per month. However, you can use the software on as many registers or devices as you wish. 

 Best Option: SalesVu 

SalesVu also charges a flat fee for up to 5 employees with its cheapest plan and up to 15 with its highest tier. That means you can use up to five devices at no extra charge. After that, however, you’ll need to pay at least $20 for each additional employee or device. 

Remember, the base price applies only to one location. You’ll have to pay extra to use the software in multiple locations.  

If you’re using the POS software on multiple devices, look out for:

  • Device syncing: Ensure that the software syncs data across devices in real-time to avoid confusion on the service floor. 
  • Multiple Locations: Good POS software should support multiple devices and locations. 
  • Offline Mode: The POS should continue to process payments without an internet connection and update payments when the connection is restored. 

Best iPad POS Systems Reviews 

This section analyzes the six iPad POS systems we identified after testing two-dozen different options. We used common scenarios and use cases to judge their effectiveness. We also tested the overall features and usefulness, ease of use, and unique features and offerings. 

TouchBistro – Best for Restaurants 

TouchBistro, one of the best iPad POS systems

TouchBistro is a terrific iPad POS with all the features you need to run a successful restaurant. The software supports counter, table, and bar service from an easy-to-use interface. And with employee management, inventory tracking, and reporting, you have everything you need to manage your restaurant at your fingertips. 

TouchBistro also supports multiple payment processors, so you can choose the payment partner that fits your needs. Your options include Cayan, Premier Payments, PayPal, Moneris, Chase Paymentech, Square, Worldpay, and other major third-party processors. 

You can also use TouchBistro software on more than one iPad. For example, servers may use an iPad Mini for tableside ordering and a full-size iPad as a fixed POS terminal or kitchen display screen. You can also use your iPad if you already own one or purchase one from TouchBistro at custom prices. 

The system is also easy to use because of its familiar smartphone interface and navigation. You don’t have to spend too much time training servers and employees to use the system. The system is equally easy to install and configure.  

What Makes TouchBistro Great 

TouchBistro is a restaurant-specific POS, and it shows. You get valuable features like drag-and-drop table management, multiple bill-splitting options, upsells, and ingredient-level tracking. The software also offers add-on features like loyalty programs, online ordering, and reservations so you can set up the system to fit your restaurant’s needs. 

TouchBistro add-on packages including reservations, online ordering, gift cards, marketing, and loyalty
Get valuable add-on features with TouchBistro.

TouchBistro is also a hybrid system. First, the software saves data to the local server, so you maintain most functions in case of an internet outage. Then, the data uploads automatically to the cloud when the connection is restored. 

Besides restaurants, this POS is also a terrific option for bars, food trucks, wineries, and quick-service establishments. TouchBistro prices start at $69 per month for one iPad license. Your license gives you access to all TouchBistro features, except the paid add-ons like online ordering, marketing, loyalty, gift cards, and reservations. 

Epos Now – Best For Accounting Integrations 

Epos Now, one of the best iPad POS systems

Epos Now supports iPad and Android-based devices, so you don’t need a different POS if you switch to another operating system or device. In addition, the POS system comes with terrific retail POS features, including customizable security, back office functions, inventory, and customer relationship management. 

The vendor also has a hospitality-specific POS for restaurants, bars, bakeries, cafes, and restaurants. It offers handy capabilities such as online ordering, customizable table plans, store recipes, and instant payment processing. Epos Now does a good job creating industry-specific software rather than an ineffective all-in-one tool.  

The software also offers features that alternatives like TouchBistro charge extra. For example, you get loyalty programs and online reservations out of the box. You can also use your iPad with the Epos Now software. Alternatively, you can get a complete iPad POS from the company for $1,248. 

The Epos Now iPad POS comes with a 10.2”  iPad, receipt printer, cash drawer, chip & pin terminal, and free installation, configuration, and training. This hardware bundle will save you money compared to purchasing the equipment separately. 

You can also easily migrate previous data from a different POS to Epos Now. So, you don’t have to create your menus and collect customer data from scratch. 

What Makes Epos Now Great 

Epos Now has many great features. But its native integrations stand out. You can integrate with hundreds of third-party tools, including accounting software like QuickBooks and Xero. These are two-way integrations, meaning new accounting information for your accounting software automatically updates in Epos Now and vice-versa. 

Logos of third-party apps that integrate with Epos Now, including QuickBooks, Shopify, and MailChimp
Epos Now integrates with Mailchimp, QuickBooks, and other popular brands.

The service charges a monthly fee for each register, starting at $69 per month. However, the price goes down for each additional register, starting at $45 per month. Additionally, Epos Now integrates with third-party payment processors. So you can price shop and use a processor that charges low rates.

Finally, Epos Now offers robust reporting. You can display transactions in real time by day, hour, week, or month. In addition, you can customize your reports to show the information that matters most, such as waitstaff with the highest sales or the best-performing menu item. 

For a limited time, you can get the complete Epos Now iPad POS for $0 upfront.  

Shopify – Best for Combining Online and In-Person Sales 

Shopify, one of the best iPad POS systems

Shopify POS is another POS that works for iPad and Android. The software is easy to download, install, and configure. Then, you can turn your iPad into a POS and start selling your Shopify products in your physical store. Simply go through your Shopify catalog to find the product the customer wants to purchase and process their card.

The best part is the POS syncs to your Shopify store. So you can manage your online and in-person sales in one convenient place. Plus, you can integrate the iPad POS with hardware like a cash drawer, barcode scanner, and receipt printer if you wish.

You can use the software on as many devices as you wish. In addition, you’ll pay per location rather than per device, so it’s an excellent option for reducing your POS costs. 

What Makes Shopify POS Great 

The Shopify POS Lite comes free with your Shopify account. It has all the basic features you need for in-person sales, including accepting payments, managing products, and customer relationship management. In addition, you only pay for your chosen Shopify plan and transaction fees starting at 2.4% + 0¢.  

Shopify hardware, including complete POS systems and card readers
Shopify’s POS hardware streamlines the checkout experience for your customers.

However, you can upgrade to the POS Pro to enjoy enhanced features. These include faster workflows, unlimited custom roles, POS PINs, in-depth inventory reporting, and dedicated support. The plan costs $89 per month per location. 

The Shopify POS is incredibly convenient if you already have a Shopify plan. You’ll get basic POS features for free and upgrade as you scale your business. Plus, you won’t find another POS that integrates as smoothly with your Shopify online store. 

Lightspeed – Best for Multiple Locations and Franchises 

Lightspeed, one of the best iPad POS systems

Lightspeed is a terrific iPad POS for small and medium-sized retail businesses. The feature-rich software unifies management of all significant retail aspects, including customer relationships, employee, and inventory management. The platform also lets you choose your payment processor, which is convenient for price shopping. 

Although Lightspeed is most famous for its retail POS, it offers purpose-built software for restaurant and golf businesses. You download the iPad app to use the POS on your iPad. Or, you turn your iPad into a complete POS system with  LightSpeed’s iPad hardware kit. The kit includes a LAN receipt printer, receipt paper, Bluetooth scanner, cash drawer, and iPad stand. 

The POS system has a steeper learning curve than many alternatives. However, you get access to free 24/7 support and one-on-one onboarding sessions. So you shouldn’t have problems adopting this POS for your business.  

What Makes Lightspeed Great 

Lightspeed is purpose-made for the retail business. Notably, the POS easily integrates with most major ecommerce platforms so that you can manage in-person and online sales in one location. In addition, the POS has a built-in catalog with more than 8 million items and supports bulk imports. Therefore, adding inventory to your POS is a breeze. 

Lightspeed mobile POS system
Lightspeed’s iPad pos system works wherever you work.

The company has transparent pricing. You can choose from LightSpeed Retail, Restaurant, or Golf. So you’re sure you’ll get POS features that support your type of business or industry. The retail POS prices start at $69 per month. LightSpeed also charges 2.6% + 19¢ for card-present transactions. 

LightSpeed makes managing multiple locations a breeze. You can check inventory levels for each store, sync your location details with your Google My Business listings, set prices, set up tax, handle returns and gift cards, and generally manage your stores from one convenient location. LightSpeed also offers custom plans for businesses with multiple locations. 

Finally, Lightspeed also offers month-to-month contracts, which you can cancel at any time at no extra charge. In addition, you get robust reporting with all plans, including 50+ built-in reports covering employee, revenue, and inventory performance. 

Loyverse – Best Free Loyalty Program 

Loyverse, one of the best iPad POS systems

Most iPad POS software offers a free trial or free tier. However, Loyverse provides some of the most advanced POS features for free. You even get a loyalty program for free, which many competitors offer as an add-on service to their paid tiers. 

The best part is you can access the most critical POS features for free. Some of the features Loyverse offers include: 

  • Accept multiple payment methods
  • Offer printed or electronic receipts
  • Sell from your iPhone or iPad 
  • Issue refunds
  • Open tickets 
  • Modify orders 
  • Apply discounts 
  • Scan barcodes 
  • Track payments
  • Manage multiple stores 
  • Low stock notifications
  • Reports & analytics 

Loyverse also lets you choose your payment processor. The platform natively integrates with numerous top-tier payment processors, including Worldpay, Zettle, SumUp, and CardConnect. You also get a vast selection of payment processors in more than 30 countries. 

The POS also easily integrates with your existing hardware, including an iPad, barcode scanner, kitchen display system, and cash drawer. And, with offline mode, you can continue to process payments, and the data syncs immediately after the connection is restored. 

Finally, Loyverse has an easy-to-use and intuitive interface. So you don’t have to spend too much time on employee training. The POS works for most businesses, including restaurants, salons, cafes, and boutiques. 

What Makes Loyverse Great 

Again, Loyverse is free to use. You only pay for add-on features. The add-on features are also affordable. For example, you’ll pay $5 per month for employee management, $25 per month for advanced inventory, and $9 per month for integrations. 

