15 Best WooCommerce Automations to Increase Sales

Are you looking for easy and smart ways to automate tasks and increase sales in your WooCommerce store?

By automating tasks in your online store, you can save time and money while growing your business and increasing sales.

In this article, we will show you how to use WooCommerce automations to increase sales.

15 WooCommerce Automations to Increase Sales

Why Automate Your WooCommerce Store?

If you are running a WooCommerce store, then you probably spend a lot of your time performing repetitive tasks. These can be anything from sending marketing emails for your online store to processing customer invoices.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could automate all of those tasks and focus on growing sales and your business instead?

Luckily, you can use the best WordPress automation tools and plugins to automate WooCommerce tasks. By doing this, you will save time, offer a better user experience to your customers, and ultimately increase sales.

With that being said, here are 15 WooCommerce automations to increase sales:

1. Use Automation to Personalize Your Email Marketing

Are you keeping in touch with your customers using an email newsletter? You may not be taking advantage of all the automation tools available in your email marketing software.

For example, the best email services like Constant Contact, Sendinblue, and Omnisend all have integrations with WooCommerce. They allow you to personalize your emails by adding the customer’s name and more.

They also let you set up a Welcome email series using a drip campaign. This is a sequence of automated emails that will go out automatically to new customers.

Choose an email automation

You can learn how to get started by scrolling down to the automated drip emails section of our guide on how to send automated emails in WordPress.

Additionally, if you are looking for a complete tool that offers WooCommerce email customization and automation, then we highly recommend using FunnelKit Automations.

Apart from letting you fully customize your WooCommerce emails, it also lets you set up smart, automated follow-up emails and workflows to boost your sales.

You can get started with FunnelKit Automations by selecting an automation from a library of handy templates.

Autonami Email Library for WooCommerce

For example, you can automatically send an email series to new customers, recover abandoned carts, send promotional emails to selected audiences, and more.

There is also an option to create your own WooCommerce automation from scratch. You will then see a visual email automation builder where you can make any customizations that you need.

Autonami Marketing Automation Email Analytics for WooCommerce

For example, the screenshot above shows the workflow for sending out a thank you email after a customer makes their first order. You can even see in-line analytics for each email.

You can learn more in our guide on how to customize WooCommerce emails. Make sure you scroll down to the section on FunnelKit Automations.

Tip: We recommend combining FunnelKit Automations with an SMTP service like WP Mail SMTP. This will make sure your emails are delivered to your customers and won’t get lost or end up in the spam folder.

2. Set Up an Automated Marketing Campaign With Push Notifications

You can also run an automated marketing campaign using push notifications instead of emails. These notifications go directly to the user’s web browser or mobile device. This means they have a much higher engagement rate, similar to SMS messages.

The easiest way to set up automated push notifications is with PushEngage. It is the best web push notification software for WordPress, and over 10,000 businesses use it to send targeted messages.

Create a new drip autoresponder

For each notification, you can change the title, message, URL, icon image, and more by expanding it.

There is also a preview of how your notifications will look in the browser.

Edit your push notifications

PushEngage also lets you choose when to send each notification. For example, you can immediately send the first notification and select a different time for the following one.

For more details, see our guide on how to set up automated drip notifications in WordPress.

3. Let Customers Track Orders With Automated Transactional Emails

WooCommerce will need to send different transactional emails to your customers. These help them get order confirmations, track their order status, get invoices, and find out more information about your online store.

You can customize and automate these emails using FunnelKit Automations, which is a popular WooCommerce plugin for marketing automation.

The FunnelKit Automations dashboard makes it easy to create a new automation. You can simply click on one of the plugin’s many templates.

Funnelkit Automations WooCommerce Automation Templates

You can filter the list to quickly find the WooCommerce automation you wish to use. For example, you might want to send automatic thank-you emails to repeat customers.

You can then customize the automation using the visual automation builder, including the content of the email.

Funnelkit Automations Workflow and Email Customization

For detailed instructions, please see the section about sending automated transactional emails with FunnelKit Automations in our guide on how to send automated emails.

