How To Convert double To int In Java?

In this article, we will see how we can convert a double to an int.

In Java programming, you will have a double primitive value (ex 82.14), but to do the further operations you need an int value (ex. 82) so let’s see how to convert double to int in Java.

Importing a CSV file with hex data.

I have a table with the following fields:

    drawing INT NOT NULL,
    blockID INT NOT NULL,
    entityID INT NOT NULL,
    style INT,
    txt VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    attrib INT);

My csv file contains the data:

19  1CB2    E49 2   CLIENT MODULAR  1C2A
19  1CB4    E4C 2   100 - 500 MICRON    1C2D
19  -1  E50 2   USERNAME    1C31
19  1CBA    E51 2   15.8.2020   1C32
19  1C16    E58 2   PLANT   1C39

I'm using the following SQL to import the CSV file:

LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/_P2.8Q9nJ4_/text' INTO TABLE text (drawing,@blockID,@entityID,style,txt,@attrib) SET blockID=UNHEX(@blockID),entityID=UNHEX(@entityID),attrib=UNHEX(@attrib);

But this is the result:

| drawing | blockID | entityID | style | txt                                       | attrib |
|      19 |       0 |        0 |     0 | CLIENT MODULAR                            |      0 |
|      19 |       0 |        0 |     0 | CLIENT UG - 2 MODULAR PILOT PLANT         |      0 |
|      19 |       0 |        0 |     2 | 100 - 500 MICRON                          |      0 |
|      19 |       0 |        0 |     2 | USERNAME                                  |      0 |
|      19 |       0 |        0 |     2 | PLANT                                     |      0 |
|      19 |       0 |        0 |     2 | 15.8.2020                                 |      0 |

What is the correct way to import a CSV file into my table?

Optimizing Memory Access With CPU Cache

Nowadays, developers pay less attention to performance because hardware has become cheaper and stronger. If developers understand some basic knowledge about CPU and memory, they can avoid simple mistakes and it is easy to improve the performance of their code.

At the end of this article, I also ask a question that I do not know the answer to, so any suggestions are welcome!

Why this code is not inserting the data on my SQL database

$query = "INSERT INTO 'user-profiles' ('name', 'avatar', 'description', 'votes', 'pay_methods', 'location', 'user_id')
VALUES ('sadj', 'qwesad', 'sadqwdqw', '0','sadsad', 'sadasdsad''4')";

$resultprof = $this -> conn -> query($query);

votes and user_id are INT columns, and user_id is a foreign key.

Making this insert on mySQL directly it works perfectly, but on my PHP the "success" is false....