Ecommerce Blogging Starter Guide: Learn the Basics

If you want to get into ecommerce blogging, WordPress with Hostinger offers the best combination of blog builder and web hosting for the job. Best of all, you can host your WordPress blog with Hostinger for only $2.99.

Ecommerce sites should provide the necessary tools that make transactions quick and easy for customers and store owners alike. But most ecommerce sellers forget about the one part of their website that works for them 24/7: their blog.

Blogging for ecommerce can deliver plentiful benefits, from marketing your products to new clientele to building a devoted fan base of lifelong customers. Let’s dive into how to get started blogging for ecommerce and what you can gain by doing so.

The Best Platforms for Ecommerce Blogging

Ecommerce blogging should come as a part of your overall web store platform. Many ecommerce site builders also sport some degree of blogging functionality, but these three are the best providers that deliver well on both blogging and ecommerce features:

If you want to get a feel for blogging platforms in general, check out our full reviews of the three brands above, plus others. 

Brand logos for ecommerce blogging guide.

What is Ecommerce Blogging?

Have you ever read an article about a new product and just had to buy it? What about tips and tricks for using a product or service? That’s what ecommerce blogging is all about—generating organic interest in your brand and its products or services through written content.

It’s a way of marketing your online store through content that educates, entertains, and informs customers about what you do. You can use it to grow your customer base by targeting new markets and building relationships with potential customers, plus keep engaging loyal buyers with new content that keeps them aware of, engaged with, and purchasing from you.

When blogging for ecommerce, you want to strike a balance between educating people about your  products and services so that customers know what to expect when they buy from you and getting them interested in what they can do, achieve, or enjoy by purchasing your products.

On a technical level, there are specific steps you must take to get started with ecommerce blogging, including customer research, topic development, and content creation. We’ll get into those details in a moment.

Why is Ecommerce Blogging Important?

As an ecommerce seller, you’re probably spending a lot on paid ads already. And while paid ads are great for encouraging short-term gains in sales, ecommerce blogging helps you build a more steady audience of long-term customers.

It’s also a way to build trust with potential customers by showing them that you’re an expert in your field and that you understand their needs, pains, feelings, and passions. You can use your blog to educate customers about your products and services, as well as answer their questions before they even ask them.

Most importantly, though, ecommerce blogging leads to more traffic to your online store, which translates to more conversions and sales. Companies with blogs see 55% more traffic than those without, and there are several reasons for this.

  • Ecommerce blogging gives retailers the opportunity to cover topics their customers are already searching for.
  • When potential customers read a company blog, they might associate its products with a solution to their problem.
  • Companies with blogs do more than just engage online shoppers—they keep readers on their sites for prolonged periods of time.
  • When a retailer becomes a source of information, its content is shared across the internet, which leads to more traffic from farther-flung sources.
  • Users are more likely to look for a product if they already understand where it fits into their lives and how it solves their problems.

As a search engine, it’s Google’s job to provide its users with the information they’re looking for. Many people aren’t looking for products specifically. They often type a question or a phrase into Google related to what they’re experiencing at the moment, whether it’s a need for something or a problem they want solved. When companies write about topics related to their products, it gives them a better chance of appearing in searches and ranking higher in results.

A blog can really speed up the ecommerce conversion process by quickly dispensing with an introduction to the business and its products and by drilling deeper into topics that are directly or indirectly related to the web store’s product line.

How Ecommerce Blogging Works

Ecommerce blogging is similar to most types of blogging, but it also has some key differences. 

Since an ecommerce storefront is selling products or services, blog content needs to be focused on the products and services being sold to a specific degree. You don’t want it to be too salesy or pushy, but you also can’t just write about anything without tying it back to your business or offerings.

Here are the main steps that go into starting the ecommerce blogging process:

  1. Customer research: To know what topics to include in your blog, you need to understand who your customers are and what they’re looking for. Everything from purchase data to customer inquiries and search intent can be used to guide your content strategy.
  2. Keyword research: Although topics should speak to your target customers and their main concerns, keyword research is still important for honing the SEO of your blog posts. This research is used to identify search terms that are related to your products, as well as low-competition terms that you can use in your blog titles and content to rank high in results.
  3. Topic development: After developing an idea of the types of topics that will be interesting to your audience, it’s time to start brainstorming ideas. Tie topics to types of posts you want to write, like examples of ways to use your product, instructional guides (like this one!) to help your clientele achieve something, or even opinionated articles offering your brand’s insights and thoughts about modern trends, just to name a few examples.
  4. Content creation: This is when you get to work in earnest. Putting together your blog post  includes writing (or finding someone to write) the post, formatting it correctly, and adding engaging visuals such as images and videos or other elements like call-to-action buttons or even embedded product listings.
  5. Promotion: Once you have a blog post ready to go, you need to make sure that it’s seen by those who are interested in what you have to say. Promotion includes things like email marketing, social media posting and sharing, search engine optimization (SEO), and paid promotion.

Beyond these basic steps, ecommerce blogging also requires some ongoing maintenance, such as monitoring analytics and updating older posts as they become stale or outdated in their information.

Benefits of Ecommerce Blogging

Creating an ecommerce blog comes with many benefits, some of which we touched on earlier. Let’s take a look at these advantages in-depth.

Blogging gives your brand a personality

The fastest and most effective way to show buyers who you are and what you offer is to tell your story. An ecommerce blog allows you to do this in an engaging way, while also providing helpful information and perspectives related to your products or services.

By consistently producing remarkable blog content, your brand becomes recognizable and trustworthy. It’s a way to share with customers who you are as well as what values your business holds dear. When readers recognize themselves in your brand thoughts and values, they’re more likely to become a customer and ardent supporter of your business. Blogging is a non-intrusive method that helps build an unforgettable personality for your company while reinforcing its online reputation.

You can pay less for more

Paid search, Facebook Ads, and other types of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can be expensive. And you only get results as long as you’re paying for the campaign. By investing in ecommerce blogging instead, you can save money while reaching more people.

Blog posts work around the clock, whether you’re spending money on additional marketing or not. Since they sit in search engine results pages (SERPs), high-ranking blogs can garner traffic without requiring any further financial input than the initial outlay to create posts.

Your SEO rankings will improve

Google loves unique, informative content. And when your blog is regularly updated with relevant and keyword-rich posts, your chances of ranking higher in search results increase significantly. Not just your individual blog posts’ pages either, but also your root domain where your online storefront lives. That’s because you’ll be showing search engine algorithms that you’re keeping up with the latest trends and providing value to your customers.