4. Quickly Update Your Customers With Automated SMS Messages

Many customers prefer to receive text messages to notify them about their orders. Plugins like YITH WooCommerce SMS Notifications or FunnelKit Automations will automatically send SMS messages to your customers.

Yith SMS Notifications Plugin

SMS messages are an effective way to keep your customers up to date. They have a 98% average open rate, with 95% of messages being read in the first 3 minutes!

You can send automatic texts to your customers when their orders are dispatched or their status changes. You can automatically send SMS notifications to your customers or let them opt in at checkout.

Learn how by following our guide on how to send SMS messages to your WordPress users.

5. Automate All Invoicing and Payment Processes

As a business owner, there is a lot to manage. If you are still creating invoices manually, then you can switch to professional invoicing software that automates all invoicing and payment processes. Then, you will be free to focus on growing your business.

A plugin like WooCommerce PDF Invoices makes it easy to automatically generate invoices, collect orders, and manage your finances.

WooCommerce PDF Invoices

You can also save time by accepting recurring payments or adding subscriptions to WooCommerce. These WooCommerce automations will help automate the billing process and can save you time.

With automatic recurring payments, you don’t have to spend time manually sending invoices and waiting for payments from your customers.

Plus, adding subscription payments to your eCommerce business will give you a more consistent cash flow, fewer payment errors, and fewer payment delays.

Creating a recurring payment in WooCommerce

6. Use Automated Store Activity Notifications to Boost Sales

Automated FOMO and social proof notifications can also increase sales in your WooCommerce store.

FOMO, short for fear of missing out, is a marketing technique used to create excitement about a product. It uses psychology to encourage customers to make buying decisions faster.

Plus, social proof shows visitors that other customers have purchased your products. This can convince users that your online store is trustworthy.

The best way to add social proof to your website is by using TrustPulse. It is one of the best social proof plugins for WordPress on the market.

TrustPulse automatically monitors activity on your site. When potential customers are close to buying something, they will see a notification showing that another customer has just made a purchase.

By simply displaying social proof, you will give your visitors a small push to complete their purchase. To learn more, see Method 1 of our guide on how to use FOMO to increase conversions.

7. Automatically Display Your Best Product Reviews

Would you like to automatically display the best reviews of your products from across the internet? You could copy and paste them manually, but that is a lot of work. Plus, there would be a delay before they appear on your website.

Luckily, Smash Balloon has a Reviews Feed Pro plugin that lets you automatically show off your best reviews from platforms like Google Reviews, Yelp, TripAdvisor, and more.

Customer reviews, displayed on a WordPress website

It comes with pre-designed templates, so you can display your reviews in different layouts, including showcases, carousels, grids, and more.

The Reviews Feed automatically copies your website’s design so that the reviews look like a natural part of your website rather than content embedded from another platform.

You can follow our guide on how to show Google, Facebook, and Yelp reviews to set up your own automatic review feed in WooCommerce.

8. Use an Automated Sales Funnel to Boost Sales Conversions

A sales funnel is the path a user takes on your website to become a customer. It is made up of the specific pages a user may visit before making a purchase.

For example, a new visitor might land on a blog post, then view a product page, then go through your checkout flow.

Unfortunately, only 10% of shoppers, on average, will add anything to their carts. After they do, 60-80% of them abandon their carts without completing the purchase.

Luckily, you can use FunnelKit, the best WooCommerce sales funnel plugin, to change that. You can use the plugin to optimize each step, offer a better user experience, reduce distractions, and nudge users toward completing their purchases.

For example, it comes with a one-click Upsells feature, which allows users to add products to their carts on their way to the checkout.

WooFunnels One Click Upsell

FunnelKit also lets you customize the user journey with pre-checkout offers, custom checkout form layouts, beautiful templates, and more.

For instance, the FunnelKit Funnel Builder lets you add order bumps to boost profits if someone adds $X to their cart. You can also add one-click order bumps to your checkout page.

Edit design of your bump offer

To learn more, see our guide on how to make a high-converting sales funnel in WordPress.

