Trunk-Based Git Model

What Is Trunk-Based Development?

To create high-quality software, we must be able to trace any changes and, if necessary, roll them back. In trunk-based development, developers frequently merge minor updates into a shared repository, often referred to as the core or trunk (usually the main or master branch). Within trunk-based development, developers create short-lived branches with only a few commits. This approach helps ensure a smooth flow of production releases, even as the team size and codebase complexity increase.

  • Main branch usage - Engineers actively collaborate on the main/master branch, integrating their changes frequently
  • Short-lived feature branches - Goal is to complete work on these branches quickly and merge them back into the main/master branch
  • Frequent integration - Engineers perform multiple integrations daily
  • Reduced branching complexity - Maintain simple branching structures and naming conventions
  • Early detection of issues - Integrations aid in identifying issues and bugs during the development phase
  • Continuous Delivery/Deployment - Changes are always in a deployable state
  • Feature toggles - Feature flags used to hide incomplete or work-in-progress featuresTrunk-Based Development
Trunk-Based Development (Image Source )

Benefits of Trunk-Based Development

Here are some benefits of trunk-based development:

Performance Reviews Are A Waste of Time

At least weekly, I am asked for feedback or thoughts on a recent commercial interaction, most obviously for one-time transactions with a company rendering services; e.g., lawn service, gutter cleaning, teeth cleaning, financial, etc. Year over year, these requests increase (prefaced with, "And anything other than 5's is considered a failure...") and you start questioning the value-add. Tipping is a form of review. Returning or repeating customers are definitely a review of the services provided. Is there any actual value?  But I digress. . .

Image Source: "White Collar, c. 1940 - Linocuts by Giacomo G. Patri" by Thomas Shahan 3 is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Differences Between Site Reliability Engineer vs. Software Engineer vs. Cloud Engineer vs. DevOps Engineer

The evolution of software engineering over the last decade has led to the emergence of numerous job roles. So, how different is a software engineer, DevOps engineer, site reliability engineer, and cloud engineer from each other? In this article, we drill down and compare the differences between these roles and their functions.

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As the IT field has evolved over the years, different job roles have emerged, leading to confusion over the differences between site reliability engineer vs. software engineer vs. cloud engineer vs. DevOps engineer. For some people, they all seem similar, but in reality, they are somewhat different. The main idea behind all these terms is to bridge the gap between the development and operation teams. Even though these roles are correlated, what makes them different is the scope of the role.

Face Recognition With AI: How To Develop Smart Surveillance

Face scanned with facial recognition technologyImage Source:

Face recognition technology has been evolving and aiding the development of intelligent surveillance systems. These systems allow organizations to monitor a group of individuals or people for security purposes and have enhanced security for different purposes, including number locks, pattern locks, and fingerprint sensors.

How Is AI Used in Android App Development?

AI or Artificial Intelligence can be regarded as one of the most intriguing technologies that have been introduced in recent times. One can expect the AI industry to grow to $20 billion within the next couple of years. Consequently, this innovative technology is being adopted by many companies at present. 

Image Source: Google

Besides adopting AI technology, these companies are likewise trying to use it for the benefit of the folks. In this article, we discuss the role played by AI in Android app development at present.