Higher rankings mean better sales numbers

For most online shoppers, the buyer’s journey starts with a search engine. 68% of buyers search for a product on Google before making a decision on what to buy. When you rank higher in the SERPs with informative, keyword-rich blog content, you make it easier for customers to find your business and its offerings. This means more visits to your store and a better chance of turning visitors into buyers.

Readers see your products beyond a photo or landing page

It’s tough to communicate the value of your products when you’re limited to product photos and descriptions. But blog posts give readers the chance to see beyond a simple image or landing page, allowing them to understand the value of the items within your store, including unique ways to use them and benefits they might not have thought about themselves.

With blog posts, you can communicate information in a way that cannot be captured by photos or product pages alone. You can discuss problems, answer questions and offer solutions—effectively highlighting why shoppers should choose your products without the need for salesy language or intrusive marketing messaging.

Strategies for Crafting a Successful Ecommerce Blog

Ecommerce companies big and small can use their blogs to drive more sales and build brand awareness. But, for your blog to succeed, it must be well-executed. Here are some strategies to help you get started on the right foot with ecommerce blogging.

Create a detailed content calendar

One of the most important aspects when crafting an ecommerce blog is consistency. If you post regularly for a few weeks then don’t post anything for another week or two (or month), you’re going to lose some of your audience and some of your search ranking gains. 

You need a regimented schedule for posting that you stick to. A content calendar typically includes:

  • The topics you will cover
  • When the posts should go live
  • Who is responsible for producing content

By creating a content calendar, you can ensure that your blog remains up-to-date and relevant at all times. This increases the chances of attracting customers through search engine results pages and other channels.

Don’t worry about trying to post all the time as much as being consistent. It’s better if you always publish something new on Tuesdays and Thursdays for weeks on end than to post something on five in one week then only once in the next. Be mindful of the workload your writers and content managers will be taking on and set up a calendar that allows them to produce excellent content on schedule, week in and week out.

Turn common content types into templates

Some posts will require original content with unique ways of presenting information or thoughts. But, for a lot of your content, you can turn their formats into templates that make writing similar types of posts easier and faster. 

For example, blog posts like “X Best (Keyword) for (Activity)” and “X Tips for (Topic)” can have formats with subheadings that you can use as a replicable outline for each post that uses that technique. This way, you can quickly write posts that meet your formatting and quality standards without having to start from scratch with each one.

Embrace a flexible business model

While it may seem like larger corporations always have the advantage, they are also burdened with certain weaknesses. Within their corporate bureaucracies, agility and change aren’t exactly common.

As a result, shifting focus for these companies can be an expensive endeavor riddled with red tape and paperwork. This process is far simpler for smaller businesses who don’t need to contend with all those barriers.

When it comes to blogging as a smaller ecommerce seller, you can quickly change direction and update your content strategy to match the latest trends or preferences of your customer base. This gives you a significant opportunity to dominate search results, capitalize on current events and trends, and grow your online presence to compete with the big players in your space.

Leverage user-generated content (UGC)

With the rise of Instagram and TikTok, plus the growth of influencer marketing, customers are more excited and enticed by transparent and authentic communication from a brand and its customers than ever. 70% of consumers factor in user-generated content in their buying decision because they trust their peers and the social accounts they follow and interact with daily.

User-generated content is a great way to showcase your products or services in real-world scenarios, proving the worth of what you offer and boosting sales from an authentic source. You can highlight or report user-generated content on your blog by creating roundups, testimonials, reviews, and feature stories—all ways of demonstrating the successful use of your products or services or the positive feelings surrounding your brand.

Let engagement data dictate your content strategy

It isn’t 2010 anymore. Keyword research alone should not be the basis of your content marketing strategy. Instead, focus on what your customers and audience are already engaged with based on their current conversations, activities, interests, and needs.

Customer data like this comes from several different places:

The questions your prospective buyers have, the comments your customers leave, the reviews they’ve written, and the conversations they’re participating in on social media are all indicators of what they are interested in. And that should be the focus of your ecommerce blog strategy.

How to Find the Right Tools for Ecommerce Blogging

Depending on your budget, your tech stack could be expansive or it could consist of a few basic tools. Before you start building your blogging strategy, you need the right set of tools to back up your efforts.

Researching and selecting the right types of software can be overwhelming—especially if you’re not familiar with all the options available in the market today. Still, there are a few essential tools you need to get started:

  • Web traffic analytics: You probably already use Google Analytics, but if you’re starting to build your blog, you’ll use it even more to learn more about your audience, where they come from, and what they do on your pages.
  • Keyword research tools: You may already have a keyword research tool like Moz, SEMrush, or Ahrefs. These tools allow you to track keywords and identify the right topics for your blog.
  • Content Management System (CMS): You need a CMS to create, manage, and publish content on your blog. WordPress is a popular option that has flexible features and designs.
  • Technical SEO Tool: Tools like Screaming Frog (which is free) can help you identify technical issues on your website that may prevent Google from finding and indexing your blog posts.
  • Email Marketing Platform: You need an email platform to capture leads and nurture them with your blog content. Options include MailChimp, ConvertKit, and AWeber.

As you grow your blog, you’ll probably want to add other tools to your tech stack. These include heat mapping tools, usability testing tools, social media management software, and social listening software. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different tools until you find the ones that work best for your business needs.

Final Thoughts About Ecommerce Blogging

Blogging is an essential tool for any ecommerce business. It can give you a competitive edge, help you connect with your customers, and increase sales. You may even be able to make money from your blog in addition to your ecommerce sales.

The key to success is to create a blogging strategy that aligns with your business goals, uses the right tools, and focuses on creating content that resonates with your customers. Then, using that data to find out what makes or breaks an ecommerce purchase, you can develop content your audience will actually want to read (and convert from).

Compare the Best Ecommerce CRM Software

Our recommendation for most people is Zoho. It’s easy for even beginners to use, but robust enough to handle customer relationship management at scale. Try Zoho for free today.

Growing an ecommerce store takes more than listing your products. You need to also understand who your customers are, what they are buying, and how to effectively keep your new customer bucket full. Ecommerce CRM software does all this for you and more.

Whether it is identifying your top-selling products, figuring out the device your customers most often use to click the “buy” button, or monitoring revenue in real time, ecommerce CRM software is the tool you need to stay on top of your online store’s performance. Here’s our take on the best ecommerce CRM software tools on the market today.