9. Reduce Cart Abandonment With Popups and Push Notifications

As we said earlier, 60 to 80% of people who add items to their cart don’t actually buy them. This means if you have an online store, then you are losing out on a lot of sales.

Luckily, you can use automatic push notifications to reduce cart abandonment rates. For example, you can pop up a notification when a user is about to leave your website and offer a coupon or free shipping.

Or, if the customer already has discounted items in their cart, they may just need some reassurance that they are making the right decision. Push notifications like these can help you recover 3 to 8% of abandoning cart sales.

Smash Balloon exit intent popup

You can learn how to use OptinMonster to add exit-intent popups by following our guide on how to create a WooCommerce popup to increase sales.

But what if the customer leaves your site before they see the popup? Push notifications can also help you connect with your visitors after they leave your website. These messages will display in your subscriber’s browser even when they are not actively browsing your store.

Push notification abandoned cart example

The easiest way to do this is with PushEngage. It is the best web push notification software on the market, and it is used to send over 15 billion push messages every month.

For more details, see our guide on how to add web push notifications to WordPress.

You can also significantly reduce cart abandonment by simply improving your online store and checkout process. We share plenty of proven tips with real examples in our guide on how to recover WooCommerce abandoned cart sales.

10. Send Automated Coupons to Bring Back Customers

It costs 5 times more to get a new customer than to keep an old one. Over time, people may lose interest in your website, forget about your products, or start shopping with a competitor.

One way to bring those customers back is to automatically send them a coupon code via email. You can use automation tools to send a coupon to customers who have become disengaged, such as when they don’t place an order for 2 months or have stopped opening emails.

Scheduling an automated coupon code

You can learn how in our step-by-step guide on how to send automated coupons in WordPress to bring back customers.

Another good use for automated coupons is recognizing and rewarding customers when they engage with your online store. For example, you might send a coupon after a customer reviews one of your products.

This builds loyalty to your store and can get you more sales. It also encourages shoppers to review more products in the future.

You can also schedule coupons in advance so that they go out automatically on popular holidays like Black Friday, Christmas, New Year’s, Mother’s Day, and Valentine’s Day. This will leave you free to focus on promoting your offers and getting as many sales as possible.

See our guide on how to schedule coupons in WooCommerce for detailed instructions.

Additionally, as we mentioned earlier, you can also offer a coupon in a popup. Showing a coupon at the right time makes a huge difference in converting your website visitors into paying customers.

There are a few ways to do this, and we give you all the details in our step-by-step guide on how to create a coupon popup in WordPress.

11. Automate Your Social Media Channels

You can also use automation to post your online store content to your social channels. This lets you keep your social followers engaged with fresh content.

Uncanny Automator has integrations with all popular social platforms. It will let you publish new blog posts on Facebook, show off your latest product images on Instagram, advertise your sales on Twitter, and more.

Post a featured image to Instagram from WordPress

You can learn how to do this step-by-step by following our guides on how to automatically post to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

12. Automatically Display Social Media Content in WooCommerce

Are you looking for ways to show fresh content without doing any extra work? One way to do that is to automatically display your latest social media activity in your WooCommerce store.

This can save you time and keep your website content fresh and engaging for visitors. Plus, it can boost social proof by displaying your social media followers, comments, and like counts.

Smash Balloon automates your website content by displaying your latest social media activity. It is a popular social media feed plugin for WordPress that is used by over 1.4 million websites.

For example, you can add a Facebook feed to WordPress, and new posts will automatically appear in real time. Your customers can also like, share, and comment on your WordPress posts, which is a great way to get more engagement on Facebook.

An example of an embedded Facebook feed, created using Smash Balloon

You can change the feed’s color scheme, design a custom header, add ‘like’ and ‘load more’ buttons, and much more.

If you are posting beautiful photos and engaging videos to Instagram, then it makes sense to post that content to WordPress too.

An Instagram photo feed, created using Smash Balloon

You can even show other people’s photos on your site by creating a hashtag feed or displaying the posts that other people have tagged your account in.

