7 Best Crowdfunding Plugins for WordPress

At WPBeginner, we’ve helped many nonprofit and small business projects get off the ground, and we’ve seen how the right crowdfunding tools can make all the difference.

Sifting through the many crowdfunding plugins for WordPress can be a headache, and let’s face it: not all plugins are up to par. The right tool allows you to easily launch and scale your campaigns with minimal difficulty or fees.

That’s why we’ve done the research and put together a list of the best WordPress crowdfunding plugins so that you can find the right fit for your next venture.

Best Crowdfunding Plugins for WordPress

What Is a Crowdfunding Plugin, and Why Do You Need One?

Fundraising can be a challenge, especially for entrepreneurs and small businesses. You might have the perfect business plan and website, but that doesn’t matter if you don’t have the funds to start it.

That’s where crowdfunding comes in. It involves raising awareness about a new business venture that you are considering developing and getting small contributions from people.

Rather than go to sites like Kickstarter and IndieGoGo, which take a cut of your funds and restrict your ability to add customizations, a crowdfunding plugin gives you full control.

There are many advantages to crowdfunding in WordPress, such as:

  • Access to capital: Crowdfunding allows you to get access to capital when it may not be feasible or easy to secure funding from traditional sources like banks or other lenders.
  • Market validation: By presenting your idea to the public, you can gauge the interest and see if your product is something that people would actually pay for. For example, you can accept donations and include a survey form so that your team can collect valuable feedback from contributors.
  • Audience building: Crowdfunding allows you to reach a large number of people so you can generate awareness and build an audience. Those who contribute to your campaign will likely be loyal customers and advocates. It’s a good idea to use a plugin like MemberPress so you can give contributors a place to share their thoughts and ideas in a private forum.
  • Customization: You have control over your enter campaign design and branding. You can even combine other plugins to help boost your crowdfunding efforts. For example, you could use other plugins like RafflePress to incentivize others to share your campaign to increase awareness.
  • Data ownership: When you choose WordPress, you own the data. You can build your email list with plugins like OptinMonster, which allows you to send updates to your subscribers about your new business venture.

With all said, let’s dive into the best tools building for starting your crowdfunding campaigns.

1. Charitable


Out of all the options we tried, Charitable is the best crowdfunding plugin for WordPress. It allows you to create peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns without using a separate hosted fundraising platform, and it doesn’t charge transaction fees.

It allows you to easily build attractive fundraising pages and forms on your website. Plus, it lets you set up peer-to-peer fundraising and build brand awareness much faster, which ultimately can get you more funding for your business venture.

Charitable offers a wide range of add-ons, making it possible to handle just about any use case. For example, you can find addons like Donor Comments to add testimonials. You can also add a video introducing what your new business project is all about. It’s a great way to get people excited about the idea and increase conversions.

Here’s an example of a video, description, and donation button added to the crowdfunding form on Charitable.

Crowdfunding page example

Charitable comes with other cool extensions like PDF receipts, so contributors can keep their invoices for tax write-offs. Plus, you’re able to connect the plugin to email marketing services so that you can send subscribers updates about your venture, which keeps them informed and excited about what’s going on.

Pricing: Charitable starts at $69 per year. There’s also a free version of the plugin.


  • Lots of add-ons to increase functionality
  • Plenty of payment methods
  • Easy to use crowdfunding form editor


  • You will need to pay for the premium versions to get access to the add-ons.

Why We Recommend Charitable: Charitable is the best way to raise money with crowdfunding in WordPress. Since you can set up peer-to-peer fundraising, it allows businesses to leverage their networks to reach more people.

2. WP Simple Pay

WP Simple Pay

WP Simple Pay is the best Stripe payments plugin for WordPress. It allows you to easily accept donations and other types of fundraising payments on your site. One of the best things about this plugin is that you won’t need to set up an online store or even a checkout page.

You can build a crowdfunding form and embed it anywhere on your site. Plus, with its advanced form builder, you can customize it however you like. There are plenty of text fields, dropdowns, and price options to add.

WP Simple Pay Form Fields

The flexible donation and fundraising forms offer cool features to help drive more conversions. For example, you can create a predefined suggested donation amount to increase the average donation.

We particularly appreciated how WP Simple Pays offers recurring donations because this allows you to create a steady stream of funding for your organization. Best of all, the plugin accepts 13+ payment methods, so you can appeal to a wide range of donors from around the world.

Pricing: WP Simple Pay starts at $49.50 per year, but there is a free version available as well.


  • Accepts 13+ payment methods and multiple currencies.
  • You can provide customizable receipts that help contributors for tax purposes.
  • The advanced form builder is easy to use.


  • It doesn’t offer any community-building features.

Why We Recommend WP Simple Pay: We like WP Simple Pay as a quick and easy solution for accepting donations. You can choose to create payment forms or an entire donation page, and the payment process is seamless.

3. GiveWP


GiveWP is another donation plugin for WordPress with a variety of crowdfunding features. Like many of the other plugins on our list, it comes with an easy-to-use form builder so that you can easily customize the donation form without any code.

One of the best aspects of GiveWP is its mobile donation capabilities. Mobile-friendliness is integral for any business, let alone a new venture you’re starting.

The easier you can make it for contributors to donate, the better. GiveWP offers easy-to-pay options like Venmo Donations, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and even Text-to-Give. That means, with a simple text message, donors can easily contribute to your new venture anytime from anywhere.

Inside the plugin dashboard, you’ll receive real-time crowdfunding reports, so you can view metrics like top donors, average donation amounts, and more. This allows you to optimize campaigns and tweak your form or page for better conversions.

Pricing: GiveWP is free to start, but the basic plan starts at $149 per year.


  • GiveWP offers a few mobile-pay options.
  • It provides in-depth reporting.
  • Easy-to-use plugin.


  • The plan is pricey once you upgrade to the paid version.

Why We Recommend GiveWP: GiveWP is a comprehensive tool that gives you all the essentials for crowdfunding. It’s great if you want to prioritize mobile donations since users can easily pay through texting or popular apps like Venmo.

4. WPForms


WPForms is a contact form plugin for WordPress that can accept crowdfunding payments and other transactions. With crowdfunding forms, you can accept donations through a wide range of payment gateways, such as PayPal, Stripe, Square, Authorize.net, and others.

Chances are, if you’re building a new product or business, you’ll need other form types as well. That’s where WPForms excels. You can create forms for all sorts of purposes, like contact forms, newsletter signups, surveys, registration forms, and more. It’s an all-in-one form builder with over 1700+ templates to choose from, which is more than any other plugin on this list.

Out of all the plugins we tried, WPForms is the best for collecting user responses in your crowdfunding forms. That’s because advanced features like the smart logic condition allow you to collect relevant information based on the contributors’ responses.

For example, depending on the contribution level, you may consider adding a reward.

WPForms smart logic

Let’s say VIP contributors will get access to a special launch event. In that case, you’d need to collect information about them so they can RSVP. Or if you’re sending physical rewards like gifts or merchandise, then the smart logic would prompt users to provide their shipping address for delivery purposes.

WPForms comes with a wide range of add-ons like email marketing so you can send donors updates. There are plenty of integrations with third-party apps to enhance functionality. For instance, adding integration with CRM apps allows you to follow up with contributors once your business launches.

Pricing: You can get started with WPForms for $49.50 per year, but there’s also a Lite version.


  • WPForms comes with 1,700+ templates.
  • Smart logic is a great option for showing or hiding fields based on responses.
  • There are plenty of third-party integrations to increase functionality.


  • It’s not a dedicated crowdfunding platform.

Why We Recommend WPForms: We like WPForms because of its wide range of templates and customizations. Beyond that, smart logic is an excellent way to show only relevant fields, which is great if you offer reward-based crowdfunding.

5. WP Crowdfunding by Themeum

WPCrowdfunding by themeum

WP Crowdfunding is a crowdfunding plugin that leverages the power of WooCommerce to accept and manage pledges from backers.

It’s great because it integrates with all of your other products and categories.

For example, let’s say you have a dropshipping store but want to build your own branded products and start private labeling them. Rather than investing time and resources into products your customers aren’t interested in, you can raise money to help support items that people are willing to pay for.

You can even add all of your crowdfunding campaigns in one place, similar to Kickstarter or Indiegogo. That way, visitors can see which product to support.

Crowdfunding campaigns example

The plugin also has its own Native Wallet system, which tracks all of the proceeds that are raised on the crowdfunding project. That way, you don’t mix up online sales with donations. You’ll get stats along with a list of backers, so you know all the contributions made.

Pricing: WP Crowdfunding costs $149 per year for a single site.


  • WP Crowdfunding connects with your WooCommerce store.
  • It helps you decide which products to launch.
  • Backers can donate visibly or anonymously.


  • It only uses Stripe.

Why We Recommend WP Crowdfunding: This plugin is a great choice for online stores that want to start selling their products. Visitors can see all of the crowdfunding campaigns available to contribute to and see the progress towards each goal.

6. Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms is another form builder plugin, like WPForms. It comes with a wide range of donation forms, payment forms, calculator forms, contact forms, and more.

With this plugin, you can easily create donation and fundraising forms that accept payments via Stripe or Authorize.net. When using Formidable Forms, you’re taken to a visual form styler, giving you plenty of customization options. You can add a donate button, custom amounts, and just about any field you’d like.

While it is a contact form plugin, you can still view donation stats based on all the contributions made. There are beautiful graphic charts that help you visualize your campaign’s performance.

It also has integrations with powerful apps like Zapier, so you can automate workflow tasks. For example, you can set it up so that all contributors receive a thank-you message via email or text.

Overall, we found that Formidable Forms had lots of built-in customization choices. After thorough testing, we do like that it has advanced calculation features. For example, for large donations, you might include a calculator to estimate the tax-deductible portion of the donation.

Pricing: Formidable Forms starts at $39.50 per year but also offers a free version.


  • Lots of form templates.
  • A visual form styler to customize the fundraising form to fit your brand identity.
  • Visual reporting to easily see campaign performance.


  • It’s not specifically designed for crowdfunding purposes.

Why We Recommend Formidable Forms: This plugin could be a good choice if you need a customizable tool for collecting donations. It supports all the popular payment gateways, and you can add advanced features like calculators to your donation forms.

7. Patreon WordPress

Patreon WordPress plugin

Patreon WordPress is a fundraising plugin that allows you to connect your WordPress site to your Patreon account to boost your pledges and patrons.

Let’s say you already have a built-in audience on Patreon but want your visitors to also have access to your community. Then, you can easily import your existing Patreon posts and content.

The plugin will sync data automatically to WordPress. When donors pledge and subscribe to your Patreon, they can easily access everything from your website.

You might have a new business idea. All contributors can be added to your Patreon community, giving them exclusive access to your gated content. You can choose to restrict any single post or all of your posts. In addition, you can select the tiers or minimum pledge amount needed to access any custom post or type of post.

Pricing: Patreon WordPress is a free plugin.


  • Good for creators and existing Patreon users.
  • It syncs from Patreon to WordPress.
  • You can choose to lock or unlock any single post or all posts.


  • It’s not useful for anyone who doesn’t plan on using Patreon.

Why We Recommend Patreon WordPress: This is the perfect plugin for creators, artists, musicians, bloggers, and other creatives who are already on Patreon. You’ll be able to bring the power of Patreon onto your website and integrate the platforms.

How Do You Choose the Best Crowdfunding Plugin?

The right crowdfunding plugin will depend on your needs. Some plugins are specifically designed for crowdfunding, while others offer fundraising forms as part of their larger offering.

If you offer other products or services or want to set up different types of forms on your website in addition to the fundraising form, then using an all-in-one plugin could be the more cost-effective solution for you.

Beyond that, it’s vital that you provide donors with a fast and easy checkout experience. That means you should offer a wide range of payment gateways so contributors can pay using their payment method of choice.

If you’re only planning to build a few pages to gauge interest level with any of these plugins, you may want to use SeedProd. It is the best page builder plugin on the market, with a powerful drag-and-drop editor that allows you to easily create any type of page, like a landing page or a custom homepage.

That way, you don’t have to spend time building out your entire website around a particular plugin or system until you have contributors rolling in to support your business idea.

Which Is the Best Crowdfunding Plugin for WordPress?

Through all of our testing, we’ve found that the best crowdfunding plugin for WordPress is Charitable. It has all the tools you need to set up a fundraising campaign. With the peer-to-peer fundraising capability, you can have ambassadors spread the word and increase your donation amount. Beyond that, you can accept recurring donations, connect them to your newsletter software, and more.

If you just want to simply add a crowdfunding feature to your existing website, WP Simple Pay or WPForms are good, cost-effective solutions. You can add a simple crowdfunding payment form to any part of your website and start raising money.

We hope this article helped you find the best crowdfunding plugins for WordPress. You may also want to check out our list of the best WordPress themes for crowdfunding and our guide on how to increase your blog traffic.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 7 Best Crowdfunding Plugins for WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

7 Best WordPress RSVP Plugins for Your Website

Are you looking for an RSVP plugin for WordPress?

An RSVP plugin allows you to accept responses to your invitations directly on your website so you can better manage your events. It also streamlines the event planning process by automating the collection of user feedback and preferences.

In this article, we have hand-picked some of the best RSVP plugins for WordPress that will make your event management easier.

Best WordPress RSVP Plugins for Your Website

Why and When Do You Need a WordPress RSVP Plugin?

Managing events can be a lot of hassle. That’s why most professional event managers will tell you to automate tasks so you can focus on making your event successful.

For example, instead of manually getting RSVP responses, you can easily automate the task using an RSVP plugin.

This plugin will allow the guests to confirm their attendance on your WordPress site and compile a list for you. Some of these plugins will even allow you to export entries into other formats and use the data for email marketing.

Plus, RSVP plugins also provide you with an accurate headcount and the relevant details of the people attending so you can plan your event according to this data.

That being said, let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress RSVP plugins for your events.

1. WPForms


WPForms is the best contact form plugin on the market that makes it super easy to add an RSVP form to your website.

It comes with multiple RSVP form templates that can be used to collect RSVPs for different events. For example, you can use the ‘Wedding Guest List Form’ if you want to collect RSVPs for a wedding.

Similarly, if you are hosting a virtual event, then you can choose the ‘Online Event Registration RSVP Form’ template. Then, simply use WPForms’ drag-and-drop builder to customize your form.

RSVP form templates

Once the form is live on your site and people start sending their responses, WPForms will store all your form entries in your WordPress database, which you can view by visiting the WPForms » Entries page.

You can then also export the list of guests in CSV format.

WPForms RSVP list

Additionally, the plugin also gives you complete freedom to collect extra information that you may need from your guests, like dietary restrictions or contact information.

For detailed instructions, see our tutorial on how to create an RSVP form in WordPress.


  • WPForms allows you to integrate the form with your email list and send automated confirmation emails, reminders, and notifications to users.
  • It has a free plan and even lets you accept payments using Stripe or PayPal.
  • The plugin lets you set up conditional logic rules to control the form’s appearance and functionality based on attendee responses.
  • You can add multiple RSVP responses in the form.


  • Some of WPForms’ features can only be unlocked in the paid plan.

Why we recommend WPForms: WPForms is the best RSVP plugin on the market because it comes with many premade RSVP templates specially designed for different events. It can also integrate with email marketing services, provides complete spam protection, integrates with payment gateways, and lets you import your guest list as a CSV file.

For more details, see our complete WPForms review.

2. HubSpot


HubSpot is all-in-one marketing software that comes with a customer relationship manager (CRM), form builder, sales, operations, and service tools.

You can use its free plugin to easily create an RSVP form for your website with a drag-and-drop builder. Then, you can connect the form with the HubSpot CRM to automatically store the users’ RSVP data.

This will make it super easy for you to track attendance, manage attendees, and follow up with them after your event.

HubSpot RSVP form


  • You can collect Stripe and PayPal payments with the HubSpot RSVP form.
  • The plugin allows you to send automated emails to the attendees like thank you emails, reminders, and more.
  • HubSpot lets you add custom fields for your RSVP forms to collect additional information that is specific to your event.
  • It offers SMS marketing features.


  • HubSpot does not store your RSVP form data in the WordPress database.
  • Some of its advanced features are only available in the paid plan.

Why we recommend HubSpot: It is the ideal choice if you are primarily looking for a plugin that lets you manage event attendees rather than the event. This is because HubSpot’s free plugin lets you easily create an RSVP form and manage the attendees within the CRM, making the process super easy for you.

3. Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms is an advanced form builder that comes with multiple RSVP form templates for quickly adding an RSVP form to your website.

It has a beginner-friendly drag-and-drop builder and conditional logic feature that lets you show or hide fields based on different user input.

Additionally, the plugin can integrate with Twilio to collect RSVP responses from users via SMS messages, making Formidable Forms a versatile choice.

Formidable Forms RSVP template


  • Formidable Forms can integrate with email marketing services and other popular tools like Zapier and MailChimp.
  • It lets users process different payments and add a file upload field, calculators, multi-page forms, and more.
  • The plugin allows you to create a searchable database and manage and export form entries as a CSV file.
  • You can add a ChatGPT field to your forms that will act like an AI assistant and help users through the form submission process.


  • Formidable Forms has limited functionality in the free plan, and its paid plan can be expensive for small businesses.
  • The plugin can be difficult to navigate for beginners.

Why we recommend Formidable Forms: We recommend this tool if you want to add an advanced RSVP form to your website. It’s a user-friendly choice because it comes with a ChatGPT field to assist users during form submission. It is also a good choice if you want to send RSVP SMS to users.

For more details, see our complete Formidable Forms review.

4. Event Tickets And Registration

Event Tickets and Registration

Event Tickets and Registration is a well-known WordPress plugin that lets you sell tickets, collect RSVPs, and manage attendees for a virtual or in-person event.

It lets you create and sell event tickets with an RSVP option and add them to your posts or pages.

With this plugin, you can also add registration forms to your website that will collect attendee information, including names, contact details, dietary restrictions, and more.


  • The plugin is completely free.
  • It lets you send RSVP confirmation emails, comes with a ticket stock countdown, and easily integrates with The Events Calendar plugin.
  • It lets you sell tickets by integrating with PayPal, Stripe, and PayStack.
  • It generates detailed reports on ticket sales, registrations, attendee demographics, and payment transactions.


  • You cannot add additional fields to the event registration form.
  • The plugin offers limited customization options.

Why we recommend Events Tickets and Registration: The plugin is an ideal choice if you want to collect RSVPs for an event that you are selling tickets for. The plugin lets you add a registration form that users can fill in to send an RSVP for an event. Users can also click the RSVP button on the tickets they purchase to confirm their attendance.

5. RSVP and Event Management

RSVP and Event Management

RSVP and Event Management is a free plugin that offers a powerful event management platform for WordPress websites.

It lets you create RSVP forms and customize them according to your site or event’s theme. Plus, the plugin allows you to choose if you want an open registration for your event or create a private attendee list with restricted access.

Other than that, RSVP and Event Management lets you import/export your guest list, add multiple RSVP options, set conditional logic, and send instant notifications when new RSVPs are submitted.


  • The plugin can integrate with email marketing services and payment gateways.
  • It lets you create and manage multiple events, set event dates, and send event reminders to attendees.
  • RSVP and Event Registration creates reports about your event, including attendance reports, revenue reports, and marketing reports.


  • It doesn’t seamlessly integrate with all third-party platforms.
  • The plugin can hurt your WordPress speed and performance.
  • It offers limited customer support.

Why we recommend RSVP and Event Management: If you are on a shoestring budget, then we recommend the free RSVP and Event Management plugin because it easily lets you create RSVP forms and manage events from your WordPress dashboard.

6. RSVPMaker


RSVPMaker is an event scheduling and RSVP tracking plugin for WordPress. It allows you to add events anywhere on your WordPress site so your guests can RSVP.

It comes with a drag-and-drop builder, customizable RSVP forms, and even lets you create a private attendee list with restricted access.

Additionally, RSVPMaker can integrate guest lists with Mailchimp, collect custom information, import/export guest lists, and accept payments through PayPal.


  • The plugin can be used to create a custom events calendar.
  • RSVPMaker lets you create webinars and online events using free sources like YouTube.
  • It lets you create, edit, and format email newsletters in the block editor.
  • Some of RSVPMaker’s other features include conditional logic, multilingual support, detailed analytics, RSVP notifications, entry management, and more.


  • The plugin has a drag-and-drop builder but its conditional logic and custom branding features can be difficult to use.
  • It offers limited integrations.

Why we recommend RSVPMaker: Overall, RSVPMaker is a great tool that can easily add RSVP forms to your website. Plus, it lets you create webinars and custom email newsletters, offers detailed analytics, and import/export guest lists.

7. Simple Calendar

Simple Calendar

Simple Calendar allows you to easily add your Google Calendar events in WordPress.

Google Calendar comes with a powerful event management feature that allows you to invite up to 2,000 guests to an event. With this plugin, you can showcase these events on your website.

Once you do that, you can invite your users by adding their email addresses. Your guests will then be able to RSVP in their Google Calendar app or by simply clicking on the RSVP link.


  • You can see your guest list inside Google Calendar.
  • The calendar can be used for one-time or recurring events, birthdays, parties, and more.
  • Simple Calendar can customize the event content display using simple tags and adjust time zones and date/time formats.


  • The plugin itself does not allow you to create event calendars. You will need to connect it to your Google account.
  • You will have to create and edit your event registration calendar in the Google Calendar.
  • You cannot create custom forms, ask for information, integrate email lists, or accept payments.

Why we recommend Simple Calendar: If you are already using Google Calendar to collect RSVPs for meetings, webinars, or online classes, then Simple Calendar will allow you to display the Google Calendar on your WordPress site. This will enable you to collect RSVPs more easily.

Which Is the Best WordPress RSVP Plugin?

In our expert opinion, WPForms is the best WordPress RSVP plugin on the market. It comes with a drag-and-drop builder, numerous premade RSVP templates for specific occasions, and amazing spam protection. Plus, the tool also has a free plan and stores all your RSVP form entries in the WordPress database.

However, if you want to use a tool that stores RSVP entries in a CRM, then you can use HubSpot. It makes it super easy to create an RSVP form in the form builder and then store the data in the HubSpot CRM.

Similarly, if you want to create an advanced RSVP form that comes with a ChatGPT field or want to send RSVP SMS to users, then we recommend Formidable Forms.

Additionally, if you need a plugin to create tickets that you will sell, then Events Tickets and Registration is a good choice.

On the other hand, if you want a powerful event management platform that is also free, then we recommend RSVPMaker.

Frequently Asked Questions About WordPress RSVP Plugins

Here are some of the questions frequently asked by our readers about WordPress RSVP plugins.

How do I add an RSVP button in WordPress?

If you simply want to add an RSVP button next to an event on your WordPress site, then you can use the Event Tickets and Registration plugin.

It lets you create events and add a simple RSVP button that users can click on using its ‘RSVP’ block in the content editor.

Add RSVP button

Does WordPress have a calendar feature?

By default, WordPress does not come with a calendar feature.

If you want to display an events calendar on your WordPress site, then you can see our guide on how to add an events calendar in WordPress.

How much do RSVP plugins cost?

Most WordPress RSVP plugins can be found for free. For example, WPForms which is the best WordPress RSVP plugin, comes with a free plan that you can use to create an RSVP form.

Similarly, other RSVP plugins also come with free versions that you can use to manage your events.

However, if you upgrade to a pro plan, then the average RSVP plugin will cost you $10-$30 per month.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 7 Best WordPress RSVP Plugins for Your Website first appeared on WPBeginner.

17 Best WordPress Mailchimp Plugins for 2023

Do you want to integrate Mailchimp with your WordPress site and want to find the best plugins?

Mailchimp is a popular email marketing service that lets you create email campaigns, send automated messages, and more. With the right plugin, you can grow your email list, automate workflows, and make the most out of the service.

In this article, we’ll show you the best WordPress Mailchimp plugins that you can use for your business.

Best WordPress Mailchimp plugins

Why Use WordPress Mailchimp Plugins?

If you’re just getting started with email marketing, then you must have come across Mailchimp. It is one of the best email marketing services in the market. The best part is that you can get started for free and send up to 1,000 emails every month.

With Mailchimp, you can set up emails, create campaigns, and manage your subscribers with ease. It also integrates with other third-party plugins and tools for WordPress.

For instance, you can use it with lead generation software to grow your email list. Or you can connect it with a WordPress contact form plugin and automatically collect email addresses in Mailchimp.

You can even set up automation with Mailchimp using the right plugin. For example, automatically send an email using Mailchimp when publishing a new blog post. This way, your audience is immediately notified about new content, news, announcements, and sales.

That said, let’s look at some of the best Mailchimp plugins you can choose for your business.

1. WPForms

Is WPForms the best form builder plugin for WordPress?

