Collective #624


A great real-time website privacy inspector that will reveal the specific user-tracking technologies on any given website.

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Buttons that Spark Joy

The web certainly can’t have enough of these: Aaron Iker’s buttons that are mini celebrations. In this article you’ll learn how they are made.

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3D Room

Amazing CSS work by Ricardo Oliva Alonso: a 3D room with great lightning.

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Content delivery networks (CDNs)

This article provides a comprehensive overview of content delivery networks (CDNs). In addition, it explains how to choose, configure, and optimize a CDN setup.

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Mono Icons

A simple, consistent open-source icon set designed to be used in a wide variety of digital products. Read more about it in this article.

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The post Collective #624 appeared first on Codrops.

Collective #612

60 Days of Animation

The Undead Institute offers books on HTML, CSS, Responsive Design and more that marry humor, excellent teaching, and brain-lodging practice for an experience that’ll outlive the apocalypse.

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A new community for tech enthusiasts to share, learn, and build their careers.

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The design systems between us

Ethan Marcotte shares his thoughts on why he believes that design systems haven’t brought rich, cross-functional collaboration to most organizations.

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With Profiled you can create a developer portfolio from your GitHub account.

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Is WebP really better than JPEG?

According to Google, WebP is 25 – 34% smaller than JPEG at equivalent quality. But how much of it is really true? Find out in this article by Johannes Siipola.

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The post Collective #612 appeared first on Codrops.

Collective #606

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WebGL guide

Maxime Euzière’s complete, summarized WebGL tutorial, with tiny interactive demos in each chapter.

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DOM diffing with vanilla JS

Previously, Chris Ferdinandi explains how to build reactive, state-based components with vanilla JS and in this article he shows how to add DOM diffing to a component.

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Collective #606 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

Collective #600

Our Sponsor

Be: Affordable top value for your website

In times like these, you need an affordable Multipurpose WordPress theme that easily adapts to any website. Be Theme offers you 500+ pre-built websites and almost infinite possibilities for the lowest one-time fee.

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Ash’s Smooth Scroll

ASScroll is a hybrid smooth scroll setup that combines the performance gains of virtual scroll with the reliability of native scroll.

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Create your free animated product mockup with Animockup to create videos and animated GIFs for social media, landing pages, Dribbble, and more. Check out the GitHub repo.

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Fix an overloaded server

Katie Hempenius explains how to determine a server’s bottleneck, quickly fix the bottleneck, improve server performance, and prevent regressions.

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In case you didn’t know about it: A great collection of HTML DOM management techniques using vanilla JavaScript.

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An alternative to templating and generating complicated HTML. With flat-html you write a series of statements of what each element should be set to.

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Collective #600 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

Collective #596

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A fluid responsive design project by James Gilyead and Trys Mudford.

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A unique portfolio with endless scenes to play with. By Marco Gomez.

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An extremely fast file and directory name linter with full unicode support.

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Why Svelte

Learn why the folks of Felt Co-op is choosing Svelte for large web projects in 2020.

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With Snapfont you can instantly preview any Google font, local font or a custom font on a live website.

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Jitsi Meet

In case you didn’t know about it: Jitsi Meet is a fully encrypted, 100% open source video conferencing solution.

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Collective #596 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

Collective #577

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Mix and Jam

André Cardoso started a gamedev journey and shares it by creating videos and making all of the code available.

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A free and open-source tool to easily transform any image or photo into a multi-colored SVG file. Created by Vincent Will with Next.js.

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Bot Land

Bot Land is an automated strategy game where you have to create bots, write scripts, and battle other players.

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From Our Blog

Case Study: Akaru 2019

In this creative breakdown you will learn how the signature WebGL oil effect of the new Akaru website was created.

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Collective #577 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

Collective #567

Our Sponsor

Black Friday Is Coming

Not only do you get the best deal ever on Divi memberships and upgrades, but you can also win a Mac Pro worth over $6,000!

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Pika Registry

Pika is a new kind of package registry and code editor for package authors. Open for early access.

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Tetris & Snake

Can you play Tetris and Snake at the same time? Try it in this cool experiment by Grégoire Divaret-Chauveau.

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Legra is a small JavaScript library that lets you draw LEGO like brick shapes on an HTML canvas element.

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Collective #567 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

Collective #556


Top-level await

Read about top-level await that makes it possible to use the await keyword outside of async functions in JavaScript modules.

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Dark mode

Jeremy Keith shares how he implemented a dark mode for his website.

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Dashdash is a new spreadsheet tool with access to business data and APIs through integrations with Crunchbase, LinkedIn, Mailchimp, Google Maps data, easily usable with the fresh templates feature.

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In case you didn’t know about it: Moveable is draggable, resizable, scalable, rotatable, warpable, pinchable, groupable and snappable. A super useful script.

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Tania Rascia’s plain text notes app in progress. Built with React, Redux and TypeScript.

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After the release of Wasmer-JS, Aaron Turner now introduces, an online WebAssembly Terminal to run WASI modules directly in your browser.

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The box model is not layout

Kilian Valkhof argues that if we keep referring to our imaginary perfect layout system in design tools as “box model”, we risk getting the wrong thing.

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A Figma-ready collection of original macOS cursors to be used in design projects.

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Collective #556 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

Collective #548


Our Sponsor

The Ultimate WordPress Page Builder

You’ve never built a WordPress website like this before. Divi is more than just a WordPress theme, it’s a completely new website building platform that replaces the standard WordPress post editor with a vastly superior visual editor.

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Simplicity (II)

Bastian Allgeier on the lessons learned while working on very old projects and how the post-build-process era brought dependency hell.

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Can I email

A very useful site that offers support info on more than 50 HTML and CSS features tested across 25 email clients.

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A generative art tool that lets you play with light in a way you never have before. By Jared Forsyth.

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Add depth using a 3D camera view to your web page with CSS3 3D transforms. By Mingyu Kim.

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In case you didn’t know about it: Cables is a tool for creating beautiful interactive content. With an easy to navigate interface and real time visuals, it allows for rapid prototyping and fast adjustments. Currently in public beta.

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End-to-end machine learning project showing key aspects of developing and deploying real life ML driven application.

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Collective #548 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

Collective #522



An extensible low level carousel for the web, written in TypeScript.

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Px is a tiny 2D canvas framework for turn-based puzzle games.

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Collective #522 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

Collective #514


SVG Will Save Us

Sarah Drasner shows some great things we can do with SVGs in this PerfMatters Conference 2019 talk.

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CSS-Only Chat

An insane project that shows how it’s possible to achieve an asynchronous chat that sends and receives messages in the browser with no reloads and no JavaScript.

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Formation is a shell script to set up a macOS laptop for design and development.

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Collective #514 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

Collective #490



A JavaScript tool for adjusting size, leading, and grades to cast continuously responsive typography. It works over your current CSS as a progressive enhancement.

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FormVuelar is a set of predefined Vue form components which are designed to automatically display errors coming back from your backend.

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Mixkit is a curated gallery of high-quality videos and animation, made by some of the world’s most talented creators, with all content licensed for free.

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A brilliant little script that adds opacity to the body tag and increases it every day until the site completely fades away.

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In this demo by Hakim El Hattab you can move your mouse, or swipe on a touch device, to navigate through the stars.

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Collective #490 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.