In the following image, you can see an example of an online store that uses a custom Instagram feed to show user-generated content.

An example of Instagram user-generated content

For details, please see our step-by-step guide on how to add your social media feeds to WordPress.

Tip: For more tips on how to use social channels to grow your online store and increase sales, you can see our complete social media cheat for WordPress.

13. Make Your Forms Smarter Using Automation

You can use form plugins like WPForms to collect all kinds of information from your customers.

For example, you can use a form plugin to display a contact form, create a questionnaire, gather testimonials, or build a survey form.

The best thing is that WPForms easily integrates with many other tools and plugins, so you can easily automate any action after someone fills out your form.

For example, when someone fills in an order form, you can use conditional logic to send an email notification to the correct department, depending on the product that was purchased.

WPForms Conditional Logic for Sending Notifications

You can also send a confirmation email to the customer who filled in the form to let them know you will be in contact soon. This a nice gesture that lets your users know that you have received their information.

In addition, by using the Google Sheets Addon, you can send any form fields you want to a spreadsheet. This will allow you to use spreadsheet features to analyze the data and collaborate with others in your team.

Using WPForms' Google Sheets Addon

To automate your forms further, Uncanny Automator will let you connect WPForms and other form plugins to 100+ third-party services without having to pay fees to services like Zapier.

For example, you can create an Uncanny Automator recipe to send customer form data to Airtable. Then, your team will be able to access and use the data easily.

Using Uncanny Automator to Send WPForms Data to Airtable

To learn more, see our guide on how to create automated workflows with Uncanny Automator.

14. Automate Live Chat Using Artificial Intelligence

Automated chatbots are the future of live chat software because they allow you to engage with your customers 24/7. They can free up time by automatically answering common customer questions, generating leads, improving user experience, and making more sales.

Chatbot.com is the best AI chatbot software for WordPress. It lets you easily automate live chat on your website by setting up your own chatbot using a drag-and-drop builder. You don’t need to do any coding or have any special technical skills.

ChatBot live chat

It even comes with pre-built templates that you can use as a starting point to quickly get your AI chatbot up and running. These templates include different scenarios like selling products, customer service, recruitment, bookings, and more.

For example, you can use the eCommerce bot template to walk your customers through the entire buying process. There are even templates for specific industries, including a coffee shopbot, recruitment bot, and restaurant bot.

If visitors want to communicate with a real person, then you can easily forward them to your customer support agent, phone support, or any of ChatBot’s live chat software integrations, such as LiveChat.

15. Use Uncanny Automator for Even More WooCommerce Automations

This article contains many specialist tools that do specific automation jobs very well. By contrast, Uncanny Automator is a Swiss army knife that allows you to create all types of automation workflows without having to write any code.

It acts as a bridge so that you can get different WordPress plugins talking to each other, as well as loads of third-party services.

You create automation by building Uncanny Automator recipes, consisting of triggers and actions. The action will be automatically run when a user or WooCommerce triggers an event.

Uncanny Automator Triggers and Actions for WooCommerce

Here are some of the WooCommerce triggers you can use to run a recipe:

  • A customer viewing a product
  • A customer adding a product to their cart
  • A customer paying for a product
  • A payment failing
  • A customer reviewing a product
  • And much more

Then the recipe can automatically run any of these WooCommerce actions:

  • Creating an order with a product
  • Changing the price of a product
  • Generating and emailing a coupon code
  • Giving an order a specific status

There are dozens of recipes that you can create, allowing you to save hundreds of hours while running your online store more efficiently.

For instance, you can use Uncanny Automator to automatically create a new customer account when someone submits a contact form on your website, or send notifications to Slack.

Bonus: Track Conversions to Learn How to Increase Sales

To use any marketing automation platform effectively, you will need easy-to-understand reports that tell you exactly what is working for your business and what isn’t.

MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. It lets you get a clear picture of what is happening on your site and what you can do to bring in more sales.

It comes with WooCommerce conversion tracking, form submissions, outbound link tracking, and user tracking.

