News for Android Developers: Google Revises App Development Guidelines

In an attempt to improve Android apps' security and overall performance, Google has come up with revised Android app development guidelines. Home to 3.5 million apps, the Google Play Store now takes a step further for protecting apps to account for better customer experience.
Android app development companies and dedicated Android developers are trying to understand the revised guidelines issued by Google. Let’s learn about it in detail:

3 Updates From Google for Android Developers

Android developers need to update themselves with 3 major changes from Google that support their future goals:

Scanner or Scammer: Analysis of CamScanner Vulnerability

One of the most popular photo-scanning apps with OCR capabilities, CamScanner was recently found out to be riddled with nasty malware.

An estimated 100 million of CamScanner users may be affected as a result of this threat. After a series of negative reviews on the Google Play Store by users who observed suspicious behavior on the app, Kaspersky researchers investigated and discovered the malicious components of the application. Reportedly, one of the app’s advertising libraries contained the malware component.

Google Gives Devs More Play Store Power

Android app writers are about bathe in newfound powers within the Google Play Store. A handful of features will improve star ratings, ease the process of dealing with user feedback, customize their landing page, and force app updates even when the app is in active use. Here's the skinny.