The software’s main selling point is its robust loyalty program. You can set up a points reward program, scan loyalty card barcodes, view customer purchase history, and print customer addresses on receipts. All this is free with Loyverse. 

Loyverse customer information portal, including email, telephone, home address, and purchase history
Loyverse’s customer loyalty program helps you to maintain a strong and steady customer base.

Loyverse isn’t the most advanced iPad POS software. However, its free offerings make it a perfect choice for small businesses on a tight budget. Its affordable add-on services reduce ownership costs when you’re ready to scale. 

SalesVu – Best for Increasing Sales 

SalesVu, one of the best iPad POS systems

SalesVu offers all the essential POS features, including employee scheduling, inventory and order management, and integrations. In addition, SalesVu has numerous sales-focused features you don’t get with your typical POS software. This is especially true with the higher-tier plans. 

The vendor offers purpose-built software for multiple industries, including:

  • Food & Beverage
  • Salons & Spas
  • Arts & Culture 
  • Retail & Ecommerce 
  • Studio & Classes 

This diversity means you can choose the relevant features for your business and industry. Additionally, SalesVu supports businesses with alternative billing, such as charging for decimal and fractional quantities. It also works just as well for companies that bill by the hour. 

SalesVu offers an excellent feature set for its cheapest plan, including cloud-based multi-store reporting, multi-store management, employee permissions & shift scheduling, ecommerce and online ordering, and a basic loyalty program. It’s an ideal package for a small business wanting the bare minimum POS features at a reasonable cost. 

Furthermore, SalesVu partners with multiple payment processors, so you can choose your favorite. The software integrates with your favorite business tools, including QuickBooks, Square, ZohoBooks, PlugnPay, and PayPal Zettle. The only major downside is that SalesVu doesn’t have an offline mode, rendering it unusable in case of an internet interruption. 

What Makes SalesVu Great  

SalesVu has successfully incorporated features you typically see with separate software stacks. For example, you get a website builder with all SalesVu plans, so you don’t have to pay for different software or even a web designer to digitize your business. Similarly, the software provides a loyalty program and ecommerce and online ordering with all plans. 

SalesVu prices start at $100 per location per month. However, the Premium plan costing $500 per location per month, comes with high-level sales features that replace additional software stack. These include a CRM, marketing automation, AI-powered upsell & personalization, review booster, word-of-mouth marketing, and customer satisfaction management. 

SalesVu - 4 key steps to grow sales.
Grow your sales with SalesVu’s four-step plan.

Finally, SalesVu also offers outstanding add-on features to help boost sales. For example, the Waitlist & Reservation management app costs $15 per terminal per month. You’ll be able to create personalized reservations, set up wait times, send table-ready SMS, transfer table, and manage your reservation calendar. In addition, the app integrates with your POS, so you have all your information in one place. 

Quick Sprout Best iPad POS Systems Related Content 

There are many more POS systems to explore beyond just iPad solutions. Casting a wide net ensures you get the best solution for your needs. To this end, here is our recommended related content for your perusal. 

POS Software Comparisons 

The Top iPad POS Systems in Summary 

There are terrific POS systems built for iPad. We tested at least two dozen software checking for critical factors like ease of use, inventory management features, sales and marketing tools, and integrations. Although TouchBistro is a restaurant-specific POS, it ticked all the boxes in our criteria and is the best of the pack. 

However, retail store owners aren’t left out. There are many more options to explore, including Shopify for unifying your online and in-person sales and SalesVu, which offers features to boost your bottom line. Just consider the critical capabilities you require before choosing your iPad POS system, and you won’t go wrong.  

Ultimate Web Hosting Statistics and Market Share Report (2022)

Are you looking for the latest web hosting statistics and market share information?

Web hosting is one of the key parts of every successful website. By understanding the hosting market and all of the major players, you can choose the best provider for your WordPress website.

In this article, we’ve gathered tons of web hosting statistics and market share information.

Ultimate web hosting statistics and market share report

Ultimate List of Web Hosting Statistics

We’ve divided this list of web hosting statistics into several different categories. You can use the links below to jump to the section you’re most interested in.

Global Web Hosting Services Market Size in 2022

Global web hosting market size statistics
  • The global web hosting market is projected to grow to $267.10 billion by 2028 at a compound annual growth rate of 18%.
  • In 2020, the global market was valued at $75 billion.
  • Web hosting is expected to generate $79.25 billion in revenue in 2022.
  • By 2027, it’s predicted that the web hosting space will generate $144.40 billion.
  • According to experts, the growing number of small and medium businesses is the biggest factor driving the industry’s growth.
  • Market share differs dramatically depending on location. While Amazon rules the US market with a 3.9% share, in Germany the most popular web hosting provider is 1and1 (18.29%), while in Italy Aruba has an impressive 30.71% market share. Similarly, the most popular cloud hosting provider in the United States is Amazon (31%) but the Google Cloud platform has the biggest share of India’s cloud computing market (39%).

No matter whether you run an online store, a nonprofit organization, or an affiliate marketing business, every organization needs a website. That means a big demand for web hosting.

In fact, at the start of 2022, there were around 1.8 billion live websites and over 5.1 billion internet users.

When you consider the stats, we can see that web hosting is a billion-dollar industry that’s only going to grow in the future.

Global Web Hosting Market Share in 2022

A global web hosting network
  • In 2020, the North American web hosting industry was valued at $34.32 billion.
  • Experts predict that the United States will have the largest market share right up until 2026, with Europe forecast to have the second biggest market share.
  • In 2022, analysts predict the United States will generate the largest web hosting revenue ($5,832 million). In second place is the UK, which is predicted to generate $5,832 million, followed by Japan ($5,666 million), China ($4,930 million), and Germany ($4,435 million).
  • Asia Pacific is expected to grow at the highest CAGR throughout 2021-2028, with the market in the Asia Pacific expected to reach $2.5 billion by 2026.
  • Experts also predict that the Middle East and Africa will show steady growth in the web hosting space due to an increasing focus on digitization.
  • China is forecast to reach an estimated market size of $16.9 billion in the year 2026, with a CAGR of 15.6% for the period 2021-2026.

The Asia Pacific region is expected to grow rapidly throughout 2021-2026. Experts say this is due to the growing popularity of online platforms and improved connectivity in the region.

Governments have also invested lots of money in small and medium enterprises, startups, and side businesses, which is fueling the growth in web hosting. For example, in 2019 the Chinese government announced a special investment of $894 million for small and medium enterprises, and in 2020 it invested $140 million into developing more startups.

With that being said, we expect to see the number of websites continue to grow. By investing so much money into startups and small businesses, governments in the Asia Pacific region are creating a huge demand for web hosting in these areas.

Domain Registration Statistics

Balloons showing different domain extensions
  • A domain name typically costs $10–$15 per year, although the most expensive publicly reported sale was carinsurance.com, which sold for $49.7 million.
  • GoDaddy has over 78 million registered domains, which gives them a 12.77% share of all registered domains. That makes GoDaddy the world’s most popular domain registrar.
  • Namecheap is GoDaddy’s closest competitor with over 17 million registered domains. This gives it a 2.87% share of all registered domain names and makes Namecheap the second most popular domain registrar.
  • 37.20% of domains are top-level domains (TLDs).

Choosing the best domain name for your website is crucial, and many sites even use a domain name generator to pick the perfect domain, fast.

Once you’ve chosen a domain, the next step is to properly register that domain name.

The good news is that many of the top web hosting providers are also domain name registrars, so you can often get a domain and hosting from the same provider.

Interestingly, GoDaddy is both the most popular web hosting provider and the most popular domain registrar, which suggests a lot of people choose to use the same company. Since it’s such a popular choice, we expect to see more web hosting companies also offering domain registration in the future.

If you haven’t purchased a domain name yet, then please see our expert pick of the best domain registrars.

Shared Hosting Stats (Including Average Cost of Web Hosting)

Shared web hosting
  • Shared hosting plans typically cost between $2.51-$4.63 per month.
  • On average, an entry-level shared hosting plan will cost $2.5 –$3.72 per month.
  • Typically, you can expect to pay between $4.63–$6.52 per month for mid-tiered shared web hosting.
  • Experts predict that the shared hosting market will grow at 15% CAGR and reach $72.2 billion by 2026.
  • 75% of the websites on a shared hosting plan use GoDaddy.

Shared hosting is where multiple websites share a server. By hosting several sites on the same server, web hosting companies can reduce their costs and offer hosting at a lower price, as the stats show.

To help you decide whether shared hosting is right for you, we’ve published this guide on the real truth about the best shared web hosting services.

VPS Hosting Stats (Including Hosting Costs Per Month)

A VPS Virtual Private Server
  • You can typically expect to pay between $13.41-$21.89 per month for VPS hosting.
  • Entry-level VPS hosting costs $13.41–$15.57 per month.
  • For mid-range VPS hosting, the average cost is $21.89–$25.17. However, when publishing these figures researchers pointed out that the range is skewed by a small number of premium service providers.
  • 21% of the websites on a VPS hosting plan use GoDaddy.

Similar to shared hosting, VPS hosting runs multiple sites on the same server. However, VPS uses powerful virtualization technology to create a digital barrier between each site. This gives customers guaranteed access to a percentage of the server’s resources. They also have greater control over how their server is set up.

As we can see from the web hosting statistics, extra flexibility, security, and improved performance come at a cost. On average, even entry-level VPS plans are noticeably more expensive than shared hosting.

To help you choose the right VPS hosting plan for your budget, we’ve created a guide to the best VPS hosting.