Its Reports page has an ‘eCommerce’ tab that shows your most important conversion metrics, including the conversion rate, transactions, revenue, and average order value. Below that, you will see a list of your top products with quantity, sale percentage, and total revenue.

Ecommerce report in MonsterInsights

You will also see your top conversion sources. You can use this report to attract more customers and offer exclusive discounts for customers from specific sources.

For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to set up WooCommerce conversion tracking.

You can also connect Google Sheets with WooCommerce to easily record and manage your orders and customer data. Once the information is in a Google Sheet, you can easily filter it based on factors like the order total, the customer’s location, coupons used, and more.

You can then share this information with your team, even if they don’t have access to the WordPress dashboard. For example, you can easily send this data to your suppliers, marketing departments, or other team members.

You are even able to turn this data into charts and graphs. All of this makes it easier to analyze the information and then use these insights to fine-tune your business and get more sales.

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to increase sales using WooCommerce automations. You may also want to see our guide on how to add wholesale pricing in WooCommerce or our expert picks for the best WooCommerce plugins for your store.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 15 Best WooCommerce Automations to Increase Sales first appeared on WPBeginner.

How To Get The Most Out Of Using Hustle

Hustle is the ultimate email marketing and lead generation plugin for WordPress.  Learn how to get the most out of Hustle to grow your list and your business.

Hustle gives you everything you need to get more customers…from growing your email list and displaying targeted ads with unblockable popups, slide-ins, opt-ins, and embeds, to social sharing, seamless email marketing form integration, and conversion reports with configurable metrics.

“This is hands down the best popup plugin for WordPress there is.”


In this post, we’ll show you how to use Hustle to:

  1. Manage All Your Campaigns from the Dashboard
  2. Create and Customize Modules
  3. Share Your Content Easily on Social Sites
  4. Manage Third-Party App Integrations
  5. View Your Email Subscribers
  6. Configure Main Plugin Settings

1. Manage All Your Campaigns from the Dashboard

Hustle’s Dashboard includes different overview panels that let you access, create, and edit modules, perform various functions, view status and stat reports, and access plugin documentation and tutorials from one central location.

Hustle Dashboard
Hustle’s dashboard gives you access to all of the plugin’s modules and features.

The top section of the dashboard lets you quickly and easily see how many modules are active, when your last conversion took place, and view key metrics, including stats on how many times forms are displayed and submitted, and conversion rates.

Hustle Dashboard Overview section
Customize the metrics displayed in Hustle’s Overview section.

You can select three metrics from a list of options to display in this section. Later in this tutorial, we’ll show you how to configure these.

2. Create and Customize Modules

Hustle Pro gives you unlimited pop-ups, slide-ins, email opt-ins, and social sharing modules. The free version of the plugin lets you create up to three modules for each campaign type.

All modules use the same process to create, configure, and customize your marketing campaigns.

All you have to do is decide which type of campaign you want to run (e.g. pop-up, slide-in, email opt-in, or social share bar) and click the Create button.
Hustle slide-in
Next,  just follow the setup wizards. These will guide you through the form creation process and take you through all the steps you need to complete and launch your campaign.

You will be prompted to name your module and select one of the following types based on the goal of your campaign:

  • Email opt-in – Choose this type to collect email addresses and user data.
  • Informational – Choose this type if making promotional offers with a call to action.
Hustle Create Slide-in screen
Name your slide-in and choose the goal of your campaign.

Next, select a fully-responsive template for your module. You can start with one of our pre-built, professional designer-made templates to save time or design your own from scratch. Either option lets you completely customize the look and feel of your form and create pop-ups, slide-ins, and embeds that will look great and work perfectly on any device.

Choose a professionally-designed template to save time or start from scratch.

After selecting your template, you will then be stepped through all the option screens that allow you to customize and create your module. As you go through each of these screens, click the Preview button any time to see how your module is looking.

Hustle takes you step-by-step through the module creation process.

Hustle lets you style every module you create with easy-to-use settings that give you granular control over your module elements.