The Top 5 Best Ecommerce CRM Software Options

Our research uncovered these five ecommerce CRMs as great solutions for a lot of different kinds of web stores. They each bring something special to the table for unique use cases while sporting the core capabilities required from a general ecommerce CRM solution. 

The best ecommerce CRM software for most of our readers is Zoho, because it is easy for anyone to learn how to use, but also powerful enough to handle demanding and advanced customer management tasks. Plus, it sports great features for social selling and other channels for boosting your revenue. Get started with Zoho for free today.

  • Zoho – Best for integrating social media
  • HubSpot – Best for online stores just starting out
  • Pipedrive – Best for those new to CRM software
  • Salesforce – Best for shops in growth mode
  • Metrilo – Best for deep dives into store analytics
Company logos for Best Ecommerce CRM Software for Quick Sprout.

While all of these tools deliver when it comes to customer relationship management, the one that’s best for you depends on your unique needs. 

Match Your Scenario to the Right Ecommerce CRM Software Solution

Below you’ll find some common scenarios that ecommerce stores face at one stage of their existence or another. Below, we offer guidance on the best recommendations for each situation. Choose one based on where you are in your ecommerce journey.

Your ecommerce shop is brand new

Best option: HubSpot

HubSpot is a fantastic option for ecommerce shop owners about to hit the launch button. Its free version means you won’t need to make a financial commitment to get started using it. HubSpot’s platform is intuitive and relatively easy to get the hang of, so you can keep your focus on the nuts and bolts of your online shop rather than spending lots of time mastering your CRM software.

Hubspot pricing page image.
Hubspot offers a free starter package that is free forever.

Another great choice: Pipedrive

Pipedrive is designed to be easy to use for people of all experience levels (or no experience with CRMs at all) and offers 24/7 email and chat support. This makes it exceptionally easy to integrate with your ecommerce shop as you build and launch it. Got stuck? Don’t sweat—help is just a click away.

Pipedrive won’t overwhelm you with unnecessary bells and whistles, either. This allows you to focus on getting your shop up and running without a hitch. The only consideration for new ecommerce shop owners is cost. Pipedrive doesn’t offer a free version, so you’ll have CRM software expenses from the get go. But we think the ease of use this software delivers outweighs the price point.

If your ecommerce shop is brand new, be sure to keep in mind:

  • Ease of use: Choose an ecommerce CRM software tool that is easy to set up, learn, and use, so you can focus on getting your online store up and running.
  • Customer support: Be sure there will be a resource available to help you navigate CRM setup and use, so you don’t waste time spinning your wheels when you’re stuck.
  • Cost: When your online store is just getting off the ground, every penny counts. Choose CRM software that won’t add a lot to your monthly expenses while you’re still striving to turn a profit.

Your ecommerce shop is growing quickly

Best option: Salesforce

When your ecommerce shop is in a period of serious, swift growth, you want CRM software that scales quickly and keeps pace with you. Salesforce is your scalability partner. It is one of the more robust solutions on this list and can take you to any level of ecommerce growth you imagine. You won’t outgrow (and then have to replace) your CRM software when you start with Salesforce.

Salesforce retail CRM solution page image.
Salesforce is a CRM tool that will grow with your company forever.

Another great choice: HubSpot

HubSpot is another CRM built to grow alongside your store. It’s quite similar to Salesforce in terms of functionality, but is slightly more user-friendly for owners of ecommerce stores early in their growth phase (with budgets to match). So, if you have goals of supercharged growth down the road but are still just beginning your journey to domination, HubSpot is a good choice for an ecommerce CRM tool that’s easy on tight budgets but will still grow with you.

If rapid ecommerce store growth is in your future, be sure to consider:

  • CRM scalability: Be sure to choose something that has the capacity to grow with you as your web store matures and expands.
  • Expanded functionality: Favor CRM software that can integrate with new tools as you add them to your online store and offer advanced features when you grow enough to need them.
  • Cost: Budget becomes less of a priority as your business grows, but be sure to understand how the price of the CRM software increases as your needs increase.

You want to sell on social media

Best option: Zoho

Depending on the type of ecommerce shop or customers you have, social media may be an integral part of your sales strategy. If this is you, then Zoho is one of your best bets for streamlining social into your sales process. Zoho Social will help you publish, manage, and monitor all your social channels with ease. You can schedule unlimited posts and create detailed reports that help you stay on top of your overall social performance.

Zoho CRM Plus landing page.
Zoho does a great job at integrating social media channels into the CRM platform.

Another great choice: HubSpot

HubSpot is another good choice to streamline your social media posting efforts, allowing you to publish ecommerce marketing and customer engagement content directly to LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. You can also connect your blog to your social accounts so new content gets cross-posted automatically. You will have to move to a higher tiered plan to get full social media integration and functionality, though.

If social media is a key part of your ecommerce store selling plans, pay attention to:

  • Integrated social media management: Social media posting on multiple platforms can be a lot of work, so look for a solution that brings it all into your CRM platform.
  • Automated content sharing: If your ecommerce website also has a blog (and it should), make it simple to share your new content across all your social media channels.

You’re new to CRM software

Best option: Pipedrive

Pipedrive offers a clean, minimalist user interface that makes it easy to tap into its robust features without feeling overwhelmed. Even beginners will feel comfortable navigating Pipedrive from the first time they log into the software. 

Add in 24/7 customer support via chat or email and even the newest user won’t be left in the dark for long. If you are new to the world of CRM software, Pipedrive is an excellent, novice-friendly option to get started.

Pipedrive landing page.
Pipedrive is a great tool for anyone new to CRM tools.

Another great choice: Zoho

Zoho is another great choice that takes the guesswork out of navigating its CRM platform. Clean design, intuitive functionality, and a sleek mobile app make it easy to manage your customer information from anywhere at any time.

If you’re new to CRM software, pay attention to:

  • Available customer support: The faster you can get help, the sooner you can get up and running. Be sure the solution you choose provides the help you need, when you need it.
  • Streamlined user interface: The easier the platform is to understand at first glance and the more intuitive navigation within it is, the better. 
  • Simplified functionality: You want a tool that is robust enough to get the job done but makes that powerful functionality easy for anyone to use. 

You want to dig deep into the data behind your shop’s performance

Best option: Metrilo

Analytical data helps you track your online store’s marketing, sales, and revenue performance. When you want to really dig into the numbers behind that performance, Metrilo is your solution. It offers really strong analytics tools that let you get as granular as you want.

