Skyrocket Performance Up To 126% With Our New High Frequency Hosting Plans

The newest and fastest architecture available in our hosting range, discover the incredible performance benefits of our revolutionary High Frequency hosting plans.

As if our award-winning and highly rated managed hosting wasn’t already amazing enough…

Now we’ve taken it to the next level by introducing 7 brand new High Frequency (HF) plans that give a whole new meaning to performance.

What makes these plans different? How powerful are they? And why should you consider High Frequency Hosting?

All is answered in this article, as we give you the lowdown on our newest high-octane creations and put them to the ultimate test.

Here’s what we’re covering:

What is High Frequency Hosting?

Over the years, we’ve introduced many new plans to our hosting lineup, but these High Frequency plans are an entirely different beast.

Because although they’re built on the same powerful infrastructure as our other plans, they have a completely different hardware setup.

This is what sets these plans apart and allows them to handle more traffic load, perform tasks at a higher speed, and execute operations more effectively (more on that soon).

Here’s a quick look at the next generation technology behind our HF plans:

3GHz+ Intel Xeon CPUs

High Frequency plans are powered by blazing-fast 3GHz+ Intel Xeon processors that are made specifically for sites requiring uncompromising performance.

This cutting edge processor greatly outperforms standard CPUs, which for context, typically fall within the 2GHz range.

NVMe SSD storage

Having next level CPU speed doesn’t mean much if your local disk storage can’t keep up.

This is the advantage of NVMe SSD storage, which unlike regular SSD storage, has the capacity to match the enhanced CPU throughput.

Combine these two hardware elements, and you have a recipe for high-performance architecture that seamlessly handles increasing requests and maintains reliability as your hosted site’s workload continues to grow.

You and your clients also get to enjoy the following benefits:

  • Better and faster user experiences – Superior CPU and disk performance ensures smooth and blazing-fast user experiences with absolute minimal site downtime and disruption.
  • Scale hosting seamlessly – HF servers are designed to accommodate and effortlessly scale with increasing website demand. Plan upgrades are also easy and affordable.
  • Stand out from the crowd – Give your hosting services a competitive edge and target clients seeking high-performance solutions.

But enough about the tech and what performance benefits High Frequency ‘should’ give you.

Next, we will truly put them to the test, so you can see how powerful they really are for yourself.

Putting High Frequency To The Test

Before launching these new plans to the world we had to be sure they lived up to their name.

So, our expert hosting team arranged a set of tests to see how these plans performed in real-world scenarios compared to our regular plans.

We decided to test two crucial categories when it comes to hosting performance: CPU performance and disk performance.

Here’s how it went down:

CPU Performance: High Frequency vs Regular Hosting


For the first two tests in the CPU performance category, we simulated multiple people visiting our website’s cached and uncached home page using the ‘Maintain client load’ method.

For the third test we simulated users adding a product to their cart on our website multiple times using this same load method.

All three tests involved scaling up page visitors to a targeted max client count, specific to each plan, within five minutes. During this time, each client repeatedly made requests, simulating high-traffic website use.

The best plans handle more requests and have a lower (faster) average response time.

Here’s how it all went down:

1. Load test for increasing traffic on *cached* home page

CPU Performance: High Frequency vs Regular hosting plans
CPU Performance test (home page – cached): High Frequency vs Regular hosting plans.

Here is the test data:

A table showing the results of our cached home page test

The Results: Up to 108% performance increase!

  • 40-108% increase in requests handled (Regular vs. HF plans)
  • Improved average response time across the board, including over half the average response time (Bronze Regular vs. Bronze HF)

2. Load test for increasing traffic on *uncached* home page

CPU Performance: High Frequency vs Regular hosting plans (home page - uncached)
CPU Performance test (home page – uncached): High Frequency vs Regular hosting plans.

Here is the test data:

A table showing the results of our uncached home page performance test

Results: Up to 126% performance increase!

  • 61-126% increase in requests handled (Regular vs. HF plans)
  • Improved average response time across the board, including almost half the average response time (Bronze Regular vs. Bronze HF)

3. Stress testing PHP with repeated add-to-cart simulations

CPU Performance: High Frequency vs Regular - add to cart
Results from stress testing PHP with repeated add-to-cart simulations.

Here is the test data:

a table showing the results of our add to card performance test

Results: Up to 108% performance increase!

  • 51-108% increase in requests handled (Regular vs. HF plans)
  • Improved average response time across the board, including a 33.19% speed increase (Bronze Regular vs. Bronze HF)

Disk Performance: High Frequency vs Regular Hosting


For this performance test category we used the FIO (Flexible I/O) tool to perform random read and write operations on the disk.

The higher read/write speed = better upload/download. Faster read/write also means increased database performance.

Testing disk performance through random read/write operations

A table showing the results of our read/write testing

Results: Up to 2.79x performance increase!

  • 1.7-2.78x increase in Read speed (Regular vs. HF plans)
  • 1.71-2.79x increase in Write speed (Regular vs. HF Plans)

Deploy High Frequency Hosting in Minutes

Satisfied that High Frequency can deliver the power, speed, and reliability you’re looking for?

Then check out our new range of HF plans, which, despite the groundbreaking features and performance, offer incredible value for buyers and resellers.

We have a total of 7 plans which scale based on your needs, and you can easily move between plans as well.

Another easy way to try High Frequency, or any of our hosting plans, is through our Agency membership, which automatically gives you $144 worth of free yearly hosting credit, and access to exclusive VIP pricing.

Every WPMU DEV product or plan also comes with an automatic 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, so no matter which option you decide to take, it will be completely risk free.

We hope you are as impressed and excited by our new range of plans as we are. It’s a massive step forward for our hosting, with even more exciting improvements coming in 2024 to look forward to!

Build a Blockchain PoC Application Using Hyperledger Fabric

This piece is about my experience in creating a blockchain PoC application for land and title recording on blockchain leveraging Hyperledger Fabric (HF) blockchain platform. It may benefit those who just got started on HF or intend to learn it, and for those who are already experienced in HF, it may offer another equally viable option. It’s pretty long, but for readers who are interested in blockchain technology, your time will be well spent.

Let us first set up our goal and see how we can achieve it.