WPForms is the best WordPress form builder plugin for WordPress that lets you easily create Mailchimp signup form with its powerful drag-and-drop form builder.

With its Mailchimp addon, you can create a newsletter signup form and select which audience or group the subscribers should be added to in Mailchimp. This makes it very easy to save form entries and add them to your email list.

Besides that, you also get options to unsubscribe, archive, delete, and record events. The Mailchimp addon also lets you mark subscribers as VIPs, so you know your high-value customers.

By integrating Mailchimp with WPForms, you can assign Mailchimp tags to segment subscribers. Or use WPForms smart tags to save additional information about subscribers in their Mailchimp profiles.


  • Beginner-friendly plugin with drag-and-drop builder
  • Tons of pre-built form templates
  • Smart conditional logic
  • Easily integrates with Mailchimp
  • Built-in spam protection
  • Automated workflows


  • Offers a Lite version, which is available for free but with limited features
  • Mailchimp integration is not available in the Lite version, only Constant Contact

Why Use This Plugin: If you’re looking to create different WordPress forms and want to collect subscribers’ contact information in Mailchimp, then WPForms is the best plugin.

Pricing: WPForms pricing plans start from $49.50 per year. However, you’ll need the Plus plan to use the Mailchimp addon, which will cost $99.50 per year. There is also a WPForms Lite version you can use for free.

2. Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator is the best WordPress automation plugin. You can think of it as Zapier but for WordPress. Uncanny Automator offers different recipes that you can create for Mailchimp and automate workflows.

You can choose from hundreds of actions and triggers to create an automated recipe. It helps 2 or more WordPress plugins to talk to each other.

For example, let’s say a user cancels their membership on MemberPress. They’re then automatically unsubscribed from the Mailchimp audience. Similarly, if a user completes an online course on LifterLMS, then a tag is automatically added to the user’s profile in Mailchimp.

Aside from Mailchimp, Uncanny Automator integrates with over 130 different plugins and social media apps. Plus, its recipe builder is user-friendly, and you don’t need to edit code to set up automation.


  • Easy-to-use recipe builder
  • Supports over 130 integrations, including Mailchimp
  • Choose from over 500 triggers and 300 actions
  • Automate workflows without touching code


  • The premium version can be a bit expensive for startups or businesses on a tight budget

Why Use This Plugin: If you’re looking for a way to automate your workflows between Mailchimp and other plugins on your WordPress site, then Uncanny Automator is the perfect solution for you.

Pricing: Uncanny Automator prices start from $149 per year.

3. WP WooCommerce Mailchimp

WP WooCommerce MailChimp

WP WooCommerce Mailchimp is a free WordPress Mailchimp plugin. It helps you add customers to your email list automatically.

You can select which Mailchimp list the subscribers should be added to. The plugin lets you choose when to collect customers’ email addresses. For instance, you can collect information when a customer places an order, the order is processed, or when the order is completed.

Other options offered by the plugin include asking permission from customers to subscribe to the email list, editing the opt-in field text, and more.


  • Simply and free-to-use plugin
  • Automatically add customers to your email list in Mailchimp
  • Add interest groups to further segment customers
  • Multiple opt-in settings


  • Limited opt-in customization options

Why Use This Plugin: If you have a WooCommerce store, then the WP WooCommerce Mailchimp plugin is a great plugin to automatically add customers to specific email lists. This way, you can create custom email campaigns for each customer group and send personalized messages.

Pricing: WP WooCommerce Mailchimp is a free WordPress plugin.

4. OptinMonster

The OptinMonster conversion optimization plugin

OptinMonster is the best lead generation and conversion optimization software. It helps you get more leads, grow your email list, and boost conversions.

OptinMonster easily integrates with Mailchimp, and you can gather email addresses through different campaigns in your Mailchimp account.

With OptinMonster, you can create all types of campaigns, like a simple popup, floating bar, full-screen welcome mats, and more. There are lots of pre-built campaign templates to choose from. You can then use its drag-and-drop campaign builder to easily customize your campaigns.

Plus, it offers powerful display rules that let you show personalized messages based on user behavior. You can learn more by following our ultimate guide to using Mailchimp and WordPress.

For instance, you can show a campaign when a user is about to leave your site with an exit-intent popup. Or display campaigns based on the time a user spends on a page, visit a specific page, and more.


  • Drag and drop campaign builder
  • Pre-built campaign templates and customization options
  • Powerful display rules to show campaigns
  • Simple integration with Mailchimp and other email marketing services
  • Mobile friendly popups


  • The free version has limited features

Why Use This Plugin: OptinMonster and Mailchimp are an explosive combination to have on your website. It’s perfect for anyone who wants to create attractive and nonintrusive popup campaigns using OptinMonster and collect email addresses in Mailchimp.

Pricing: OptinMonster pricing plans start from $9 per month (billed annually).

5. MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress


MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress is a free plugin that lets you add signup forms to your WordPress site. It easily integrates with Mailchimp and collects email addresses from the sign-up form.

The plugin is simple and easy to use. It even integrates with other form builders and plugins like WooCommerce, WPForms, AffiliateWP, and more.

While the plugin is free to use, it doesn’t offer the customization options or form templates that you’d get in other form plugins, like WPForms. There are only a handful of form fields to choose from and limited customization options.


  • Simple interface and is easy to use
  • Easily integrates with Mailchimp
  • Free to use
  • It also integrates with other form plugins


  • Limited customization options
  • No form templates

Why Use This Plugin: The plugin is best for anyone who wants a free WordPress plugin that creates basic sign-up forms and integrates with Mailchimp.

Pricing: MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress is a free to use plugin.

6. SeedProd

SeedProd WordPress Website Builder

SeedProd is the best WordPress website builder that helps you create custom themes and landing pages without editing code or hiring a developer.

SeedProd easily integrates with Mailchimp. This way, you can create custom landing pages with subscription forms and collect email addresses in Mailchimp.

Besides that, you can also select which segment or group to add your subscribers to in Mailchimp, enable double opt-in, and more.

Other features offered by SeedProd include a drag-and-drop theme builder, pre-built theme and landing page templates, lots of customization options, and more.


  • Super easy to use
  • Drag and drop theme and landing page builder
  • Easily integrates with Mailchimp
  • Multiple customization options


  • The free version has limited customization options

Why Use This Plugin: If you’re looking for a plugin that lets you design and create custom landing pages and works seamlessly with Mailchimp, then SeedProd is the perfect solution.

Pricing: You’ll need at least the Plus plan in SeedProd to use Mailchimp integration. This will cost you $99.50 per year.

7. Another Mailchimp Widget

Another MailChimp widget

Another Mailchimp Widget is the next Mailchimp WordPress plugin on our list. The plugin lets you add clean and basic sign-up forms for your WordPress site.

You can show the signup form through a shortcode or use a widget. The plugin also shows different lists from your Mailchimp account. You can select a list and group to add new subscribers.

That said, there are not many customization options or templates to choose from. The plugin just lets you edit the first and last name labels and show a success message and a failure message. The form also only contains 3 fields, which include first name, last name, and email.


  • Lightweight and easy-to-use plugin
  • Automatically add subscribers to lists and groups in Mailchimp
  • Add sign-up form using shortcode
  • Free to use


  • Limited customization options
  • Cannot add additional form fields

Why Use This Plugin: The plugin is best for anyone looking for a free option to add simple Mailchimp signup forms. It is lightweight, and you can add the form anywhere using a shortcode.

Pricing: Another Mailchimp Widget is 100% free to use.

8. Thrive Themes


Thrive Themes offers powerful tools to build high-converting WordPress sites without editing code. It is a complete suite of plugins that help you build, convert, sell, and engage.

Thrive Themes suite includes popular tools like Thrive Leads, Thrive Architect, Thrive Theme Builder, Thrive Quiz Builder, Thrive Ovation, and more.

You can easily integrate Mailchimp with Thrive Theme and then use the email marketing software with different tools in the suite.

For instance, you can connect Mailchimp’s API with Thrive Themes and then use Thrive Leads to gather email addresses. Or use Thrive Apprentice to build online courses and integrate it with Mailchimp for all your email needs.


  • Offers 9 powerful tools for different purposes
  • Easy to set up and use
  • Mailchimp easily integrates with different tools
  • 24/7 customer support


  • Thrive Theme suite is only for WordPress

Why Use This Plugin: The plugin is great for anyone looking for a complete marketing toolkit for their WordPress site and wants to integrate Mailchimp as well. You can do so much with Thrive Themes tools, from creating landing pages to building online courses, popups, quizzes, and more.

Pricing: The Thrive Themes suite will cost $299 per year.

9. MemberPress

The MemberPress membership plugin

MemberPress is the best WordPress membership plugin that’s beginner-friendly to use. You can use it to create a membership site, lock content based on user roles, set up content dripping, sell online courses, and more.

MemeberPress easily integrates with different email marketing tools, including Mailchimp. This allows you to add your members to Mailchimp and segment them based on their membership levels. You can then create targeted email campaigns for each segment.

MemberPress also lets you send custom fields to Mailchimp and add additional user information. By default, it will only send the email address and first name to Mailchimp. But you can edit the settings to map other fields as well.


  • Easy to set up and use
  • Create unlimited membership levels
  • Easily integrates with Mailchimp
  • Offers powerful content access controls
  • Offers a drag-and-drop online course builder


  • Limited payment options
  • Mapping custom fields in Mailchimp can be tricky for beginners

Why Use This Plugin: MemberPress is one of the best Mailchimp plugins because it makes it very easy to create a membership site. Plus, it helps you manage all your email needs by seamlessly integrating with Mailchimp.

Pricing: MemberPress is a premium plugin with prices starting from $179.50 per year.

10. RafflePress

Is RafflePress the best WordPress giveaway plugin?

RafflePress is the best WordPress giveaway plugin that helps you run viral giveaways to grow your email subscribers, social followers, and website traffic.

The plugin easily integrates with Mailchimp. You can add an option in your giveaway content to join your email newsletter and integrate it with Mailchimp. This way, when users enter their email addresses, they’re automatically added to Mailchimp.

Besides that, RafflePress offers a drag-and-drop giveaway builder, pre-built templates, social media integration, a custom giveaway landing page, and more.


  • Drag and drop giveaway builder
  • Use pre-built giveaway templates
  • Fraud protection
  • Seamless integration with Mailchimp


  • The free version doesn’t include Mailchimp integration
  • Limited customization options in the free version

Why Use This Plugin: The plugin is perfect for anyone who wants to run a viral giveaway and collect email addresses in Mailchimp. Both plugins smoothly integrate with each other.

Pricing: You’ll need at least the RafflePress Pro plan to unlock email integrations. This will cost you $99.50 per year.

11. Formidable Forms

Formidable forms

Formidable Forms is another popular contact form plugin for WordPress, and it also offers a Mailchimp addon. Formidable Forms lets you create complex and advanced forms without editing code.

For instance, you can create advanced calculators like mortgage calculators, time sheet forms, amortization calculators, registration forms, content download forms, web applications, and more.

With the Mailchimp addon, you can automatically send contacts gathered from the form over to Mailchimp. You also get options to sort leads with tags and groups in Mailchimp.

Other options include selecting a single or double opt-in, asking users to update their information when filling out the form, and more.


  • Create complex forms and web applications
  • Drag and drop form builder
  • Multiple customization options
  • Seamless integration with Mailchimp
  • Create all types of WordPress forms


  • High learning curve for creating complex forms
  • No Mailchimp integration in the free version

Why Use This Plugin: Do you want to create advanced and complex WordPress forms and manage leads in Mailchimp? If yes, then Formidable Forms is perfect for you. It offers pre-built form templates, a drag-and-drop form builder, lots of customization options, and more.

Pricing: Formidable Forms is a premium WordPress plugin. You’ll need at least the Plus plan to unlock Mailchimp integration, which is priced at $99.50 per year.

12. MailChimp Forms by MailMunch

Mailchimp forms by mailmunch

MailChimp Forms by MailMunch is one of the best free WordPress Mailchimp plugins on our list. The plugin deeply integrates with Mailchimp and lets you create beautiful opt-in forms for your website, eCommerce site, or blog.

With different opt-in forms, you can grab user’s attention and grow your email list. MailChimp Forms by MailMunch lets you create opt-in forms like popups with exit, sidebar widgets, top bars, scroll boxes, landing pages, and embedded forms.

Besides that, you can add additional information about your subscribers in Mailchimp. For instance, it lets you collect first and last names, email addresses, phone numbers, birthdays, and more.

The plugin offers other features as well. For instance, you can A/B test Mailchimp opt-in forms, enable welcome emails, and more. However, MailChimp Forms by MailMunch doesn’t offer many display rules or templates compared to OptinMonster.


  • A free plugin that’s easy to use
  • Easily connects with Mailchimp
  • A/B test opt-in forms
  • Enable Google reCAPTCHA protection
  • GDPR compliant


  • Limited opt-in forms options
  • Display rules are not that powerful
  • Not many customization options

Why Use This Plugin: If you’re looking for a free Mailchimp WordPress plugin to create opt-in forms for your site and grow your email list, then MailChimp Forms by MailMunch is among the best free solutions in the market.

Pricing: MailChimp Forms by MailMunch is a free WordPress plugin.

13. Easy Digital Downloads

The Easy Digital Downloads website

Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) is among the best eCommerce plugins for WordPress, and you can use it to sell digital products on WordPress. The plugin comes with powerful features and lets you create beautiful digital stores.

We use Easy Digital Downloads to sell our software, like WPForms and MonsterInsights. With that, we can easily say that it’s the best eCommerce platform for your site.

Easy Digital Downloads offers different extensions, including a Mailchimp extension. This helps you connect your email lists in Mailchimp to Easy Digital Downloads. When a customer purchases a product and enters an email address, it’s automatically saved in Mailchimp.

You can also show different email lists at checkout and let customers choose which list they’d like to subscribe to. EDD also supports Mailchimp’s eCommerce tracking, which shows the products that are driving the most subscribers.

If you’re using the Free Downloads extension in Easy Digital Downloads, then you can integrate it with Mailchimp. This way, you can grow your email list faster by offering free downloads.

Other than that, you can also use email templates offered by Mailchimp to run email campaigns, A/B test different email versions and improve email deliverability.


  • Beginner-friendly to use
  • Works smoothly with any WordPress theme
  • Set up software licensing and sell all kinds of digital goods
  • Easily integrates with Mailchimp


  • Selling non-digital products can be complicated
  • You’ll need third-party to sell external or affiliate products

Why Use This Plugin: Easy Digital Downloads makes it very easy to sell digital products. It is the best Mailchimp WordPress plugin, as you get to do so much more with your eCommerce website. For instance, automatically add customers to email groups, send targeted messages, create segments, and more.

Pricing: Easy Digital Downloads pricing plans start from $99.50 per year.

14. MC4WP: Mailchimp Top Bar

MailChimp top bar

MC4WP: Mailchimp Top Bar is a WordPress Mailchimp plugin that lets you add a customization sign-up bar at the top of your WordPress website.

You can show a beautiful sign-up bar at the top of the page to attract user attention. The best part, it automatically connects with your Mailchimp account and adds new subscribers to your preferred list or group.

The plugin offers decent customization options. You get to change the bar color, and text color, edit the text for the message and button, and more.


  • Create stunning sign-up bars
  • Easily integrates with Mailchimp
  • Choose your Mailchimp lists and groups
  • Basic customization options
  • The plugin is 100% free


  • Only limited to creating sign-up bars
  • There are no additional display rules

Why Use This Plugin: If you’re looking for a plugin to add a sign-up bar only, then this is the right plugin for you. It’s free to use and allows users to quickly enter their email address and subscribe to your emails.

Pricing: You can use the MC4WP: Mailchimp Top Bar plugin for free.

15. Featured Images in RSS for Mailchimp & More

Featured images in MailChimp RSS

Featured Images in RSS for Mailchimp & More is a free Mailchimp plugin that lets you add featured images to your RSS feed.

The plugin is super easy to use and offers different image size options, image alignment settings, image-to-text padding, and more. You can also use it with your WooCommerce store to show product photos in Mailchimp RSS campaigns.


  • Simple and easy to use
  • Show featured images in the Mailchimp RSS feed
  • Free to use plugin


  • Limited customization options in the free version
  • You cannot set custom image size in the free version

Why Use This Plugin: If you want to ensure that your blog post featured images appear in the RSS feed, then this is the plugin to use. You can set a particular image size and customize the image’s appearance in the feed.

Pricing: Featured Images in RSS for Mailchimp & More is a free WordPress plugin.

16. MonsterInsights

MonsterInsights horizontal navigation menu preview

MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress that lets you enable Mailchimp form tracking in WordPress. It helps you set up Google Analytics in WordPress without editing code or hiring a developer.

For instance, you can use its Forms addon to track Mailchimp signup forms on your site. The plugin also shows reports inside your WordPress dashboard, so you can easily view data without having to leave your website.

You can see which Mailchimp form is performing the best. This way, you get to optimize low-converting forms while promoting high-performing forms even more.


  • Set up Google Analytics in WordPress
  • View dashboard reports to make decisions
  • Track Mailchimp forms conversions
  • Set up advanced tracking like eCommerce tracking


  • Forms addon is not available in the MonsterInsights Lite version

Why Use This Plugin: Do you want to track Mailchimp forms on your website and see which campaign is performing the best? Then MonsterInsights is the perfect solution for you. It is beginner-friendly and helps set up tracking without touching a single line of code.

Pricing: The MonsterInsights Forms addon is available in the Pro plan, which costs $199.50 per year. There is also a MonsterInsights Lite version that you can use for free, but it doesn’t include the Forms addon.

17. Contact Form 7 Extension For Mailchimp

Contact form 7 for mailchimp

Contact Form 7 Extension For Mailchimp is a free plugin that lets you integrate Contact Form 7 with Mailchimp. All your Contact Form 7 entries will be automatically added to an email list in Mailchimp.

The plugin is flexible and easy to set up. You can choose a predefined list to add new contacts to in Mailchimp. The plugin also lets you choose between single or double opt-in, as well as show an opt-in checkbox.


  • Simple and easy interface
  • Easily connect mailing lists from Mailchimp
  • Add mailing list tags to subscribers
  • Show a single or double opt-in


  • The plugin works only if you’re already using Contact Form 7
  • Not many customization options

Why Use This Plugin: If you are already using Contact Form 7 on your WordPress site, then this plugin is for you. It lets you pair Contact Form 7 with Mailchimp.

Pricing: Contact Form 7 Extension For Mailchimp is 100% free to use.

Which WordPress Mailchimp Plugin Should You Use?

After going through multiple plugins, choosing the best Mailchimp WordPress plugin depends on your needs. You can use multiple plugins in combination and integrate Mailchimp with your site.

For instance, if you’re looking to add different forms on your site and collect emails, then WPForms is the best plugin. You get multiple form templates, a drag-and-drop form builder, lots of customization options, and easy Mailchimp integration.

On the other hand, if you’re looking to get more email subscribers in Mailchimp, then we recommend OptinMonster. It offers pre-built templates, lots of campaign options, and powerful display rules.

Similarly, you can use Uncanny Automator and connect Mailchimp with other plugins and tools on your website. This way, you get to automate different tasks and let the plugin handle everything for you.

We hope this article helped you pick the best WordPress Mailchimp plugin. You may also want to see our list of best WooCommerce plugins and how to create a free business email address.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 17 Best WordPress Mailchimp Plugins for 2023 first appeared on WPBeginner.

11 Best ChatGPT WordPress Plugins (Compared)

Are you looking for the best ChatGPT plugins for WordPress?

A WordPress ChatGPT plugin allows you to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into your website. This can provide a more interactive and personalized experience to your users, increasing engagement and traffic. It can also help you generate content and increase your productivity.

In this article, we will share our list of the best ChatGPT WordPress plugins on the market.

Best WordPress ChatGPT plugins on the market

Why Use a ChatGPT Plugin in WordPress?

ChatGPT is a well-known AI chatbot software that is based on the GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 language models. It is developed by OpenAI, who is also responsible for software like DALL-E and Whisper.

ChatGPT allows you to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer any questions you may have about a topic.

In simple terms, ChatGPT plugins are WordPress plugins that support integration with the artificial intelligence software. When using the plugin, it will send a prompt to the ChatGPT software and show a response to your query on your website.

For example, you might use the plugin as a chatbot where the responses come directly from ChatGPT. This can increase lead generation by engaging with visitors and telling them about your products or services.

Additionally, if you have an online store, then you can also use ChatGPT plugins to provide 24/7 customer support, improve content quality, or boost the user experience.

Plus, ChatGPT plugins can help you improve your own workflows and boost your creativity. You can generate meta descriptions and post titles, come up with blog post ideas, and more.

Having said that, here is our list of the best WordPress ChatGPT plugins on the market.

1. All in One SEO

AIOSEO's landing page

All in One SEO (AIOSEO) is the best WordPress SEO plugin on the market that comes with an AI title generator via ChatGPT. Its AI title generator tool can generate post titles and meta descriptions for your post with its OpenAI integration.

Aside from AI title generator, AIOSEO offers tons of comprehensive SEO tools to help your website rank higher in the search results. The plugin has features like a link assistant, XML sitemaps, a headline analyzer, FAQ schema, and more.

To integrate ChatGPT with AIOSEO, all you have to do is click the robot icon in the Meta Description or Post Title box in the block editor.

Generate article descriptions using AI

Once you do that, a prompt will open up on the screen, asking you to provide an API key to connect OpenAI with the plugin. To do this, you will need to create an OpenAI account and then generate an API key.

Upon adding the key, simply click the ‘Connect’ button to move on.

Connect OpenAI

AIOSEO can now generate SEO-friendly titles and meta descriptions for your post using artificial intelligence.

You just need to click on the ‘+’ button next to a title or meta description to use it, or you can ask the software to generate more ideas.

AI generated headlines

These headlines are written to contain keywords relevant to your content, which can ultimately increase your click-through rates.

For detailed instructions, you can see our tutorial on how to write powerful headlines using AI.


  • All in One SEO has a built-in headline analyzer tool to improve your headlines. It provides data-driven insights and suggestions for creating engaging and click-worthy titles.
  • It has on-page SEO features to improve website content and titles for search engines.
  • AIOSEO comes with built-in integrations for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.
  • It has a free plan.
  • It comes with a robots.txt editor, social media integrations, and a redirection manager.


  • Some of the features of the plugin are only available in the pro plan.

Why we recommend using AIOSEO: We recommend using AIOSEO because it is the best WordPress ChatGPT plugin on the market. It easily integrates with OpenAI using an API key and generates suggestions for post titles and meta descriptions. It also comes with a WooCommerce integration and other SEO tools that can help your website rank higher.

For more details, you can see our complete AIOSEO review.

2. Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator is the best WordPress automation plugin that lets you connect your WordPress site with ChatGPT. It allows you to create comprehensive workflows by connecting two different platforms.

With Uncanny Automator’s ChatGPT integration, you can generate content for your blog posts from a prompt or list of keywords.

With Uncanny Automator, you can use different actions and triggers to create an AI-generated image, social media posts, personalized emails, product descriptions, and answers to customer queries.

Uncanny automator actions for ChatGPT

The best part about using Uncanny Automator is that it also allows you to connect ChatGPT with other services other than your website, like Facebook, Drip, Zapier, Brevo, Instagram, Google Sheets, and more.

For detailed instructions, see our tutorial on how to create automated workflows in WordPress.


  • Uncanny Automator can connect with 140+ WordPress plugins and third-party apps to create automated workflows.
  • You can use Uncanny Automator and ChatGPT together for email marketing.
  • It has a free plan.
  • It has advanced features like delays, scheduling, and user creation.


  • The free version allows you to create only a limited number of automations with a limited number of app integrations.

Why we recommend using Uncanny Automator: We recommend using this plugin if you want to connect your ChatGPT account with third-party platforms or plugins. Uncanny Automator is a super powerful tool that you can use to generate content, publish social media posts, send emails, and so much more.

3. WPForms


WPForms is the best WordPress contact form plugin on the market that comes with a ChatGPT integration. Its ChatGPT integration helps you perform different tasks.

By connecting WPForms and ChatGPT using an automation plugin like Uncanny Automator, you can create smarter forms for your website.

For example, you can make a form that asks for a blog topic and a brief description for the post, and every time you submit the form, ChatGPT will automatically create a blog post for you on that topic.

WPForms ChatGPT blog post idea form

Other than that, you can use WPForms and ChatGPT to build an outline for your articles and send automated email notifications upon form submission.


  • The plugin’s form builder makes it super easy to create and publish forms on your website.
  • It has a free plan.
  • You can easily connect WPForms with ChatGPT without using any code.
  • You can also use WPForms as an AI writing assistant after its integration with ChatGPT because it can generate content for you.
  • Some of its other features include spam protection, conditional logic, payment gateway integration, geolocation, and more.