It compiles everything on Metrilo’s dashboard (with information updated in real time) and shows you key information like new customers, top selling products, real-time revenue, successful orders, conversion rates by device, and customer lifetime value. One glance tells you what’s working and where you need to refocus your efforts.

Metrilo landing page.
Metrilo’s analytics tell you everything you need to know to maximize store performance.

Another great choice: Zoho

Zoho’s CRM provides powerful reports that help you compile the data most important to you and understand underlying trends for your ecommerce store. You can easily export reports as Excel sheets and CSV or PDF files. Or you can share your analytics dashboard with the people who need that information, either on your website or via Slack.

If data is what you crave, be sure your CRM solution has:

  • An easy-to-understand dashboard: Having all key information in one place makes quick work of understanding how your business is doing at the moment. You can then flex to address issues before they become problems.
  • Robust reports: Sharing data is critical to overall store success, so be sure your CRM offers a variety of reports and easy ways to share them.
  • Report templates: Don’t reinvent the wheel each time you need new data. Find a CRM that includes the templates you need, letting you quickly and easily identify the data you want at any given time. 

Ecommerce CRM Software Company Reviews

Finding the right CRM for your online store can make the difference between ho-hum performance and superlative success. We looked at the core functionalities web store owners need from CRM software no matter their size and came up with the following shortlist of options. This is the best of the best and there is a solution for every ecommerce shop in the reviews that follow.

Zoho – Best for Integrating Social Media 

Zoho brand logo.

Zoho is a great all-around CRM solution, but where it really shines is in how it integrates social media into its platform. Zoho Social streamlines your social posting efforts by integrating with Facebook and Twitter, allowing you to manage all of your social activities from within the Zoho CRM interface. For brands that put the emphasis on building community with their customers who are active on Facebook and Twitter, no other product on our top list goes as deep as Zoho.

You can monitor customer feedback across your social networking sites, track customers’ social interactions inside the CRM, receive real-time notifications whenever someone interacts with one of your social accounts, and even add social media leads directly into the CRM.

For online shops with multiple social media profiles at the individual product or brand level, Zoho streamlines social media management, too. It allows you to synchronize in real time all your brand profiles and settings, so managing them all can be done from one spot. These integrations save you a lot of time, allowing you to focus on other aspects of selling instead of juggling the management of numerous social accounts across multiple platforms.

Of course, if you leverage other social media platforms to market your products, Zoho may fall a bit short. You may want to consider an alternative like HubSpot that integrates with Instagram and LinkedIn, too.

What Makes Zoho Great

There’s a lot to like about Zoho beyond its deep social media integrations. For starters, the entire Zoho experience is extremely customizable. Zoho’s Canvas View allows you—and anyone else on the platform—to design a personalized dashboard with its drag-and-drop builder. Every Zoho user’s experience can be tweaked to meet their preferred working style.

Integrations is another Zoho sweet spot. It offers over 800 integrations, meaning that practically any third-party app you’re already using can be tied into your CRM. Platforms like Shopify, MailChimp, Slack, and Facebook Ads are just a few of the options. And the robust developer platform provides low-code and pro-code tools to integrate data across your enterprise stack and create custom solutions.

Zoho landing page.
Zoho integrates with 800+ third-party apps.

Zoho also takes an omnichannel approach to customer communication. Whether messages come in via email, phone, social media, or the customer self-service portal, Zoho consolidates it all in one place, ensuring that messages are seen and can be responded to quickly. 

Zoho delivers all of this enterprise-level functionality at a very attractive price, on top of that. You can get started for as little as $14 per user per month when you sign up for an annual contract. Take a deeper dive into all things Zoho CRM by reading our full review of the platform.

HubSpot – Best for Ecommerce Stores Just Starting Out

HubSpot brand logo.

HubSpot is the ideal solution for new ecommerce shops, because you can start with a fairly robust free option and then upgrade modularly as your shop grows. HubSpot is on par with Salesforce in terms of the advanced functionality you can unlock, but HubSpot stands out by also meeting the needs of new ecommerce sellers without complex needs or big budgets.

To get started, HubSpot packs a lot into just its free version of this platform, including: 

  • Marketing forms
  • Landing pages
  • Ad management
  • Live customer chat
  • Deal pipelines
  • Meeting scheduling
  • Basic SEO recommendations

This means even the newest of new ecommerce stores (or those with rock-bottom budgets) can hit the ground running with HubSpot’s CRM.

As your store and needs grow, HubSpot makes it really easy to upgrade from the free to a paid tier, too. You’re not going to find it complicated to add on HubSpot’s advanced features, like email sequences, sales automation, SEO tools, customer knowledge bases, and more.

The HubSpot platform is also quite easy to navigate and use. It breaks down its offerings into hubs, so you can quickly find what you need and implement it. 

What Makes HubSpot Great

HubSpot’s hub concept adds a lot of flexibility for growing ecommerce shops. Individuals and small teams can start out on the free plan and then upgrade by adding more capable modules focused on facets like marketing, sales, customer service, CMS, and operations.

You can also create your own bundle for a truly custom approach to your CRM. And, if the limitations within those bundle options aren’t sufficient, there are also add-ons that can further customize your monthly plan.

Hubspot pricing page image.
Hubspot’s bundling option gives users the ultimate flexibility.

When your shop starts growing larger and even reaches enterprise levels, more hub bundles and functionality are available as your needs become more intense or complex. 

This means no matter how far you go on your online growth journey, HubSpot remains a viable CRM solution that can stick with you for the long haul. Start small and let HubSpot grow with you.

For individuals and small teams, start on HubSpot’s free-forever package to get acquainted with the platform. When you need more functionality, you can graduate to the Starter plan for $18 per month or the Professional plan for $800 per month. Discover everything you need to know—and more—in our full HubSpot review.

Pipedrive – Best for Those New to CRM Software

Pipedrive brand logo.

Pipedrive was designed with ease of use in mind. It has a clean and easy-to-navigate interface so that you can get going with it right away, even if you have zero previous CRM experience.

You can choose to set up a customized sales pipeline or use one of Pipedrive’s existing templates. Then, just add your deals manually or import them from a spreadsheet. Once the data is in Pipedrive, all key information—and stages of the sales cycle—are captured in one streamlined dashboard sporting a Kanban board-style display. 

This visual sales pipeline really simplifies things. It brings together lead and deal management, communication tracking, insights, automation, and reporting together in an easy-to-digest way. Every person on your team, no matter their prior experience with CRM solutions, can easily stay on top of leads and customers at all stages of the sales cycle.