Dedicated Hosting Stats (Including Web Hosting Market Size)

A web hosting server
  • In 2021, dedicated hosting had 25.5% of the global web hosting services market.
  • Dedicated hosting is predicted to grow at 11.1% CAGR throughout 2021-2026.
  • GoDaddy is the most popular dedicated hosting provider. When we look at all the sites that are known to use dedicated hosting, 35% of those websites use GoDaddy.

Dedicated hosting is where a single customer has private access to an entire server. Dedicated hosting plans are mainly used by big websites that get lots of visitors and need a high level of performance and security.

Dedicated plans are expensive, but they’re not the only way to create a top-notch website.

For example, if you’re using WordPress then there are lots of ways to boost WordPress speed and performance. Plus, you can use security plugins to help protect your site.

Web server software code
  • Nginx is used by 34.2% of all websites whose web server is known, making it the most popular server technology. Alipay, TikTok, and Zoom all use Nginx.
  • 31.2% of all the websites with a known web server use Apache. Some big names that use Apache hosting services include eBay, Spotify, Dropbox, and Salesforce.
  • 21.6% of all websites with a known web server rely on Cloudflare Server. This includes some big names such as Zoom, Indeed, Etsy, Discord, and Fiverr.

The web hosting stats show that over 50% of all websites use open-source server software.

Open source gives you the freedom to use, change, extend, and redistribute software without having to pay anything. Immediately, open source helps you run a website for less and creates a sense of community and collaboration that benefits everyone who uses the software. With that being said, it’s not surprising that it’s one of the major hosting trends.

As well as open-source server software, almost half of the web (43%) uses the WordPress open-source content management system. It’s clear that in 2022, the world wide web runs on open source.

For more details about open source and WordPress, you can check out our guides on why WordPress is free and how much it really costs to build a WordPress website.

AWS Web Hosting Market Share

The AWS Amazon website
  • Over 57 million websites use Amazon as their hosting provider.
  • 6.2% of all websites use Amazon as their host, which gives Amazon Web Services (AWS) the biggest share of the web hosting industry.
  • Some of Amazon’s most well-known customers are Reddit, Netflix, TikTok, Twitch, Zoom, and eBay, plus Amazon themselves.
  • Out of the top 1 million websites, 22.23% use Amazon as their provider.
  • 41.08% of the top 100K websites use AWS, plus 53.76% of the top 10k websites.

Amazon has the largest market share and is also clearly a favorite among high-traffic sites.

This popularity could be down to Amazon’s reputation, as they’re known to provide robust and scalable hosting to some of the biggest companies in the world.

In fact, Netflix alone uses over 100,000 Amazon server instances to deliver high-resolution videos to their customers.

GoDaddy Hosting Market Share

The GoDaddy web hosting website
  • Despite the name, the GoDaddy Group owns several web hosting providers including Host Europe and Media Template. When we look at the entire GoDaddy Group, 3.9% of all websites use one of the company’s hosting providers.
  • GoDaddy is the Group’s most popular brand. Out of all the sites that use the GoDaddy Group, 78.5% choose GoDaddy as their web host.
  • Over 41 million websites use GoDaddy’s data centers.
  • When we look at the top 1 million websites based on traffic, 2.27% use GoDaddy as their hosting provider.
  • 1.76% of the top 100K websites use GoDaddy, plus 1.78% of the top 10k websites.

GoDaddy may have a mixed reputation, but it still has a big market share and hosts over 41 million websites.

This may be because of how much GoDaddy spends on marketing, as they invested over $100 million during the second quarter of 2022 alone.

However, it’s always smart to consider all your options. With that being said, you may want to see our expert pick of the best GoDaddy alternatives.

Namecheap Pricing and Web Hosting Statistics

The Namecheap web hosting provider
  • Over 5 million websites use Namecheap as their host, which is 1.0% of all websites.
  • Out of the top 1 million websites, 0.75% use Namecheap as their hosting provider.

Namecheap is best known as a domain registrar, but they’re also a popular hosting provider since their plans are very affordable.

For example, Namecheap’s shared hosting plans start at $2.18 per month, which is low when compared to the shared hosting average of $2.51-$4.63.

As we’ve previously seen, Namecheap is also the second most popular domain registrar. For website owners who want to buy their domain and hosting from the same company, this makes Namecheap an attractive choice.

Hostinger Web Hosting Market Share

The Hostinger web hosting website
  • Over 1 million websites use Hostinger as their provider, which is 1.3% of all websites.
  • Out of the top 1 million websites, 0.5% use Hostinger as their hosting provider.

Hostinger may not have a huge share of the high-traffic market, but they have a significant slice of the wider web hosting market.

This is likely because they offer affordable, all-in-one hosting packages complete with 24/7 live chat support, managed automatic updates, a free CDN service, and free site migration. They also have a 1-click installer that makes it easy to install WordPress plus other popular software.

For a detailed look at Hostinger’s strong points and weak points, you can check out our expert Hostinger review.

WP Engine Group (Managed WordPress Usage Statistics)

The WP Engine website
  • 2.2% of all websites use one of WP Engine Group’s brands as their hosting provider.
  • 81.5% of all sites that use WP Engine Group, choose WPEngine as their provider.
  • Flywheel is used by 18.5% of all websites that use the WP Engine Group.
  • Some of WP Engine Group’s biggest customers include Indeed, Udemy, SoundCloud, and Mozilla.

WP Engine is one of the world’s leading managed WordPress hosting providers, used by 2.2% of all websites.

A managed hosting plan is perfect for busy website owners who want to avoid time-consuming admin tasks.

With its advanced security features, protection against DDoS attacks, and built-in CDN in partnership with MaxCDN, WP Engine is powerful enough to support larger businesses such as Mozilla and SoundCloud.

For more information, please see our expert review of WP Engine.

HostGator Web Hosting Statistics

The HostGator homepage
  • HostGator is part of the Newfold Digital Group, which was formerly known as the Endurance International Group. HostGator is the company’s most popular web hosting provider. In fact, HostGator is used by 30.8% of all websites that use a Newfold Digital Group brand.
  • HostGator is used by 1.4% of all websites.
  • Over 960,000 sites rely on Hostinger as their hosting provider.

With 1-click WordPress installation, a 99.9% uptime guarantee, and 24/7 support, it’s easy to see why HostGator is used by 1.4% of all websites.

They also offer shared hosting, Virtual Private Server hosting, dedicated hosting servers, and managed WordPress hosting plans, so website owners can choose the plan that works the best for them.

To see whether HostGator is right for you, check out our expert review of HostGator.

Bluehost Pricing and Web Hosting Statistics

The Bluehost special offer for WPBeginner readers
  • Bluehost is also part of the Newfold Digital Group and is the company’s second most popular hosting provider. Bluehost is used by 27.4% of all websites that use a Newfold Digital Group brand.
  • Over 2 million websites are hosted on Bluehost, which is 1.2% of all websites.
  • Out of the top 1 million websites based on traffic, just 0.39% use Bluehost.

Bluehost is an affordable hosting provider, especially when compared to the average prices we’ve seen earlier.

WPBeginner readers can get a 60% off discount with Bluehost. You can purchase a shared plan for just $2.75 per month, which is at the lower end of the $2.51-$4.63 average. Plus, it comes with a free domain name!

These affordable prices may explain why Bluehost is used by 2 million websites. As well as offering low prices, Bluehost is one of the few hosts officially recommended by WordPress.

To learn more about Bluehost, you can see an in-depth Bluehost review from our experts.

Shopify Hosting Stats

Shopify website
  • Almost 4 million websites use Shopify as their hosted solution.
  • In 2020, Shopify’s market share was just 1.8%, but by 2022 it was 4.4%. That’s an increase of 2.6% in just 2 years.

Shopify is a popular website builder, similar to Wix and Squarespace. Shopify has seen rapid growth from a 0.4% share of the web hosting market in 2016 to 4.4% in 2022. This is likely due to the rising popularity of online shopping, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

With physical shops closed around the world, many businesses needed to create an online store, fast. As a fully hosted eCommerce platform, Shopify saw good conversion rates and lots of new customers during the pandemic.

However, Shopify does force you to use its Shopify Payment platform. If you want to use a different payment processing solution, then you’ll need to pay an extra 2% transaction fee which is very high compared to other eCommerce platforms.

With that in mind, we may see Shopify’s growth slow as store owners start to look for more affordable Shopify alternatives. For example, we’re starting to see more people move from Shopify to WooCommerce.

Squarespace Web Hosting Stats

The Squarespace CMS
  • Over 4 million websites use Squarespace as their hosting solution, which means 2% of all websites use Squarespace.
  • When we look at the 1 million sites based on traffic, 0.69% of them use Squarespace.
  • 1.36% of the top 100k websites use Squarespace, plus 3.16% of the top 10k sites.

Similar to Shopify, Squarespace’s market share has grown very quickly. In 2016, Squarespace had just 0.3% of the market, but by 2022 it had 2.0%.

Despite this, today only a small percentage of the top 1 million sites use Squarespace. This could be because Squarespace forces customers to use its built-in drag and drop builder which can be restrictive.

Bigger organizations are more likely to choose a flexible hosting plan and open-source CMS such as WordPress, rather than a hosted solution and restrictive web builder.

For more information, you can see our guide on Square vs. WordPress – which one is better?


Internet Live Stats, Internet World Stats, GoDaddy, Global Industry Analysts, Fortune Business Insights, W3Techs, Statista, BuiltWith, Domain Name Stat, AWS.

We hope this ultimate web hosting statistics and market share report will help you find the best hosting provider for your website. You may also want to see our research on the latest blogging statistics as well as new marketing trends and stats.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post Ultimate Web Hosting Statistics and Market Share Report (2022) first appeared on WPBeginner.

45+ Web Design Industry Statistics and Latest Trends for 2022

Are you searching for the latest web design statistics and trends?