  • You will have to use an automation tool like Uncanny Automator or Zapier to connect ChatGPT and WPForms.
  • Some of its premium features are locked in the free plan.

Why we recommend using WPForms: WPForms is the ideal ChatGPT plugin if you want to send automated and personalized emails to users upon form submission. Its integration with ChatGPT can further improve your form quality. You can even use both tools together as an AI writing assistant.

For more details, you can see our complete WPForms review.

4. Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms is an advanced form builder plugin that can easily integrate with ChatGPT to help you create interactive forms.

It comes with a drag-and-drop builder and premade template that lets you create any type of form you want, including surveys, polls, quizzes, and more.

You can also add a ChatGPT field to your forms so that it will act like an AI assistant and help users through the form submission process.

This field will be able to answer customer queries in real time, generate personalized responses to user questions, provide feedback, and automate tasks based on user input. It will basically guide your users through the entire form-filling process.


  • With Formidable Forms, you can create a searchable database for your form entries.
  • It also comes with a shipping calculator feature that can estimate the total cost of a product you will have to pay with delivery.
  • Other than the ChatGPT field, you can also use AI templates offered by the plugin to create interactive forms.


  • It has limited functionality in the free plan, and its paid plan can be expensive for small businesses.
  • The ChatGPT field in the form cannot create content for your blog posts.
  • Formidable Forms has a learning curve and can be difficult to navigate for beginners.

Why we recommend using Formidable Forms: We recommend using Formidable Forms if you are looking for a ChatGPT plugin that can help your users fill out forms on your website. With its built-in ChatGPT field, Formidable Forms adds an AI assistant to your form that can provide suggestions, answer queries, and direct users to suitable options.

5. Thrive Ovation

Thrive Ovation

Thrive Ovation is the ideal ChatGPT plugin if you want to automatically display positive testimonials on your social media platforms.

It is part of the Thrive Suite and is a well-known testimonial plugin that allows you to easily collect, manage, and display testimonials in WordPress.

Once you connect this plugin with ChatGPT, the software will perform a sentiment analysis on each new testimonial submitted on your website.

With the help of an automation tool, ChatGPT will then automatically publish any positive testimonial on your social media platforms. This will help build social proof and encourage potential customers to check out your website.


  • Thrive Ovation comes with a drag-and-drop builder and also lets you turn WordPress comments into testimonials.
  • Using its integration with ChatGPT, the plugin can help drive traffic from social media platforms.
  • The tool comes with a dashboard where you can see an overview of your testimonials, including the ones that are ready for display, pending approval, or rejected.
  • It is a part of Thrive Suite, which contains other plugins like Thrive Leads, Thrive Architect, Thrive Theme Builder, and more.


  • Thrive Ovation is a premium plugin.
  • It does not have built-in ChatGPT features. You will need to connect the plugin with ChatGPT using automation tools like Uncanny Automator or Zapier.

Why we recommend using Thrive Ovation: Thrive Ovation is the best WordPress ChatGPT plugin if you want to automatically publish positive testimonials on social media platforms. Upon integration, ChatGPT will run an analysis to find positive testimonials and use an automated workflow to share them on Facebook.

6. AI Engine

AI Engine

AI Engine is a free WordPress plugin that easily connects with ChatGPT to help you generate content for your website.

It is a great choice if you want to use ChatGPT for customer support. This is because the plugin lets you add ChatGPT as a chatbot using a shortcode.

The chatbot can then answer customer queries, solve any minor issues in your services, direct users to your support team, and help you provide support 24/7.


  • AI Engine lets you control the structure of your AI-generated blog posts by allowing you to determine the number of sections and paragraphs per section.
  • It also uses ChatGPT to generate meta descriptions, excerpts, images, product descriptions, and more.
  • If you have a multilingual website, then you can also use AI Engine for translations.


  • The plugin has a bit of a learning curve and can be difficult to navigate.
  • It relies on ChatGPT to perform most of the functions, which may have occasional outages or downtime.

Why we recommend using AI Engine: We recommend using this plugin if you want to provide customer support. AI Engine comes with premade templates for chatbots and popup models, and it makes it super easy to add chatbots to your site using a shortcode. AI Engine can also act as a writing assistant, making the plugin a good choice for a WordPress blog.

7. AI Chatbot

AI Chatbot plugin

AI Chatbot is a great free ChatGPT WordPress plugin if you want to add a chatbot to your website.

This plugin easily connects with ChatGPT and shows a chatbot with text responses you created from the WordPress backend. It also displays some FAQs and asks users to provide their email or phone numbers so you can contact them later.

You can also use the AI Chatbot plugin to create a chatbot that collects user feedback for your products, services, or website.


  • You do not need to use any code to add a chatbot using this plugin.
  • Its integration with ChatGPT software is seamless.
  • The tool can help you build an email list by asking users to drop in their email addresses.


  • The plugin cannot be used to produce AI-generated content.
  • The chatbot is completely reliant on ChatGPT. This means that if the software is experiencing downtime, then the chatbot on your website won’t work either.

Why we recommend using AI Chatbot: Overall, AI Chatbot makes it super easy to add a chatbot that can ask for feedback or help you build an email list for your newsletter.

8. AI Power

AI Power plugin

AI Power is a free WordPress plugin that connects with ChatGPT to use its content generator, image generator, and audio converter for transcripts.

It also comes with an auto content writer where you just have to provide a prompt or relevant keywords and AI Power will generate content for you.

Additionally, the plugin also offers premade ChatGPT-based form templates, which have two ChatGPT fields that can read a user’s input and provide answers to guide your users through the form-filling process.


  • AI Power has a WooCommerce product writer tool that creates product descriptions, titles, and marketing materials for your WooCommerce store.
  • It also comes with built-in SEO features to help your website rank higher. It can even integrate with tools like AIOSEO, Rank Math, and Yoast SEO.
  • AI Power can build and integrate chatbots on your website.


  • It is a complex plugin not suitable for beginners.
  • AI-generated content or chatbot responses used by AI Power can sometimes be misinterpreted by users, leading to confusion.

Why we recommend using AI Power: Overall, AI Power is an ideal ChatGPT plugin if you want to generate content using AI. It is also a good choice for WooCommerce stores because its product writer tool lets you generate product descriptions and titles in just a few minutes.

9. AI Post Generator

AI Post Generator

AI Post Generator is a free WordPress plugin that uses ChatGPT to generate high-quality content for your website.

It is a great choice if you run a WordPress blog because the tool makes it super easy to create relevant blog posts for your audience.

The plugin saves you a lot of time by automatically creating a new post as a draft once you enter a prompt or relevant keywords into the field.


  • AI Post Generator can improve your WordPress SEO by using keywords and phrases that are relevant to your target audience. It can also generate meta descriptions.
  • The plugin can generate content in any language, making it an ideal choice for a multilingual blog.
  • The plugin automatically finds and adds relevant images and heading tags to your posts.


  • It offers limited customization and personalization options for AI-generated content.
  • If you use this plugin for generating blog posts on your site, then you must verify the originality of the content first. This is because AI-generated content may contain similarities to existing text.

Why we recommend using AI Post Generator: We recommend using this plugin if you have a WordPress blog and want to publish content on your website daily.

10. AI ChatBot with ChatGPT

AI Chatbot with ChatGPT

AI ChatBot with ChatGPT plugin comes with a built-in chatbot that uses ChatGPT to help you write custom code for your website right from your WordPress dashboard.

The plugin can also be used to generate content for your blog, while its chatbot can answer customer queries, showcase FAQs, and ask for user feedback on your website.

Additionally, the plugin can also use a text-to-speech response feature to give a more authentic customer support experience to the users on your WordPress website.


  • The plugin allows you to automate workflows for your chatbot.
  • It also comes with customizable options for the bot and lets you connect it to your website’s knowledge base.
  • The plugin uses ChatGPT to analyze user behavior and then provides personalized recommendations for products, services, or content.


  • The plugin’s chatbot’s responses can sometimes oversimplify complex issues with products or services.
  • The plugin sometimes provides incorrect information. We recommend double-checking any content you produce using this tool.

Why we recommend using AI ChatBot with ChatGPT: It is a great ChatGPT plugin for providing customer support for minor issues. Using this plugin will provide free time to your support members that they can use to focus on more complex problems.

11. AI Mojo

AI Mojo

AI Mojo is a free WordPress plugin that uses artificial intelligence to generate content, images, and forms for your website.

The plugin can easily create content for your blog posts, social media posts, or product descriptions once you provide a prompt or keyword.

Acting as a great AI writing assistant, AI Mojo can also convert audio files for easy text transcription, optimize your content for search engines, and make GPT forms that generate personalized responses.


  • AI Mojo has a library of pre-made prompts for a variety of content formats.
  • It lets you create chatbots for your website.
  • It can convert your existing website data into formats compatible with AI models.


  • The plugin does not offer great customer support.
  • You will need an API key to connect ChatGPT with the plugin.
  • It offers limited customization for AI-generated content and images.

Why we recommend using AI Mojo: The free plugin is a great choice if you want to add chatbots and generate AI content for your blog.

Which Is the Best ChatGPT WordPress Plugin?

In our expert opinion, All in One SEO is the best WordPress ChatGPT plugin on the market. It offers seamless integration with the AI software and makes it super easy to generate post titles and meta descriptions for your blog posts.

However, if you are looking for a plugin that allows you to connect ChatGPT with WordPress as well as other third-party platforms, then Uncanny Automator is the best option. The plugin can integrate with over 140 tools and automate workflows with ChatGPT.

If you have a WordPress blog and just want to easily generate content, then WPForms should be your go-to choice.

Similarly, if you are looking for a plugin that supports a ChatGPT integration in forms and allows the software to help with form submissions, then we recommend using Formidable Forms.

But if you are on a shoestring budget, then AI Engine and AI Power are great choices, too, because they use ChatGPT to generate content, images, and even a chatbot.

Frequently Asked Questions About ChatGPT WordPress Plugins

Here is a list of some frequently asked questions asked by our readers about using ChatGPT and OpenAI in WordPress.

What is the best ChatGPT SEO plugin for WordPress?

All in One SEO is the best WordPress SEO plugin on the market that also supports ChatGPT integration.

The plugin acts as a writing assistant and uses ChatGPT to create titles and meta descriptions for your blog posts. AIOSEO also optimizes your content so that it can rank high in search engine results.

Does ChatGPT generate SEO-friendly content?

ChatGPT can generate SEO-friendly content for your website by adding relevant keywords and phrases, writing concise titles and meta descriptions, structuring content, and avoiding keyword stuffing.

However, we still recommend proofreading all the content that you create using ChatGPT because the AI tool sometimes uses existing content on the internet, which can be interpreted as plagiarism. This can hurt your website rankings.

Best Guides for Using AI in WordPress

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 11 Best ChatGPT WordPress Plugins (Compared) first appeared on WPBeginner.

12 Best WordPress Voting Plugins (Compared)

Are you looking for a WordPress voting plugin for your website?

A WordPress voting plugin allows you to easily conduct polls on your website where users can vote. It is an effective strategy to build user engagement while collecting insights.

In this article, we have hand-picked the best WordPress voting plugins that help you easily add voting and polls to your website.

Comparing the best WordPress voting plugins

Why Use a WordPress Voting Plugin?

WordPress voting plugins help you build user engagement on your website.

User engagement refers to how users interact with your website. It ensures users spend more time on your website for a more engaged experience.

Businesses that invest in creating meaningful, interactive, and positive user experiences on their website tend to see better user engagement, which leads to higher sales and conversions.

Buzzfeed viral quiz example

A WordPress voting plugin allows you to improve user engagement by adding surveys, polls, and quizzes to your website.

For instance, if you run a food blog, you can ask users to vote on which recipe they want you to cover next on your blog.

Similarly, if you run an online store, you can ask users to vote on products, participate in surveys, or take a quiz to win discounts.

Customer feedback poll example

Here are some of the top benefits of using a WordPress voting plugin:

1. Improved User Engagement – By adding a poll or survey, you allow users to spend more time on your website. This leads to more user engagement and reduces bounce rates on your website.

2. Build a Community – Allowing users to vote and participate on your website gives them a sense of community. It improves your brand recognition and builds your business a loyal following.

3. Gather Feedback – By adding surveys and polls you can collect invaluable customer feedback to help you improve your business.

4. More Traffic and Social Shares – Users are more likely to share viral quizzes and online polls to their socials. This helps you get more traffic and social shares for your website.

That being said, here is a quick list of plugins we’ll compare in this article:

1. WPForms


WPForms is the best WordPress voting plugin on the market. It is one of the most feature-rich WordPress form builders and allows you to easily create any type of form, including forms to conduct polls and surveys.

It comes with a drag-and-drop interface where you can create your form easily.

You can point and click to add form fields like multiple-choice checkboxes, radio buttons, drop-down fields, Likert scale fields, and more.

WPForms poll form example

Beginners would love the read-made form templates that allow you to quickly load form fields and edit them to your liking.

WPForms also allow you to show poll results in beautiful charts and graphs on the front end.

WPForms poll results

You can also view survey results with beautiful charts and graphs in the backend.

This provides you with more insights into customer feedback and voting patterns.

WPForms survey graphs and charts

For more details, see our tutorial on how to create interactive polls in WordPress.

Pricing: $199.50 – WPForms also has a free version called WPForms lite, but you’ll need their PRO plan to unlock surveys and polls add-on.

2. RafflePress


RafflePress is a WordPress giveaway plugin with built-in polls and survey features.

Users can join a giveaway or contest by voting in a poll or answering a survey question. This is particularly helpful in boosting user participation by providing users with an incentive to vote in the survey.

RafflePress is built with social and viral capabilities in mind. This allows you to create successful polls and encourage users to share them to gain more entry points.

It is effortless to use, highly interactive, and highly effective in reaching a larger audience.

Pricing: $99.50 for their Pro plan, which includes polls and survey features.

3. WP-Polls


WP-Polls is a free WordPress poll and voting plugin. It is simple and quite basic compared to some other options on the list, but it is comprehensive and gets the job done.

It has a basic user interface that blends in your WordPress admin area. Advanced users can add custom CSS to change the style and appearance of their poll form and results.

You can easily schedule your polls, run multiple polls, sort poll questions and results, and more.

Pricing: Free

4. Thrive Quiz Builder

Thrive Quiz Builder

Thrive Quiz Builder is the best WordPress quiz plugin on the market. It allows you to easily create highly interactive BuzzFeed-like quizzes to boost user engagement on your website.

You can also create a quiz to use as a poll or survey, which allows users to vote and see the results at the end of the quiz.

Building your quiz with Thrive Quiz Builder

You can choose from various templates for five main quiz types. Each template allows you to customize the quiz screens step by step.

The quiz builder also makes it easy to create branching questions, which is when the next question to be displayed depends on the previous answer.

It also includes built-in features to encourage social sharing inside the quiz screens. Increasing the chances that your users may help spread the word by sharing their voting results.

Pricing: $99 as a standalone plugin. $299 as Thrive Suite Bundle.

5. Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms is the most advanced form builder for WordPress. It allows you to create any type of form, including powerful calculators, solution-focused forms, and online polls and surveys.

Formidable Forms comes with a powerful form builder that supports various fields that you can use in your polls. You can use checkboxes, radio buttons, Likert scale, dropdown menus, and more to create your online poll.

It also comes with a Quiz Maker feature, allowing you to turn your poll into an interactive quiz.

Formidable Forms can show poll results in graphs and charts on the front end. It also summarizes form results in graphs and charts in the backend.

Pricing: Starting from $39.50/year

6. UserFeedback


UserFeedback is an easy way to collect feedback on your website by running quick polls and surveys.

It is handy for businesses that want to get insights and feedback from users directly.

For instance, you can ask users about your new website design, which products they are interested in, what they would like to read on your blog, and more.

UserFeedback is easy to use and allows you to add any type of form fields to your polls, surveys, or feedback forms.

Poll builder in UserFeedback

You can use one of the dozens of templates to add a poll quickly. You can use conditional logic to show users questions based on their answers.

It also comes with smart targeting features, allowing you to choose when to show the form.

UserFeedback integrates with Google Analytics using MonsterInsights, which gives you even deeper insights into customer interactions with your forms.

Lastly, it integrates with Uncanny Automator, allowing you to take advantage of 100+ interactions with all popular third-party apps, CRM software, email services, and other WordPress plugins.

Pricing: Starting at $49.50. There is also a free version of UserFeedback with limited features.

7. YOP Poll

YOP Poll

YOP Poll is a good WordPress voting plugin suitable for creating polls and surveys for users to vote in.

It lets you easily create and embed the poll anywhere on your WordPress website. It supports single and multiple-form fields.

The plugin also lets you manage how you wish to sort the questions, display results, show/hide details, set voter permissions, and even block users.

It also allows you to schedule your polls. You can run several polls simultaneously or schedule them to run one after another.

You also have multiple style options for your polls and poll results. This helps you easily divert user’s attention to the polls.

Pricing: Free. There is also a paid version starting at $27.

8. CrowdSignal Polls and Ratings


CrowdSignal (formerly Polldaddy) is a simple WordPress voting plugin that allows you to create engaging online polls, surveys, and forms.

It allows you to show real-time poll results and comes with beautiful styles to make your polls look more appealing.

The plugin supports 14 types of poll questions and comes with an intuitive poll builder to create your forms.

It also includes beautiful poll results with bars and graphs. In the backend, you can see more details of how your users interacted with a poll.

Pricing: Paid plans start at $180. There is also a limited free version available.

9. Poll Maker

Poll Maker

Poll Maker is another option to create polls for your WordPress website. It comes with a modern poll builder that lets you easily design your polls.

It has five poll types and dozens of style options, including seven pre-built themes.

Creating a poll is quite straightforward and easy. You can then add the poll to your WordPress website using a shortcode or a block.

Once a user has submitted a vote, you can choose to redirect them to any page on your website. The plugin also lets you schedule polls, limit who can vote, limit the number of votes a user can add, and more.

Pricing: The basic version of the plugin is free. There is also a pro version starting at $39.

10. WP Poll Maker

WP Poll Maker

WP Poll Maker is another way to create polls and contests on your WordPress website. This free voting plugin for WordPress allows you to easily create basic polls and surveys for your website.

It includes a poll builder where you can design your poll questions and adjust individual poll settings.

It comes with several templates to choose a style for your theme. Each theme is designed to be engaging and stand out, which helps you boost user engagement.

The plugin allows you to control and limit who can vote in a poll. You can also show live results for each poll, allow comments, or add social sharing features to trigger viral reach.

Pricing: The basic version of the plugin is free, and the paid plan starts at €35.

11. WP-PostRatings


WP-PostRatings is a WordPress post rating plugin that allows users to vote on a post or page. It is not a poll or contest plugin but if you were looking for a way for users to vote on your articles, then WP-PostRatings is the way to go.

It supports schema.org markup out of the box, meaning the post ratings may appear in search results.

It uses Ajax for voting functionality, ensuring users don’t leave a page when they add their rating.

WP-PostRatings has a rating dashboard where you can see how users voted on your posts, which posts are highest rated, and which posts are the lowest.

The one downside of the plugin is that it requires you to add a code snippet to your WordPress theme. For details, see our article on adding a post rating system in WordPress.

Pricing: Free

12. kk Star Ratings

kk Star Ratings

kk Star Ratings is another option to let users rate and vote on your WordPress posts and pages. Unlike other voting and polling plugins, kk Star Ratings only allows your users to rate your posts.

It supports schema.org markup, which enables search engines to use ratings data and show it in search results.

One advantage of using kk Star Ratings is that you don’t need to add custom code to your theme. However, unlike the WP-PostRatings plugin, it only allows you to use Stars as your rating icons.

Pricing: Free with paid add-ons.

Which is The Best WordPress Voting Plugin?

WPForms is the best WordPress voting plugin on the market. It is the best WordPress form builder, allowing you to create beautiful forms with a drag-and-drop tool.

With WPForms Survey and Polls addon, you can create dynamic polls and display results with beautiful charts and graphs.

For contests and giveaways, we recommend using RafflePress, which has built-in social features to make your polls go viral.

How to Create a Successful Voting Page?

Many of the WordPress voting plugins allow you to easily create a voting page on your WordPress site. However, to ensure that users participate in your polls you will need to make your poll questions interesting for your audience.

For instance, you can ask questions suitable for your target audience. You can also use tools like OptinMonster to boost engagement by showing your polls in lightbox popups, slide-in forms, display banner notifications, and more.

We hope this article helped you choose the best WordPress voting plugin for your website. You may also want to see our guide on showing personalized content to users in WordPress or our top social proof plugins for WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 12 Best WordPress Voting Plugins (Compared) first appeared on WPBeginner.

9 Best SMS Marketing Plugins for WordPress (Expert Pick for 2023)

Are you looking for an SMS marketing plugin for your WordPress website?

SMS marketing plugins are tools that will help you promote your products or services through text messages to users. They can increase sales and bring more traffic to your WordPress website.

In this article, we have hand-picked some of the best SMS marketing plugins for WordPress.

Best SMS marketing plugins for WordPress

Why Use SMS Marketing Plugins on Your WordPress Website?

SMS marketing plugins allow you to send SMS updates, promotions, and other messages to customers or subscribers on your WordPress website.

By using SMS marketing plugins, you can send personalized SMS messages to users to increase user engagement, drive traffic, and boost sales on your site.

This can be highly effective for bringing back existing customers to your website or online store by reaching out and keeping them informed about promotions, sales, or events.

WordPress SMS marketing plugins are also typically super easy to use and cost-effective compared to other marketing channels.

Plus, open rates for SMS messages are significantly higher than email marketing. This means you are more likely to capture your audience’s attention and encourage them to take action.

That being said, let’s look at some of the best WordPress SMS marketing plugins that can help you promote the products and services offered on your WordPress website.

1. OptinMonster

OptinMonster website

OptinMonster is the best conversion optimization and lead generation software that comes with several marketing tools to help you turn website visitors into subscribers and customers.

It also allows you to create SMS campaigns by integrating with popular SMS marketing software like Brevo (formerly Sendinblue), Drip, and HubSpot.

The plugin comes with over 50 pre-built templates and a drag-and-drop builder, making it super easy to create engaging and attractive SMS messages for marketing campaigns.

Optinmonster drag and drop builder

Once you have done that, you can easily connect OptinMonster with an SMS marketing platform to send text messages to your users.

First, you will need to head over to the OptinMonster » Integrations page from the WordPress admin sidebar. Then, just click the ‘Connect’ button under the SMS marketing platform option of your choice.

Next, add your account name and API key to connect the platform with the plugin. After that, you will be able to launch your SMS campaign and send messages to your users.

Provide API key


  • Its user interface is super easy to navigate as it comes with a drag-and-drop builder.
  • OptinMonster allows you to create automated text messages triggered by specific actions like user behavior, demographics, or location.
  • It creates analytics reports to help you measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.
  • The tool makes it super easy to A/B test your SMS marketing campaigns and optimize your results.
  • With OptinMonster, you can also send personalized text messages using HTML elements.
  • It also offers other features like geolocation targeting, exit intent technology, an inactivity sensor, campaign scheduling, and more.


  • It’s a paid tool and doesn’t offer a free version.

Why we recommend OptinMonster: Overall, OptinMonster is the best SMS marketing tool for WordPress as it easily integrates with popular SMS marketing services, has 50+ pre-built templates, offers analytics and campaign scheduling, sends automated text messages, and more.

Plus, you can also use OptinMonster to create popups, floating bars, Yes/No forms, and spin-the-wheel popups, making it the ultimate choice for your WordPress site.

2. Nextiva

Nextiva website

Nextiva is a well-known communication platform that offers a CRM (customer relationship manager), VOIP phone call, fax service, team messaging, video conferencing, and more.

It is the best call center software on the market and even offers built-in help desk software for customer support.

With Nextiva, you can easily launch an SMS marketing campaign for your website because the tool allows you to send text messages to large groups of people at once.

You can integrate it with your website using the NextivaONE plugin. Then, you can manage all your text messages, voice calls, call routing, and more in a central space.


  • It is a cloud-based tool, which makes it ideal for remote teams.
  • Nextiva can segment your contact list and send targeted SMS messages to different groups.
  • You can schedule your SMS marketing campaigns in advance.
  • You can also personalize your text messages by including the customer’s name, purchase history, or other relevant information.
  • It provides detailed analytics on your SMS marketing performance.
  • Nextiva can also integrate with other tools and offers automation, social media management, reputation management, and more.


  • Nextiva is more expensive than some of the other tools on this list.
  • It has a learning curve and can be difficult to use for beginners.

Why we recommend Nextiva: Overall, Nextiva is an ideal choice if you have a small business because it offers SMS marketing, automation, CRM, business phone number service, customer support software, and so much more. It is also a good choice if you have a remote team because it’s a cloud-based tool.