What Makes Pipedrive Great

Pipedrive makes other parts of customer relationship management easy, too. It takes little effort to add customized web forms to your website using Pipedrive, which can boost your lead generation efforts. Team collaboration is another strength of the software, keeping everyone on the same page about sales updates and wins.

Pipedrive’s Smart Contact Data feature places important contact insights at your fingertips. With one click, Pipedrive retrieves web data about your contacts from available online sources, including LinkedIn. This saves you hours of research time and lets your sales team quickly identify the best possible outreach strategies to reach customers.

Simplified reporting is another big win for Pipedrive. Customizable reports can be generated with just a few clicks and Pipedrive’s Insights feature (and interactive dashboard) lets you quickly identify success patterns so you can optimize future campaigns and workflows. 

Pipedrive reports page image.
Insights gives Pipedrive users a window into winning strategies in order to optimize workflow and future campaigns.

Pipedrive plans start at $14.90 per user per month with an annual plan. There are also Advanced, Professional, and Enterprise plans available for a higher monthly rate. 

You can try Pipedrive free for 14 days, no credit card required. Find out more about Pipedrive in our comprehensive review.

Salesforce – Best for Shops In Growth Mode

Salesforce brand logo.

Salesforce is the CRM you want when you have big goals for scaling your ecommerce website. Salesforce brings all the bells and whistles that a business needs when its customer list is already big and constantly getting bigger. 

While Salesforce’s core functionality is mostly similar to the other products on our top list, there are some unique aspects that deserve to be highlighted. And those differences are why Salesforce is so good for rapidly scaling ecommerce shops.

Salesforce puts a heavy emphasis on automation and predictive analytics. It leverages the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in its Einstein suite of tools. These tools help you analyze all your data to uncover trends, make predictions, and recommend next steps. This is next-level ecommerce store management, and well beyond the needs of most early-stage web stores.

Of course, all this robust functionality comes at a cost, and Salesforce is at the higher end of the cost spectrum. But Salesforce is anything but a no-frills approach to CRM. It has the power behind it to help rapidly growing ecommerce shops leapfrog above their competition, so the price will be worth it to the right growth-focused online store owners.

What Makes Salesforce Great

It isn’t just cutting-edge technology that sets Salesforce apart from its competition. Another big differentiator is that Salesforce can manage any CRM category you can think of, bringing it all together within Customer 360. 

This bundle of all Salesforce products and services gives everyone on your team a shared view of every single customer detail, offering crystal-clear views into all aspects of the customer experience. No silos. No misunderstandings. No missed opportunities.

Salesforce homepage image.
Salesforce Customer 360 bundles products and services to provide a full CRM experience for maximum ROI.

Reporting is another area where Salesforce dominates. The platform offers two ways to view data—the Salesforce Classic dashboard and the Lightning Experience. Each offers highly sophisticated ways to review and study customer data. Both dashboards give you everything you need to understand your business in granular detail.

Integrations are another standout area for Salesforce. Forget hundreds of integrations. Salesforce offers thousands via its proprietary integration marketplace, AppExchange. Since Salesforce is cloud-based, your integrations will sync in real-time so everything always stays up to date. 

Salesforce is definitely not the cheapest option on our list. But, for ecommerce stores growing fast, the robust functionality makes it worth the price. Plans begin at $25 per user per month for the Essentials package. At the other end of the spectrum, you’ll pay $300 per user per month for the Unlimited plan that includes unlimited CRM power and support. 

Our Salesforce review gives you deeper insights into this CRM powerhouse.

Metrilo – Best for Deep Dives into Store Analytics

Metrilo brand logo.

Metrilo was built with ecommerce analytics in mind. Its real-time dashboard gives you a snapshot of your online store’s performance and includes all the key data points you need to know what’s working—and what needs a new approach.

Metrilo automatically tracks marketing campaign performance, so you’ll know right away whether the strategy you rolled out is working with your target audience. Metrilo also tracks engagement metrics and sales attribution, giving you the insights you need to optimize your marketing spend.

The best part? Metrilo does all this without any manual setup required. The functionality is built into the product out of the box. Metrilo also seamlessly integrates with—and is an official plugin for—top ecommerce platforms like WooCommerce, Magento, and Shopify.

What Makes Metrilo Great

Metrilo builds on its powerful analytics functionality with other great features, too. It comes standard with ready-to-use revenue breakdowns, delving into the details of new versus returning customers, coupons, social channels, digital campaigns, and referrals. It also gives you insight into which devices are the source of your orders, so you can optimize outreach accordingly.

Metrilo home page image.
Reporting is another strength of the Metrilo CRM software.

Metrilo has great product management reports, too. You get insights into which products are most viewed by site visitors, which are most often purchased, and even which have the highest abandon rate. You can use this information to make sound, data-driven decisions about new products and ways to bundle existing products to boost sales.

There are pre-built funnel reports that map out the customer journey for you, using the data from your store. This lets you identify any bottlenecks and resolve them accordingly. You can also let Metrilo’s smart assistant do the heavy lifting for you. This algorithm analyzes your data and provides suggestions for improvements in specific areas.

Metrilo pricing starts at $99 per month when you choose the annual plan. This includes unlimited team members, so it makes Metrilo quite competitive with others on this list that bill on a per user basis, particularly if you have a bigger team using the product. You can also try out Metrilo free for 14 days.

QuickSprout Ecommerce CRM Software Related Content

Looking for more information about CRM software? We’ve got it in bunches. 

Whether you’re completely new to managing customer information, looking for a deep dive into a specific product, or have other considerations, be sure to check out our other Quick Sprout CRM articles, which we’ve listed below.

Ecommerce CRM Software Guides and How-Tos

Ecommerce CRM Software Company Reviews

Ecommerce CRM Software Related Top Lists

The Top Ecommerce CRM Software in Summary

The best ecommerce CRM software solution depends on a variety of factors and is unique to each online store owner. The great news is that there’s an ideal solution out there for everyone. We think Zoho is the best pick for a wide range of ecommerce store owners, but each of the five options we reviewed above have notable strengths for common situations that call for a CRM.

Whether you’re launching your first ecommerce shop or poised to move into enterprise-level territory, one of the solutions on our list should satisfy your every need.

8 Ways To Get New Clients For Your WordPress Web Development Business…And Keep Them Happy!

Your WordPress development business is up and running. You’re open and ready to start taking on projects. All you need now are… clients! Let’s show you eight ways to get them and eight ways to keep them happy.

