Why WPBeginner Switched From Mailchimp to Drip – 4 Reasons

A few months ago, we switched our email marketing tool from Mailchimp to Drip. Many of our email newsletter subscribers have asked us to write about why we decided to switch.

When it comes to email marketing, choosing the right email marketing service that meets your needs is really crucial.

In this article, we will share 4 reasons why we switched from Mailchimp to Drip and how they help us deliver more personalized emails, automate our marketing campaigns, and more.

Note: This article is part of our WPBeginner Insider series, where we introduce you to the products we use at WPBeginner. We publish WPBeginner Insider every other Thursday.

Why WPBeginner switched from Mailchimp to Drip


In our early days, Mailchimp turned out to be the best bet for our email marketing needs. Over the years, we’ve grown from being the largest free WordPress resource with a team of 3-4 members to a software business run by 300+ people.

As we grew, we needed an email marketing service that is both easy to use and comes with all the essential email automation tools for our growing demands.

On the other hand, most of our sister brands, like WPForms, OptinMonster, and AIOSEO, had already been using Drip, which offers superior email automation tools compared to Mailchimp.

After careful consideration, we finally decided to move our WPBeginner email list from Mailchimp to Drip.

4 Reasons Why We Switched From MailChimp to Drip

Whether you are running a blog, an online store, or just about any business, choosing the right email marketing service for your needs is fundamental to your success.

Our top priorities for email marketing software include customer segmentation and personalization settings.

That being said, let’s jump into the specific reasons we made the switch from Mailchimp to Drip in the first place.

1. Better Segmentation Features

Mailchimp is one of the most popular email marketing tools. But as we grew our email list, we realized that there were a lot of limitations that would keep us from growing.

And one of those is Mailchimp’s limited segmentation feature.

Email segmentation means breaking up a list of subscribers into smaller, targeted groups so that you can send them the most relevant information.

Generally, it’s better to create lists based on demographic and behavioral data, including content users have clicked on, the optin form where users have signed up from, and past purchases.

Drip segment emails

Rather than sending all types of content to everyone, you can send hyper-personalized emails to a specific set of people.

With email segmentation, you can:

  • Increase open and click-through rates.
  • Achieve higher conversion rates and return on investment (ROI).
  • Boost revenue (In fact, 77% of ROI comes from segmented, targeted, and triggered campaigns).
  • Receive fewer unsubscribes.
  • Improve email deliverability.

In Mailchimp, you can’t segment your list based on email engagement, like opening an email and clicking a link that leads to a certain page.

In fact, how users engage with your content is like a vote of confidence as to what type of content and products or services they want to buy from you.

Mailchimp does track opens and clicks, but they are only shown in the reporting dashboard and cannot be used as a tool for automatic segmentation.

At WPBeginner, that meant we couldn’t pinpoint exactly what type of emails you enjoyed reading and send more helpful content you’d find valuable.

On the other hand, Drip allows us to segment our email list based on an if-then command. For instance, if one of our subscribers clicks on a specific link in an email, then we can tag them as someone interested in that topic.

If-then command Drip

Plus, it allows us to manually segment subscribers when needed. That gives us the flexibility to send the right messages to the right people.

This is a big reason why we agreed to go with a Mailchimp alternative instead.

2. Better Personalization

Email personalization is a strategy that customizes email content to the specific behaviors, interests, and preferences of the individual recipients.

It goes well beyond simply addressing their name in the body content or subject line.

When done correctly, it should speak directly to the person’s wants and needs. As a result, they are more likely to open your email, interact with it, and even make a purchase if you are selling a product.

We felt limited by the personalization options provided by Mailchimp.

They do offer merge tags, which means you can dynamically replace content within an email with the data you have stored about a subscriber, but they are limited.

On the other hand, Drip can do all of that and so much more with their Liquid tags. For instance, you can personalize the email based on subscribers’ tags, their behavior, the time when the automated email was sent, and more.

3. Better Email Automation Features

Email automation means using predefined rules to trigger email messages based on specific actions that your subscribers take or don’t take.

As a marketer, your job is to get your audience from point A to point B. For example, you might focus on building trust with a newsletter subscriber to get them to purchase a product.

Drip allows you to automate your email strategies based on a feature called workflows. With workflows, you can visually design how you want to schedule your email marketing campaigns.

drip workflows

From the above screenshot, as you can see, when this workflow is turned on, someone who subscribes to your email list will receive an email after 2 minutes of subscription only if they haven’t placed an order before. With Drip workflows, if you can dream an idea, then you can build an email campaign the way you want.

We combine workflows with our email series to send custom-built email campaigns for specific audiences.

4. Minimalistic User Interface

Since email marketing platforms can feel overwhelming at first, a simple and straightforward user interface (UI) is very important for the user experience.

Mailchimp has quite a dated, clunky feel to it and tends to cram a lot of options on one page, making it more difficult to find what you are looking for.

mailchimp campaign creation

Alternatively, Drip has a cleaner, more modern UI and allows you to access all the essential features with just a click.