3. Joy Of Text

Joy of Text

Joy Of Text is an amazing text messaging plugin that uses a Twilio account and phone number to send messages to your WordPress subscribers, customers, or users.

The plugin allows you to send automated SMS notifications, create custom messages for different events, allow opt-in subscriptions, and use two-way messaging.


  • Joy Of Text can segment your audience based on different demographic factors to create personalized SMS campaigns.
  • You can integrate Joy Of Text with popular form builders plugins like WPForms and Gravity Forms to send text messages to users who subscribed using your forms.
  • It allows you to create and send text-to-voice messages.
  • Joy Of Text includes analytics reports, bulk user import, searchable message history, and integration with the WordPress user database.
  • It has a free version.


  • The free Joy Of Text plugin does not allow you to send scheduled SMS messages.
  • It offers limited support, so you may have to troubleshoot problems yourself.
  • You cannot integrate the plugin with other SMS marketing platforms like Brevo.

Why we recommend Joy Of Text: Joy Of Text is a great choice if you are on a budget, as its free plan offers user-friendly features to create an SMS campaign. It’s also a good option for sending text messages to your email list if you collect subscribers using WPForms.

4. Brevo (formerly Sendinblue)


Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) is a well-known email and SMS marketing platform.

It makes it super easy to create highly personalized SMS messages with the recipient’s name, location, and more for your marketing campaigns.

Brevo allows you to segment your contact list based on different parameters like demographic, geographic, or behavioral data. This makes sure that your SMS messages reach the right audience.

Plus, Brevo even lets you manage all of your SMS marketing from your Brevo account or by using the Newsletter, SMTP, Email marketing, and Subscribe forms by Sendinblue plugin.


  • It lets you create automated SMS messages triggered by specific actions and perform A/B testing.
  • You can manage opt-in and opt-out requests to comply with SMS marketing regulations.
  • You can integrate Brevo with other popular applications, including eCommerce platforms, landing page builders, and CRMs, to streamline your SMS marketing workflow.
  • Brevo lets you measure the open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates of your SMS messages.


  • Brevo’s SMS marketing features are more limited than other tools on this list. For example, it doesn’t allow you to send scheduled SMS messages.
  • Brevo does not offer live chat support.

Why we recommend Brevo: If you have a small business website, then you should consider choosing Brevo. It’s super affordable, comes with powerful features, and allows you to easily manage opt-in and opt-out requests.

5. HubSpot


HubSpot is a well-known marketing platform that comes with a drag-and-drop builder and makes it super easy to launch SMS campaigns.

It has a suite of tools, including a CRM that allows you to personalize your email or SMS messages based on device type, country, list membership, or any other custom information for an individual subscriber.

Other than that, HubSpot even allows you to automate your SMS marketing campaigns so that you can send messages to customers after they subscribe to your newsletter, fill in a form, make a purchase, or more.


  • HubSpot comes with a free plugin that you can use on your WordPress site.
  • It lets you segment your contact list based on different demographics.
  • HubSpot provides you with detailed analytics about your SMS marketing campaigns.
  • It offers other features like live chat software, chatbots, A/B testing, marketing automation, drip campaigns, a website builder, a form builder, and more.


  • HubSpot’s SMS messages are limited to 160 characters, which can be restrictive for some businesses.
  • Its paid plan can be expensive for some users.

Why we recommend HubSpot: If you are looking for a suite of tools that let you create and manage your website easily, then HubSpot is a great option. It has a website builder, form builder, email and SMS marketing features, and more.

6. Texty


Texty is a free WordPress plugin that lets you send text messages to WordPress users’ phones, WhatsApp, or Telegram numbers.

It’s a lightweight and mobile-responsive plugin that must be integrated with a gateway like Twilio, Vonage, Plivo, or Clickatell to send SMS messages.


  • Texty offers many different customizable designs, including popups and banners.
  • It offers multilingual support and A/B testing.
  • Texty lets you segment your messages based on different criteria.
  • It can send automated messages to your users. For example, if you integrate Texty with WooCommerce, then you will be able to send automated messages that keep customers updated about their order status.


  • As the plugin is completely free, it offers limited features.
  • It does not offer great customer support.

Why we recommend Texty: Texty is a great free SMS marketing plugin if you have a small business website and are looking for a budget-friendly solution.

7. Omnisend


Omnisend is another powerful SMS and email marketing platform that allows you to create and automate SMS campaigns.

The tool comes with a drag-and-drop builder, an A/B testing feature, and integrates with platforms like WordPress, WooCommerce, help desk software, live chat software, and more.

With Omnisend, you can also allow your customers to respond to your SMS messages to open a communication channel or provide support.


  • It lets you create drip campaigns and segment your contact list based on different criteria.
  • You can run contests and giveaways via SMS messages.
  • It allows you to automate your SMS marketing campaigns based on triggers.
  • It has a free plan that offers most of the features required for setting up an SMS marketing campaign.


  • Omnisend has a lower deliverability rate for SMS than some of the other tools on this list. This means that sometimes your text messages may end up in the spam folder.
  • Its paid plan can be expensive for small businesses.

Why we recommend Omnisend: Overall, Omnisend is a great software that lets you create email and SMS marketing campaigns. We recommend it if you have an online store or need an omnichannel platform for managing your SMS, WhatsApp, and email messages in one place.

8. Formidable Forms + Twilio Add-On

Formidable Twilio addon

Formidable Forms is an advanced form builder plugin that can be used to create contact forms, registration forms, subscription forms, and more.

By integrating the Twilio add-on, you can use Formidable Forms and Twilio to create SMS marketing campaigns for your WordPress site.


  • Using your Twilio phone number, you can send automated text messages to all the users who have filled out a form on your website.
  • Twilio allows you to receive a text message from your subscribers.
  • Formidable Forms also allows you to integrate your website with Zapier, Constant Contact, or MailChimp.
  • It offers an analytics feature that can help track your SMS marketing campaigns.


  • Formidable Forms does not offer a free plan.
  • It only allows you to send text messages to users who are part of your email list.

Why we recommend Formidable Forms + Twilio: Formidable Forms + Twilio addon is an ideal choice if you built an email list using the Formidable Forms plugin. Then, you can easily send SMS messages to all the users who are part of your email list.

9. Drip


Drip is another powerful email and SMS marketing platform that can easily be integrated with WooCommerce and WordPress using its free plugin.

With Drip, you can create a series of automated text messages that are sent to subscribers based on specific triggers, such as a new sign-up, a purchase, or a customer support interaction.


  • Drip also allows you to send one-off text messages to announce events or sales in your online store.
  • It comes with A/B testing and an analytics reports feature.
  • Drip allows you to personalize text messages and segment them based on different criteria, including location, purchase history, and interests.
  • It enables you to track the links in your text messages to see how many people click on them and track replies to your messages to improve user engagement.


  • Drip is a paid service.
  • Its user interface is a bit difficult to navigate, so it may take some time before you get the hang of it.
  • It does not allow you to create SMS drip campaigns.

Why we recommend Drip: If you have a WooCommerce store, then Drip is the ideal eCommerce SMS and email marketing plugin, as it comes with automation tools, email/SMS segmenting options, store revenue attribution features, and even lets you send emails and SMS in bulk.

Bonus: Collect More Phone Numbers With WPForms

Before you can start sending SMS campaigns, you will need phone numbers from your readers and customers. You can easily collect more phone numbers for SMS marketing using WPForms.

WPForms is the best contact form plugin on the market that makes it super easy to build your phone and email list for WordPress.

First, you need to install and activate the WPForms plugin. For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: There is also a free WPForms plugin that you can use to create forms on your website. However, you will need to upgrade to the paid plugin to use the Phone field.

Upon activation, head to the WPForms » Add New page from the WordPress admin sidebar.

Once you are there, just select a template for your form. You can now make a contact form, registration form, subscription form, or any other form of your choice.

Creating a new form using ready-made templates

Upon choosing a form template, you will be taken to the drag-and-drop interface, where you will be able to customize your template.

From here, simply drag and drop the Phone field from the left column into the form.

Add the Phone field to the form

After that, click on the field to open up its settings in the left column.

You can now change the name of the Phone field and even provide a description for it. You can also toggle the ‘Required’ switch to active so that users won’t be able to submit the form unless they fill in the ‘Phone’ field.

Once you are done, simply click the ‘Save’ button at the top to store your settings.

Configure Phone field settings

To add the form to your website, you need to visit a new or existing page from your WordPress admin sidebar.

Once there, click the ‘+’ button in the top left corner of the screen to find and add the WPForms block to the page.

After that, just pick your form from the dropdown menu in the block.

Add the WPForms block

Finally, click the ‘Publish’ button to save your changes.

Now, you will be able to collect new phone numbers every time someone fills out the form.

You can even view your phone numbers and email list by visiting the WPForms » Entries page from the WordPress admin sidebar.

Here, all the phone numbers submitted on your site will be listed under the ‘Phone’ column.

This will help you collect more phone numbers for your SMS marketing.

WPForms entries

What Is the Best SMS Marketing Plugin for WordPress?

In our expert opinion, we believe that OptinMonster is the best SMS marketing plugin for WordPress because it can be integrated with multiple SMS providers, has 50+ customizable templates, and is easy to use.

However, if you have a WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads store, then we recommend using the Drip plugin, as it has specific features for online stores.

If you want to use an all-in-one communication platform that allows you to manage phone calls, voice messages, text messages, and video conferencing, then Nextiva is an excellent option.

Similarly, if you are looking for a free solution, then Joy of Text and HubSpot are great choices.

Frequently Asked Questions About SMS Plugins

If you have any questions about SMS marketing or WordPress SMS plugins, we will answer them here.

What is SMS marketing?

SMS marketing means sending text messages to your users to promote your website or business and open a communication channel with them.

You can use SMS messages to inform customers about their purchases, promote sales or events, send customer service notifications, and more.

By using SMS marketing plugins, you can even send personalized messages to your users to bring them back to your website and increase conversions.

Moreover, SMS marketing is more cost-effective than email marketing, making it an ideal option if you have a small business.

Which SMS marketing plugin is right for me?

In our expert opinion, OptinMonster is the best WordPress SMS marketing plugin. However, the right plugin for you can depend on your specific needs.

For example, if you have a WooCommerce or EDD store, then Drip or Omnisend are great choices, as they come with built-in features for online stores.

Similarly, if you are looking for an affordable option, then Brevo, HubSpot, and Texty are good options as well.

On the other hand, if you want to send text messages to your email list, then you can use the Formidable Forms + Twilio addon or the Joy Of Text plugin, which easily integrates with WPForms.

Best WordPress Guides for SMS and Email Marketing

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 9 Best SMS Marketing Plugins for WordPress (Expert Pick for 2023) first appeared on WPBeginner.

7 Best User Feedback Plugins for WordPress (Free and Paid)

Are you looking for an easy way to collect feedback from visitors and customers on your website?

Getting user feedback can help you uncover interesting insights. You can better understand your audience and find out what they’re interested in. With the right plugin, you can easily collect user feedback in WordPress.

In this article, we will show you the best user feedback plugins for WordPress.

Best User Feedback Plugins in WordPress

Why Use a WordPress User Feedback Plugin?

A WordPress feedback plugin helps you gather and organize feedback from your visitors, customers, and subscribers.

Instead of sending cold emails or physical surveys, a user feedback tool lets you collect feedback directly on your WordPress website in real-time. You get to capture your user’s thoughts and opinions instantly.

A user feedback plugin also helps save time. It lets you add an interactive and engaging feedback question or survey to your website. This also helps build trust with your audience and improves communication.

Besides that, a plugin makes it super easy to organize the data you collect. You can view the responses from your WordPress dashboard and many plugins also offer built-in reports to show the results of your poll or survey.

Using this data, you can enhance customer support, introduce new features, improve your products, and grow your business.

That said, let’s look at some of the best user feedback plugins you can choose for your business.

1. UserFeedback


UserFeedback is the best WordPress user feedback plugin in the market. It lets you collect in-the-moment surveys to collect quality feedback from your website visitors.

The plugin is beginner-friendly and offers lots of features. It simplifies the process of gathering feedback. You get over 20 pre-built templates, unlimited questions, and more responses.

Click the Post Purchase Review Template

UserFeedback also offers different types of questions you can ask your audience. For instance, there are options to ask multiple-choice questions, set up an NPS survey, ask a quick rating question, or ask an open-ended question for feedback.

The plugin also lets you show the feedback form on specific devices. For example, you can show it to desktop, mobile, and tablet users.

UserFeedback popup survey example

Other than that, UserFeedback offers options to control when the feedback form will be shown, how long the survey will run, and more.

Another advantage of using the UserFeedback plugin is that it easily integrates with MonsterInsights and Google Analytics. This way, you get to make data-driven decisions instead of just guessing.


  • Beginner friendly plugins
  • Overs 20+ pre-built templates
  • Show surveys on specific pages and devices
  • Unlimited questions and surveys
  • Easily integrates with Google Analytics
  • Set up conditional survey questions


  • The free version has limited features

Pricing: UserFeedback prices start from $49.50 per year, but you can also use a free version to get started.

2. WPForms


WPForms is the best contact form plugin for WordPress. It is very easy to use and offers a drag-and-drop form builder that lets you create all types of forms without editing code.

With WPForms, you get over 1,000 form templates and many customization options. For instance, you can create a simple suggestion form and place it on your site to collect feedback from visitors.

WPForms also offers powerful addons that add more features to your site. With its Surveys and Polls addon, you can create interactive surveys and polls to get quick feedback from website visitors.

WPForms' user review form template

Besides that, you can collect customer reviews and testimonials, conduct an NPS survey, get client feedback, and much more using WPForms. It also lets you create a file upload form where users can submit logos, articles, pictures, and more.

What makes WPForms a great user feedback plugin is its simplicity and customization options. You can edit any form template using the drag-and-drop builder, add or remove form fields, and more without touching a single line of code.


  • Offers a drag-and-drop form builder
  • Choose from 1,000+ form templates
  • Set up smart conditional logic to show form fields based on users’ responses
  • Get built-in spam protection
  • Easily integrates with email marketing tools


  • WPForms addons are only available for Pro or higher license

Pricing: WPForms prices start from $49.50 per year. If you want to use the Surveys and Polls addon, then you’ll need the Pro version, which costs $199.50 per year. There is also the WPForms Lite version you can use to get started for free.

3. HubSpot

HubSpot customer feedback

HubSpot is the best customer relation management (CRM) software for small businesses. It offers a complete suite of products alongside a CRM. You get live chat, a form builder, a ticketing system, a marketing automation tool, a website builder, and customer feedback software.

The HubSpot Customer Feedback tool helps you create surveys on your site and collect feedback from users. You can choose from a wide range of questions and select customizable templates.

For instance, it lets you create an NPS survey, a customer effort score (CES) survey, and a customer satisfaction (CSAT) survey.

HubSpot lets you share your surveys using its email marketing tool or simply embed them anywhere on your WordPress site. It also offers dashboard reports to see your survey results and identify improvement areas.

We chose HubSpot because it offers a complete collection of tools in its CRM, including a customer feedback tool. From marketing to sales, customer support, operations, and other free tools, you get a lot of value from HubSpot.


  • Get lots of tools in its CRM software
  • Create multiple types of surveys
  • Choose from pre-built templates and customization options
  • View survey results from dashboard reports


  • It can be overwhelming for new users to use multiple features at once
  • The paid pricing plans can be expensive

Pricing: You can get started on HubSpot for free, while the premium plans start from $18 per month for small teams and individuals.

4. FeedFocal


FeedFocal is a free WordPress user feedback plugin that helps you collect feedback data from website visitors. It connects with your JustFeedback account and you can embed your surveys anywhere on your site.

The plugin is simple and easy to use. You can create different surveys in a matter of minutes using the pre-built templates.

For instance, FeedFocal lets you create a survey for customer satisfaction score, customer effort score, net promoter score, employee satisfaction score, and employee net promoter score. There is also an option to set up a custom survey for your website.

What’s great about the plugin is its clean interface, and you can choose from pre-built templates to quickly add a feedback form to your site. Plus, it offers advanced targeting features and shows survey results in real-time.


  • Use pre-built survey templates
  • Simple and easy to use
  • Customize your surveys
  • Advanced targeting features
  • Get real-time analytics


  • The free version is limited to 10 results only
  • Limited forms fields to choose from
  • Paid plans are expensive for individuals and small businesses

Pricing: FeedFocal is a free WordPress plugin and shows up to 10 responses. You’ll need the premium version to unlock more responses, costing you $49 monthly.

5. Thrive Quiz Builder

Thrive Quiz Builder

Thrive Quiz Builder is part of the Thrive Themes suite and lets you create stunning quizzes in WordPress. It is the best quiz plugin for WordPress and you can use it to collect user feedback.

For example, you can ask visitors what they’re interested in using quizzes. Or ask customers what’s their favorite part about the product.

The Thrive Quiz Builder lets you set up complex quizzes without editing code. You can easily customize your quizzes using the quiz builder. It also lets you select different types of quizzes, including surveys.

Besides that, Thrive Quiz Builder shows powerful analytics for your quizzes. You see results at different time intervals, see how many people started and finished the quiz, and more.

The best part about using Thrive Quiz Builder is pairing it with other tools in the Thrive Themes suite. Plus, the tool is super easy to use and helps you create interactive surveys to collect feedback.


  • Choose from 5 different quiz types, including surveys
  • Use pre-built quiz templates
  • User-friendly plugin to use
  • Create complex quizzes without editing code
  • Choose from 3 types of questions
  • A/B test quizzes


  • There is no free version
  • You cannot purchase Thrive Quiz Builder separately

Pricing: Thrive Quiz Builder is part of the Thrive Themes suite, and it will cost you $299 per year.

6. Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms is one of the best contact form plugins for WordPress and lets you create polls and surveys to collect user feedback.

It also helps you create complex and advanced WordPress forms. For instance, you can create advanced calculators, web applications, payment forms, listings, and more.

Using Formidable Forms polls and surveys addon, you can set up interactive user feedback forms on your site. The drag-and-drop form builder makes it easy to customize forms and add new fields. Besides that, there are lots of pre-built form templates to choose from.

Formidable Forms also offers graphs, charts, and reports to display the results of your survey and poll. There are more options to limit the survey responses, set up conditional logic, show a progress bar, show a summary of responses before submitting, and more.


  • Drag and drop form builder
  • Choose from prebuilt form templates
  • Create advanced WordPress forms
  • Easily integrates with email marketing tools
  • Use charts, graphs, and visuals for survey results


  • There is no free version of the plugin

Pricing: Formidable Forms prices start from $39.50 per year.

7. YOP Poll

YOP polls

YOP Poll is the next WordPress user feedback plugin on our list. It lets you create unlimited polls in WordPress to ask users about their suggestions and preferences.

The plugin has a basic interface and offers 2 templates to choose from. Once you select a template, there are multiple designs you can use for your poll. Besides that, you can customize options to change the padding, text color, text size, text weight, and more.

Other features offered by YOP Poll include a start and end date for your poll, redirecting users after completing the voting, changing the voting button label, and more.

YOP Poll is a great solution for anyone looking for a free WordPress plugin to add polls to their WordPress site. It offers simple and basic features and you can embed your polls using shortcode anywhere.


  • Choose from pre-built designs to customize your poll
  • Basic and clean interface
  • 100% free to use
  • Add custom fields to your polls
  • Use different ways to view voting results


  • Limited poll templates to use
  • Basic customization options

Pricing: YOP Poll is a free WordPress plugin.

Which is the Best User Feedback Plugin for WordPress?

After reviewing multiple plugins, we believe that UserFeedback and WPForms are the best WordPress plugin to collect user feedback.

UserFeedback is very easy to set up and use. There are pre-built templates, different types of questions to ask, device and page-level targeting, and more. You can also customize the survey form to match your site’s branding.

On the other hand, if you’re looking to create different types of suggestion and feedback forms, then WPForms is the best user feedback tool.

It offers a drag-and-drop form builder, pre-built form templates, multiple form fields for customization, and more. WPForms also offers powerful addons that add more features to your site. For instance, you can run surveys and polls using an addon.

FAQs about WordPress User Feedback Plugins

Here are some common questions people have about user feedback tools for WordPress.

1. What is the user review plugin for WordPress?

A user review plugin helps you collect reviews, feedback, and suggestions from your audience. It makes it easy to ask questions and organize them in a simple way. Many review plugins also show the results of surveys and polls inside your WordPress dashboard.

2. How do I add feedback to WordPress?

The easiest way of adding feedback to WordPress is by using a plugin. Many user feedback plugins make it very easy to add forms to your site. For instance, UserFeedback and WPForms offer blocks to add your feedback to your site.

3. How do I add a survey to WordPress?

The best way to add a survey to WordPress is by using a plugin. There are many options like UserFeedback, WPForms, and HubSpot that let you add surveys to your site without editing code. You can simply choose a template, customize the form, and embed it on your site.

We hope this article helped you find the best user feedback plugins for WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to increase your blog traffic and the best auto-dialer software for small businesses.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 7 Best User Feedback Plugins for WordPress (Free and Paid) first appeared on WPBeginner.

9 Best WPForms Alternatives Compared (Free and Paid)

Are you looking for the best WPForms alternatives? 

WPForms is the powerful drag and drop WordPress forms plugin out there. It lets you quickly create contact forms, payment forms, surveys, and more without any coding at all. However, there are a lot of other forms plugins out there, and we want to help you find the one that works best for your site.

In this post, we’ll explore some of the best alternatives to WPForms. 

Best WPForms Alternatives

Is There a Free Alternative to WPForms?

Yes, there’s a free version of WPForms! WPForms Lite gives you the most important features you need to get started with creating forms. 

With WPForms Lite, you can access ready-made templates and create unlimited forms right in the form builder. 

That said, let’s look at the best WPForms Pro alternatives. 

1. WPForms Lite

WPforms lite

We do think that WPForms is the best form builder available, and if you’re not ready to purchase a license just yet, we suggest that you give WPForms Lite a shot.

It is the best alternative WordPress form plugin to WPForms Pro and offers plenty of features for free. With over 6 million professionals using the product on their websites, it’s one of the most popular plugins available. 

You can use WPForms Lite to: 

  • Build unlimited forms without writing a single line of code
  • Get unlimited responses 
  • Protect your forms against spam 
  • Receive entry notifications by mail 
  • Create payment and subscription forms with Stripe integration 

Building forms only takes a few minutes, too. WPForms Lite lets you build many types quickly with its user-friendly drag and drop interface.

Simply choose your template and drag any field you want from left to right. 

WPforms drag and drop builder

The Lite version alone has plenty of field options, including multiple choice, dropdown, reCAPTCHA, payment fields, and a GDPR agreement.

Also, with the free version, you can email users when forms are completed for confirmation or direct them to the next steps.

WPForms Lite can connect with Constant Contact for lead generation, too. Once users submit their information through a newsletter form, the new contact will be added to your email list. Newsletter signup and user registration forms are a powerful way to get more leads from your WordPress site

Constant contact

You will want to use WPForms Pro to connect with other email marketing services like Mailchimp, GetResponse, AWeber, Drip, and others. 

WPForms Lite also easily integrates popular page builders SeedProd and Divi so that you can create and embed contact forms without complex shortcodes. 

But what if you want to connect your forms to a service that doesn’t have an addon? WPForms Lite connects with Uncanny Automator, which allows you to send WPForms submissions to other plugins and services. 

Unlike most free plugins which lack proper customer support, WPForms Lite provides support in the WordPress.org forums, and you can expect a typical response time of 1 to 3 business days.

If you’re a Pro member, you get help even faster since you can open a support ticket and expect a response within 1 business day. 

While it’s missing some advanced features like conditional logic and multi-page forms, WPForms Lite is the perfect tool for freelancers, creatives, or other business owners who only need simple forms. 

Pricing: WPForms Lite is completely free to use. If you want to upgrade to the Pro version, WPBeginner users can enjoy an exclusive 50% OFF discount on all plans by using our WPForms coupon

2. Formidable Forms

Formidable forms

Formidable Forms is an advanced WordPress form builder and a great alternative to WPForms if you’re looking to create complex forms. 

WPForms and Formidable Forms share many similarities. For instance, both have user-friendly drop form builders to create forms. 

That said, Formidable Forms tends to favor developers and brands requiring complex forms with advanced functionality, while WPForms specializes in powerful forms that are easy to design and embed. 

Formidable Forms lets you create calculation forms, which is very useful for businesses like real estate or finance businesses.

You also get unique templates like car payment, paycheck, and mortgage calculations (along with many others), making Formidable Forms really stand out. 