With over 1 billion websites on the internet, it’s important that your site is well designed and provides a great user experience for your visitors.

In this article, we’ll share the most up-to-date web design industry statistics. With these insights and trends, you can design a website that drives results for your business.

Web Design Industry Statistics and Trends

Big List of Web Design Industry Statistics and Trends

We’ve divided this list of web design statistics into specific categories to make it easier to navigate. You can jump to the section you’re most interested in using the links below.

General Web Design Statistics

General Web Design Statistics and Trends
  • Currently, there are around 1.14 billion websites in the world. 17% of these websites are active, and 83% are inactive.
  • WordPress is used by 43.2% of all websites on the internet. Behind WordPress, Shopify, Joomla, Squarespace, and Wix are the other top website builders.
  • 50% of consumers believe that website design is crucial to a business’s overall brand.
  • It takes about 50 milliseconds (0.05 seconds) for users to form an opinion about whether they like your website or not.  
  • 75% of people form their opinion of a website based on its design.
  • Given 15 minutes to consume content, 2/3rds of people would rather read something beautifully designed than something plain, according to Adobe. 
  • 38.5% of web designers believe that outdated design is a top reason why visitors leave a website.

The importance of web design is clear from these statistics. How your website looks can have a huge impact on your online presence and how people view your business.

Since 75% of people form their opinion of a website based on its design and it only takes them 0.05 seconds to decide whether they like it or not, it’s important your site makes a good first impression.

Luckily, with WordPress, it’s easy to create a beautiful website, even if you don’t have any design experience.

With WordPress.org, the most popular website builder platform, you get access to thousands of free and premium WordPress themes. Themes instantly customize the appearance of your site including the layout, color, typography, and other design elements.

Plus, you can also use drag and drop page builders to easily create custom designs, or even design a custom theme from scratch.

It makes sense why WordPress is used by 43.2% of all websites on the internet.

To get started with WordPress, see our detailed guide on how to make a WordPress site.

Mobile & Responsive Web Design Statistics

Responsive Web Design Statistics
  • People on mobile devices account for about half of the web traffic worldwide. In the second quarter of 2022, mobile devices (excluding tablets) generated 58.99% of global website traffic. 
  • 61% of internet users have a higher opinion of companies with mobile-friendly website design.
  • 73.1% of web designers believe that a non-responsive design is a top reason why visitors leave a website.
  • 57% of internet users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile. 
  • Decreasing mobile site load times by just one-tenth of a second resulted in major increases in conversion rates.
  • 32% of small businesses already have a mobile app, and 42% plan to build one in the future. On the other hand, 26% of small businesses are unlikely to ever release one.
  • 50% of smartphone users are more likely to use a company or brand’s mobile site when browsing or shopping on a smartphone because they don’t want to download an app.
  • Google introduced worldwide mobile-first indexing in 2018. This means that Google primarily uses the mobile version of content when ranking your webpages in search engine results.

Considering that mobile devices account for about half of the web traffic worldwide, it’s essential that your website design is optimized for mobile users.

To easily design a responsive website, you can use a WordPress theme to ensure that it looks equally great on mobile phones, tablets, and desktops. Check out our recommendations for the best responsive WordPress themes.

Aside from how your mobile website looks, you also need to consider how fast it loads. Increasing mobile site loading speed by just 1/10th of a second results in higher conversion rates.

See our guide on how to speed up WordPress performance to enhance the user experience, boost conversions, and improve SEO.

On-Page Web Design Statistics

On-Page Web Design Statistics
  • Photos/images (40%), color (39%), and videos (21%) were the top visual elements consumers appreciate in website design. 
  • When visiting a website for the first time, 22% of visitors look for eye-catching colors. But, 21% will leave a site because of outlandish colors. 
  • 46% of people say that their favorite color to see on a website is blue, while only 23% say their favorite color for website design is yellow.
  • While it’s an important part of web design, only 8% of respondents notice whitespace when viewing a website for the first time. 
  • Similarly, only 18% of consumers look at a website’s font styles when visiting their pages for the first time, despite the importance of typography.
  • 38% of people look at a website’s page layout or navigational links when visiting a website for the first time. 
  • Users spend an average of 5.94 seconds looking at a website’s main image. 
  • 88.5% of website designers reported that ‘Flat design’ is currently the most popular web design trend. It’s a simple design style that uses two-dimensional elements and bright colors.
  • According to a study by Small Biz Trends, 70% of small business websites lack a call-to-action (CTA) on the homepage. 
  • 51% of people think “thorough contact information” is the most important element missing from many company websites.
  • 84.6% of web designers said that crowded web design is the most common mistake made by small businesses.

The statistics above will give you an idea of what design elements your website visitors appreciate the most, as well as any elements you could do without, such as Google Fonts.

High-quality images, color, and videos are the top visual elements consumers appreciate in website design. But, 70% of small business websites lack a call-to-action on the homepage.

While your design might impress visitors, if you don’t have a call-to-action, you won’t be able to convert those visitors into leads or customers.

You can redesign your website for higher conversions by following this tutorial on how to add call to action buttons in WordPress.

UI/UX Web Design Statistics 

UI/UX Design Statistics
  • Good UI (user interface) can raise a website’s conversion rate by up to 200%, while a better UX design can raise the conversion rate by up to 400%.
  • Companies who invest in UX (user experience) can expect to see an ROI of $100 for every $1 invested.
  • 31% of people think that an engaging user experience is a top priority for website designs. 
  • 88% of users will never return to a website after a poor user experience.
  • Gen Z users prefer UX/UI design that is highly personalized and intuitive.
  • Millennials are familiar with technology and have a low tolerance for anything that doesn’t work as it should. 
  • Gen X users want a pain-free UX experience.
  • Baby Boomers prefer simple and easy designs.
  • 47% of visitors expect loading time to be less than 2 seconds.
  • Website speed statistics show that pages loading within 2 seconds have an average 9% bounce rate. For page load times of 5 and 6 seconds, the rates are 38% and 46%.

User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) are two common terms used in the web design industry. Both are important for creating a successful, user-friendly site design.

UI refers to the screens, buttons, toggles, and icons that a user interacts with when visiting a website. While UX refers to the entire interaction a user has with a website and how they feel about it overall.

As you can see above, Gen Z users prefer UX/UI design that is highly personalized. See this guide on how to show personalized content to different users in WordPress.

In addition, 31% of people think that an engaging user experience is a top priority for website designs.

There are multiple easy ways you can make your WordPress website more engaging. For example, you can add interactive content like conversational forms, infographics, or quizzes.

eCommerce Web Design Statistics 

eCommerce Web Design Statistics
  • 85% of shoppers say product information and pictures are important to them when deciding which brand or retailer to buy from.
  • 78% of shoppers want eCommerce sites to include more images on their product pages.
  • 60% of consumers rate usability as an important design characteristic for an online shop.
  • The percentage of users who will continue shopping because of great UX is 90%.
  • In 2021, 53.9% of all retail eCommerce is expected to be generated via mobile devices.
  • Slow-loading websites cost retailers $2.6 billion in lost sales each year.
  • 23% of small retail businesses don’t have a website and rely solely on their social media accounts.
  • 24% of small retail businesses without a website responded that their reason for not having one was that they don’t know how to create/run a website.

What’s surprising here is that 23% of small retail businesses don’t have a website because they don’t know how to create one.

Yet, 53.9% of all retail eCommerce was expected to be generated via mobile devices last year.

If your retail business doesn’t have a website, you’re missing out on a ton of sales.

Like we mentioned earlier, creating a website is easy with WordPress and WooCommerce. Simply follow our tutorial on how to start an online store for step by step instructions.

In eCommerce web design, 85% of shoppers say product information and pictures are important to them when deciding which brand or retailer to buy from.

To improve your WooCommerce design and generate more sales, read this tutorial on how to customize WooCommerce product pages.

Web Design Industry Statistics

Web Design Industry Statistics
  • In 2020, the total number of web developers and designers in the United States was around 178,900. By 2030, this number is projected to reach over 205,000.
  • Employment of web developers and digital designers is projected to grow 13% from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations.
  • The web design services market size in the US is 40.8 billion.
  • Do-it-yourself website builder platforms are currently worth $24 billion in the US. They also experience a 4.9% annual growth rate.
  • The median pay for web developers and digital designers was $77,200 per year, or $37.12 per hour, in 2020. 
  • A client looking for a custom WordPress site usually pays between $3,000 and $15,000 dollars to a remote freelancer. 
  • 80.7% of website designers take one month to design a website. 

Employment of web developers and digital designers is projected to grow 13% from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations.

WordPress developers are in especially high demand, since WordPress powers 43.2% of all websites.

If you’re interested in becoming a WordPress developer, you can get started by reading our guide on how to learn WordPress for free.

Another interesting statistic is that the cost of a custom WordPress site or theme is between $3,000 and $15,000 dollars.

But, if your small business doesn’t have the budget, you can easily create a custom WordPress theme with a plugin like SeedProd.

SeedProd is the best drag and drop website builder for WordPress. It allows even complete beginners to create custom WordPress themes and page layouts, without editing any code.

Plus, SeedProd comes with ready-made themes and templates, color schemes, font pairings, design-related blocks, and more.

To get started, follow this guide on how to easily create a custom WordPress theme.

List of Sources

Adobe, Top Design Firms, Google, Deloitte, Statista, GoodFirms, IBISWorld, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Digital.com, SWEOR, Siteefy, W3Techs, Toptal, HubSpot, Forrester, Small Biz Trends, KoMarketing, Wilderness Agency, WPEngine, IsItWP, Hootsuite, WebFX, Neil Patel

We hope these website design statistics will help you make the best design decisions, whether you’re designing a brand new website or redesigning an existing one. You may also want to check out our pick of the best web design software and best SMTP services to improve your email deliverability.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 45+ Web Design Industry Statistics and Latest Trends for 2022 first appeared on WPBeginner.

