How to Use Golden Masters to Check Web Apps With ReCheck

Check everything at once and create unbreakable tests. Recheck is a Golden Master-based, open-source test framework on top of Selenium that comes with powerful features. Let's take a closer look.


  • Easy creation and maintenance of checks for web
  • Semantic comparison of contents
  • Easily ignore volatile elements, attributes, or sections
  • One-click maintenance to update Golden Masters with intended changes
  • No unexpected changes go unnoticed
  • Operates on top of Selenium
  • Makes your tests unbreakable
  • The Git for your GUI


Instead of manually defining individual aspects that you want to check, check everything at once. So instead of writing many assert statements — and still not have complete checks — write a single re.check(). This saves a lot of effort when creating tests. And it makes sure to not miss unexpected changes.

How to Connect Your MongoDB Deployments to Robo 3T GUI at ScaleGrid

Robo 3T (formerly Robomongo) is a popular desktop graphical user interface (GUI) for your MongoDB hosting deployments that allows you to interact with your data through visual indicators instead of a text-based interface. This open source tool has cross-platform support and actually embeds the mongo shell within its interface to provide both shell and GUI-based interaction.

As a highly-popular GUI leveraged by our MongoDB hosting customers, we’re providing this tutorial on how to quickly connect your ScaleGrid deployment with Robo 3T.