Besides that, you can turn your form results into user-generated content. They create eye-catching reports, graphs, and charts using form submission data. The plugin can also export the data into many different formats, such as proposals, invoices, certifications, and more. 

Pricing: Formidable form plans start at $39.50 per year. However, you can also use the free version of the plugin as an alternative to WPForms. 

3. WP Simple Pay

WP simple pay

WP Simple Pay is a plugin that makes creating and accepting payment forms on your WordPress site super easy. 

Your forms can capture one-time payments or recurring subscriptions to fit your needs. This is perfect for business owners, freelancers, and agency owners who want to accept payments on their site without the fuss of creating an online store

With WP Simple Pay, you can accept over 10 different payment methods, including credit or debit cards, ACH, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and other payment methods. This is more than just any other payment form builder, including WPForms.

If you need to take payments or donations on your site, then WP Simple Pay is a great alternative to using WPForms payment forms.

Pricing: Pricing plans start at $49.50 per year, giving you access to unlimited payment forms and no monthly fees. Higher plans offer features like Buy Now, Pay Later installment plans, and dedicated landing pages to help boost conversions. 

4. WP Charitable


WP Charitable is the best plugin for building non-profit donation forms and fundraising campaigns. 

Collecting and managing donations in WordPress can be difficult since most donation and fundraising plugins are either too pricey or too limited. Expensive platform fees can quickly add up and eat into your fundraising efforts. 

If you’re building donation forms, WP Charitable is the best choice. Since the platform doesn’t charge transaction fees, you can be assured that your donors’ generous donations won’t be taxed on your website.

With WP Charitable, you can create unlimited fundraising campaigns and set goals for each cause. 

The free version of WP Charitable supports PayPal donations and offline payments. With the paid plans, you can add other payment gateways like Authorize.net and Stripe. 

Pricing: Plans start at $99 per year with access to unlimited campaigns and donors. With higher plans, you will get addons such as recurring donations, peer-to-peer fundraising and crowdfunding, and newsletter software integration.  

5. Typeform


Typeform is a popular form builder that allows you to create forms, applications, quizzes, and even surveys or polls. 

Like WPForms, there’s no coding involved. There are over 120+ integration options, and everything from logos to videos can be edited in the Typeform software, so you can build an appealing form. 

You can also choose from 100+ templates based on different industries and use cases, including ecommerce sites, medical institutions, and more.

That said, Typeform does have some drawbacks. The biggest downside is the cost. The Basic plan starts from $25 per month to create unlimited forms. That’s something WPForms Lite can do for absolutely free. 

There’s also a cap on how many monthly responses you can receive based on the type of plan you choose. The Basic plan only captures a mere 100 responses, which isn’t enough for most small businesses. 

Plus, the most expensive plans run $996 USD per year, which drives up the cost of running a website by a lot. 

Also, it’s a SaaS (software as a service) tool, meaning it stores data onto external services. This can be a security threat since you’ll be leaving your customer’s personal data in someone else’s hands. 

Pricing: Typeform’s Basic plan starts at $300 per year with a small limit of 100 responses. The most advanced plan costs $996 per year and gives you extra features like conversion tracking, custom branding, and priority support. 

6. HubSpot Form Builder

Hubspot form builder

HubSpot Form Builder allows you to create simple contact forms. It is a great alternative to WPForms if you already use other HubSpot products like the HubSpot customer relationship management (CRM), email marketing, or live chat tool.

What’s unique about HubSpot Form Builder is that you can create custom forms that meet your website need and automatically sync your new contacts collected from your forms into the HubSpot CRM.

You can create embedded forms, popup box forms, forms as standalone pages, or as dropdown banners. As a result, you can place lead generation forms at the right time and place in the customer journey. 

Also, the plugin has an automation feature, allowing you to send emails to the user once they’ve submitted your forms. However, it’s only available as part of paid plans. 

One of the biggest disadvantages is that the HubSpot Form Builder is quite limited in form templates, giving users only a handful of templates to work with. So if there isn’t a template to match your needs, you’ll have to create the form from scratch. 

HubSpot Form Builder is part of a larger ecosystem of tools, meaning you don’t have to use third-party tools like Google Analytics for insights. You will have a built-in analytics dashboard to see how your forms are performing. And best of all, you can create a HubSpot form right in WordPress.

Pricing: The HubSpot Form Builder is free. However, if you want to access some of the other tools along with the form builder, pricing starts at $216 per year. 

7. Gravity Forms

Gravity forms

Gravity Forms is a powerful solution to create custom forms in WordPress. 

With this plugin, you can build contact forms, surveys, and quizzes for your website with ease. 

It comes with plenty of advanced features like conditional formatting, which shows or hides certain questions based on the user’s previous answer. 

Gravity Forms also offers many addons to help you get the most out of the plugin. You can track users by geolocation, allow signatures, and collect partial form entries. 

That said, Gravity Forms does fall short when compared to WPForms. It only comes with 15 templates and lacks a free version. If you’re using Gravity Forms on multiple sites, the licenses still provide a decent value for money. 

Pricing: The Basic license starts at $59 per year, providing only access to 1 site and a few integrations. 

8. Ninja Forms


Ninja Forms is another WPForms alternative you can start using for free. It features a drag and drop form builder so you can build interactive online forms without coding. 

The plugin offers a wide range of addons for purchase, such as conditional logic, file uploads, Excel export, and multi-step forms. Unfortunately, you have to buy each one separately, which can quickly rack up, especially when buying more than one or two addons. 

Out of this list, Ninja Forms offers some of the most integrations out of any tool. For example, you can connect them with different payment apps like Stripe and PayPal, CRMs like Salesforce, and other tools like webhooks and Slack. 

Pricing: The base plugin is free to download in the official WordPress repository. However, you can buy a subscription with additional features starting at $99 per year or purchase individual addons. 

9. Contact Form 7

Contact form 7

Contact Form 7 rounds out our list because it is the oldest and most downloaded contact form plugin in the official WordPress plugin directory.

It is a WPForms alternative, but we don’t recommend that you use it. The only real benefit of using Contact Form 7 is that it’s free to use, and you can create simple forms. WPForms Lite does everything it can and more.

That said, Contact Form 7 is not user-friendly. There are no drag and drop builders or templates to use. Instead, you have to copy shortcodes to embed forms and toggle with dynamic merge tags to build the most basic contact forms. 

Additionally, all forms are styled plainly. You can’t customize the style of your forms, making it hard to match the form’s design to your WordPress theme

If you’re looking for a free WordPress contact form plugin, then WPForms Lite, Ninja Forms, and Formidable Forms Lite are all considerably better solutions than Contact Form 7. 

Pricing: It’s a free plugin. However, it lacks many basic features, no real customization is available, and you get limited support. 

What to Look for in an Online Form Builder 

When you’re on the hunt for an online form builder for your WordPress website, there are many features and factors to consider. 

Fortunately, WPForms offers all of these features and then some. This makes it the most comprehensive form builder plugin on the market.

Let’s look at a few of them. 

Pre-built Templates

The best online form builders have pre-built form templates, allowing you to set up the forms you need in minutes. You never have to start from scratch as you do with plugins like Contact Form 7. 

Instead, look for a form builder with a template gallery that includes the most popular forms needed for WordPress websites, like contact forms, newsletter signup forms, application forms, donation forms, order forms, and more. 

In fact, the WPForms Lite version alone has 900+ form templates, meaning there’s a form to fit almost anything you could need. 

WPforms templates

Conditional Logic 

In some cases, you may want to show or hide specific fields to users based on their responses. 

That way, your visitors won’t see tons of empty fields that don’t apply to them. 

Conditional logic

You can use conditional logic to create dynamic forms that adapt as your visitor fills out the form. For example, you may want to: 

  • Filter your survey questions based on a demographic question
  • Process payments only when certain conditions are met
  • Provide customized support based on the type of issues your customers are experiencing  

Surveys & Polls 

A good form builder should also include the ability to create survey forms, polls, and quizzes. 

Unlike most professional survey tools, WPForms Pro lets you easily embed surveys and polls onto your site. This helps you share and distribute them to a wider audience. 

Everything is housed and stored within WordPress, meaning all your survey responses will be stored on your website, so you don’t have to log into different platforms and you can ensure your users’ data is secure.

Also, you’ll see survey charts to visually see how responses are segmented. You can also download MonsterInsights, the best Google Analytics plugin, to measure your form completion rates as well. 

Conversational Forms 

Static forms can feel plain, which increases the likelihood of form abandonment. Online form builders should be able to create conversational forms. 

This is a more interactive layout that only focuses on one question at a time rather than showing all of the questions at once. 

Conversational forms

Also, conversational forms can be completed using a keyboard only, making them more suitable for mobile users.

Multi-Page Forms 

Long forms can be overwhelming, causing users to abandon the form altogether. However, creating multi-page forms splits your single-page form into smaller sections with a progress bar to help reduce fatigue. 

Page break

Respondents are more likely to finish the form when separated into pages rather than seeing one long form.  

Spam Protection 

Online forms are vulnerable to spam bots that crawl through websites to find ways to email you through a non-secure form. 

Since website owners often don’t give out their email addresses, forms are an easy way for hackers to add spam comments, send phishing links, and spread malware. 

That’s why you need built-in security features in your online form builder to prevent spam emails. 

WPForms features the latest spam defense methods. For example, you can add a CAPTCHA to bypass spambots so that only humans can submit your forms. 

Which WPForms Pro Alternative is the Best? 

In our experience, the best alternative to WPForms Pro is WPForms Lite. For many users, the options in the free version can get them started with their website or business.  

It is a powerful and easy-to-use plugin that lets you build just about any type of form. The Lite version can do all of the basic functions users need without any of the bloat other contact form plugins have. 

There simply is no other free forms plugin that has the same ease of use and number of features as WPForms Lite. 

However, if you need direct CRM integration, HubSpot Form Builder is the way to go.

For more complex forms or calculations, Formidable Forms is the clear winner.

If you want to be able to choose and pay for only the features you will use the most, then we think that Ninja Forms is your best option.

We hope this article helped you decide on the best WPForms alternative so you can create the forms you need on your WordPress site. While looking at these alternatives, you may want to check out our guide on the “must-have” WordPress Plugins & tools for business sites and the best WordPress popup plugins

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 9 Best WPForms Alternatives Compared (Free and Paid) first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Add a Shipping Calculator to Your WordPress Site

Do you want your visitors to easily calculate the cost of shipping on your website?

Using a shipping calculator, customers can accurately estimate the total cost of a product they’ll have to pay with delivery. It helps keep your business transparent and builds trust with potential customers.

In this article, we will show you how to add a shipping calculator to your WordPress site.

How to add a shipping calculator to your WordPress site

What is a Shipping Calculator & Why Use It?

A shipping calculator helps estimate the total cost of shipping automatically. It shows delivery charges and other relevant fees to customers, so they don’t have to manually figure out shipping rates and expenses.

There are different factors that come into play when calculating shipping costs. Some of these include the price of the product, destination, origin of a shipment, weight, dimensions, type of shipping service, and other variables during the calculation.

Manually calculating shipping costs can be time-consuming if there are multiple orders on your online store. Plus, the manual calculation would also lead to mistakes, which can impact customer satisfaction.

You’ll save a lot of time and simply automate the process by using a shipping calculator plugin for your WordPress site or WooCommerce site.

Customers can simply select their location and see what the product will actually cost after delivery. This helps strengthen your relationship with your customers and builds trust.

That said, let’s see how you can easily add a shipping calculator to your WordPress site. We’ll also show a way of adding it to your WooCommerce store.

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Adding a Shipping Calculator to WooCommerce

The best way to add a shipping calculator in WooCommerce is by using the Product page shipping calculator for WooCommerce plugin. It is a free plugin that allows customers to calculate the cost of shipping before adding a product to the cart.

First, you’ll need to download and install the Product page shipping calculator for the WooCommerce plugin. If you need help, then please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you can go to WooCommerce » Shipping Calculator to configure the plugin.

Configure shipping calculator settings

The plugin works out of the box, and you can use default settings to get started. However, there are options to edit them and customize your shipping calculator.

It’s important to note that the plugin will use the information from the shipping zone settings in WooCommerce when calculating shipping fees.

Setting Up Shipping Zones in WooCommerce

If you haven’t set up shipping zones, then you will need to go to WooCommerce » Settings from your WordPress dashboard and switch to the ‘Shipping’ tab.

Add a shipping zone

Under the Shipping zones section, simply click the ‘Add shipping zone’ button.

Next, you’ll need to enter a zone name and select regions from the dropdown menu. You can add multiple countries or cities under a single zone.

Enter shipping zone details

After that, you can click the ‘Add shipping method’ button.

A popup window will now open.

WooCommerce offers 3 shipping methods to choose from. You can select a ‘Flat rate’ and then enter an amount that will be charged for shipping. Or you can choose ‘Free shipping’ and ‘Local pickup’ options.

Select a shipping method

When you’re done, simply click the ‘Add shipping method’ button.

You can add multiple shipping methods for the zone and set up conditions when they’ll apply.

Next, you’ll need to click the ‘Edit’ option under your shipping methods.

Edit shipping method

After that, a small window will open where you can change the title of the method, select whether you’d like the shipping method to be taxable or not, and enter a cost.

For costs, you can enter a flat rate that will be charged when a customer adds a product to a cart. There is also an option to multiply the shipping cost by the quantity.

Enter details of shipping method

Once you’re done, click the ‘Save changes’ button.

You can now head back to the shipping zone section to view your zones, regions, and shipping methods.

View shipping zone details

Edit Shipping Calculator Settings

After setting up shipping zones, you can head back to WooCommerce » Shipping Calculator to change the settings of the Product page shipping calculator for the WooCommerce plugin.

In the Basic setting tab, you can edit the position of the calculator on the product page and the position of the calculator results.

If you scroll down, you’ll see more settings. For instance, the plugin lets you edit the messages used in the plugin, auto-load the shipping method, and more.

Save changes to shipping calculator

When you’re done, simply click the ‘Save Changes’ button on the side or at the bottom of the page.

Next, you can switch to the ‘Remove fields’ tab. Here, you’ll see options to remove any field from the shipping calculator.

For instance, the plugin will show country, state, town/city, and postcode/zip fields by default. You can disable any of the fields that don’t match your shipping zones.

Remove fields from shipping calculator

After that, head to the ‘Design’ tab. The plugin gives you multiple options to edit the appearance of the shipping calculator.

For example, you can change the background color and text color to show shipping methods. Or you can choose colors for the buttons that appear in the calculator.

Edit design of shipping calculator

Don’t forget to click the ‘Save Change’ button to store your settings.

Next, you can visit your WooCommerce store to see the shipping calculator in action.

In the screenshot below, customers will first need to select a delivery location and click the ‘Update Address’ button.

Select your delivery location

Once that’s done, the plugin will automatically calculate the shipping cost that you set up in the shipping zone section and will add it to the total cost.

This way, customers will know the shipping charges they’ll have to pay in addition to the cost of the product.

View shipping charges

Adding a Shipping Calculator to WordPress Site

If you don’t have a WooCommerce store and want to add a generic shipping calculator to your WordPress site, then you can use Formidable Forms.

It is a popular contact form plugin for WordPress that lets you create advanced and complex forms. For instance, you can add a contact form, calculators, surveys, directories, and web applications using the plugin.

For this tutorial, we will use the Formidable Forms Pro plan because it includes pricing fields and more customization options.

First, you’ll need to install and activate the Formidable Forms Lite and Formidable Forms Pro plugins. The Lite plugin is free to use, and the premium plugin adds more advanced features to it.

If you need help, then please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you’ll need to go to Formidable » Global Settings from the WordPress dashboard. From here, you can click the ‘Click to enter a license key manually’ link.

The Formidable Forms license page

Next, you’ll need to enter the license key and click the ‘Save License’ button.

You can find the license key in your Formidable Forms account area.

Enter Formidable Forms license key

After that, you must go to Formidable » Forms to add a new form.

Simply click the ‘+ Add New’ button at the top.

Create a new form

Next, Formidable Forms will show different templates to choose from. You can choose from multiple categories, like business operations, calculator, conversational forms, and more.

Formidable Forms doesn’t offer a pre-built template for a shipping calculator. However, you can create one using a blank form template.

Go ahead and select the ‘Blank Form’ template.

Select formidable forms template

On the next screen, you’ll need to enter a name for your form.

There is also an option to insert the template into an application. However, you can leave this to the default setting for this tutorial.

After entering the form name, click the ‘Create’ button.

Enter a name for new form template

Next, you’ll see the drag-and-drop form builder.

You can simply drag any form field from the menu on the left and drop it on the template.

Add form fields to blank form

For instance, you can add form fields like name, email, phone number, and more to the template.

To create a shipping calculator, you can scroll down to the Pricing Fields section on the left and add a ‘Product’ form field.

Add a product form field

Next, you can select the product form field and further customize it.

For instance, we changed the label of the field and product type. Formidable Forms also lets you show products as checkboxes, dropdowns, radio buttons, single products, or user-defined.

Edit product form field

Besides that, you can add your products and their prices under the Product Options on the menu on the left.

Now that you’ve added your products, the next step is to add your shipping regions and charges. To do that, you can again add a Product form field under the Pricing Fields section in the menu on the left.

After that, you’ll need to edit its label and product type, and then enter each region individually and its shipping cost.

Add shipping regions to form

In the screenshot above, we changed the label to Shipping Regions and changed the Product Types to Checkboxes. From here, we added different shipping zones and their cost under the Product Options section.

Once this is done, you’ll need to show a total for your shipping calculator. To do that, simply add the Total form field under the Pricing Fields section to the template.

Add a total form field

Next, you can select the Total form field and edit its label, add a description, and more.

Formidable Forms also lets you add conditional logic to the form fields and show them based on user responses.

Edit total form field

After that, you can switch to the ‘Style’ tab from the top.

Formidable Forms offers pre-built styles for your form. Simply select one or create a new style. For this tutorial, we will use the default Formidable Style.

Select form style

Next, you can also change form settings in Formidable Forms.

Simply switch to the ‘Settings’ tab at the top. Here, you’ll find general settings for changing the form title, adding a description, and more.

Change form settings in formidable

There are also options for actions and notifications, form permissions, and scheduling your shipping calculator form.

After you’ve configured the settings, save your changes. You’re now ready to embed your calculator anywhere on your site.

To start, you can click the ‘Embed’ button in the form builder at the top. This will give you multiple options, like add the form to an existing page, create a new page, or insert manually.

Embed your shipping calculator form

For the sake of this tutorial, we will choose the ‘Create new page’ option.

Next, you can enter a name for your new page and click the ‘Create page’ button.

Enter a name for new page

From here, you’ll see a preview of the shipping calculator form in the WordPress content editor.

Go ahead and publish your page and visit your site to see the shipping calculator in action.

Shipping calculator preview

We hope this article helped you learn how to add a shipping calculator to your WordPress site. You may also want to see our guide on how to set up form tracking in Google Analytics and the best WooCommerce plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add a Shipping Calculator to Your WordPress Site first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Create a Searchable Database in WordPress (Step by Step)

Do you want to create a searchable database in WordPress?

A searchable database allows you to easily store, manage, and update all the data on your website in a central location. This can be helpful for sorting through information from contact form submissions or other user data.

In this article, we will show you how to easily create a searchable database in WordPress.

Create a searchable database in WordPress

What Is a Searchable Database?

A searchable database is a collection of all the data on your website that you can filter to find the information that you need. It allows you to organize and view all the data that is coming into your WordPress blog.

For example, you can use a searchable database to easily sort and view user information submitted via your contact form.

This ensures that you don’t waste time manually searching through pages or posts to access the data you need. Plus, viewing data in a central location can also help you see data trends and use them to your advantage to generate more leads for your business.

Searchable databases also have a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate and interact with the back end of your WordPress website, even if you are a beginner.

Having said that, let’s see how you can easily add a searchable database in WordPress step by step. You can use the quick links below to jump to the different parts of the tutorial:

How to Add a Searchable Database in WordPress

You can easily add a searchable database in WordPress using Formidable Forms.

Formidable Forms is an all-in-one WordPress form builder plugin that comes with a drag-and-drop interface to create different forms, including quizzes, contact forms, surveys, payment forms, and more.

It also comes with a built-in searchable database feature that lets you easily search, edit, add, display, hide, sort, and view all your WordPress form data in one location.

First, you need to install and activate the Formidable Forms plugin. For more detailed instructions, you may want to see our beginner’s guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: Formidable Forms also has a free version that you can use to create a searchable database. However, we will be using the Pro version to unlock more features.

Step 1: Create a Form Using The Plugin

Upon activation, you need to head over to the Formidable » Forms page from the WordPress admin sidebar. From here, click the ‘Add New Form’ button to start creating a form for your WordPress site.

Click the Add New Form button

This will open up a ‘Create new form’ prompt on the screen, where you have to select a form template.

For this tutorial, we will be creating and adding a contact form to our website.

Select contact form template

Once you have done that, you will be asked to name your form.

After that, just click the ‘Create’ button to launch the form builder.

Click Create button to launch the form builder

This will open up the drag-and-drop builder interface, where you can drag form fields of your choice from the left column onto the form.

You can even customize your form by switching to the ‘Style’ tab at the top and choosing a theme for it.

Once you are done, simply click the ‘Update’ button at the top to store your changes.

Save your form by clicking the Update button at the top

Now, to add the form to your WordPress website, you need to head over to an existing or new page from the WordPress admin sidebar.

Once there, click the ‘+’ button in the top left corner of the screen to open up the block menu.

From here, find and add the Formidable Forms block to the page.

Add Formidable Forms block

Next, you must click the ‘Select a form’ dropdown menu in the block and choose the form that you want to add to the page.

Once you are done, simply click the ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ button at the top to store your settings.

Now that a form has been added to a page, a searchable database will automatically be created for it.

Contact form preview

Step 2: View And Edit Data Using a Searchable Database

Once users start submitting their information in the form, all of this data will be collected and stored in the database.

You can easily view it by visiting the Formidable » Entries page from the admin sidebar. Here, each entry for the form will be displayed on the screen.

Simply click the ‘View’ link under an entry name to see it.

Alternatively, if you want to edit the form entry, then you can click the ‘Edit’ link under it.

View or edit form entries

This will take you to a new screen, where you will be able to view all the user information, entry id, entry key, submission data, and more.

You will also be able to edit and update the form details.

Edit entry

Step 3: Visualize Searchable Database as a Table

Formidable Forms is one of the best WordPress table plugins to display data, and it makes it super easy to create a database table.

If you want to easily visualize all the form data as tables, grids, or calendars, then you must visit the Formidable » Views page from the admin sidebar.

Keep in mind that the Views feature is only available in the Pro version of the plugin.

From here, click the ‘+Add New’ button in the top right corner of the screen.

Click Add New button

This will open up a prompt where you have to select a view type, such as a grid, table, calendar, or ready-made solutions.

For this tutorial, we will be picking ‘Table’ as the data view type.

Choose View type

After that, you need to provide a name for your view type. This name won’t be displayed on the front end and is only for your identification purposes.

Next, select your form from the ‘Select Datasource’ dropdown menu. The plugin will then fetch entries for the data from the form you choose.

Once you have done that, just click the ‘Create a view’ button to move forward.

Choose data source for View

Next, you will be asked to customize the view. From here, you have to select all the columns that you want to be displayed in the database table.

For example, if you want to have a column with the email addresses of all the users that have submitted the form, then you need to select the ‘Email’ option.

You can also use the search bar at the top to find a form field not displayed on the screen. Keep in mind that the plugin can only fetch data for the form fields that are already added to the form.

After that, click the ‘Create a view’ button to continue.

Customize Views

This will take you to the ‘Views’ page, where you will be able to see and search through all the data for your form entries.

From here, you can even look for a specific entry using the ‘Filter entries’ and ‘Sort entries’ features at the top.

Views page

You can even edit each column in the table individually by clicking on it to launch the ‘Edit Listing Page Content’ prompt on the screen.

For example, if you want to change the entry update date of each user to the same current date, then you can click on the ‘Entry Updated Date’ field in the user table and enter a new value.

Edit form entry data

Once you are done, just click the ‘Update’ button at the top to save your changes.

You can now easily view and search through your form database.

Step 4: Export the Searchable Database to Your Computer (Optional)

If you want to export your searchable database to your computer, you must head over to the Formidable » Import/Export page from the WordPress admin sidebar.

Once there, scroll down to the ‘Export’ section and choose ‘XML’ as the export format.

After that, select the data you want to be included in the XML file by checking the box next to the options. If you want to export all the data in the View you created, then check the box next to that option.

Select data to export

Next, select the form with the data you want to export from the ‘Select Form’ section.

Finally, click the ‘Export Selection’ button to download the file. You have now successfully exported the database to your computer.

