Docker Image Tutorial

In this article, I'll show you how to build and run a Docker image. Docker is a valuable tool for developing and deploying applications. It can seem complicated when you're first getting started, so I'll map out the process step-by-step for you. I'll be using Python code examples, but you can easily adapt this tutorial to your language of choice.

Install Docker

If you want to follow along, you'll need a system with Docker installed on it. For a Windows or macOS desktop, you can download and install the program from the Docker Desktop website. With Linux, you can install it using the package manager for your distribution. I'll be using examples from the Linux command line, but they'll be simple enough that you can adapt them to Windows or Mac.

How to Install Docker on Ubuntu 18.04

In this article, you’ll install and use Docker Community Edition (CE) on Ubuntu 18.04. 


  • Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit operating system.
  • A user account with sudo privileges

Installing Docker

The Docker installation package available in the official Ubuntu repository may not be the latest version. To ensure we get the latest version, we’ll install Docker from the official Docker repository. To do that, we’ll add a new package source, add the GPG key from Docker to ensure the downloads are valid, and then install the package.

Deploying KillBill/Kaui on OpenShift


In this tutorial, we will guide you step-by-step on how to deploy three separate pods (the Kubernetes equivalence of a container) for KillBill, Kaui, and MariaDB on an OpenShift cluster.

Step 1: Install Docker

The recommended way of installing Docker and Docker Compose is via Docker’s repositories, for ease of installation and upgrade tasks.