How To Price Your Web Development Services: The Definitive Guide

How do you price your WordPress development services? How do you avoid pricing yourself out of business? We surveyed our working web developer members to get the scoop and help you overcome the common dilemma of pricing.

Should you charge by the hour or per project? How do you come up with a quote? Maybe you offered a client an estimate and didn’t hear back?

Whether you’re a freelancer or starting your own web development business, if clients have ever found you overpriced, you’ve probably heard the following when asking around for advice:

“There’s no such thing as a market rate. Only you can decide what you’re worth.”

Or, maybe you don’t know how to price your services and decide that “bartering” is a great way to start your business…

“When I started this (WordPress) business, I exchanged a website for a 6′ fence around my property. The value of the fence was $3,000, so that’s what I got in exchange for their website.” – Phil, WPMU DEV Member

Yes, it’s all true, but it doesn’t generally apply to absolute beginner or intermediate-level freelancers or web developers running their own business.

Of course, if you have a shiny portfolio, or if your calendar is booked out for months in advance (because you’re that good) then sure, you don’t have to think about the going rates or what other people are charging.

The bottom line is, no one wants to work for peanuts. There’s a lot to consider when constructing your pricing model.

Fortunately, we have access to a 50k+ member community of web developers and we have gathered the information presented in this article through surveys and discussions.

Rather than talking about specific pricing and what to charge (which we cover in other articles – see links at the end of this article), in this article, we’ll go deep into how to set up pricing for your services so you can apply these ideas and come up with a pricing model that works for your business.

And so in this post:

  • We’ll show you a surefire way to price your projects so you’re never underpaid.
  • If you aren’t sure what your hourly rate should be, we’ll look at feedback we got from our web developer members, as well as looking at crowdsourced data and the going rates on popular freelance marketplaces.
  • We’ll also see some tools to help you validate your project estimate and ensure that it’s not way off the mark.
  • And in the end, we’ll see how you can meet your annual monetary targets using some cool freelance rate calculators.

Note: This guide is not for you if you’ve reached a point in your career where you can charge what you want. This guide is for you if you’re a freelance web developer or starting your own web development business.

Continue reading, or jump ahead using these links:

Fixed vs Adjustable Pricing

We recently approached our web developer audience and asked the question: How do you currently charge your web development clients?

It’s not cut and dry. Responses revealed some interesting results and patterns.

Fixed vs. adjustable? Is it best to have a set price, so you’ll know what you’ll make? Or, do you adjust accordingly – making the end payment vary?

Here are some insights that will help clear things up…

First, a positive factor of a fixed price is it’s straightforward for you and the client to understand.

There won’t be any guesses on how much the project will cost at the end of the day. Whereas an adjustable price – or hourly rate – may have sticker shock.

Or, the opposite of that might be severely undercharging.

“If you break down exactly what you do and how much time you spend on it, you will probably realize that you really do spend a lot of time on long-term clients, for which you must be compensated. If not, you’re doomed to that joy of the initial sale and payment, a nice dinner, and rent money, followed by the remorse of having demanding clients and overdue bills.” WPMU DEV Member – Tony G.

A scenario of a fixed amount would be if a developer charged a minimum of $740 for a blog-based website and $1000 for an eCommerce.

However, the client goes beyond the fixed amount, so the developer charges for add-ons (e.g., Google Search Console, maintenance, security, etc.).

Or several members mentioned it depends on the complexity of the project. It could range from $1,000 to $10,000. This is where you get into quoting (which we’ll get into next).

Whether you go with a fixed or adjustable price, make sure it makes financial sense, and you’re comfortable with your decision.

After all, there’s nothing worse than doing a development project when you feel like you’re being severely underpaid.

This takes us to another pricing structure, which is…

Hourly Rates

Hourly Rates ensure you’re getting paid for any time you put into your work. This includes everything from correspondence to actual work on a WordPress site.

A benefit is that you’ll capitalize on your time if a project takes longer than expected. That being said, a disadvantage of an hourly rate is if a task takes less time, you won’t earn as much as you originally anticipated.

Here are a few thoughts on this…

“For most projects, I do per-project, value-based pricing. I only use hourly for small things or ongoing maintenance work. Usually, it just ends up being what I feel makes sense – thinking about things like what’s the value, how much I need to be paid in order to care enough about it, how much are they able to afford, how much am I willing to simplify if they can’t afford much, will it contribute anything to my portfolio, do they even need what I offer, would it lead to more work, would I like working with them and will it be an enjoyable project, are there enough quality assets (photography, good copy, a usable logo, etc) available or am I going to have to lecture them about why we need better assets, what tools will I be able to use to build it and how much custom coding will I need to do, etc., etc. Eventually, I just pull a number out of thin air that I feel makes sense. Obviously, I know it’s not super scientific, but if we both feel the price is manageable and fair, then it doesn’t matter how much it is.” WPMU DEV Member – Greg

“Setting a price up front is great but be careful with this line of thinking: if your client asks you to justify your costs and you tell them your hourly wage is $20 because that’s what your up-front billing works out to, that’s all you’ll ever be able to charge them.” WPMU DEV Member – Phil

You can also include several services at once as a bundle. Packages are a great way to charge a higher rate and not chase after additional add-ons down the road.

Some great examples of bundled packages can be found in our additional services article.

There’s a way to incorporate fixed, variable, and hourly rates into the website of your service. The main point is it’s clear to your client what they’re looking for when it comes to costs.

Beyond the Hourly Vs. the Flat Fee Debate: Bottom-Up Estimating

Next let’s look at a helpful project estimating technique that applies seamlessly to all kinds of WordPress projects – “bottom-up estimating.”

What is it exactly?

Dick Billows from 4 pm explains:

“When the estimates of the amount of work, duration and cost are set at the task level, you can aggregate them upward into estimates of higher-level deliverables and the project as a whole.”

Basically, in bottom-up estimating, you list out all the tasks you expect to do as part of the project delivery and estimate individually for each of these tasks.

Next, you roll up these numbers to get the final project quote.

For example, for a WordPress site development project, the typical stages include:

  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Testing
  • Review
  • Client training
  • Content upload
  • Soft launch (and launch)
  • Post-launch support and maintenance

If we had to apply the bottom-up estimating technique to this, we’d further break down these stages into the actual tasks for each.

At the task level, here’s what this project could look like:


  • Plan IA
  • Sketch out a sitemap
  • Determine the technology stack
  • Understand the functionality to custom code
  • Understand the functionality to prove via plugins (with or without the customization)


  • Build the website
  • Install and fine-tune plugins


  • Check overall functionality
  • Check for broken links
  • Check sitemap
  • Check for access
  • Check performance metrics


Client Training

  • Show the client the way around the site
  • Explain updates and ways of uploading content

And so on.

Once you’ve broken down a project like this into individual tasks, the estimating begins.

And because this estimation technique takes into account every task of the project, it ensures that you’ve paid for all the work you do. Simple.

To apply the bottom-up estimating technique to calculate your project quotes, follow this simple three-step process:

Step #1: List each task you’ll have to perform as part of the project

Don’t skip even the smallest of all tasks. You’ll be surprised to realize how much work you actually put in.

Step #2: Determine how long each of these tasks will take

Don’t club any of the tasks together; add a time tag to each.

As you can tell, determining the right amount of time for the different tasks is critical to making this technique succeeds, which means that this technique will only work if you know how long you take to do the different steps.

But what if you don’t know how much time you take for the different project tasks?

Well, if this is the case, all you can do is guess the time requirements for all the tasks. And create an estimate based on the guesses.

When you make such “guesstimates,” it’s possible to be over-ambitious. You may think that you’ll choose the technology stack in five hours, but you might end up taking a full day.

So don’t go with your first estimate. Consider these three things:

  1. The best-case estimate (a)
  2. The most likely estimate (m)
  3. The worst-case estimate (b)

And your final estimate (E) becomes: (a + m + b) / 3.

(This is a type of three-point estimation.)

Remember: tasks will always take longer than you think!

Also, this whole guesstimation process will work for you for now, but if you want to give estimates that never fail, you need to know how much work you can get done in a period of time.

To find this out, use a time tracking tool. Toggl is a great option to consider.

It has apps for all major platforms, so you can track time even when you’re working locally. You can also set Toggl to launch when you start your laptop.

This way, you won’t forget to log your work hours. Also, with unlimited clients and projects, Toggl’s free plan will cover you fully.

Step #3 : Add up all the time estimates and multiply with your hourly rate

The result is your project estimate. Add to this estimate the time that goes into communicating and collaborating with your client – don’t discount this time because it can add up fast if it’s a big project that will involve a lot of discussions.

Some freelancers also recommend padding such an estimate out with a few extra hours, just in case.

So if you can only make nearly accurate time calculations and set the right hourly rate, the bottom-up pricing technique will never leave you underpaid.

Clueless About Your Fair Hourly Rate?

If you have no idea of what a fair rate will be with the skills and experience you have, try using Bonsai’s web developer hourly rate calculator.

Bonsai allows you to compare freelance rates, taking into consideration your locations and years of experience.
Bonsai allows you to compare freelance rates, taking into consideration your locations and years of experience.

The Bonsai rate calculator uses insights from more than 30,000 contracts to offer suggestive hourly rates for developers based on their roles, skills, experience, and location.

Bonsai states:

“Many factors go into pricing, and this [the rate calculator] should be one of several you use. It can be helpful as a directional indicator: are you above, below, or within the average? The data can also be used to justify your rates to clients.”

Keep in mind the calculator is just a tool – you will be the best person to determine what a fair rate is for your services.

Does Bottom-up Estimating Look like an Hourly Pricing Model to You?