Click Export Selection button

We hope this article helped you learn how to create a searchable database in WordPress. You may also want to see our comparison of WPForms vs. Gravity Forms vs. Formidable Forms to find the best WordPress form plugin or our expert picks for the best WordPress database plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Create a Searchable Database in WordPress (Step by Step) first appeared on WPBeginner.

9 Best WordPress Conditional Logic Plugins for 2023

Are you looking for the best conditional logic plugins for your WordPress website?

Conditional logic plugins allow you to show or hide information based on users’ responses and behavior. They help collect relevant leads, boost conversions, and provide a better user experience.

In this article, we will show you the best WordPress conditional logic plugins.

Best WordPress conditional logic plugins

What is Conditional Logic in WordPress?

In simple words, you can think of conditional logic as if-then statements. It is a technique where you can automatically display relevant information, snippets, or scripts to users based on their actions.

For instance, a user may want to connect with the support team. If they select a support team as an option on your WordPress site, then you can show relevant contact information or a landing page.

Similarly, let’s say a customer is looking for hiking shoes. You can use conditional logic to only show those products and addons that a customer is looking for.

Where Can You Use WordPress Conditional Logic Plugins?

You’ll find conditional logic in WordPress forms, automated email workflows, conversion optimization methods, and more.

Here are some ways you can use conditional logic on your WordPress website:

  • Use conditional logic on your WordPress forms and dynamically change form fields based on the selection users make while filling out your forms.
  • Create optin campaigns and show popups based on different rules, like the user spending a certain time on the page or clicking a link.
  • Load code snippets and scripts based on conditional logic and user roles.
  • Ask different questions in online quizzes based on the user’s previous answers.
  • Display or hide products, addons, and other items based on customer choices on your eCommerce store.
  • Set up visibility rules using conditional logic to show menu items for your visitors.

That said, let’s see the best WordPress conditional logic plugins you can use today for your website.

1. WPCode

WPCode - Best WordPress Code Snippets Plugin

WPCode is the best WordPress code snippet plugin. You easily add custom code snippets to your website and manage them using the plugin.

The best part, WPCode offers a conditional logic feature that lets you set up rules for running code snippets without editing code. It is super easy to use and offers a beginner-friendly interface.

For example, you can load code snippets for logged-in users, run PHP code snippets for specific user roles and page URLs, and insert header and footer pixel scripts for certain pages.

WPCode Smart Conditional Logic

You can also hide custom code from running on pages like the homepage or for different user roles.

2. Conditional Blocks

Conditional blocks

Conditional Blocks is a free WordPress plugin for hiding or showing different blocks in the content editor. You can control the visibility of each block without writing a single line of code.

The plugins let you set up conditions where WordPress blocks will appear for different user roles or membership levels. For instance, you can show the image block to only logged-in users. It also allows you to show certain blocks based on screen size.

Conditional Blocks offers a premium version as well. You get to unlock more conditions for showing WordPress blocks. For example, you can control block visibility based on post type, time, server requests, and more. There are also conditions for WooCommerce users in the pro version.

3. WPForms


WPForms is the best contact form plugin for WordPress. It is beginner friendly plugin that offers a drag-and-drop form builder, lots of templates, and a smart conditional logic feature.

You can easily hide or show different form fields, display payment options, dropdown menus, and more based on the user’s responses.

All you need to do is select the form field in the template and enable conditional logic. After that, you can set up the rules to show different form fields.

For example, let’s say you’re running a net promoter score (NPS) survey on your website. If a user rates 8 or higher, then you can hide other questions in the survey using conditional logic. If they rate a lower score, then you can ask more questions to improve your performance.

Enter conditional logic conditions

Besides that, WPForms offers lots of other features and addons. You can integrate different payment services and create forms to collect online payments.

It also works with some of the most popular email marketing tools, so you can easily collect leads and grow your email list.

Other than that, there are addons for recovering form abandonment, tracking user journeys, adding save and resume features, learning about the user’s geolocation data, and more.

4. OptinMonster

The OptinMonster lead generation tool

OptinMonster is the best WordPress popup and lead generation plugin. It helps you get more conversions, grow your email list, and increase sales.

OptinMonster offers powerful display rules that you can use to display your campaigns to the right people at the right time.

For example, you can show optin popups to users that spend a certain time on a page, visit a particular page, or scroll X% of the page.

OptinMonster also offers an Exit-Intent technology, which triggers your campaigns as a user is about to leave your website. This helps recover abandoning visitors and converts them into subscribers and customers.

Enter exact URL for exit intent display rule

Other than that, you can display campaigns to users from a particular location or when they click a link. There are also display rules for eCommerce sites. You can show popups when customers have a specific cart total or when they view a product.

OptinMonster also offers a drag-and-drop builder, which makes it very easy to create attractive campaigns. There are lots of templates for different types of campaigns and various customization options. You can also integrate it with leading email marketing tools to collect leads.

5. YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons & Extra Options

YITH WooCommerce product addons and extra options

YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons & Extra Options is a WooCommerce plugin that lets you add extra options and addons to your products.

The plugin is very easy to use and allows you to add options and extra services, like warranty, insurance, special transfer services, express shipping, customizations, and more.

For example, if you’re selling jewelry and rings, then you can add an option to engrave the customer’s name. Or if you’re selling tech products in WooCommerce, then you can offer additional services like warranty, product customization, and device checkup.

With YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons & Extra Options, you get a conditional logic feature that automatically shows or hides addons and options based on the customer’s selection.

You can define rules, and when the conditions are met, users will be able to see extra services and addons on your WooCommerce products.

6. Thrive Quiz Builder

Thrive Quizzes

Thrive Quiz Builder is the best WordPress quiz plugin and is part of Thrive Theme suite. It is beginner friendly to use, and you can create complex quizzes for your website without editing code.

The plugin offers different quiz styles, which include a right/wrong, number, percentage, personality, and survey. Thrive Quiz Builder also provides pre-made quiz templates that you can use to get started quickly.

Using the plugin, you can create conditional quizzes. The drag-and-drop quiz builder lets you display questions based on the user’s previous answers. Simply set the conditions where the next question will only appear if a person enters a particular answer.

When they’re finished, you can direct them to a page or product based on their answers.

Besides that, you can create badges for users, customize the quizzes, track results, check the quiz flow and see where users dropped off, and get detailed analytics of how your quizzes perform.

7. Formidable Forms

The Formidable Forms plugin and Signature addon

Formidable Forms is the next WordPress conditional logic plugin on our list. The plugin allows you to create simple contact forms to advanced and complex WordPress forms, like mortgage calculators.

Formidable Forms offers a conditional logic feature built into its drag-and-drop form builder. You can easily set up conditions for each form field and show or hide them based on the user’s answers.

If you have a multi-step form, then you can use conditional logic to automatically skip pages and lead users to the relevant section. Similarly, you can send email confirmation or redirect users to respective pages based on their answers.

Other features offered by Formidable Forms include pre-built templates for web applications. It also lets you create apps for real estate listings, product reviews, restaurant menus, and more.

The plugin also has a visual views feature that allows you to display data from form entries on the frontend of your site.

8. If Menu

If Menu

If Menus is the next conditional logic plugin for WordPress on our list. It is a free WordPress plugin that you can use to create dynamic menus and control their visibility on your site.

The plugin lets you use conditional logic to show or hide different menu items. For instance, it lets you display certain menu items only if a user is logged in, hide menu items on mobile devices, show specific menus to admin and editors, and more.

Similarly, you can also show menu items to users from different locations or show any entirely new menu to members.

9. FunnelKit

FunnelKit Automations

FunnelKit is the best WooCommerce sales funnel and automation plugin. It lets you create high-converting landing pages, order bump pages, upsells, checkout pages, and more.

FunnelKit Automation offers multiple triggers that you can for automating workflows. You can set up different conditions, and based on the user’s actions, you can initiate different tasks.

For example, if a customer adds products to the cart but doesn’t checkout, then you can trigger the cart abandonment recovery workflow.

Similarly, you can automatically show different products to customers as upsells or order bumps. This way, you’ll increase sales without spending on paid ads.

Which WordPress Conditional Logic Plugin Should You Use?

Choosing the right conditional logic plugin for WordPress depends on your requirements and what you want to achieve.

If you want to create dynamic forms that show different fields to users based on their selection, then WPForms is the best plugin. It is super easy to use and offers lots of customization options.

Similarly, if you are looking to run different code snippets based on certain conditions, then WPCode is the perfect solution. It lets you set up rules and conditions without editing code.

On the other hand, you can use OptinMonster to display different campaigns based on user actions or create conditional quizzes using Thrive Quiz Builder.

You can also use conditional logic in WooCommerce and use FunnelKit to trigger workflows based on customers’ selections and actions.

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress conditional logic plugins. You may also want to see our list of best WooCommerce plugins and how to start your own podcast.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 9 Best WordPress Conditional Logic Plugins for 2023 first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Create a Searchable Member Directory in WordPress

Are you looking to add a member directory to your WordPress website?

Adding a directory to your membership site can help boost your community engagement. It encourages new members to join and make it easy for them to reach out to each other.

In this article, we will show you how to create a searchable member directory in WordPress.

How to Create a Searchable Member Directory in WordPress

Why Create a Searchable Member Directory in WordPress?

A membership site often brings together users who share common interests. You can create a sense of community on your WordPress website by making it easy for your members to communicate with one another about their shared interests.

You can do this by creating a membership directory. This is a searchable list of the members on your site. It allows your members to see other members’ profiles and contact details.

Member Directory Example

This will boost your website’s credibility and make it more valuable to your members. It may even help your members feel important and recognized.

However, to protect their privacy, you may want to require each member to opt in before their personal information is displayed in the directory.

If you haven’t yet created your membership site, then you can follow our ultimate guide on creating a WordPress membership site.

While you can use any method to create a membership site, we recommend the MemberPress plugin. It offers advanced membership features and integrates well with the Formidable Forms Directory addon used in this tutorial.

How to Create a Searchable Member Directory in WordPress

The best way to create a member directory is by using the Formidable Forms plugin. It comes with advanced features that let you format, filter, and display user-submitted data on the front end of your website, including your members’ profile information.

It is one of the best user registration plugins for WordPress on the market and can help you easily create a member directory using an addon. Plus, it integrates with MemberPress to give you complete control over your directory’s appearance and functionality.

Formidable Forms

You can use Formidable Forms to create a profile form where members can enter their information and opt in to the directory. You can also use it to display the searchable member directory itself.

Besides that, you will also be able to use Formidable Forms for all sorts of other purposes on your website, such as creating a booking form or web directory, allowing your clients to request a quote, and more.

With that in mind, let’s see how to create a searchable member directory using the Formidable Forms plugin.

1. Installing Formidable Forms on Your Membership Site

The first thing you need to do is install and activate Formidable Forms Lite, which is the free version of the plugin. Formidable Forms Lite acts as the base for the advanced features of the Pro version.

For more details, you can read our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Next, you will need to visit the Formidable Directory page and click the ‘Get Formidable Directory’ button. You will then be prompted to purchase the Elite plan, which includes the Directory addon.

The Formidable Forms Directory Page

Before leaving the Formidable website, you will need to copy your license key. You can find it by clicking ‘Account’ at the top of the page.

Now return to your website and navigate to Formidable » Global Settings. Once there, simply click the link that says ‘Click to enter a license key manually’ to paste your license key and then click the ‘Save License’ button.

Enter Formidable Forms license key

You are now ready to create a member directory in WordPress.

2. Creating the Formidable Member Directory Application

Next, you must navigate to Formidable » Applications from the WordPress admin sidebar. This page will show you the available application templates.

Once there, you need to find the Member Directory application and click the ‘+ Add’ button to install it.

Adding the Member Directory Application

This will open a popup that describes the Member Directory application.

Simply click the ‘Install Application’ button to continue.

Installing the Member Directory Application

Next, you will be asked to give the application a name.

For this tutorial, we will leave the default name, ‘Member Directory’, and then click the ‘Install Application’ button to continue.

Naming the Member Directory Application

Formidable Forms will now create the pages, forms, and views needed for your member directory. The pages are saved as drafts, so you can customize them before they go live.

Opening the Member Directory Application

Now you need to click the ‘Open Application’ button. This will open the Member Directory application page, where you can customize and publish your directory.

You have now created a ‘User Directory Profile’ form that your members can fill out on the ‘Add a Member’ page.

There is also a ‘Member Directory’ page where you can view the directory in a table view or grid view.

3. Customizing the Member Profile Form and ‘Add a Member’ Page

Next, you may wish to add or remove some fields from the ‘User Directory Profile’ form. This is the form that your members must fill in to be included in the directory.

You may also want to add some instructions to the page where the profile form is displayed before you publish it.

Customizing the ‘User Directory Profile’ Form

The ‘User Directory Profile’ form contains all of the fields needed for most member profiles. You can customize it by clicking the ‘User Directory Profile’ link or hovering your mouse over it and then clicking on ‘Edit’.

Customizing the User Directory Profile Form

This will open the form editor. You will see a preview of the form on the right and the available fields on the left.

The form includes contact details, social links, and more. Some of the fields will be filled in automatically using information from the member’s WordPress user profile. This includes their name, email address, and bio.

The Formidable Form Editor

To add new fields, simply drag them onto the form from the ‘Add Fields’ column on the left.

You can change the options of a field by clicking on it. This will open the ‘Field Options’ tab on the left, where you can customize the field by changing its settings.

Customizing the Email Address Field Options

You will find options for the field’s default value in the ‘Advanced’ section. Here you can choose the default value from a list of smart tags. This will take information that the user has already added to their WordPress profile so that it doesn’t have to be entered twice.

When you scroll to the bottom of the form, you will notice it already includes fields for social links and an option where the member can choose to be included in the directory.

Click the Save Profile Button When Finished

Once you have finished customizing the form, simply click the ‘Save Profile’ button to store your changes.

Customizing the ‘Add a Member’ Page

Next, you will need to customize and publish the ‘Add a Member’ page that will display the profile form on your website.

You may need to navigate back to Formidable » Applications » Member Directory to see the page. Then, simply click the ‘Add a Member’ link, or hover over it and click ‘Edit.’

Opening the 'Add a Member' Page

This will open the ‘Add a Member’ page in the WordPress content editor. It simply contains the page title and the Formidable form that you were just looking at.

If you like, you can give the page a different title, such as ‘Join Our Member Directory’.

If you would like to add some instructions before the form, then you should click on the page title and press the Enter key. This will create a new block where you can type those instructions.

Publishing the Add a Member Page

When you are happy with the page, then simply click the ‘Publish’ button at the top of the screen to push the page live on your website.

4. Customizing the ‘Member Directory’ Page

Now you can customize and publish the member directory itself. You will need to choose whether to display the members in a grid or table. Then, you must also publish the page so that it is visible on your website.

Customizing the ‘Member Directory’ Page

First, just go back to Formidable » Applications and click on your member directory application.

You will need to publish the draft ‘Member Directory’ page. However, before doing that, you can decide whether that page should display the directory in a grid or table format.

Editing the Member Directory Page

Simply click on the ‘Member Directory’ page to open it in the WordPress editor.

The page contains just the title and the following shortcode that displays the directory:

[display-frm-data id=dir-two-col-grid]
Shortcode to Display the Directory as a Grid

By default, the shortcode will display the directory in a two-column grid.

You can preview the page to see how it will look.

Member Directory Displayed in a Grid

Alternatively, you can display your member directory in a table format.

To do that, you will need to use this shortcode instead:

[display-frm-data id=dir-table-listing-view]
Shortcode to Display the Directory in a Table

You can preview the page again to see the changes.

This time each member will be displayed on a single line with their information in columns.

Member Directory Displayed in a Table

Whichever shortcode you choose, clicking on ‘View Profile’ will show you more detailed information about that member.

Viewing a Member Profile

If you like, you can add additional content to the page. Just make sure to click the ‘Publish’ button to push your member directory live on your website when you are finished.

Adding the Member Directory Pages to Your Navigation Menu

You can make it easier for your members to find or join the directory by adding the ‘Add a Member’ and ‘Member Directory’ pages to your website’s navigation menu.

Simply follow our guide on how to add specific posts to the WordPress navigation menu.

Restricting the Member Directory to Members Only

Also, depending on the type of membership site you have, you may want only your logged-in members to be able to see the ‘Add a Member’ and ‘Member Directory’ pages.

If so, then you will need to create a rule so that only members get access to the pages.

We show you how to do that step by step in our ultimate guide on creating a WordPress membership site. You will just need to scroll down and read Step 6 to learn how to create a MemberPress rule and Step 7 to learn how to add members-only content.

5. Deleting the Sample Data in Your Member Directory

Your member directory contains the sample data that you can see in the screenshots used in this tutorial. This is helpful when setting up your member directory because it lets you see how the profiles will look.

But once you have finished setting up the directory, you will need to delete the sample data.

You need to navigate back to Formidable » Applications » Member Directory and click on the ‘User Directory Profile’ form.

Once the Formidable editor opens, click on the ‘Entries’ tab at the top of the screen to view the sample entries.

Most likely, the only entries listed will be the four sample members. In that case, simply click the ‘Delete All Entries’ button at the top of the screen. All members listed will be deleted.

Deleting Sample Data From the Directory

However, if some of your real members have already created profiles, you must select the sample entries manually.

To do this, you will need to click the checkbox next to each sample member. Next, click the ‘Bulk Actions’ button at the top of the list and select ‘Delete’ from the drop-down menu.

Finally, click the ‘Apply’ button to delete the sample data. Your member directory will now only contain profiles from your real members.

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to create a searchable member directory in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to create and sell online courses with WordPress or our expert picks for the best contact forms for WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Create a Searchable Member Directory in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

WPForms vs Gravity Forms vs Formidable Forms: Which is Best?

Are you looking for a comparison between WPForms, Gravity Forms, and Formidable Forms?

These three are the best WordPress form plugins in the market. However, picking the right form builder can be challenging for many website owners.

In this article, we’ll compare WPForms vs Gravity Forms vs Formidable Forms and show which is the best.

WPForms vs Gravity Forms vs Formidable Forms

Introduction to WordPress Form Plugins

WPForms, Gravity Forms, and Formidable Forms are among the most popular WordPress form plugins that you can use. Each of them offers unique features and allows you to add different forms to your website.

WPForms was launched in 2016 by Syed Balkhi (founder of WPBeginner) and Jared Atchison. Since its launch, over 5 million WordPress sites have been using the plugin. The goal of creating WPForms was to offer an easy and powerful form plugin. It takes the pain out of creating online forms by making the process beginner friendly.

Gravity Forms is created by the team at Rocketgenius. It is a WordPress plugin that lets you add forms to your WordPress site. The plugin also specializes in helping developers build complex form-related solutions.

Formidable Forms is another powerful WordPress form builder created by Steph Wells and Steve Wells. You can use it to create a wide range of forms from simple contact forms to advanced solutions-focused forms like mortgage calculators, directories, listing forms, and more. Formidable Forms is part of WPBeginner Growth Fund companies.

That being said, let’s compare these WordPress form plugins and find out which is the best for your use case. In our research, we tried dozens of WordPress form plugins, and have decided to compare these top 3 form plugins in the following criteria:

Ease of Use

When it comes to picking a WordPress form plugin, it is essential to choose a tool that is easy to use. The form builder should allow users to easily customize their forms without the need to edit code or hire a developer.

Let’s see how the 3 plugins compare to each other for ease of use.

WPForms – Ease of Use

WPForms is a beginner-friendly form plugin for WordPress. It offers a drag-and-drop form builder that is very super simple to use.

You can easily customize any form by adding multiple form fields from the menu on your left. All you have to do is drag the field and drop it onto the form template.

Customize your billing form

WPForms also makes it very easy to add your forms anywhere on the WordPress website. The best part, you can do all this within the form builder. You can click the embed button, and WPForms will show you options for adding your form.

For instance, you can create a new page or select an existing one to embed your forms.

You can also manually add your form to any page or post using the WordPress block. Besides that, the plugin lets you use shortcodes to add a form to your WordPress website.

Add a WPForms block in wordpress

Gravity Forms – Ease of Use

Gravity Forms also offers a drag-and-drop form builder, and it lets you create all types of forms without editing code.

You can quickly rework your form from inside the WordPress dashboard. The form builder offers different form fields that you can add by simply placing them onto the template.

Gravity forms builder

After creating a form, Gravity Forms also lets you easily embed it on your website. Just like WPForms and Formidable Forms, you get an option inside the drag-and-drop builder to add your form.

Gravity Forms also offers a WordPress block to easily embed your forms on any page or post. Plus, you can use shortcodes or add the forms manually anywhere on your site.

Formidable Forms – Ease of Use

Formidable Forms is a user-friendly plugin that to lets you customize your forms using a drag-and-drop form builder, just like WPForms and Gravity Forms.

You can simply drag any form field from the options on your left and place them on the template. The plugin also lets you rearrange the order of the fields by simply moving them up or down or side to side.

Formidable Forms builder

Formidable Forms makes it very easy to embed your forms anywhere on your website. You can use the Formidable Forms block to add the form to any post or page. Or click the embed button in the form builder to embed your forms.

Winner – Tie

When it comes to ease, all 3 plugins perform equally well. Each of them offers a drag-and-drop functionality, which lets you edit and customize forms with editing code easily. Plus, each plugin makes it very easy to embed the forms anywhere on the website.

WPForms has a slight edge because it leans on decisions over options by giving you over 600+ form templates and easy-to-use choices whereas Gravity Forms and Formidable Forms are built more for developers.

Form Templates

Form templates are another important factor to consider when choosing a form plugin for WordPress.

Templates help save time as you don’t have to create a form from scratch. You can quickly edit it according to your requirements or simply use the default template to add a form to your website.

Let’s see how WPForms vs Gravity Forms vs Formidable Forms stack up in terms of form templates.

WPForms – Form Templates

With WPForms, you get over 600 prebuilt form templates. Whether you’re looking to create a simple contact form, feedback form, request a quote form, payment form, or registration form, WPForms has you covered.

The plugin categorizes form templates into different categories in the form builder. For instance, you can find different templates for business operations, customer service, education, entertainment, event planning, feedback, health and wellness, and more.

WPForms form templates

Even in the free version of WPForms, you get a lot of form templates to get started.

Gravity Forms – Form Templates

Gravity Forms offers limited prebuilt form templates compared to WPForms and Formidable Forms.

You only get 15 form templates in the form builder. Some of these include a simple contact form, advanced contact form, donation form, eCommerce form, event registration form, survey, newsletter signup form, and more.

Gravity Forms templates

Formidable Forms – Form Templates

Formidable Forms offers over 175 WordPress form templates and examples you can use for your website.

What makes it different is that you get templates for advanced forms. For instance, you can create an advanced mortgage calculator form, net promoter score (NPS) survey form, car payment calculator form, life insurance calculator form, doctor visit form, signature forms, and more.

Formidable Forms templates

Besides that, you can find forms for payment collection, health and wellness, customer service, education, donations, event planning, and more.

Winner – WPForms

WPForms is a standout winner compared to Gravity Forms and Formidable Forms. You get the largest form template library in WPForms, with over 600 choices available. There are prebuilt templates for just about any type of form you want to create for your website.

Customization Options

A WordPress form plugin should allow you to edit and customize your form with ease. When selecting the right tool, you should look at the customization options the plugin offers.

Here’s a look at the different features offered by WPForms, Gravity Forms, and Formidable Forms.

WPForms – Customization Options

WPForms offers lots of customization options for your form. For starters, it offers different form fields that you can simply drag and drop from the menu on your left onto the template.

For instance, it offers standard fields like paragraph text, multiple choice, checkboxes, and more. Plus, you can add fancier fields like phone number, address, file upload, date/time, website, and more.

WPForms Will Pre-load the Form Builder with a Simple Order Form

If you click on an existing form field, then you’ll see more options for customization.

You can edit the label of the field, make it a mandatory field, add smart logic, and more. For example, you can choose which payment methods to show in an order form and rearrange their order.

Multiple Choice Field Options

Other than that, WPForms also lets you create conversational forms. This makes your forms more interactive.

Instead of asking multiple questions at once, you can take the one-question-at-a-time approach. It will look like having a conversation face to face with a human, and boost form conversions.

Conversational form preview

Similarly, you can also use the lead forms addon to increase form conversions. It basically allows you to embed conversational forms on any page on your WordPress site.

WPForms offers more customization features like custom form landing pages similar to Google forms. You can create a distraction-free landing page for your form and get more conversions.

The plugin lets you add a title and description for the page, a header logo, and edit the page URL. You also get to change the background color of the page and choose a style to make your forms more appealing.

Form pages settings WPForms

Other customization options offered by WPForms include a save and continue feature. This lets your users save the progress while filling out a form and continue later to complete it. You can allow users to sign your online forms using their mouse or touchscreen.