“Get it done, be early to rise, build like crazy…and advertize!” – Web Developer’s Credo

Having a “client-getting process” in place for your web development business is vitally important, as it will ensure a steady pipeline of work and revenue.

However, while this might sound simple on the surface, with so many strategies and techniques out there for finding good clients, sometimes it can be impossible to know where to start.

Fortunately, we have a member community of 50,000+ web developers at our disposal.

So naturally we asked them how and where they find their clients!

We then broke down and analyzed their answers and grouped the methods that have worked for them into eight categories.

In this post, we’ll explore each of these methods and show you how to drive more clients to your website and get more business.

After reading this article, you’ll know the eight best methods to get clients for your web development business and (BONUS!) 8 tips for keeping them happy.

Skip ahead to any section of the article:

    1. Word-of-Mouth
    2. Google Search/SEO
    3. 3rd Party Prospecting Sites
    4. Social Media
    5. Meetups
    6. Social Media Groups
    7. Facebook Ads
    8. Cold Calling

Finding New Clients – The Eight Best Methods To Use

We’ve written about how to get your first client before; however, we’re going to dive a little deeper in this article by hearing from people in the WordPress development community about their proven ways for getting new clients.

We surveyed hundreds of web developers in our member community and found a few standard practices for obtaining new clients.

Everything from paid ads, LinkedIn groups, marketing funnels, cold emails, in-person meetups, and word-of-mouth.

So, we’ve graphed their responses into different groups based on their most popular methods for getting a new client…

Number of ways developers get clients.
Here are the most effective methods our members use to get new clients.

The most effective ways web developers obtain new customers boils down to:

  1. Word-of-Mouth
  2. Google Search/SEO
  3. 3rd Party Prospecting Sites (e.g. Upwork)
  4. Social Media
  5. Meetups
  6. Social Media Groups
  7. Facebook Ads
  8. Cold Calling

Let’s look at these in a bit more detail.

1. Word-of-Mouth

word of mouth image.
Word-of-mouth is the most popular and effective way to get your business going and land new clients.

45% of all members who participated in our surveys and discussions said that word-of-mouth is how most of them initially get clients.

Here are some of the responses we received:

“It’s usually a personal contact due to personal mutual interest.” – Fabio F

“We have good luck with word of mouth/referrals from other clients. We do not do much advertising for ourselves. We have also landed a number of jobs through google searches and interested parties filling out contact forms.” – Mike

“Referrals have been the best source of new clients. I did good work for small and medium businesses in my area, and they referred me to their friends and sister companies.” – Phil

“Word of mouth. Awkwardly, I don’t even have a website of my own right now because I haven’t had any breaks between projects in years. But although it’s a nice problem to have, I need to set aside some time to get something more scalable together, at which point I’ll focus on organic reach and some social media advertising.” – Greg

“I personally leverage on my network and word of mouth (referral) as the trust and confidence level is up, which then I will focus on the solution rather than “selling my brand.” – Jay C

“I pay my website users money for referring their friends who eventually make a purchase. The money paid is actually a fraction of the purchase.” – Chris

These quotes are just a small sample of responses we received.

How to Get Clients Through Word-of-Mouth

Word-of-Mouth is so effective, marketers even have a word for it. It’s called…wait for it…

Word-of-Mouth Marketing (WOM)

Here are just some of the steps you can take to get a client through word-of-mouth marketing (WOM):

Many successful businesses start with the help of family and friends (i.e. your warm market).

So, start there. Tell them about your new business and ask them to start spreading the word to everyone they know (and keep reminding them!)

If you have a colleague or friend, you can get them to talk about your services by helping them with a project. This can translate into new business.

Also, you can set up a referral program. This will motivate people you know to talk about you and your business.

WPMU DEV's WOM referral tool
Automate word-of-mouth referrals using tools like ‘refer a friend’ scripts.

The more people know about your WordPress business, the more chances you’ll have of getting new clients, so just chat about your business in social situations and every opportunity you get…conferences, networking events, functions, kids parties, barmitzvahs (funerals can be a little tricky…if you notice people getting stiff while you’re telling them about your business, just back away!)

Word-of-Mouth Marketing (WOM) is the most effective way to generate clients, so…start spreading the word about your business.

Then, it’s just a matter of closing your client, and you’re on a roll.

2. Google Search/SEO

Google search image.
Good SEO practices will benefit your WordPress business and help you find new clients.

Next on our list of effective client-getting strategies is Google Search/SEO at 18%

“Organic SEO and word of mouth!” Phil — WPMU DEV Member

When it comes to ranking high in the SERPs, there are many things you can do.

As a web developer, you’re probably familiar with SEO practices that best serve your client. However, are you optimizing your own website for best results?

Implementing good SEO practices on your own site can help drive more customers to your business and get more customers knocking on your door.

WPMU DEV provides a whole suite of sweet tools to help you refine your SEO practices and ensure that your own site and your services are up to par.

For example, you can use our SEO Checklist. It covers keyword optimization, title tags, internal linking, and much more. Plus, there’s our Startup Guide to SEO.

Beyond helpful articles, we have also developed plugins that can seriously boost your and your clients’ sites’ performance.

SmartCrawl helps with SEO in many ways. For example, you can use our free SmartCrawl plugin to add localized schema types that can help to attract and bring in clients from your area.

You don’t want potential clients thinking that your own website is too slow, do you? That’s why we created Smush to handle your image optimization for faster loading pages and better search results, and our Hummingbird plugin.

Smush is WordPress’s most popular image optimization plugin – with over a million+ active installs and a 5-star rating. Hummingbird helps your site fly by boosting its speed to ensure your visitors get a quality top-notch experience.

Use Smush + Hummingbird + our blazing fast hosting to impress clients when they land on your website and you will create a “me too” hunger for your services.

Final tip: Try to focus on your niche and use best local SEO practices for your WordPress services.

3. 3rd Party Prospecting Sites

Upwork banner.
3rd-party sites like Upwork are an effective way to promote your business and find work.

9% of web developers we talked with and surveyed mentioned that they get their start and find clients by promoting their services on freelancer sites like Upwork.

We’ve mentioned Upwork in several of our other articles. However, judging by our members’ responses it appears that Upwork is a great place to look for clients.

“I get a ton of visits from customers on Upwork.” Wolf B – WPMU DEV Member

Upwork is free, and it’s easy to set up a profile. You can specify your location, rate, bio, and more on your profile.

Upwork developers.
Lots of WordPress developers promote their services on Upwork…you may want to as well!

