Redistricting and Gerrymandering

I've been following the latest efforts (in the US) of the GOP to unfairly redraw electoral boundaries and was considering how simple a law could be worded to ensure a more fair allocation of electoral districts. What I came up with is:

  1. All boundary lines must consist of straight line segments
  2. No district may contain an inside angle of greater than 180 degrees
  3. No district may have a major axis greater than 1.5 times its minor axis

I chose the 1.5 number as a starting point. Do the above three restrictions effectively eliminate the tetris/dragon style maps?

Guns and violence

Why is it that when nine innocent Americans get shot and killed by gangs in Mexico, Tom Cotton says the US should basically invade Mexico and clean thisi mess up. But when 40,000+ (2018) get killed by guns in the US the GOP just shrugs its collective shoulders and say "there's nothing we can do"?

Never mind. I already know the answer to that.