Maybe you’ll argue that the pricing technique we saw above is, in fact, an hourly pricing module. And, of course, you’re not wrong or alone in thinking so.

A few WordPress developers don’t like this method of estimating. They recommend offering a flat rate for a project based on factors like:

  • The ROI the client will get from hiring your services – For instance, how hiring you will get the client an additional $XX each month).
  • The market or niche of the client – For example, “adjusting” the cost based on the client by considering if the client is a solopreneur or a C-level executive in a top company. Essentially, the same service will be quoted at two prices.
  • Availability – This means charging higher if you’re booked out, occasionally discounting if in need of work).

All this stuff is great, but as I mentioned earlier in this article it hardly applies to beginner or intermediate freelancers — especially those who haven’t yet developed the knack of pricing.

How to Confirm That You Aren’t Underquoting

The following tools will help somewhat validate your project quote. They aren’t 100% accurate, but if you’re grossly undercharging these tools should indicate that.

#1: Project Quote Calculator from WebPageFX

This handy calculator will help you come up with estimates for website projects, based on inputs you can adjust.
This handy calculator will help you come up with estimates for website projects, based on inputs you can adjust.

The Project Quote Calculator suggests rates based on a site’s specifications like the number of pages, features like responsiveness, functionality and more.

If you offer additional services like design, development, copywriting, and SEO packages, this tool will give you a reasonable idea of what to charge for your different packages.

#2: Crew’s Budgeting Tool

Crew has built a fantastic app for its clients to use when enquiring about new projects.
Crew has built a fantastic app for its clients to use when enquiring about new projects.

Calculating Your Pricing – What The Experts Say

When calculating prices to charge clients, there’s a lot to contemplate. Everything from your time, complexities, tools, and more comes into play.

“If the project doesn’t call for any special skills, I’ll bid it at $50 per hour. But if it will require 3d or video, or some kind of custom javascript, then I’ll charge between $75 and $100 per hour. I also consider who the client is, what they can afford, and how annoying they might be to deal with.” WPMU DEV Member – Kahnfusion

Any client with no clue about the timeline or complexities might be anxious about hiring a developer hourly. After all, as far as they know, a project could take thousands of hours and be way beyond their budget.

“Here’s how I sell my projects: I am quoting your website project at $6,000. I quote my projects in lump sum costs because I’m meticulous and regularly spend over 100 hours when building a website, making sure all details are accounted for. At my hourly rate of $100, it just wouldn’t be very fair to you to charge by the hour, which is why I’m quoting a lump sum cost for the website. Any additional extras or customization you’d like to do afterward will be charged hourly. This way, I just told them I am potentially going to spend 100 hours on their project, and at an hourly rate of $100 that’s a $10,000 value they’re getting for a lump sum of $6,000. Hopefully, they see the value in this, and it also prepares them to pay $100/hour for extras going forward.” WPMU DEV Member – Phil

A good rule of thumb is to get a good estimation of your client’s needs. Get as many details as possible before starting the project. Narrow down your quote and include a general time estimate on your website.

Here’s an excellent example from Upwork:

Project estimates for developers.
As you can see, a lot can be included to ensure you give your client a good quote.

Our members mentioned a handful of things to consider when quoting.

  • Be conscious of the costs on your end: internet, phone bill, hosting, domain, WPMU DEV, subscriptions, outsourcing, and person-hours.
  • Quote a bit lower ($5-8K instead of $18.5K) so your agency can make more money on going from upgrades, maintenance, etc.
  • Compare the cost of a basic install (WordPress, plugins, etc) to a new business site with a completely custom template and integrated features.
  • Set the price for the project up front by calculating the hours it will take.
  • Base a lot of the quotes on the size of the company. Larger companies get charged more.
  • Consider the number of pages or number of products for eCommerce websites

Once you have a nice idea about the scope of a project, it’s just a matter of adding up the numbers and figuring out how much to quote.

One of our members, Ed, from GETSET2G, put together an excellent spreadsheet for calculating costs on Google Sheets. You can change currencies, add information, and more.

Google sheets example of pricing
A snippet of a Google Sheets spreadsheet with calculations for project costs.

Quickly and easily develop a spreadsheet – or similar method using Google Docs, Microsoft Excel, or another spreadsheet source. It’s a very simplistic way to accurately figure out a quote.

But, let’s say you want to jazz things up a bit. Luckily, there’s…

Quoting Software

Beyond spreadsheets, there is software that can help with quotes. Some companies can help organize and implement quotes for you and your clients.

Of course, we have our Clients and Billing tool. It makes it easy to set up and bill a client, then have them pay online. We’ve talked about it in previous articles, such as How To Get the Most Out of Client Billing.

That being said, these companies are a bit different where they focus on quotes and billing. For example, they help focus on the actual presentation of the quote and the “wow” factor.

Here’s a quick rundown of three quoting services. (And please note, these companies are in no way affiliated with WPMU DEV. They have solid reputations, established, and we feel they make for good options.)


Scoro header.
Scoro is worth checking out for your quoting template needs.

Scoro is unique in several ways. They have predesigned templates for quotes, where you can quickly turn that quote into a purchase order, contract, or invoice.

A scoro quote.
There are a lot of details you can include in your quote.

Other aspects include tracking results in real-time, partial payment options, and organizing by teams.

There is no live demo on their website, but you can quickly request a demo with your email address.


Qwilr banner.
Qwilr is here to impress.

Qwilr is all about impressing your potential client with their proposal templates. They have options for embedded images, videos, websites, and more to show your potential client(s).

A quote from qwilr.
Here’s a snippet of a quote that can be used.

Plus, they have interactive quotes. This allows you to show your client what costs would be when additional services or projects are added.

They have an example template that’s available to view. It shows all the details and professionalism you can include in your proposal to make you stand out.


nusii header.
Lastly, Nusii has an impressive layout that can “wow” your potential clients.

Nusii is another option that can make you stand out from the competition. It has templates that can be modified in a few clicks, proposal notifications, and a save & insert option for your content, so you can eliminate rewriting.

nusei pricing options.
If a client selects these options, you’ll be notified immediately.

It also features integrations with companies like Zapier, Slack, HubSpot, Stripe, and more.

Check out their example template, and you’ll see how eye-popping your proposal can be with their help.

Some Pricing Questions That You Might Still Have…

1. “How much does the average WordPress developer charge per hour for their services?”

Or: “What’s the going hourly rate for WordPress developers?”

Most WordPress developers don’t display their hourly rates on their portfolios. However, here’s some information on the going rate for the best talents on the different freelance marketplaces. All hourly rates quoted below are in USD:

3. “How much should I charge to develop a WordPress site?”

Take the bottom-up approach, which we outlined above. If you aren’t sure about the time, guess. If you’re clueless about a feasible hourly rate, use Bonsai’s hourly rate calculator to get an idea.

4. Additional pricing information

In other articles, we cover pricing for services like:

Choosing Pricing Based on Your Income Goals

Now, you didn’t become a freelancer or start a web development business to live on a project-to-project or month-to-month basis.

You did so to lead a life of freedom! Which needs financial security. And you can easily get this if you charge your services in a way that supports your income goals.

Check out this freelance rate calculator. It will help you determine what your rates should be to meet your desired annual income target.

Just input your desired annual salary and details of what you’re currently charging. The freelance rate calculator will then give you an analysis of how you can meet your target.

Raising Your Rates

Unlike a typical 9-5, which ensures a regular pay check, what you bring in is determined by the rates you set.

And speaking of a regular job, would you want to work somewhere where your pay never goes up? The same goes for working as a developer.

You should raise your rates as your value increases with your clients and time goes by.

After all, your clients know that replacing you wouldn’t be great (and a pain), and you need to be paid what you’re worth.

Your clients “get” you, and you get them. It’s natural to raise rates, and you might find it surprising that it usually won’t scare clients (and they’ll happily pay you the new amount).

We’ll review how to do this – with insights from WPMU DEV members and more information from other sources.

How to Raise Your Rates

So, how is it done?

There’s a fine art to raising your rates. You can’t just send an invoice with an increased rate and expect your clients to pay without hesitation.

You can do a few things to ensure a smooth transition to a higher rate.

Allow for Plenty of Time

To start with, allowing time for the client to adjust to a higher rate is the most important thing you can do. Clients wouldn’t respond too positively to surprise rate increases.

Ensure that your rate increase is in writing. You can add the upcoming rate increase to a recent invoice (highlighted, if possible) and a separate email.

A subject line of “Notification of Rate Increase” or “Rate Changes” should suffice.

There’s no precise timeline, but a good 2-4 month notice is a good amount of time to let your clients know. This gives them months to adjust their budget and prepare. If you can let them know even sooner (e.g. 6-8 months out), that’s never a problem. The sooner the better so that a rate increase isn’t sprung on them.

Also, when you get a new client, let them know that you may (or will) increase your rates periodically. This way, it’s not surprising when a rate increase notification heads its way in the future.

Plus, do not increase new client rates too soon. A good practice is to keep them at the same rate for a year rather than increasing the rate – even if the rate is upped for existing clients.

A good working relationship with your clients is important before upping the price. Being as transparent as possible with your rate increases trust in your business – and you as an individual.

Limit Increase Amount

A big question is: how much should I raise my rates?

It’s a good question to ask yourself because there’s a lot on the line. You don’t want to raise them too high because then your clients might leave (e.g. more than 50%).

So, is there a magic number?

Limiting rate increases between 5% and 10% is a good rule of thumb. That’s not a huge percentage; however, it can add up quickly and won’t put an enormous financial burden on your clients.

How to Answer Your Clients on Why You’re Raising Rates

This is the part that can bring some anxiety and nervousness. It’s not easy to send an email mentioning a price increase. And the reality is that you might lose clients after raising your rates.