For example, in the Content settings screen, you can add your main text and images for the module, customize the text that will appear in the title and subtitle, add custom-featured images and background images from the media library, format your main content, enable and edit the text on your call-to-action buttons and ‘never see this again’ links, and more.

Hustle opt-in form example.
This opt-in form is using all of Hustle’s content elements.

The Emails settings screen lets you configure your opt-in form fields, re-arrange the order of your fields using drag and drop, customize the success message your visitors will see when they opt-in (or specify a URL they will be redirected to upon successful form submission), and set up automated emails your subscribers will receive after subscribing (you can also choose whether subscribers will receive this email instantly or after a specific time interval).

The Integrations section of your form lets you decide what to do with the subscriber data you collect. For example, you can save all submissions in your database and then access or export these from the plugin’s Email Lists page, or send the subscriber data to your favorite third-party email and data collection applications.

Thanks to Hustle’s integration with Zapier, you can automate sending leads to over 1,000 third party apps not natively supported in Hustle.

The Appearance tab includes tons of options to fully customize the look of your module.

We recommend starting with the Desktop settings first. You can tweak elements of your module like the featured image, change image alignment, choose a custom size, and decide how you want your image to fit within your module.

Customize your module’s desktop and mobile appearance settings.

By default, your pop-up inherits your theme’s fonts. However, if you click the Custom tab under the Typography section, you can choose from hundreds of Google fonts available.

Customize your module’s fonts to match your branding.

Hustle also comes with a great selection of color palettes. You can choose from one of our pre-made palettes and further customize it or create your own custom color palette and customize the color of your various form elements.

Use Hustle’s preset or custom color palettes to further customize your module’s appearance.

Additionally, Hustle gives you a range of advanced settings for enhancing elements, like border, spacing, and shadow. You can also define the overall size of your module in this section, choose whether to inherit your theme’s styling or add your own custom CSS.

Hustle Advanced Options and Custom CSS.
Use Hustle’s advanced customization options and custom CSS for even finer granular control over the appearance of your modules.

Once you’re happy with your module’s design for desktop users, the next step is to make sure that your forms will work perfectly across all devices, especially on smaller screens.

Note: If you are using one of Hustle’s pre-made templates, there’s no need to adjust your module’s custom mobile settings, as the templates are already responsive.

Also, Hustle automatically tries to keep everything responsive in your module even if a template isn’t used. If you need to edit mobile settings after previewing your module, simply enable the “Custom Mobile Settings” mode at the top of the Appearance page.

You will see that many mobile appearance settings are inherited from the settings configured for desktop users. You can customize your module further if required by adjusting these elements to display differently to mobile users.

Hustle Appearance screen - Mobile settings
Your module’s mobile appearance inherits a number of settings from its desktop settings.

In addition to controlling the appearance of your pop-ups and slide-ins, Hustle gives you extra options for displaying embedded modules on your site, such as the ability to display forms inline at a specified position in your posts & pages, making the Hustle widget available under Appearance > Widgets so you can add embeds to widgetized areas of your theme, and creating shortcodes you can use to add your embeds wherever your site accepts these.

But we’re still not done customizing your modules. Not by a long shot!

Hustle also gives you complete control over where your modules will display on your site with a staggering array of Visibility conditions.

Hustle General Visibility Conditions list
Hustle gives you precise control over your module’s visibility.

By default, your pop-up and slide-ins will appear everywhere on your site and display to every visitor. This also applies to forms embedded inline, in widgets, and when using shortcodes.

By applying one or more of Hustle’s visibility rules, you can target only the visitors you want to see your messages using specific conditions and settings to suit your needs.

For example, you can use visibility rules to show your modules only to logged-in visitors, or only to visitors from a specific country, or only to visitors using a certain browser on a certain device when they visit a specific page…or a combination of all of the above and more!

In addition to general visibility rules, if you run an eCommerce store powered, Hustle helps to improve your sales with specific conditions for WooCommerce-powered sites.

For example, if you are running a sale for a specific product, you can set WooCommerce conditions to run promotional campaigns offering specials or discounts on its product page.