As we suggested with SEO, with 3rd-party sites, try to narrow down the playing field by focusing on a niche market and mention your specialty on your profile (e.g. WordPress website development for businesses in the XYZ niche).

While this strategy may put your business in front of less people, it can result in you bidding on more projects and pitching to more targeted clients.

Eventually, you will start getting rates and ratings. Your earnings will appear on the site and build your credibility. So, the more you earn, the more you’ll earn.

Note: Sites like Upwork take care of all your client billing for a cut of the profit.

As your business grows and you rely less on 3rd-party sites like Upwork to find clients, we recommend using WPMU DEV’s Client Billingwe charge 0% client processing fees for members!

You can learn more about Upwork on their website.

Another popular site mentioned by our web developer community is Fiverr.

Similar to Upwork, it’s free to set up a profile, add your skills, your rate, and more information.

Fiverr profiles
If you’re promoting your business on freelance sites, remember to check out Fiverr too!

The downside of promoting your business on 3rd-party sites is that you are competing against thousands of other freelancers.

Also, your customization options are limited compared to having your own website.

Additionally, most 3rd-party sites frown upon adding external links to a portfolio with your contact information.

They want you to run all of your business on their platform. After all, it’s how they make money.

So, transferring your clients from a platform like Upwork to your own business model may prove difficult.

That being said, you can always use testimonials from clients you get from 3rd-party sites on your own site.

Many developers swear by places like Upwork, Fiverr, and Codeur, so it does work when it comes to getting a client.

You can start collecting testimonials from these various platforms, generate some buzz, and eventually lose some of your dependency on 3rd-party sites as you evolve and establish your business.

4. Social Media

Social media banner.
Don’t be shy about letting people get to know you and your business on social media.

At an equal share of 9%, the web developers we’ve surveyed turn to social media to find new clients and get work.

“I do a ton of social network posts. Twitter, FB, YT, TikTok, etc.” Wolf B – WPMU DEV Member

“The method that has best worked for me is having my own website optimized and my offerings extremely clear for my ideal customer. On my website, I have a website quote calculator and also have a portfolio to showcase my designs. I then share my website across social platforms and to google regularly. This, along with word of mouth, has helped me get new clients.” Marianna – WPMU DEV Member

Building up your business profile on social media can be a long game but if you persist, you’ll slowly but surely establish a social presence for your WordPress business and get clients.

Here are just some of the basic things you can and should be doing and focusing on to attract new clients through social media:

  1. Authority: Show off your expertise and let your followers know you are the one who can solve their problems. Post about your projects and the knowledge you have in your chosen niche.
  2. Engagement: Engage with your followers and answer their questions promptly, start discussions, and be “real”.
  3. Consistency: Post consistently so that your followers stay engaged. It doesn’t even have to be daily; maybe a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday posting schedule. Whatever it is – just keep it going and try to get into a regular posting routine.
  4. Be Conversational: Participate in conversations. Don’t just add an emoji when replying to comments; try to communicate well. Ask questions. The more conversational you are, the better the chance your audience will connect with you.
  5. Tag: When discussing another person or company, be sure to tag them. Tagging a person or brand is a way to let them know you’re talking about them and can help establish a relationship. Plus, your chances of a repost or share go up dramatically.
  6. Find Your Niche: Find like-minded companies and people that fall into your niche. For example, if you’re a WordPress developer specializing in healthcare, follow doctors’ offices. Additionally, any companies or individuals you’d like to work with, keep tabs on them and follow. The key is to get “your people” and a place to be part of your social media community.
  7. Balance: Don’t just talk about yourself on social media. Instead, focus on curated content – things that focus on something or someone else. Experts say there should be a 3:1 balance of original content. For one post about yourself, have three posts about someone/something else.
  8. Post Timing: Posting at the right time is a big social media component. HubSpot has some tips on posting schedules and the best time to post on social media. For example, the best time to post on Instagram is 6 to 9 PM, 3 to 6 PM, and 9 to 12 PM. The posting algorithm changes regularly, so be sure to always be on the lookout for updates on the best posting schedules for each social media platform.
  9. Add Visuals: Photos and images can oftentimes do more than texts. For example, adding an image to a post on Twitter can increase your retweets by 35%. Sharing relevant photos that work with your WordPress business can be a huge attribute. Plus, consider making videos. They can be “how-to” videos on setting up plugins or SEO. Whatever will get your niche to engage. This is a great area for social media platforms like Instagram.
  10. Have a Tone: Having a unique tone or voice on your social accounts can be very beneficial. as well. Try to write posts on social media like you’d talk. Being conversational is best because you don’t want to be a robot.

For more, read our Tips & Tricks to Manage Social Media.

5. Meetups

Networking image.
Meetups can be a perfect networking opportunity.

4.5% of web developers we surveyed find new clients through meetups.

“I get new clients via cold calling (cold mails are not allowed in Germany), meetups, networking & referrals.” Sascha – WPMU DEV Member

Great minds think alike, and meetups are perfect for mingling with WordPress-savvy people.

From there, you can learn how and where to get clients, find out what other web developers are doing, form cooperative alliances, and possibly find a client or two.

Networking is a great way to get initial – and ongoing – clients.

After all, if you have a colleague who needs to pass on a project for whatever reason, they can hand it off to you.

Meetup is a great way to find events in your area. There are quite a few that are organized and focused on WordPress.

There’s also of course WordCamps, where WordPress users around the world get together. It’s a fun way to make like-minded friends and network.

In a nutshell, building relationships in the WordPress industry is an amazing gateway to get your foot in the door.

6. Social Media Groups

Social media groups.
Social media groups are great places to meet people, ask questions, and get business.

4.5% of the members we surveyed use social media groups to build relationships with potential prospects.

“Customer referrals, Facebook ads and through Facebook groups.” Alvaro N – WPMU DEV Member

Social media groups also offer a way to network with WordPress developers.

It can be as simple asking if any web developers in the group have any overflow work, or a project they need help with.

You can also share your knowledge and contribute to the community. This helps build friendships and relationships that can convert to good word-of-mouth and clients.

Groups vary, but Facebook Groups and LinkedIn groups are very well known. Alternatively, there are many others you can check out.

And the WordPress community itself could technically be considered a social media group. There are TONS of WordPress forums and more.

7. Facebook Ads

Facebook ads.
Facebook ads cost $$$, but they can be effective.

4.5% of  the developers we surveyed mentioned that they initially got clients using Facebook ads.