We believe you don’t have to be an email marketing specialist to use Drip since everything is templated and drag-and-drop.

drip campaign

Final Thoughts – Drip Review

Drip works well for our specific email marketing needs, especially since our list has grown substantially over the years. With their tags, you can create laser-targeted segments. With workflows, you can visually plan and execute how you want your email campaigns should be.

We recommend Drip for businesses that want to grow their email lists, especially for online stores, since Drip connects with all the major eCommerce platforms and allows users to track revenue metrics.

But we understand that Drip isn’t for everyone. It might be too advanced if you are a business with a small email list or just getting started with your newsletter. In that case, you may want to choose Constant Contact instead.

We recommend Constant Contact because they offer all the essential features that you need to get started with your email list at an affordable price.

We hope you found this article helpful in finding out why we made the switch to Drip. You may also want to check out our blog on how to create an email newsletter the right way or our list of easy ways to grow your email list faster.

Full Disclosure: We didn’t get paid to write this Drip review. It’s simply a platform that we enjoy using, and we want to share our thoughts on why we prefer it over Mailchimp. That way, we can provide the most value to our readers. We do include an affiliate link to Drip, so if you use our link, then we will get a small commission. That being said, we only recommend services that we believe will truly make a difference in your business.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post Why WPBeginner Switched From Mailchimp to Drip – 4 Reasons first appeared on WPBeginner.

6 Reasons Why WPBeginner Switched to SiteGround Hosting

Earlier this year, we switched WPBeginner website to SiteGround web hosting. Several readers noticed the change in our footer area which now says “WordPress hosting by SiteGround” and asked us to write about why did we make the switch.

When it comes to running an online business, choosing the right web hosting platform for your needs is crucial for your success.

In this article, I will share 6 reasons why we switched to SiteGround, and how they helped us boost WordPress speed, improve reliability, and implement a better workflow.

WPBeginner Loves SiteGround


Since I launched WPBeginner in 2009 (almost eleven years ago), our blog has grown to become the largest free WordPress resource site for beginners.

When I first started WPBeginner, I used shared hosting by HostGator. As the site grew, we upgraded to a VPS, then a dedicated server, and even a custom built cloud infrastructure six months ago.

During these years of running WPBeginner and growing my portfolio of companies, I have tested and used just about every major website hosting platform.

Even today, I have both active and test websites on many different hosting platforms, so we can stay updated with new features each company releases. This helps us make the right recommendations to our users based on their needs / budget.

However, over the last 3 years, we have been switching many of our big websites to SiteGround’s Enterprise hosting infrastructure.

WPBeginner was one of the few big sites of ours that hadn’t made the switch to SiteGround, and it just kept becoming harder and harder to resist the temptation.

SiteGround team simply kept innovating, delivering VIP customer service, and building unique tools to make the hosting experience better for both our users and our team.

And in January 2020, after 10.5 years of existence, WPBeginner website has finally switched to a new host, SiteGround.

6 Reasons Why We Switched to SiteGround

When it comes to WordPress hosting, the most important factors for me are: speed, reliability, support, and tools that improves dev workflow.

Below are the top 6 reasons why we switched to SiteGround hosting.

Note: we’re on SiteGround’s Enterprise Hosting which is built and optimized specifically for our needs. Although a lot of the similar things are also offered on their various hosting plans.

1. SiteGround is now on Google Cloud Platform (Fully Managed)

SiteGround is on Google Cloud Platform

As a hosting enthusiast, when SiteGround CEO, Tenko Nikolov, first told me about this news I was excited beyond words. It was really hard for me to keep this a secret for this long.

Previously all SiteGround customer websites were hosted on one of their data centers either in USA or Europe. The private data center providers did a great job with keeping up with new hardware technologies, but the switch to Google’s Cloud Platform is a game-changer.

It simply unlocks a lot of performance and reliability improvement since Google has a state-of-the-art network.

The best part is that SiteGround made this platform improvement available for all their customers (not just Enterprise users). Yes, this means that even if you signup for their starter WordPress hosting plan ($3.95 per month), you’re going to be hosted on Google’s Cloud Platform.

This is a huge deal because you get all the benefits of scaling and resource management without worrying about behind the scenes stuff (since the entire setup is managed by SiteGround).

It’s a fact that Google and Amazon offer top-notch cloud platforms. The challenge is that they’re not easy to use for small business owners which is a huge disadvantage.

SiteGround is now leveling the playing field for small businesses by helping them compete with the big guys. This aligns with our core values at WPBeginner and Awesome Motive.

2. Maximum Uptime with Multi-regional Failover Setup

Reliability and site uptime is a huge priority for us because it impacts user experience.

Imagine going to a store in the middle of the day only to see a temporary closed sign. It’s an extremely frustrating experience, and you simply move on to a different store.

This is exactly how users feel when they visit a website that’s experiencing downtime.

SiteGround’s Enterprise team used Google Cloud Platform to design a reliable multi-regional failover setup for us.

This means that in rare situations when a specific Google datacenter region experiences downtime, our website traffic will be routed to a different region, so our readers always have the best experience.

3. The Best-in-Class Enterprise Support Team

SiteGround Enterprise Support

Quality support is a very important factor when choosing a web hosting company. This is why many businesses pay extra for managed WordPress hosting, so they can get their problems resolved faster.