If you have lengthy forms, then you can use the multi-page feature to split them into different pages. Or you can use conditional logic to show different form fields based on the user’s responses.

Besides that, you can also customize the notification and confirmation settings for your form. In the notification settings, you can edit details like email addresses, subject lines, names, messages, and more.

Similarly, you can also edit the confirmation message a user will see when they submit a form. You can show a thank you message, show a page, or redirect people to a specific URL.

Edit form confirmation settings

Gravity Forms – Customization Options

Gravity Forms offers different form fields to customize your form template.

These include standard fields, advanced fields, post fields, and pricing fields.

Add fields to Gravity Forms template

Just like WPForms and Formidable Forms, you can click on existing form fields to edit them further.

However, you’ll see a slight difference in the customization options. There are general settings for a field where you can change its label and add a description.

Other than that, you can edit the appearance of the field, change advanced settings like enabling field autocomplete, and add conditional logic.

Edit existing fields in gravity forms

Other than that, you also get control over different form settings. For example, you can edit the notifications and confirmations settings in the form builder.

You can also configure ‘Personal Data’ settings similar to WPForms. These allow you to prevent the storage of IP addresses during form submission. Plus, you can enable integration with other tools for exporting and erasing personal data, which is helpful in complying with data regulations like GDPR.

Personal data settings Gravity Forms

Formidable Forms – Customization Options

With the Formidable Forms drag-and-drop builder, you can easily customize your form with options such as prebuilt form fields that you add to your template.

What makes the plugin different from others is that it offers multiple form fields that will help you create advanced forms. For instance, you can add a user ID field, captcha, hidden field, appointments, lookup field, and more.

Advanced form fields

Besides that, you can easily edit each existing field in the template.

There are general options to change the label, add a CSS class, and more. Or you can view the advanced options to add a placeholder text, and description, edit the field size and allow maximum characters.

Edit existing fields in Formidable Forms

What’s different about Formidable Forms compared to WPForms and Gravity Forms is that it also offers different styles for your forms.

You can use the default style or choose from various options. This way, you can change the appearance of your forms without having to enter CSS code.

Edit the form style

Other than that, you can also customize the form settings. For instance, the plugin lets you change the notification settings, and form permissions, and also allows form scheduling.

Winner – WPForms

After comparing all 3 plugins, we found WPForms to be the clear winner. It offers more customization features compared to Formidable Forms and Gravity Forms.

You can add different form fields, change their settings, rearrange them, and more using the drag-and-drop builder. Besides that, WPForms offers tons of features to make your form more appealing and boost conversions.

Additional Features and Integrations

Now that we’ve covered ease of use, templates, and customization options, let’s see how WPForms, Formidable Forms, and Gravity Forms compare in terms of additional features and integrations.

As a website owner, you’d want a WordPress plugin that easily works with third-party tools, payment services, and email marketing services. Here’s what each plugin has to offer.

WPForms – Additional Features and Integrations

WPForms offers lots of premium addons and integrations that extend its functionality and benefits.

For instance, you can accept file uploads with its post-submission addon. This way, users can easily submit content on the front end of your site without requiring access to the WordPress dashboard.

Similarly, you get addons for geolocation data and see where your form users are from. The user journey addon can show you the pages and posts people visited before submitting a form.

WPForms addons

The plugin also offers a form abandonment addon that captures partial entries for a form. You can then recover those entries and encourage users to complete a form.

Aside from this, WPForms provides more addons for creating custom Captcha, allowing digital signatures, locking WordPress forms, creating interactive form layouts, and more.

Another advantage of using WPForms compared to other plugins is that it easily integrates with different tools and plugins. For example, you can use it with popular email marketing tools like Drip, Mailchimp, and Constant Contact.

WPForms integrations

The plugin also supports payment gateways like Stripe, PayPal, Square, and Authorize.Net. You can also integrate WPForms with CRMs such as Salesforce and HubSpot.

Gravity Forms – Additional Features and Integrations

Gravity Forms also offers different addons that can help you get the most out of the plugin. However, the list is not as expansive as WPForms, and you’d have to pay extra to use third-party extensions.

You get additional features for setting up user registrations, creating surveys and polls, tracking users’ geolocation, collecting partial form entries, allowing signatures, and more.

Feature enhancement addons

Besides that, Gravity Forms also offers integrations with different tools and plugins.

You can easily integrate email marketing tools like AWeber, Constant Contact, Mailgun, and more. Plus, you can add anti-spam solutions like Akismet and reCAPTCHA.

Other integrations include Google Analytics, Dropbox, Zapier, Trello, ActiveCampaign, HelpScout, PayPal Checkout, 2Checkout, and Stripe.

Formidable Forms – Additional Features and Integrations

Formidable Forms offers different addons and integration features. Most of the additional features are similar to WPForms and Gravity Forms.

However, what makes Formidable Forms different is that you get several powerful features to create advanced forms, set up web applications, show stats on the front end, and more.

For instance, the plugin offers a form action automation feature to schedule email notifications, SMS messages, and other actions. It also offers API webhooks that let you send submissions to REST APIs.

Formidable forms addons

It also offers a visual views addon that lets you display data from form entries on the front end of your website. You can create web apps to display form submissions in tables, grids, calendars, and other views.

This is great for showing testimonials and product reviews, adding a user-submitted events calendar, and displaying useful statistics.

Create view calendar in Formidable

Besides that, Formidable Forms also lets you create applications for your website. It offers prebuilt templates that include different forms, views, and pages for your application. Simply select a template, and the plugin will take care of the rest.

You can create different applications, such as product reviews, real estate listings, testimonials, restaurant menus, certificates, and more.

For example, you can offer professional certificates in just a few clicks. Simply choose the certificate application template, and Formidable Forms will automatically add a form with a certificate generator on your website.

It will also add views for the certificate and certificate of completion, which users can see on the front end.

Application templates

Other advanced features offered by Formidable Forms include converting WordPress forms to PDF, mapping form fields to PDF form fields, quizzes, repeater fields, SMS voting, front-end editing, and more.

Other than that, you can also integrate Formidable Forms with different payment services, email marketing tools, CRMs, and third-party plugins. It even works with Uncanny Automator and Zapier, so you can connect Formidable Forms to services like Asana, Slack, and Dropbox.

The best part about using Formidable Forms is that you get all the advanced features in one place, with everything included in a single pricing plan. If you were to use Gravity Forms, then you’d need to subscribe to multiple third-party addons.

For example, you’d need the basic Gravity Forms plan along with other extensions like Gravity PDF, File Upload Pro, Gravity View, Gravity Math, and so on. This can add to your overall cost and make it very expensive to use Gravity Forms.

Winner – Formidable Forms

While each plugin offers multiple additional features and integrations, Formidable Forms is the standout winner. It offers more advanced features that you can use to display form results on the front end, create complex forms, convert forms to PDF, create web applications, and use various addons to help users create form solutions for any scenario.

WPForms gets an honorary mention for marketing-related features, like form abandonment and digital signatures. It also integrates with popular email services, CRM software, tracking tools, payment gateways, and other plugins.

Pricing Plans

The next parameter we will compare WPForms vs Gravity Forms vs Formidable Forms is that of pricing. Let’s see which plugin offers the most value for money.

WPForms – Pricing

WPForms offers 4 different pricing plans suitable for all types of businesses. These include a Basic plan, which costs $49.50 per year, and you can use it for 1 website. It also offers all the essential features like premium templates, entry management, and file uploads.

If you want to use the plugin on more websites and require marketing integrations, then WPForms offers a Plus plan for $99.50 per year.

WPForms pricing plans

On the other hand, there is a Pro plan that includes everything from the Basic and Plus plans. It includes payment addons, conversion tools, and other advanced form features. This will close you $199.50 per year.

Lastly, there is an Elite plan for $299.50 per year, which has everything. You get to use it on unlimited websites and get all the features and integrations WPForms has to offer. Each premium plan comes with 14-day money back guarantee.

The best part, there is also a WPForms Lite version you can use for free. You get multiple form templates, standard fields for customization, spam protection, and other features.

Gravity Forms – Pricing Plans

Gravity Forms offer 3 premium plans, which include the Basic License, Pro License, and Elite License.

With the Basic License plan, you can use the plugin on 1 website. You also get addons for email marketing tools and spam protection services. This plan will cost you $59 per year.

Gravity Forms pricing plans

Next, there is a Pro License plan that offers more addons. For instance, you get to integrate more email marketing services, CRMs, payment gateways, and third-party services. This plan will cost $159 per year.

Lastly, Gravity Forms offers an Elite License plan that includes all the features from the Basic and Pro plans. In addition to that, Elite plan users also get access to features like polls, quizzes, digital signatures, surveys, geolocation, and more. The Elite plan is available for $259 per year.

That said, Gravity Forms doesn’t offer a free version, like WPForms or Formidable Forms. You’d also need to pay extra to use different third-party addons and extensions.

Formidable Forms – Pricing Plans

Formidable Forms lets you choose from 4 pricing plans. It starts with a Basic plan, costing $39.50 per year. You get 50+ form templates and basic features like conditional logic and file uploads.

Besides that, there is a Plus plan for $99.50 per year, and it offers more form templates and features. For instance, you get the Formidable Views feature, landing pages, and integration with Mailchimp, MailPoet Newsletters, and AWeber.

Formidable Forms pricing plans

Next, it offers a Business plan that includes over 150 form templates, premium addons, more integrations, and additional features. This plan will cost you $199.50 per year.

Lastly, there is an Elite plan for $299.50 per year, and it includes all the features and integrations. You get all the templates and support for third-party tools like Salesforce, ActiveCampaign, and HubSpot.

Formidable Forms also offers a free version. You can get started for free and get features like drag and drop form builder, basic form templates, and standard form fields for customization.

Winner – WPForms and Formidable Forms

When it comes to offering the most value for money, both WPForms and Formidable Forms clearly stand out when compared to Gravity Forms.

Both of them offer 4 different pricing plans for businesses of all sizes. Plus, you get a free version, which helps small website owners, bloggers, and others to create WordPress forms without a considerable investment. You also don’t have to pay more to use multiple addons and advanced features.

Which is the Best WordPress Form Plugin?

WPForms, Gravity Forms, and Formidable Forms are some of the best WordPress form plugins you can get your hands on today.

However, we believe that WPForms is the best plugin for creating forms for your WordPress website. It is super easy to use and offers tons of features.

You get over 600 form templates, a drag-and-drop form builder, multiple form fields for customization, and additional settings to edit your form. Plus, there are different premium addons that allow you to expand the functionality of WPForms.

Not to mention, there is a WPForms Lite version available for free. It also includes lots of form templates and customization features. You can quickly create forms for your website using the free plugin.

On the other hand, if you’re a developer looking to save time on developing complex and advanced WordPress forms, then Formidable Forms is the perfect solution. You can create calculators and web applications, convert forms to PDF, and much more without editing code.

We hope the comparison between WPForms vs Gravity Forms vs Formidable Forms helped you pick the right form plugin for WordPress. You may also want to see our list of best WordPress SEO plugins and tools, and how to get a free email domain.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post WPForms vs Gravity Forms vs Formidable Forms: Which is Best? first appeared on WPBeginner.

8 Best Typeform Alternatives for 2023 (Free + Paid)

Are you looking a Typeform alternative for your website?

Typeform is a tool that lets you create different types of forms. However, it is expensive software, especially for small businesses. There are other WordPress form plugins and other alternatives that offer more features and are extremely affordable.

In this article, we’ll show you the best Typeform alternatives. We’ll include free and paid options so that you can choose the best plugin for your business.

Best Typeform alternatives free and paid

Why Do You Need a Typeform Alternative?

Typeform is a popular software for creating different forms for your WordPress website. You can use it to make a survey or a poll for your business. It also allows you to create quizzes, application forms, and order forms.

While Typeform offers many features and form templates, it has some drawbacks. For instance, because Typeform is a SaaS (software as a service) tool, it stores data on its external servers. This can be a security vulnerability, as you’ll be trusting someone else with your customer’s personal data.

Another drawback of using Typeform is the cost. The basic plan starts from $25 per month, which can be expensive for small businesses. Plus, you cannot remove the Typeform branding in the basic plan.

If you want more features and integrations, or if you want to use your own branding, then you’ll need to upgrade to a higher pricing plan. Not to mention that they restrict the number of responses you can collect in a month. For example if you want more than 100 responses a month, you’ll be paying $600 per year, and then the next level up is $996 per year.

This will significantly drive up the cost of running a website and make Typeform less attractive for WordPress users.

There is also a free version of Typeform, but it lacks many features. This is why most smart website owners use WordPress plugins as alternatives and get more options for free.

That said, let’s look at the best Typeform alternatives.

1. WPForms

The WPForms form builder plugin and signature addon

WPForms is the best WordPress contact form plugin and offers a lot more features compared to Typeform. Over 5 million professionals use WPForms on their websites to create all types of forms.

It is super easy to use and offers a drag-and-drop form builder. Plus, you get many prebuilt form templates and multiple customization options.

Choose a form template

Even in the free version of WPForms, you get features like spam protection, basic form fields, email notifications, and more. This is more than what Typeform’s free version offers users.

Besides that, WPForms comes with powerful addons. For instance, you can create a conversational form in just a few clicks or create stunning surveys and polls with ease. You also get interactive survey reports and advanced fields like the Likert scale, net promoter score (NPS), and star ratings.

Edit your NPS survey

Another advantage WPForms offers over Typeforms is that it easily integrates with popular email marketing tools, payment gateways to accept online payments, and other WordPress plugins like OptinMonster.

For instance, you can add a form from WPForms to an OptinMonster campaign and show it in a popup. Similarly, you can track form conversions and performance by integrating it with MonsterInsights.

Besides that, WPForms also offers other features that you won’t find in Typeform. For example, WPForms lets you track user journeys, collect geolocation data, track and reduce form abandonment, allow file uploads, and more.

Pricing: WPForms premium plans start from $49.50 per year. WPBeginner users can avail of an exclusive 50% OFF discount on all plans using our WPForms coupon. There is also a WPForms Lite version you can use for free.

2. Formidable Forms

The Formidable Forms plugin and Signature addon

Formidable Forms is an advanced WordPress form plugin and a great alternative to Typeform. You can create complex and technical forms without editing code, which is not possible in Typeform.

For instance, Formidable Forms makes it super easy to create calculators like mortgage calculators, quote request calculators, or car payment calculators.

Besides that, you can use the plugin to collect customer feedback and data by creating polls and surveys. It also makes it super easy to set up automated quizzes with grading, collect online payments, and even display form data on the front end of your website.

Other features offered by Formidable Forms include an easy-to-use drag-and-drop form builder, conditional logic, multiple form templates, visual form styler, landing pages, and more.

Pricing: Formidable Forms pricing starts from $39.50 per year. You can also use a free version of the plugin as an alternative to Typeform.

3. Gravity Forms

Gravity forms

Gravity Forms is a popular Typeforms alternative you can use for your website. It is used by some of the biggest brands, like Nike, ESPN, NASA, and UNICEF.

Gravity Forms offers robust features and helps create complex form solutions at a fraction of the cost compared to Typeforms. For instance, you can use it to create quizzes, surveys, web directories, and accept user-generated content on the front end of your site.

Besides that, the plugin offers a drag-and-drop visual form builder, prebuilt form templates, and many customization options. You can also set up automated workflows and show or hide form fields, buttons, and form sections based on user behavior.

Pricing: Gravity Forms is a premium alternative to Typeforms, with prices starting from $59 per year.

4. HubSpot Forms Builder


HubSpot Form Builder is the next Typeform alternative on our list, and it is a powerful all-in-one marketing toolkit. It includes a form builder, live chat, analytics, popups, and other marketing tools.

Using HubSpot, you get a complete customer relationship management (CRM) platform. This helps to automatically sync your WordPress form with your contacts, easily manage them, create different segments, and more.

HubSpot Form Builder also makes a great alternative to Typeforms if you’re already using other HubSpot products, like its email marketing tool. Besides that, it easily integrates with other contact form plugins like WPForms and Formidable Forms.

Another advantage of using HubSpot is that you get to see how your forms are performing. You don’t have to integrate it with a third-party tool like Google Analytics. With built-in analytics reports, you can see which forms are converting the best.

Pricing: You can sign-up for free on HubSpot and use the CRM, live chat, and other features for free. However, their premium plans start from $45 per month (billed annually).

5. Jotform


Jotform is a popular form builder that makes it super easy to create different types of online forms. Whether you want a simple contact form or a form to collect online payments, Jotform lets you build one in just a few minutes.

What makes Jotform a great Typeform alternative is that you can customize your forms and add your own branding and logo even in all the paid plans.

Besides that, you get a lot more features in the free version of Jotform compared to Typeform. For example, you can create up to 5 forms, get 100 monthly submissions, 100MB of storage space, and more.

Jotform also offers other products along with a form builder. You can use its store builder to create an online store, add tables, build online apps, turn form responses into visual reports, edit PDF files for free, and more.

Pricing: Jotform premium plans start from $34 per month, and you get a 30-day money-back guarantee. There is also a free Jotform version you can use to get started.

6. Ninja Forms

Ninja Forms

Ninja Forms is another Typeform alternative you can use for free. It lets you create interactive online forms with no coding skills required. Plus, the drag-and-drop form builder makes it super easy to design all types of forms without hiring a designer.

Asides from that, Ninja Forms also offers premium extensions for more features. For instance, you can create conversational forms using conditional logic addon or set up a multi-step form.

Other paid addons include an advanced date picker, file uploader, PDF form submission option, and more. Ninja Forms also integrates with different payment services like PayPal and Stripe, email marketing tools like MailChimp CRMs like Salesforce, and other tools like Slack and Webhooks.

Pricing: The base plugin of Ninja Forms is free to use. However, if you want more features, then you’ll need its premium extensions. The Personal plan starts from $49 per year and includes 4 addons.

7. Zoho Forms

Zoho Forms

Zoho Forms is a premium form builder that offers lots of features and seamless integration. It is a great alternative to Typeform if you’re already using Zoho CRM and other Zoho tools.

Zoho Forms lets you create over 30 different types of forms, including contact forms, surveys, polls, and more. Plus, it offers different form templates for multiple industries, like businesses, medical institutions, eCommerce sites, and more.

Besides that, Zoho Forms also provide multiple security options. These include SSL, field encryption, form audit, CAPTCHA, and more.

Pricing: Zoho Forms prices start from $10 per month and offers 10,000 submissions per month, 500MB storage, unlimited forms and reports, and more.

8. Google Forms

Google Forms

Google Forms is a free form building tool by Google and is very easy to use. You can create all types of online forms, surveys, questionnaires, feedback forms, and more.

It is a great Typeform alternative if you’re looking for a basic form builder that gets the job done. It has a simple interface and offers a drag-and-drop builder.

You can also add images to your form, break up long forms into multiple steps, get email notifications in Gmail, add skip logic to form fields, and more. Plus, your form responses get organized and stored in Google Sheets.

That said, it provides limited customization options compared to other form plugins on our list. If you want more features, then do check out our guide on Google Forms alternatives.

Pricing: Google Forms is free to use.

Which Typeform Alternative Should You Use?

After going through multiple WordPress form plugins and tools, we believe that WPForms is the best Typeform alternative. It offers the most customization options and form templates, and it has a very beginner-friendly interface.

You can create all sorts of online forms for your website using WPForms. Plus, it easily integrates with other plugins, payment methods, email marketing tools, CRMs, and other tools.

The best part is that WPForms has a free version that has more features and options compared to Typeform’s free version.

On the other hand, if you’re looking to create complex form solutions like calculators, then we recommend Formidable Forms. It offers pre-built templates and customization options, which aren’t available in Typeform.

We hope this article helped you find the best Typeform alternative. You can also go through our ultimate WordPress SEO guide and how to choose the best blogging platform.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 8 Best Typeform Alternatives for 2023 (Free + Paid) first appeared on WPBeginner.

5 Best Electronic Signature Software for WordPress (2022)

Are you looking for the best electronic signature software for WordPress?

The right digital signature software can help you save time while streamlining your workflow for creating official documents & contracts for your business.

In this article, we’ve hand picked some of the best digital signature software for WordPress.

Best electronic signature software for WordPress

Why Use Electronic Signature Software?

There are lots of reasons why you may need to get someone’s signature.

Official documents such as contracts and terms of service agreements often require a signature. If you run an online store, then some products, services or subscriptions may need the customer’s signature.

You might even need to collect lots of different signatures. For example, if you run a nonprofit organization, then you can use signed petitions to draw attention to a good cause.

However, getting people to sign a physical, printed document can take a lot of time and effort. Depending on where the person is located, you may need to travel to them or post the document. This can slow down important tasks, such as onboarding new employees or selling your small business.

Electronic signature software allows people to sign a form or document digitally from anywhere in the world. This usually involves drawing with their mouse or touchscreen, or typing in their name using their keyboard.

By using the best electronic signature software, you can save time and money since you don’t need to print, scan, fax, or post documents. It’s also better for the environment, as you’re not using any paper or ink. You can simply email a digital copy to anyone in the world and then store the signed document on your computer, or in the cloud for extra security.

If you want to collect signatures from the public, then the right software can help you get more signups. For example, you might publish a petition to your WordPress website and then collect signatures from supporters around the world.

With that being said, let’s look at some of the best electronic signature software.

1. WPForms

The WPForms form builder plugin and signature addon

WPForms is the most beginner friendly WordPress form builder. You can use it to build any type of form such as multi-page forms, payment forms, email subscription forms, and more.

With over 500 ready-made form templates to choose from, this plugin makes it easy to add professionally-designed and user-friendly forms to your website. All of these templates are fully customizable, so you can fine-tune them to better suit your needs.

Even better, the plugin has a Signature addon that lets you collect digital signatures with ease.

Every time someone submits a form, WPForms will save their electronic signature as an image and attach it to their form submission. You can see all of these signatures simply by logging into your WordPress dashboard.

Electronic signatures collected using WPForms

After activating the addon, you’ll get access to some ready-made templates that already come with a built-in digital signature field.

This includes an online petition form, a medical and health history form, and even a cattery booking form, which is perfect if you run an animal or pet website.

An e-signature form created using WPForms

WPForms also has a standalone Signature field that you can add to any template.

Simply open the WPForms editor and then drag the read-made Signature field onto any form, and you’re ready to start collecting e-signatures.

A Signature field inside the WPForms editor

Once you’ve added the Signature field to a form, you can use the WPForms settings to customize that field.

For example, you can mark it as mandatory so that visitors must add their digital signature before they can submit the form.

Making the electronic signature form mandatory

This powerful plugin also has support for conditional logic, so you can hide or show the Signature field based on the information the visitor enters into the form.

For example, you might hide the Signature field unless the visitor opts into a particular service that requires their digital signature. In this way, you can show only relevant fields to visitors, which will reduce form abandonment in WordPress.

The conditional logic settings in WPForms

Pricing: To use the WPForms plugin and Signature addon, you’ll need to buy WPForms Pro ($199.50 per year) or Elite ($299.50 per year).

2. signNow

The signNow esignature software

If you need to collect legally-binding signatures from multiple people, then signNow is a great option. It even comes with conditional logic, so you can show different fields to different people based on their user roles.

signNow is an online service, so you don’t need to download or set up any software or tools. Simply create an account, and you can start signing documents within minutes using signNow’s user-friendly editor.

signNow allows users to type, draw, or upload their signatures. You can also save your signatures, so it’s easier to authorize future documents.

To save even more time, signNow allows you to save any document as a template. This is perfect for businesses that need to send the same file to multiple people or organizations.

If you’re worried about unauthorized access, then you’ll be happy to learn that signNow has dual-factor authentication options and other advanced security features. This allows you to prove the person’s identity before giving them access to your documents and templates.

This is particularly important if you’re working with sensitive or confidential documents.

If you need to collect data from customers, staff, or other contacts, then you can even build online forms using the same intuitive signNow editor. This makes signNow an all-in-one solution for busy businesses.

Unlike some other esignature solutions on this list, signNow has its own mobile app for Android and iOS. This means you can sign contracts and share documents with other people, directly from your mobile device.

Using the mobile app, you can even work with documents, agreements, and contracts while offline. Then, simply share your work once the internet connection has been restored. This is great for anyone who travels and likes to work on the go.

With its time-saving features, dedicated mobile application, and smart conditional fields, signNow is a great choice for businesses that need to share legally binding documents with lots of different people.

Pricing: You can start using signNow for $8 per month, per user.

3. Formidable Forms

The Formidable Forms plugin and Signature addon

Formidable Forms is an all-in-one WordPress form builder with a drag and drop interface that makes it easy to create advanced forms. This includes custom calculators, booking forms, and much more.

This plugin also has a Signature addon that allows you to collect digital signatures.