“Customer referrals, Facebook ads and through Facebook groups.” Alvaro N – WPMU DEV Member

Facebook ads can be effective, though they obviously do come at a cost.

A big benefit is that you can easily narrow down your audience.

For example, if you have a niche where you work on developing sites for pet stores, your ads can reach only people interested in pet stores.

You can set daily budgets, where you specify what you want to spend. Additionally, you can determine what user actions you pay for.

Essentially, the customization is what sets Facebook ads apart from many others.

You can adjust your ad to reach a specific gender, certain age, marital status, career field, interests, and location.

For more information, we have a comprehensive guide to promoting your WordPress business with Facebook ads. Also, Mailchimp has an awesome Facebook Ads Guide that you will find helpful.

8. Cold Calling

Cold calling
Cold calling can feel a bit intimidating, but the payoff can be huge. Most of your new clients are in your cold market!

Cold calling is the last method that we’ll cover. 4.5% of the members we’ve surveyed find cold-calling effective as a way to generate new business.

“I get new clients via cold calling (cold mails are not allowed in Germany), meetups, networking & referrals.” Sascha – WPMU DEV Member

Cold calling isn’t always necessarily calling on the phone.

This can also be used as an email outreach to a potential client (as per the testimonial above, some countries frown upon cold calling and emailing, so be sure to learn the laws in your country to make sure it’s allowed!).

It can even mean stopping by a business in person to discuss setting them up with a new WordPress site (or some other service that will help you start building a relationship).

For some, cold calling can be a bit overwhelming. And if you feel that way – you’re not alone. But you never know the person or organization you’re reaching out to will respond.

A few ways to ensure that your cold calling actually works are:

  1. Research: Investigate the company you’d like to work for and research them as much as possible. Find all the information you can get so you’ll be confident communicating with them.
  2. Create an Outline of What You Want to Say: Whether by phone or email, having a basic outline of what you want to say is always a good idea. Or you can develop a complete sales scripts tool using slides (e.g. PowerPoint) and train others to do the cold-calling for you.
  3. Create a List of Potential Businesses You Want to Reach Out To: This is a way to help you keep organized and also ensure that you’re not reaching out to the same people twice. It’ll help you clearly define who you want to work with when you see them all written out.
  4. Let Rejection Be Your Motivation: You’ll get a lot of ‘no’s’ – but eventually, if done right, you’ll also get a ‘yes.’ Keep a positive attitude, learn from your mistakes, and keep at it.
  5. Personalize Your Outreach: Basically, don’t just copy and paste an email. Think of step one (research), and customize your email or phone call accordingly. Let them know that you did your homework and know who they are. They’re much more likely to respond.

Also, it may seem obvious, but Google the companies you’d like to work with. It’s a great way to build an outreach list and investigate those companies.

Keeping Your Clients Happy – Eight Tips

Now that we’ve gone over some of the top ways developers find a new client (for the first time), the important thing is to keep that client.

In fact, a good goal might be that you become too busy to bring on any new clients (this is also where networking comes in handy because you can refer them to a colleague, and in return, they might do the same for you down the road).

Here’s what some of our members say is key to keeping clients.

“We like to think we are knowledgeable, easy going, and good value for money.” – Karl

“Listening to customers, they feel understood – customer service. Quality and work done in a reasonable time.” – Peter

“Quality and support.” – Ashok

“Reputation, reputation, reputation. I have always had a reputation for making each client feel like they are my only client. Anytime I hire someone, I make sure that they understand that makes people talk so positively about us. The fact that even if the first attempt isn’t what the client was thinking, our willingness to work with them to get their ideas out into the world is why we have so many lifelong customers, and they always tell others.” – Todd S

Here are eight tips to keep your clients happy:

  1. Deliver Exceptional Service – You’ve heard the saying: “If you like our service, tell others, if you don’t, tell us!” Deliver outstanding work, and clients will naturally talk positively about your business and refer you to others who need web development services.
  2. Create a Client Loyalty Program – Offer a monthly loyalty program where clients receive a discount. Or, maybe after three WordPress services are completed, the 4th one is free. Some incentive for your loyal fans pays off.
  3. Keep Your Word – Make sure you meet all promised deadlines, don’t make promises you can’t keep, and finish the job you said you would.
  4. Overcommunicate – Keep your clients in the loop constantly. Answer all questions promptly. Follow up regularly and always have a smile on your dial.
  5. Be Transparent – Be an open book with your clients. Let them know your story and how you got to where you are today, and answer any questions they have without hesitation. Opening up and being transparent is a great way to form a relationship, which translates into a long-term client.
  6. Get to Know Clients On a Personal Level – Learn about your clients’ lives and be genuinely interested in what they’re doing. Are they opening up a new store and need a website? Find out the details of the store. Maybe even stop in and say “hi” if it’s local to your area.
  7. Send a Handwritten Thank You Note – A handwritten ‘Thank You’ note can go a long way. Or, get creative. Consider a gift, like a month’s free hosting or an email account set up at no additional cost. Maybe send clients a coffee mug or some merchandise with your website logo and web address. Not only will they think of you when they have their morning Joe, but they’ll also likely appreciate it. Places like VistaPrint can create custom mugs, merch, and more.
  8. Ask for Feedback – Feedback, whether good or bad, can improve your business dramatically. There might be something that’s unappealing that you’re doing that you’re unaware of. If you know about it, you can change. Likewise, it’s nice to hear if you’re on the right track and positive feedback always helps fuel any business.

Time to Get Clients

We’ve covered a whole range of “web developer-tested” ways to get and keep clients in this article.

The next step is to take action and apply the information. Be persistent and persevere. These methods work for our members, and they will work for you too!

In addition to promoting your business using the methods described above, aim to be the “go-to” business in your niche that people want to get to know, like, and trust (someone has to fill that spot…why not you?)

For additional resources that will help you advance your web development business success, check out our articles on how to land your first freelance client when your business is new and our guide on the secrets to getting freelance work.

And if you’re not a WPMU DEV member yet, try our risk-free plan…it doesn’t cost a cent to get your business moving in the right direction and land those first clients.

With all of the tools we offer at your disposal, you’ll be able to quickly establish yourself and keep that “open” sign facing outward on your doors for the long term.

95% Off: Get the Facebook Ads and Facebook Marketing Course for only $9.99

Over the last decade, there were hundreds of social media channels introduced on the market. Some have stood the test of time, while others never caught on. Despite the introduction of different social channels, Facebook still remains to be the biggest social media platform to date. In fact, this behemoth social media platform has over […]

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