However, clients who trust you and know your worth will be okay with a price increase when you explain why it’s happening.

A common factor that pops up that justifies a rate increase is hidden costs. Things that you, as the developer, have to pay for DOES often change over time.

For example, you may need to pay for hosting or outsourcing your design work. Maybe it’s something as simple as you need a new computer system to handle the workload because your old system is outdated. Or, hosting costs went up, and you have to pay for covering the increase.

At the end of the day, you may still have an unhappy client. At that point, you can reflect on the work itself.

Are they happy with what you’ve done up to this point? If so, is it worth it for them to continue working with you? Ask them these questions.

As we mentioned, most good clients will accept and stay by your side if you follow what we’ve discussed (e.g. not upping the rate dramatically on short notice).

You may lose some clients or have a few clients hesitant to pay, but chances are, they will be the clients that aren’t the most valuable to you – and they’ll be few and far between.

How to Tell Clients About Increasing Rates

A simple email can do the trick. Or a phone call. Whatever is easiest for you and your clients. You know best how you communicate well with specific clients.

If you go the email route, here’s an example of what you can include:

Hello (Client Name):

When we started working with you, I mentioned raising my rates annually. I do this to cover increasing costs and to ensure I can fully provide you with the best service possible.

On (Date) I will be increasing my rates by 5%. This will be reflected in upcoming invoices.

I can’t thank you enough for your continued business. I enjoy the work I do with you and look forward to providing you with the best service in the future.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time.

Of course, this can be edited accordingly. However, in a nutshell, a brief explanation of why you’re increasing your rates, how much it will be when it occurs, and “thank you” is best to include.

How Other Developers Increase Their Rates

Here are some quotes from other developers (members) on how they handle increasing their rates:

“If any of my cost of Goods sold increases, I need to constantly adjust my pricing. And when I learn a new skill or gain more expertise, I raise my minimum project starting cost to new customers but marginally will increase it to the existing customer by winning the fact that I am upgrading their technology and their user experience and make them feel I am constantly updating them.” Rajiv – WPMU DEV Member

“Times demand changes in prices, and as we get better, we tend to charge better.” Fabio – WPMU DEV Member

“Market rises and dips? No. My own constantly improving skills & experience level? 1000000000% This is the primary and only reason why I increase my rates. I only do this to earn extra funds, so I invest in doing quality work every time and leverage that to increase my rates going forward.” Phil – WPMU DEV Member

“We have not adjusted prices due to changing skills. We were an established and experienced firm when we acquired the website group. We have increased prices over the years in response to the current market trends in our area and the fair salaries and benefits we provide our professional employees. Our current hourly rate for doing modification work on an established site is $102 / hour.” Jim W – WPMU DEV Member

“As my business has grown and I’ve become more sought out, I have been increasing the dollar value of my proposals. I haven’t had any pushback. I have also increased monthly hosting fees for a few of my early clients by $10/month, with no reaction whatsoever.” Brad – WPMU DEV Member

“The rate has always increased commensurate with value, and always lagging behind the market. We always try to keep existing clients at the same rate and just start new clients with the new rates. They appreciate this and it’s a part of the “endearing” long-term commitment that we have with one-another. When we have raised the rate for an existing client it was done with significant advance notice that gives them a chance to shop for different resources for the next project. They recognize that we give them that opportunity, again, because we are partnered with them to help keep their costs down while still using quality solutions. Since we continue to provide the quality solutions, they don’t feel a need to look elsewhere. It works for everyone.” Tony G – WPMU DEV Member

“I slowly raised my rates until I started getting pushbacks as I got started. I wanted to get to the point where I could charge what I need and deserve, while also being within my target clients’ budgets and can provide the value they need. I’ve also raised my rates as I built for my specific niche. What I have done is offer deferred payments to loyal clients who hit a rough month or with extraordinary circumstances. I’ve also offered split-payment plans for projects with higher investments. This helps the client get what they need and it helps me with recurring income over several months, which I prefer over a lump sum followed by little or no income.” Keith – WPMU DEV Member

The Price Is Right: Crunching Your Numbers

Knowing how to price feels nice!

Hopefully, this article has given you ideas on how to set your WordPress development business pricing so you don’t undersell your services and charge clients what you’re worth.

We’ve looked at quite a few numbers in this post, from hourly rates to project quotes to theme/plugin prices. Remember that they’re all subjective because pricing differs from project to project and from business to business.

For additional resources that will help you advance your web development business success, be sure to read our articles on eight ways to get new clients and our guide on the secrets to getting freelance work.

And if you’re not a WPMU DEV member yet, try our risk-free plan to implement these pricing ideas into your business with our complete all-in-one WordPress platform.

How to Disable Google Fonts on Your WordPress Website

Are you looking to disable Google Fonts in WordPress?

Loading too many third-party fonts can slow down your website. Visitors with a slow internet connection will have a better user experience if you use just a few system fonts. Plus, using Google Fonts can potentially make your site GDPR non-compliant, and no one wants that.

In this article, we’ll show you how to disable Google Fonts on your WordPress website.

How to Disable Google Fonts on Your WordPress Website

Why Disable Google Fonts on Your WordPress Website?

The typography you choose for your WordPress website plays an important role in its design and brand identity. That’s why many website owners customize their typography by using Google Fonts.

However, loading too many fonts will have a negative impact on WordPress performance. That’s why we recommend you choose just two fonts and use them across your website.

Alternatively, you can disable Google Fonts entirely and simply use the system fonts that come with user’s computer. They look great and load much faster, especially for users with a slow connection.

That’s why we decided to disable Google Fonts when we redesigned the WPBeginner website. We wanted to make it easy for everyone to learn WordPress and grow their online presence, even if your internet connection isn’t the best.

Disabling Google Fonts may not be the right decision for all business websites or blogs. However, if you have visitors from areas with poor internet quality, then this is one way you can provide a better user experience.

Also, there are privacy issues with Google Fonts that may make your website non-compliant with laws like GDPR. Disabling Google Fonts lowers the risk your site will be caught in violation of any international privacy laws.

With that being said, let’s take a look at how to disable Google Fonts in WordPress.

Disabling Google Fonts in WordPress With a Plugin

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Disable and Remove Google Fonts plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, the plugin will automatically disable all Google Fonts used by your theme and plugins. It doesn’t need to be configured.

Now WordPress will automatically use a default font in place of any Google Fonts that were being used. You should carefully check your website to make sure you are happy with the fonts that are now being used.

If you would like to choose different fonts, then see our guide on how to change fonts in your WordPress theme.

Disabling Google Fonts in OptinMonster

OptinMonster is the best lead-generation plugin for WordPress, and over 1.2 million websites use the software to grow their email list, increase sales, and get more leads.

However, OptinMonster uses Google Fonts by default. Luckily, it’s easy to disable them.

Disabling Google Fonts in Individual OptinMonster Campaigns

First, you should visit the OptinMonster website and log in to your Campaign Dashboard. After that, you need to click on a campaign and then click the Edit Campaign button.

The OptinMonster Campaign Dashboard

This will open the OptinMonster Campaign Builder.

Next, you need to click the Settings icon at the bottom left corner of the footer bar.

Click the OptinMonster Settings Button

In the sidebar panel, you need to select the Advanced tab.

Now you can scroll down to the ‘Display Settings’ section and toggle ‘Enable web fonts?’ to the off position.

Toggle the Enable Web Fonts Toggle Off

Once you click the ‘Save’ button at the top of the screen, third-party fonts will be disabled for that campaign.

You will need to repeat these steps for each other campaign you want to remove Google Fonts from.

Disabling Google Fonts For All OptinMonster Campaigns

If you are comfortable with adding JavaScript code snippets to your site, then you can disable Google Fonts on all OptinMonster campaigns at once.

To disable Google Fonts in every campaign, you need to add this snippet in your website’s header or footer:

<script type="text/javascript">
	document.addEventListener('om.Scripts.init', function(event) {
	event.detail.Scripts.enabled.fonts.googleFonts = false;

If you want to disable all web fonts, including Google Fonts and FontAwesome, then you should add this code snippet:

<script type="text/javascript">
	document.addEventListener('om.Scripts.init', function(event) {
	event.detail.Scripts.enabled.fonts = false;

The easiest way to add those code snippets is with WPCode, the most powerful code snippet plugin available for WordPress. It lets you easily add custom code to any area of your site, and best of all, it’s free.

First, you need to install and activate the free WPCode plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Once activated, you need to go to Code Snippets » Headers & Footer.

Simply paste the code snippet in the Header field and then click the ‘Save Changes’ button.

Adding a JavaScript Snippet Using WPCode

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to disable Google Fonts on your WordPress website. You may also want to see our ultimate WordPress security guide, or check out our list of ways to make money online blogging with WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Disable Google Fonts on Your WordPress Website first appeared on WPBeginner.

Webinar vs. Webcast

Whether you’re growing your personal brand, showcasing your knowledge, or promoting your business, webinars and webcasts can help you achieve your goal.

And while the two terms are often used interchangeably, they’re actually slightly different.

A webinar is an online seminar or educational presentation, usually led by a single speaker. Webinars are interactive, which means participants can ask questions and engage with the presenter in real time.

A webcast, on the other hand, is more like a broadcast. It’s a one-way presentation that’s streamed live, without the opportunity for audience interaction.

In this article, we will examine the key differences between webinars and webcasts. We’ll also explore when you should use each one to achieve your desired outcome.

The Top-Rated Webcasting Services to Host a Live Event

Now that you understand the key differences between webinars and webcasts, it’s time to choose the best live event solution for your needs.

Here are our favorite webcasting services:

If you want to see which one would be best suited for your needs, you can read our full reviews of each webcasting service here.

What Is a Webinar?

Also known as an online or web seminar, a webinar is a type of online presentation that participants attend over the internet.