Visitors can sign your forms using their mouse or touchscreen. However, unlike some of the other software in this list, Formidable Forms also lets visitors type in their signature.

Adding an electronic signature using Formidable Forms

This can make your forms and documents accessible to people who find it difficult to sign using the mouse or trackpad.

Every time someone signs your form, the plugin will save the signature as an image that you can see inside your WordPress dashboard.

Viewing electronic signatures in WordPress

After installing the addon, you can simply drop the ready-made Signature field onto any template where you want to collect digital signatures.

Formidable Forms comes with over 170 templates, so you should have no problems finding one that perfectly suits your needs.

Adding a signature in Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms also comes with a ‘Signature’ category where you’ll find a selection of templates that have the e-sign field built-in.

For example, Formidable Forms has an ‘Esthetician Consent’ template where beauticians can collect a client’s information and get their signed consent.

An electronic signature form created using Formidable Forms

This plugin integrates with WooCommerce, so online store owners can easily collect signatures from their customers. For example, you may want to record the customer’s written consent to collect recurring payments as part of a subscription.

If you have an online store, then Formidable Forms also integrates with all the popular email marketing and payment platforms you may already be using to get sales.

The Formidable Forms builder is targeted more at advanced users and developers, which means it isn’t as user-friendly as WPForms. However, it is a powerful and flexible solution that’s also very customizable.

In fact, after configuring the Signature addon, there are lots more addons that can help you collect and manage digital signatures.

In particular, Formidable Forms has a Visual Views addon that lets you display user-submitted information on your website. For example, if you’ve created a petition, then you can use this addon to show the names of all the people who have already signed. In this way, you can encourage more people to support your petition.

To learn more, please see our guide on how to display WordPress form entries on your site.

Pricing: To use Formidable Forms with the Signature addon, you’ll need to purchase Formidable Forms Business license ($199.50 per year) or higher.

4. pdfFiler

The pdfFiller e-sign software

pdfFiler is a complete document management solution that allows you to create, edit and manage documents and forms online.

You can simply upload any PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, PPT, PPTX, JPG, PNG, or TXT file, and pdfFiller will turn it into an interactive document. Anyone can then view, edit, and sign the document online using their desktop or mobile device.

pdfFiller follows all of the major security laws and guidelines including GDPR, HIPAA, and CCPA. However, some customers or visitors may still be wary about signing a document hosted on an unfamiliar third-party platform. If you do use pdfFiller, then it’s important to talk about the platform in your site’s privacy policy.

Having said that, pdfFiller’s electronic signature software is very powerful and legally binding in all 50 states. It also has some advanced features you won’t find in other electronic signature plugins, such as the option to capture a signature using a webcam.

Pricing: The basic pdfFiller plan starts at $10 per month when purchased annually.

5. USLegalForms

The USLegalForms website

USLegalForms is an online library of over 80,000 national and state-specific legal documents covering a huge range of different industries and use cases.

On their website, you’ll find form templates covering everything from hiring to business agreements, leases, invoices, bills of sale, and much more.

All of these legal documents are organized into categories and you can search by state, so you should have no problems finding what you’re looking for.

With a strong focus on legally-binding documentation, this is a great electronic signature platform for businesses. It would also be useful for anyone who wants to start legal proceedings without having to pay a professional to draw up documents for you.

You don’t need a website to use USLegalForms. If you’re looking for a solution that adds forms or signable documents to your site or blog, then we recommend using a solution such as Formidable Forms or WPForms instead.

Price: You can buy a USLegalForms subscription for $15 per month.

Which is the Best Electronic Signature Software?

After evaluating various eSign software, we believe that WPForms is the best electronic signature software for WordPress. If you’re looking for a eSign software for contracts that need multiple signatures, then we recommend using signNow.

There are dozens of other electronic signature in the market such as DocuSign, HelloSign (aka Dropbox Sign), PandaDoc, and others, but they are all unnecessarily expensive for small businesses that’s why we haven’t included them in our list.

We hope this article helped you find the best electronic signature software for WordPress. You can also go through our guide on how to create file upload forms in WordPress, or our expert pick of the best business phone services.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 5 Best Electronic Signature Software for WordPress (2022) first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Add Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA in WordPress

Do you want to add Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA in WordPress?

CAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA can stop spambots, but they’re also unpopular with visitors. By using a non-intrusive technology like Turnstile, you can protect your website from spambots and automated scripts without annoying your visitors.

In this article, we will show you how to add Cloudflare Turnstile to your WordPress website.

How to add Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA in WordPress

Why Add Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA in WordPress?

Spam is a big problem for all websites including WordPress. Spambots can use non-secure forms to send you spammy links, which will make it more difficult for you to do lead generation.

They can also try to break into your site’s login form by using brute force attacks or flooding your site with spam comments that’ll damage the visitor experience and your WordPress SEO.

If you run an online store, then automated scripts may even place fraudulent orders.

Many website owners use CAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA to block scripts and bots. However, a lot of people complain that these technologies deliver a poor user experience, and some even worry about CAPTCHAs stealing their data.

With that being said, Cloudflare has introduced Turnstile CAPTCHA. This alternative technology uses a selection of non-intrusive challenges that often run invisibly in the browser. This allows you to protect your website without asking visitors to complete complex puzzles.

To help keep visitor information private, Cloudflare uses Apple’s Private Access Tokens to test whether the visitor is a real person without collecting extra data.

If you’re using form builders or WooCommerce, then Turnstile also integrates with these third-party plugins. This allows you to add invisible CAPTCHAs across many different areas of your WordPress website.

With that in mind, let’s see how you can add Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA in WordPress. Simply use the quick links below to jump between the different steps.

Install a WordPress Cloudflare CAPTCHA Plugin

The easiest way to add Cloudflare’s CAPTCHA to WordPress is by using Simple Cloudflare Turnstile. This free plugin allows you to connect your website to the Turnstile service, and then check that it’s responding to your requests correctly.

First, you’ll need to install and activate the plugin. If you need help, then please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, go to Settings » Cloudflare Turnstile.

Adding a site key and secret key to a WordPress website

The plugin will now ask you to provide a site key and site secret.

You can get these for free by clicking on the link next to ‘You can get your site key and secret from here.’

Get a Cloudflare Turnstile Site Secret and Site Key

The link will take you to the Cloudflare login page where you can register your domain and create a site key and site secret. This is free, but you will need to create a Cloudflare account using your email address, if you haven’t already.

Once you’re logged into the Cloudflare dashboard, find ‘Turnstile’ in the left-hand menu and give it a click.

The Cloudflare dashboard

This will take you to a screen with some basic information about Cloudflare Turnstile.

If you’re happy to go ahead, then click on the ‘Add site’ button.

Adding a site to the Cloudflare dashboard

On this screen, start by typing in a ‘Site Name.’

This is just for your reference so you can use anything you want.

Adding a WordPress website to the Cloudflare dashboard

Next, type your website’s domain name into the ‘Domain’ field.

The next step is choosing which CAPTCHA widget you want to create. The first choice is ‘Managed,’ which is the method recommended by Cloudflare. This is where Cloudflare analyzes the browser’s request and then decides what kind of challenge it should run.

While this is happening, the visitor will see a loading animation.

Adding a Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA to WordPress

Wherever possible, Cloudflare will try to run a non-interactive challenge in the background, so the visitor doesn’t have to do anything.

In this case, the user will simply see a ‘Success’ message when their browser passes the test.

Creating a managed Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA

Sometimes, Cloudflare may decide that it’s safer to show an interactive challenge instead. However, the visitor will simply need to check a box rather than complete a puzzle, so it’s still easier than the traditional puzzle-based CAPTCHAs.

Unless you have a specific reason not to, it’s smart to use managed CAPTCHAs as this gives you a good level of security with minimum impact on the visitor experience.

How to create a managed CAPTCHA for WordPress

Don’t want to use interactive challenges on your WordPress website? Then you can choose ‘Non-interactive’ or ‘Invisible’ instead.

Non-interactive challenges run in the browser so the visitor doesn’t have to take any action. Just like the managed CAPTCHA, visitors will see the loading animation and a ‘Success’ message when the challenge is complete.

If you choose ‘Invisible’ instead, then the visitor won’t see the animation or success message. This setting allows you to completely hide the CAPTCHA from your visitors, which can avoid confusion and won’t add any clutter to your WordPress theme.

After making your decision, click on the ‘Create’ button.

As soon as you’ve done that, Cloudflare will show your site key and secret key.

Creating a site key and secret key for your WordPress website

You can now add this information to the plugin’s settings on your website.

Add Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA to Your WordPress Website

In your WordPress dashboard, head back to Settings » Cloudflare Turnstile. You can now go ahead and add the ‘Site Key’ and ‘Site Secret’ to your WordPress dashboard.

Adding the Cloudflare secret key and site secret to WordPress

After that, you may want to customize how the CAPTCHA looks on your website, and how it acts. To start, you can open the ‘Theme’ dropdown and choose from light, dark, or auto.

The following image shows an example of how the ‘Dark’ theme looks in the WordPress comment section.

A Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA with a dark theme

By default, Cloudflare Turnstile shows a ‘Please verify that you are human’ message to visitors. You may want to change this. For example, you might briefly explain why the CAPTCHA is so important, or that it will only take a few seconds to complete.

To add your own wording, simply type into the ‘Custom Error Message’ field.

Creating a custom error message for a WordPress CAPTCHA

After that, you can select the forms where you’ll use the Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA.

The options you see may vary depending on the plugins you’ve installed, but by default, you can use Turnstile with all the built-in WordPress forms. This includes the login page, user registration form, and password reset page.

Enabling Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA for the WordPress forms

When you’re happy with the information you’ve entered, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on ‘Save Changes.’

Now, if you visit your website you’ll see the Turnstile CAPTCHA in action.

Bonus: Add Turnstile CAPTCHA to Your WordPress Forms

WordPress comes with different built-in forms, but you’ll often want to create custom forms. For example, you might replace the default forms with professionally-designed alternatives that better suit your website.

You can also add forms that are missing from the core WordPress software, such as contact forms and online order forms.

Simple Cloudflare Turnstile integrates with the best contact form plugins for WordPress including WPForms and Formidable Forms. This allows you to add the same advanced CAPTCHAs to all your forms, no matter how you created them.

How to add a CAPTCHA to a WordPress contact form

To add a CAPTCHA to any WPForms or Formidable Forms page, simply go to Settings » Cloudflare Turnstile in your WordPress dashboard.

At the bottom of the page, you should see a section for either WPForms or Formidable Forms, depending on which plugin you’re using.

Integrating Cloudflare with WPForms and Formidable Forms

Simply click on either of these sections to expand.

To add the CAPTCHA to all your forms, just check the ‘Enable on all…’ box.

Enabling CAPTCHA for WPForms

If you’re using a ‘Managed’ or ‘Non-interactive’ CAPTCHA, then you can change whether the loading and success animation appears before or after the form’s ‘Submit’ button.

In the following image, we’re using the ‘After button’ option.

Changing where the CAPTCHA appears in WPForms

To make this change, simply open the ‘Widget Location’ dropdown.

Then, choose either ‘Before Button’ or ‘After Button.’

Changing the location of the CAPTCHA widget

Some forms may not need a CAPTCHA. For example, you might disable the CAPTCHA for forms that aren’t getting many conversions, to see whether this improves your conversion rates. For more information, see our guide on WordPress conversion tracking made simple.

To remove the CAPTCHA, you’ll need to type the form’s ID into the ‘Disable Form IDs’ field.

Removing the CAPTCHA from WPForms

If you’re using WPForms, then you can get this ID by going to WPForms » All Forms.

The ‘Shortcode’ column shows each form’s ID. For example, in the following image the form ID is 62.

How to disable CAPTCHAs on your WordPress website

If you’re a Formidable Forms user, then head over to Formidable » Forms instead.

On this screen, find the form that you want to exclude and make a note of the number in the ‘ID’ column.

Forms, created using the Formidable Forms WordPress plugin

You can now add these IDs to the ‘Disable Form IDs’ field.

To remove the CAPTCHA from multiple forms, simply separate each ID with a comma.

Disabling the Cloudflare CAPTCHA for multiple forms

When you’re happy with how you’ve set up the integration, don’t forget to click on ‘Save Changes’ to store your settings.

Now if you visit any form created using Formidable Forms or WPForms, you’ll see the Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA in action.

Bonus: Add Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA to WooCommerce

Scripts and bots aren’t just bad news for WordPress blogs and websites. If you run an online store, then spambots and automated scripts might try to register with your store and place fake orders.

Every transaction comes with processing feeds, so fake orders can cost you a lot of money and make it difficult to grow your business.

The good news is that Cloudflare Turnstile also integrates with WooCommerce. This allows you to protect all your eCommerce pages including the WooCommerce login, signup, and checkout pages.

The Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA on the WooCommerce checkout page

To add Cloudflare Turnstile to your WooCommerce pages, simply go to Settings » Cloudflare Turnstile.

Then, scroll to the ‘WooCommerce Forms’ section.

Adding CAPTCHAs to your WooCommerce forms

If it isn’t already expanded, then click on this section.

You’ll now see all the WooCommerce pages where you can add a Cloudflare CAPTCHA. Simply check the box next to each page that you want to protect.

Protecting your WooCommerce store with a CAPTCHA

After that, don’t forget to click on ‘Save Changes’ to store your settings. Now, if you visit any of your WooCommerce pages, you’ll see the Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA.

We hope this article helped you learn how to add Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA in WordPress. You can also go through our ultimate WordPress security guide and the best WordPress membership plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Display WordPress Form Entries on Your Site

Do you want to show your WordPress form entries on the front end of your site?

Displaying form entries on the front end allows you to show important information to your visitors. You can use it to show positive reviews, create directories, display event calendars, and more.

In this article, we’ll show you how to display WordPress form entries on your site.

How to Display WordPress form entries on your site

Why Display WordPress Form Entries on the Frontend?

Forms are great for keeping in touch with your visitors, getting feedback and suggestions, helping users resolve their issues, and more. Displaying form entries on your WordPress website for your visitors can be helpful in certain situations.

For example, you can display testimonials and product reviews that users submit through an online form. This way, you can leverage social proof to build brand trust and boost conversions.

You can also display form entries to create a business directory, display user-submitted events on a calendar, display statistics, and show other important information collected through online forms on your website.

However, by default, when users submit a form on your WordPress website, their entries are kept private. Only the WordPress admin and other users who have permission can view the form entries.

Let’s see how you can show form entries on the front end of your WordPress website using Formidable Forms and WPForms. You can click the links below to jump ahead to your preferred section.

Displaying WordPress Form Entries by Using Formidable Forms

The easiest way of showing form entries in WordPress is using Formidable Forms. It is a popular WordPress contact form plugin and offers an all-in-one form builder with lots of features for customization.

You can create all kinds of forms like surveys, quizzes, payment forms, and advanced forms like event calendars, directories, and calculators.

First, you’ll need to install and activate the Formidable Forms plugin on your site. If you need help, then please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

For this tutorial, we’ll be using the Formidable Forms Pro version because it includes the Visual Views addon.

Upon activation, you can go to Formidable » Forms and click the ‘+ Add New’ button at the top.

Add a new form

After that, a popup will appear that will ask you to select a form type, like a contact us form, user registration form, survey, and more.

Go ahead and select your preferred form type. For the sake of this tutorial, we’ll create a contact form to collect testimonials from users.

Select your form type

Next, you’ll need to enter a form name and description.

When you’re done, simply click the ‘Create’ button.

Enter form name and description

Now you can use the form builder to customize your form.

Formidable offers a drag and drop builder which is super easy to use. Simply select any form field you would like to add to your form from the options on your left and place them in the form template.

Build your form

After customizing your contact form, go ahead and embed it anywhere on your website.

The plugin offers multiple options to add your form. The easiest way is to click the ‘Embed’ button in the form builder at the top and then select an existing page or create a new page to add your form.

Embed your form in a new page

Alternatively, you can also use a Formidable Forms block or a shortcode block in the WordPress content editor to embed your forms.

Next, you can give a name to your page and preview it.

When you’re satisfied with its appearance, go ahead and publish your page.

Preview and publish your form

After your form is live, and you start to get entries, then you’ll need to install and activate the Visual Views addon in Formidable Forms.

To do that, simply go to Formidable » Add-Ons from your WordPress dashboard. Next, scroll down to the ‘Visual Views’ addon and click the ‘Install’ button.

Install visual views addon

Once the addon is active, you can go to Formidable » Views from your WordPress dashboard.

After that, simply click the ‘+ Add New’ button at the top.

Add a new view

Next, a popup window will appear where you’ll need to select a view type. The plugin offers a grid, table, calendar, and classic view that you can use.

For this tutorial, we’ll use the ‘Grid’ view to show form entries.

Select a view type

After that, you will have to select a data source for your view.

Go ahead and click on the ‘Use Entries from Form’ dropdown menu and select your form. There’s also an option to enter a view name.

After selecting your data source, simply click the ‘Create a view’ button.

Select data source

This will launch the view builder in Formidable Forms.

To get started, go ahead and click the ‘Layout Builder’ button.

Select a layout builder

Next, you’ll need to select a layout to display your form entries.

Simply choose a layout from the given options at the top. You can add multiple layouts to show form entries.

Build your layout

After selecting a layout, go ahead and click the ‘Save layout’ button.

Next, you can add content to the view builder by clicking the ‘+’ button. There are options to customize the layout of the form entries and add content before and after the form entries.

The plugin also gives options to change the typography, background color, border, and more under the Grid Style Settings panel on your left.

You’ll also see a shortcode under the View Name field, which you’ll need when showing form entries on your site.

Add content to the view

There are more advanced options in the Grid Style Settings panel. In the advanced settings, you can limit the number of entries, page size, and more.

When you’ve customized the view, don’t forget to click the ‘Update’ button at the top.

Next, you’ll need to display your form entries on your WordPress website. To do that, copy the shortcode given under the View Name.

The shortcode will look like this:

[display-frm-data id=2410]

After that, go to any post or page where you’d like to display form entries. Once you’re in the content editor, simply add a ‘Shortcode’ block.

Select shortcode block

Now, enter the shortcode you copied earlier in the shortcode block.

After that, you can preview the page and publish it.

Enter the shortcode

You can now visit your website to see the form entries in action.

Here’s what they look like on our demo website:

Form entries preview

Displaying WordPress Form Entries by Using WPForms

Another way of displaying form entries on the front end of your WordPress website is through WPForms. However, this method requires editing code and is recommended for advanced users who have knowledge about coding.

WPForms is the best contact form plugin for WordPress and lets you create different types of forms using a drag and drop form builder.

Just note that if you want to see your form entries in the WordPress dashboard, then you’ll need the WPForms Pro version. There is also a WPForms Lite version that you can use for free, which sends email notifications of all your form entries.

First, you’ll need to install and activate the WPForms plugin. For more details, please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Next, you will need to create an online form using WPForms. You can check out our step-by-step guide on how to create a contact form in WordPress.

Once you start to get form entries, you’ll need to enter the following code into your theme’s functions.php file or in a site-specific plugin. Please see our guide on how to easily add custom code in WordPress for more information.

 * Custom shortcode to display WPForms form entries in table view.
 * Basic usage: [wpforms_entries_table id="FORMID"].
 * Possible shortcode attributes:
 * id (required)  Form ID of which to show entries.
 * user           User ID, or "current" to default to current logged in user.
 * fields         Comma separated list of form field IDs.
 * number         Number of entries to show, defaults to 30.
 * @link https://wpforms.com/developers/how-to-display-form-entries/
 * Realtime counts could be delayed due to any caching setup on the site
 * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes.
 * @return string
function wpf_entries_table( $atts ) {
    // Pull ID shortcode attributes.
    $atts = shortcode_atts(
            'id'     => '',
            'user'   => '',
            'fields' => '',
            'number' => '',
                        'type' => 'all' // all, unread, read, or starred.
    // Check for an ID attribute (required) and that WPForms is in fact
    // installed and activated.
    if ( empty( $atts['id'] ) || ! function_exists( 'wpforms' ) ) {
    // Get the form, from the ID provided in the shortcode.
    $form = wpforms()->form->get( absint( $atts['id'] ) );
    // If the form doesn't exists, abort.
    if ( empty( $form ) ) {
    // Pull and format the form data out of the form object.
    $form_data = ! empty( $form->post_content ) ? wpforms_decode( $form->post_content ) : '';
    // Check to see if we are showing all allowed fields, or only specific ones.
    $form_field_ids = isset( $atts['fields'] ) && $atts['fields'] !== '' ? explode( ',', str_replace( ' ', '', $atts['fields'] ) ) : [];
    // Setup the form fields.
    if ( empty( $form_field_ids ) ) {
        $form_fields = $form_data['fields'];
    } else {
        $form_fields = [];
        foreach ( $form_field_ids as $field_id ) {
            if ( isset( $form_data['fields'][ $field_id ] ) ) {
                $form_fields[ $field_id ] = $form_data['fields'][ $field_id ];
    if ( empty( $form_fields ) ) {
    // Here we define what the types of form fields we do NOT want to include,
    // instead they should be ignored entirely.
    $form_fields_disallow = apply_filters( 'wpforms_frontend_entries_table_disallow', [ 'divider', 'html', 'pagebreak', 'captcha' ] );
    // Loop through all form fields and remove any field types not allowed.
    foreach ( $form_fields as $field_id => $form_field ) {
        if ( in_array( $form_field['type'], $form_fields_disallow, true ) ) {
            unset( $form_fields[ $field_id ] );
    $entries_args = [
        'form_id' => absint( $atts['id'] ),
    // Narrow entries by user if user_id shortcode attribute was used.
    if ( ! empty( $atts['user'] ) ) {
        if ( $atts['user'] === 'current' && is_user_logged_in() ) {
            $entries_args['user_id'] = get_current_user_id();
        } else {
            $entries_args['user_id'] = absint( $atts['user'] );
    // Number of entries to show. If empty, defaults to 30.
    if ( ! empty( $atts['number'] ) ) {
        $entries_args['number'] = absint( $atts['number'] );
// Filter the type of entries all, unread, read, or starred
    if ( $atts['type'] === 'unread' ) {
        $entries_args['viewed'] = '0';
    } elseif( $atts['type'] === 'read' ) {
        $entries_args['viewed'] = '1';
    } elseif ( $atts['type'] === 'starred' ) {
        $entries_args['starred'] = '1';
    // Get all entries for the form, according to arguments defined.
    // There are many options available to query entries. To see more, check out
    // the get_entries() function inside class-entry.php (https://a.cl.ly/bLuGnkGx).
    $entries = wpforms()->entry->get_entries( $entries_args );
    if ( empty( $entries ) ) {
        return '<p>No entries found.</p>';
    echo '<table class="wpforms-frontend-entries">';
        echo '<thead><tr>';
            // Loop through the form data so we can output form field names in
            // the table header.
            foreach ( $form_fields as $form_field ) {
                // Output the form field name/label.
                echo '<th>';
                    echo esc_html( sanitize_text_field( $form_field['label'] ) );
                echo '</th>';
        echo '</tr></thead>';
        echo '<tbody>';
            // Now, loop through all the form entries.
            foreach ( $entries as $entry ) {
                echo '<tr>';
                // Entry field values are in JSON, so we need to decode.
                $entry_fields = json_decode( $entry->fields, true );
                foreach ( $form_fields as $form_field ) {
                    echo '<td>';
                        foreach ( $entry_fields as $entry_field ) {
                            if ( absint( $entry_field['id'] ) === absint( $form_field['id'] ) ) {
                                echo apply_filters( 'wpforms_html_field_value', wp_strip_all_tags( $entry_field['value'] ), $entry_field, $form_data, 'entry-frontend-table' );
                    echo '</td>';
                echo '</tr>';
        echo '</tbody>';
    echo '</table>';
    $output = ob_get_clean();
    return $output;
add_shortcode( 'wpforms_entries_table', 'wpf_entries_table' );

After adding the custom code to your website, you’ll need to enter the following shortcode to any page or post to show form entries.

[wpforms_entries_table id="FORMID"]

Just replace the FORMID with your form’s ID.

You can find the form ID by going to WPForms » All Forms and then looking at the Shortcode column.

Find WPForms form ID

To add a shortcode, simply create a new page or edit an existing one.

Next, go ahead and add a ‘Shortcode’ block.

Select shortcode block

After adding the block, simply enter your shortcode.

Now preview your WordPress page and click the ‘Publish’ button at the top.

Enter shortcode to show form entries

Here’s what the preview of our form entries looked like on the front-end:

Display WPForms Entries on Front End

You can further customize the display using custom CSS styles as needed.

We hope that this article helped you learn how to display WordPress form entries on your site. You may also want to see our guide on how to create a custom WordPress theme, or our expert comparison of the best live chat software for small business.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Display WordPress Form Entries on Your Site first appeared on WPBeginner.