My various companies collectively spend several hundred thousand dollars every year on hosting related expense (yes that’s multiple six figures per year). Our costs are high because we serve billions of impressions monthly across our websites.

Depending on the size of the site, I have websites on shared hosting companies, VPS platforms, dedicated servers, and even many managed hosting platforms.

No one comes close to offering the level of support that SiteGround does. Just read these 3900+ SiteGround user reviews from WPBeginner readers, and that’s for their regular hosting plans (not the enterprise plan).

On the Enterprise plan, we have a personal account manager along with a 24/7 dedicated Enterprise engineer team.

When I say 24/7, I really mean it. Their enterprise support is offered through a Private Slack Channel where we can use the @here tag which pages the engineer on duty to respond. Their response times are nearly instant, and the engineers are true experts.

We also have direct personal phone access to the enterprise team as well in case of emergencies during holidays.

Other enterprise hosting companies that we work with also offer Slack support, but their paging system and availability isn’t up to par with SiteGround.

4. Development Workflow that Scales

Our team has various testing and deployment workflows that require custom setup, permission control, etc.

Over the last 3 years, SiteGround enterprise team has worked alongside our developers to not only build new workflows but improve existing ones to ensure the smoothest process.

Not to mention, they have built custom tools to improve speed and reliability of our various websites based on the specific platform needs.

5. Faster Go to Market with Native Google Services

One of the biggest advantages of using a cloud platform like Amazon or Google is their native services.

Instead of wasting time developing and managing custom solutions, SiteGround uses Google’s native services to solve the problems faster and more reliably.

For example, Google’s Cloud SQL has simply replaced the custom MySQL cluster management software which has made things way more efficient.

Instead of using an internal alert and monitoring system, SiteGround is using a smart Google Stackdriver integration to monitor each virtual machine instance from various regions, so we can ensure maximum uptime with automated failover.

We also swapped out WPBeginner blog search with Google’s Custom Search API, so you can now see WPBeginner site search results without any of the Google Ads that were shown previously.

There are also plans to use other Google Cloud services as we expand to unlock performance and reliability improvements.

6. Reduced Costs and Complexity with Maximum Performance

Just six months ago, I wrote a blog post highlighting a custom infrastructure that we built with our previous hosting provider. While the setup was powerful, it introduced a lot of costs and complexities when it came to management.

Since SiteGround enterprise team has worked with us over the last three years on our eCommerce websites, and they regularly work with other enterprise clients as well, they have streamlined a lot of the processes.

Their team knows how to unlock maximum performance improvements without introducing complicated services.

Our front-end website (that readers see), stayed blazing fast as always. But we unlocked massive performance improvements on the back-end and uncached pages.

On average, we’re seeing between 72% to 100% improvements on uncached pages.

Here’s a screenshot of the admin load time:

WPBeginner Admin Speed on SiteGround Hosting

Final Thoughts – SiteGround Review

I first started testing and recommending SiteGround in 2013. Since then, I have seen them make significant improvements to their platform while maintaining top notch customer service.

In 2015, I switched one of my other popular blogs to SiteGround. At the time that blog received few hundred million pageviews annually (I sold that website in 2018).

After I saw how efficiently SiteGround managed that website, we slowly started moving our other sites on SiteGround.

In 2017, we signed up for their Enterprise Hosting plan to start moving our eCommerce websites. Over the last three years, our CTO and lead developers have worked closely with SiteGround.

Their team including Hristo, Daniel, Ivan S, and Ivan Y have earned our trust time and time again. You know it’s true when a paying customer (me) sends you a Christmas gift basket.

That’s why when we re-evaluated our technology stack after last Black Friday sales, it was an easy decision for me to finally move WPBeginner and few other sites over to SiteGround, so they can be managed by the same expert team.

While WPBeginner is on SiteGround’s enterprise hosting plan, I also have few websites on their shared hosting and two sites on their dedicated servers.

I highly recommend SiteGround for websites of all sizes. Whether you need WordPress hosting, specialized WooCommerce hosting, or even custom enterprise hosting solution like the one we have, you’ll get the best service.

All their plans are now running on Google Cloud Platform, they offer dynamic caching + speed optimization, a guided setup wizard, along with staging and other smart workflow tools.

The best part is their pricing is extremely competitive in all areas. Startup plans are $3.95 per month, and their GoGeek plan is $11.95 per month which is 70% lower than other managed hosting platforms.

If I were to rate SiteGround, I would give them a perfect 5 out of 5.

I hope you found this article helpful. If you’re thinking about switching web hosting and want a hosting provider that will make your website fast while offering top notch support, then definitely check out SiteGround.

Full Disclosure: No we did not get paid to write this SiteGround review. We’re happy paying customers of SiteGround. They have a referral program available for all their customers, so if you decide to use SiteGround by clicking on our referral link in this article, then we will get a small commission. However we only recommend services that we personally use and believe will add value to our readers.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 6 Reasons Why WPBeginner Switched to SiteGround Hosting appeared first on WPBeginner.