Typically, webinars are led by a presenter who shares audio, video, and/or text content on a given topic while participants listen and follow along in real time. Many webinars also allow participants to ask questions and interact with the presenter during the live event.

Webinars can be used for a variety of purposes, such as providing training and continuing education, delivering product demonstrations, or presenting company updates.

Some webinars are also open to the public and serve as marketing or lead generation tools.

No matter the purpose, webinars offer a convenient way to reach a large audience without everyone having to be in the same physical space.

What Is a Webcast?

A webcast—also called a live stream—is a live video broadcast that is streamed over the internet. Webcasts serve several purposes, such as delivering lectures, conferences, or product demonstrations. They are also a popular way for gamers, content creators, and celebrities to connect with their fans.

Webcasts can take the form of public lectures, interviews, panel discussions, or music concerts and can be streamed live. Sometimes, viewers can also access them on-demand later.

Unlike traditional television broadcasts, which are limited to a specific geographical area, webcasts can be heard or seen by anyone with an internet connection. This makes them an ideal way to communicate with a large audience, whether for educational purposes, marketing purposes, or entertainment.

With the popularity of smartphones and other portable devices, webcasts are also becoming increasingly mobile, meaning that they can be enjoyed anywhere, at any time.

The Basics of Webinars vs. Webcasts

As you can see, webinars and webcasts are fairly similar. Let’s take a look at what makes them different.

1. Webinars are usually gated events, while anyone can view webcasts

One of the main differences between webinars and webcasts is that webinars are usually gated events. That means participants must sign up or register in advance to access the live event. In some cases, there may even be a paywall.

On the other hand, webcasts are generally open to anyone with an internet connection. All they have to do is go to the website or platform where the webcast is hosted (e.g., Twitch, YouTube, Facebook Live) and start watching.

Gating webinars can be a good way to generate leads or collect data about potential customers. But it also means that only a small fraction of the people who see your marketing materials will actually end up attending the live event.

If your goal is to reach as many people as possible, then a webcast might be the better option.

2. Webinars emphasize two-way engagement, while webcasts are usually one-way broadcasts

Webinars are designed to be interactive, with participants engaging in real-time with the presenter (or each other). This could take the form of questions and answers, polls, chatrooms, or even hands-on exercises.

Since webinars are often used for training or educational purposes, this two-way engagement is essential for ensuring that participants are actually learning and retaining the information being presented.

Webcasts, on the other hand, are usually one-way broadcasts. The focus is on delivering information (or entertainment) to the audience, rather than engaging with them. Of course, some webcasts do include a chatroom or Q&A session. But these are typically secondary to the live video feed and consist primarily of users’ comments.

So, if you’re looking to create an interactive experience for your audience, then a webinar is probably the way to go. If you just want to deliver a lecture or share some information with as many people as possible, then a webcast is probably a better option.

3. Webinars can be internally- or externally-facing events, while webcasts promote brand awareness

Webinars are primarily used for internal communications, such as employee training, or external communications, such as marketing to potential customers. They are also a way of delivering a keynote speech remotely or demoing a new product to interested buyers.

In this way, they mostly focus on nurturing leads and building relationships with customers (or potential customers).

Webcasts, on the other hand, are all about promoting brand awareness. By broadcasting live events to a wide audience, businesses can increase their visibility and reach potential customers they wouldn’t have access to.

If you’re looking to build relationships with customers or generate leads, then a webinar is a good option. A webcast might be a better choice if you’re trying to increase brand awareness through entertaining live-streaming video content.

4. Webinars are usually educational or thought-provoking, while webcasts are typically entertaining

Most of the time, people host webinars to educate someone on a certain topic or provoke thought and discussion around an issue. For example, you might host a webinar on how to use your product, or invite an expert to give a presentation on the latest industry trends.

Similarly, webinars are often used as a panel discussion platform where a group of experts debate a topic or share their different perspectives.

While webcasts can also be educational, they are more likely to be entertaining in nature. For example, you might host a webcast concert featuring live music performances, or broadcast a live event like a conference or a product launch.

Similarly, an online streamer or content creator would host a webcast to entertain their audience with live-streaming video content.

So, if you want to educate or engage in thought-provoking discussion with input from your audience, then a webinar is probably a good option. If you’re looking to connect with your audience in a one-sided, entertaining way, then a webcast might be better.

3 Tools to Improve Your Webinars and Webcasts

Now that we’ve gone over the key differences between webinars and webcasts, let’s take a look at some tools you can use to improve your events.

No matter what type of event you’re hosting, these three tools will help you deliver a better experience for your audience.

1. ClickMeeting

If you want to monetize your webinars or offer paid webinars, then ClickMeeting is a tool you should consider. With ClickMeeting, you can create registration forms and password-protected events to keep your content secure. You can also start charging for webinars with their built-in ecommerce features.

Screenshot of ClickMeeting home page

ClickMeeting not only makes it easy to generate revenue from your big online events by allowing you to break the webcast into segments and sell tickets for each one but also provides many payment processor integrations so selling tickets is a breeze.

If you prefer, you can connect ClickMeeting with Eventbrite or Zapier. And if you don’t want to use any of our pre-existing integrations, no problem! You can easily create your own custom portal using ClickMeeting’s API.

The tools you have access to with ClickMeeting make any webcast or webinar that you want to host much more professional.

Plus, with ClickMeeting’s screen-sharing capabilities, you can show your audience exactly what you’re talking about as you’re presenting. This is a great way to keep your audience engaged and ensure that they understand your message. Get started now.

2. Twitch

Twitch was once only popular with gamers who wanted to live-stream their gaming sessions, but it has since become a go-to platform for all types of content creators.

While Twitch is mostly known for its live-streaming capabilities, it’s also a great tool for hosting webinars and webcasts.

Screenshot of Twitch home page

The platform has built-in chat features that allow you to interact with your audience in real time, and you can also use its screen-sharing features to show your audience what you’re talking about.

Plus, Twitch provides a great way to build an engaged community around your brand. If you’re looking for a tool that will help you connect with your audience on a deeper level, then Twitch is a great option.

To get started on Twitch, all you need to do is create a free account and start live-streaming your content.

If you want to take things to the next level, you can also sign up for their affiliate program, which gives you access to additional features and tools.

3. Rev

Rev is an automated webinar transcription tool that can transcribe your webinars and webcasts for you. Once your webinar is over, you can send your recording to your attendees with the transcription attached.

Screenshot of Rev home page

This is a great way to make sure that your audience can access your content even if they can’t attend the live event–or if they’d like to see it again.

Plus, having transcripts of your webinars and webcasts can be valuable for marketing and SEO purposes. If you need fresh content ideas, your webinar transcripts can be a great starting point. Get started with Rev now.

3 Tricks for Hosting Great Webinars

Once you have the necessary software and tools in place, it’s time to start thinking about how you can make your webinars even better. Here are three tips:

1. Invest in high-quality audio and camera equipment

You must invest in great audio quality to succeed in your webinars or webcasts. This means using a microphone to pick up your voice clearly and investing in a good internet connection.

You also need to make sure that there’s no background noise in the room where you’re recording. If possible, use a separate room for your webinars or webcasts.

In addition to audio quality, you also need to make sure that your video is high-quality. This means investing in a good webcam and ensuring that there’s enough light in the room.

If you want to take things to the next level, you can even hire a professional video team to help you with your webinars or webcasts.

2. Engage with your audience

One of the most important things to remember when hosting a webinar or webcast is to engage with your audience. This means interacting with them in the chat, taking questions, and making sure that they’re involved in the conversation.

The more you can engage with your audience, the more likely they are to stick around until the end of your webinar or webcast.

Plus, engaging with your audience is a great way to build relationships and create a connection with them. If they feel like they know you and they can trust you, they’re more likely to do business with you in the future.

If you aren’t sure how to structure your webinar to make it more inclusive, here is a good template:

  • Introduction: Who you are, what you’ll be talking about.
  • The Main Event: This is where you get into the meat of your presentation, which can be broken up into multiple sections.
  • Q&A: This is where you take questions from your audience.
  • Conclusion: Thank your audience for their time, give a brief overview of what they learned, and let them know how they can contact you in the future.

3. Closely monitor your webinar KPIs

If you want to get the most out of your web broadcasts, you’ll have to focus on continuous improvement. The only way to do this is by closely monitoring your webinar KPIs (key performance indicators).

Some of the most important webinar KPIs include:

  • Email open and click-through rates: This metric will tell you how many people are actually opening and clicking through the links in your webinar emails.
  • Registration to attendance rate: The number of people who registered for your webinar divided by the number of people who actually attended will show you how successful your promotion was. 
  • Audience engagement: How engaged your audience is during your webinar can give you insight into how well it was executed. Are they asking questions? Are they interacting in the chat? If not, you’ll want to pinpoint where to improve.
  • Webinar completion rate: This number will tell you how many people who start your webinar actually finish it.
  • Survey scores and feedback: If you want to get an accurate picture of how your webinar went, you need to survey your audience and ask for their feedback.
  • Sales or leads generated: This is the most important metric for most businesses if you’re looking for new prospects with your streaming efforts. If your webinar didn’t generate any sales or leads, then it wasn’t successful.

By monitoring these KPIs, you can identify areas where your webinars need improvement. For example, if you notice that your email open rates are low, you may need to work on your subject lines. Or, if your survey scores are low, you may need to make some changes to your content or delivery.

By making small tweaks and improvements over time, you can gradually increase the quality and results of your webinars. And, as you become more experienced, you’ll naturally get better at them.

What to Do Next

Once you’ve begun to stream webinars or webcasts, you’ll want to get better at promoting them, so you can get more people to register and attend. You’ll also want to keep improving them so your audience gets more of what they like.

Here are a few posts that can help you with that:

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