YouTube advertising for health coaches

Hi there,

I am looking for information regarding what I can say or claim in a YouTube ad about my health coaching service without violating Google's ad policies. My particular area of health coaching focusses on reversing Type 2 Diabetes (naturally - no drugs, no obscure treatments, just lifestyle modification).

I know that in FB ads, I can't claim to cure or reverse T2D. I also can't say things like "If you suffer from Type 2 Diabetes..." because it is personally identifying. Other health coaches seem to stay in Facebook's good books by making the ad all about the coach, and not explicitly claiming to cure or reverse a particular condition. For example, "Learn how Bob beat the odds and is now completely free of all symptoms of <condition X>".

My question is actually in relation to YouTube. Does YouTube take a similar approach to claims about reversing a condition? Would it be safe to assume that an ad that is acceptable to FB would be acceptable to YT?

Bulk Pricing Discounts For WPMU DEV Hosting Are Go!

The take-up of WPMU DEV Hosting has blown us away since our official launch last September, with members loving the ease of use of the platform, our trademark awesome support, and of course the pricing.

So how can we improve on that? How about better pricing for members who host a lot of websites with us? Done.

Yes you read that correctly…

We’re making our already ridiculously affordable dedicated, fully compartmentalized, managed WordPress hosting product, even more competitive.

We chose to do this for a few different reasons.

The first being that we’ve had a lot of members pick up hosting for scores, and even hundreds of sites.

And to you, we’d like to say thank you.

Here’s a nice big pile of money back you didn’t know you were getting. :)

We're giving existing members a whole lot of cash they weren't expecting!
From here on out you’ll be rewarded handsomely for hosting mucho sites with us.

Secondly, because a lot of members were trying out our hosting (and really enjoying it!), but were hesitant to commit all their client sites, as they were getting discounts from other providers, and/or didn’t want to go hard early on.

And thirdly… well, I’ll add thirdly at the end.

So What Are These Bulk Discounts You Speak Of???

Well, it’s nice and simple, and it looks like this:

A breakdown of our hosting bulk pricing discount tiers.
The more you host, the more you save!

So, put simply, if you host 20 websites with us you’ll get 10% off, 50 websites gets you 15%, and 100: 20%.

Now let’s say that your average client website is at a Silver level ($25 per month, per site) if you host 100 sites with us…

You SAVE $500 Per Month, Or $6,000 Per Year!

Which, if you’re one of our existing members doing just that, we just gave you back :)

And in terms of the third reason why I’m so keen to offer this…

Well it’s because I really don’t think you should be paying that much for dedicated, managed WordPress hosting… and I want to be completely transparent as to why.

The bigger hosting companies are now almost all owned entirely or in part by investors / private equity and/or shareholders.

And the reality is:

These Companies Often Prioritize Profits Ahead Of Providing An Excellent Product

Dev Man having to toss his current hosting plan in the trash as some companies put profits ahead of their product.
Website Hosting Inc. puts profits ahead of product. Don’t be like Website Hosting Inc.

We are beholden to no investors, we’re entirely privately owned, and we can therefore make decisions based on a great product and user experience.

We can look to the future first, and to profit second. Our only investor is you – our members.

What’s more, we’re using a fantastic existing product as the underlying provider of our hosting (Digital Ocean Droplets).

You can even review them right now to see how they compare to another hosting product like AWS (hint, D.O.D are much better).

Thus, the more significant component of this is that I can show you EXACTLY what’s under the hood of our hosting.

No Broad Claims, Nothing That Isn’t 100% Verifiable

In fact, if you want, you can go and use Droplets yourself, and save on the markup (and in turn see how much added value, and ease of use we provide with them… at least I hope you will!).

So there :) I’m not quite the Bezos of WordPress just yet (hehe) but I am committed to a similar Amazon principle.

This isn’t About How Much Money We Can Wring Out of You To Pay Our Investors or Shareholders…

It’s about being customer focused, about delivering a product that goes beyond the hype and the marketing (current marketing team members: 1, me).

A product you can also rely on both now and as your client list grows… each step of the way enjoying more discounts.

Oh, and one last thing, since we’re talking about bulk hosting discounts, I can’t end this article without also mentioning…

It’s #HostingMonth Here at WPMU DEV!

Dev Man is excited for #HostingMonth
This April we’re giving away $10K!

But what does this meeean?

Well for one… we’re giving away 5 prizes of $1,000 WPMU DEV credit at the end of the month.

To get in the draw all you have to do is subscribe to our blog (enter using the form below, you can’t miss it!).

We’re also giving another $5,000 away on our social media platforms this month!

$4K on FB and Insta with our weekly caption contests…

And another $1K ($250 per week) on Twitter – all you have to do is “retweet” a #HostingMonth tweet.

But Wait My Friends, There is Indeed More! :)

To top it all off, we’re giving all our new member friends (don’t worry existing members we have you covered too) FREE 3 MONTH WPMU DEV membership trials, all in the name of hosting!

That means if you’re new, you have a whopping 3 months to try our hosting (AND everything else a membership gives you might I add!).

Then, once you’ve come over to the light side, you can also take advantage of those amazing bulk hosting discounts.

Here’s that coupon for the 3 month free trial if you’re interested. Otherwise, check out our announcement post for the rest of the nitty gritty details.

Happy #HostingMonth!!!