#234: React Grids

Show Description

Cassidy is on to talk about powering the grids on CodePen with React to make them faster and future feature friendly!

Time Jumps

  • 02:05 Updating the Instagram page
  • 07:51 Moving to a new stack as a team
  • 10:18 Speed improvements
  • 18:12 Sponsor: WooCommerce
  • 19:35 Future feature in the works

Sponsor: WooCommerce

WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that brings eCommerce to your WordPress sites. It's unique in its customizability and flexibility. You can use it to sell physical products, digital downloads, memberships, services, and tickets, plus offer customers lots of different ways to pay, including things like Apple Pay and Bitcoin powered by Stripe.

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#214: Babel 7

CodePen recently upgraded to Babel 7 for both our development team and our members. Cassidy and Marie talk about what that means for you in your CodePen editor.

Time Jumps

  • 00:38 Upgrading to Babel 7
  • 01:46 What is Babel?
  • 03:25 How it was added to the CodePen editor
  • 05:00 Brining back infinite loop detection
  • 06:32 What can we do now with Babel 7?
  • 09:33 Moving to a less verbose future
  • 14:01 Is it your bug or ours?
  • 15:56 Sponsor: Netlify
  • 16:47 How did we bring Babel to CodePen?

Sponsor: Netlify 15:56

[Netlify](https://www.netlify.com/?utm_source=codepen&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=css-0418, the powerful and awesome web host we all know and love, now is offering AWS Lambda functions built right in. You make a folder for all your functions, and they become relative paths you can hit to execute those functions. One reason you might wanna do that? Keeping your third-party API keys safe! Just another ingredient that make your fast static sites... not so static.

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The post #214: Babel 7 appeared first on CodePen Blog.

#208: Tagging

Cassidy and Marie talk about a tiny detail that improved how we handle our GitLab issues: tagging.

Time Jumps

  • 00:42:08 The history of CodePen tagging
  • 05:31:07 Can you have too many tags?
  • 14:23:12 Sponsor: Jetpack
  • 16:44:07 Giving descriptions to tags in Gitlab
  • 19:49:07 How does this compare to other places?
  • 23:03:20 Frequently occuring tag for customers
  • 26:11:12 Send us feedback on this episode

Sponsor: Jetpack 14:23

Jetpack brings a wealth of features to your self-hosted WordPress site as one of the best no-brainer plugins for WordPress there is. One feature I just recently used for the first time was the video hosting and video player. I had a video clip that I just wanted to drag and drop into a blog post like I would an image, but it was a little too big. Fortunately I just uploaded it through WordPress.com, it was magically available in the Media dialog on my self-hosted site, and it worked perfectly.

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The post #208: Tagging appeared first on CodePen Blog.

#204: Sidebar Engineering

Show Description

In part 2 of our discussion of our new sidebar, Cassidy, Rachel, and Marie are on to talk about the development side of building out the sidebar including how the QA process went before it was released.

Time Jumps

  • 00:39 Guest introductions
  • 01:42 Planning for the sidebar
  • 05:33 How do we use GraphQL?
  • 11:29 Sponsor: WooCommerce
  • 12:19 Moving towards Reactification
  • 18:05 Bug testing and QA

Sponsor: WooCommerce

WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce platform on the web. Use WooCommerce to sell anything from luxury mattresses and cupcakes, to date-driven sales like kayak lessons, to one-off items like beautiful hand-crafted jewelry.

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The post #204: Sidebar Engineering appeared first on CodePen Blog.