WooCommerce visibility conditions for slideins
Hustle’s WooCommerce visibility conditions let you improve your sales conversions with a highly targeted eCommerce sales and promotional strategy.

Not only does Hustle give you granular control over where your modules will display on your site, but also when they will display to your visitors.

This is done in the Behavior tab, which lets you set up precise triggers for your form to display when your visibility conditions are met.

For example, you can schedule your campaigns’ start and stop times and dates, including or excluding specific days of the week, and even set up custom time zones.

Hustle Behavior Scheduling settings.
You have precise control over scheduling your module’s appearance.

You can also set triggers that let you specify how long your modules should wait or which element on the page visitors have to scroll past before displaying your campaign.

Hustle’s trigger settings let you display your campaigns in front of your visitors at the perfect moment.

Hustle’s more impressive triggers make use of sophisticated technologies like Adblock detection and Exit Intent to help maximize conversions.

With adblock detection, your site’s content is blocked with a non-dismissible pop-up when an adblocker is detected on their browser. Your visitors will have to disable their adblocker to view your content.

Exit Intent senses your visitors’ intention to leave your site and lets you display your modules before you lose them.

Take advantage of Hustle’s smart exit intent pop-ups and slide-ins to turn leaving visitors into new leads, sales, or subscribers.

In addition to the above, you also have control over your module’s animation effects, slide-in positions, closing methods and behavior, and even what happens after forms display to visitors.

Hustle lets you control everything about your module’s display behavior.

Once you’ve set up and customized your module to suit your needs, simply hit the Publish button, and Hustle goes immediately to work for you, obeying every rule and condition you have specified.

Hustle Publishing screen
As soon as you hit publish, Hustle starts hustling for you.

For more information on how to set up and use a module, see our tutorial on how to make the perfect pop-up with Hustle or check out the video below:

For a detailed walkthrough of how to configure all the settings in your module, check out Hustle’s extensive documentation section.

3. Share Your Content Easily on Social Sites

You’re not just limited to growing your business using pop-ups, slide-ins, and embeds.

With Hustle’s social sharing modules, you can also get visitors to promote your site on all the main social networks using floating on inline content sharing prompts.

It’s as simple as creating or importing a module in the Hustle > Social Sharing section.

Hustle Social Sharing
Add floating or inline social sharing prompts.

In the module’s Services screen, you can enable a counter to show how many times social icons have been clicked or how many times your content has been shared on each network.

To add social platforms to your module, just select or deselect icons and click the Add Platform button.

Add social platforms
Select or deselect the platforms to display in your social sharing module.

You can also use drag and drop to reorder how icons will display on your module.

Reorder social platforms using drag and drop.
Reorder the social platforms using drag and drop.

Go through the additional screens to finish editing and customizing your social sharing module.

In the Display Options section, you can enable a floating social bar and choose whether to display your module on visitors’ desktop and mobile screens (and adjust their positions), inline on your site’s posts and pages, or on your sidebar using a widget. You can also create a shortcode to paste into your content and display the module wherever you like.

In the Appearance screen, you can change the style of your icons, customize color schemes, and add shadows and animations.

And like all of Hustle’s other modules, you can set rules in the Visibility section to display the module only under specific conditions or have your social shares appear everywhere on your site.

Edit and customize your social sharing module.

Hit the publish button when you’re ready to put the module to work.

4. Manage 3rd Party App Integrations

Once you have created and customized your modules so they look and behave the way you want for your visitors, the next step is to make sure that they will work for your business too.

You can integrate your modules with many third-party apps in the Integrations section.

The addition of Zapier means that Hustle modules can integrate with over 1,000+ different applications.

Integrate your Hustle modules with 1,000+ third-party apps.

The integration process is very simple. First, you connect a selected app to Hustle, then you integrate the connected app into a specific module.

For a complete step-by-step walkthrough of the integration process, check out our plugin documentation section.

5. View Your Email Subscribers

You can view a list of everyone who has subscribed through any active opt-in modules on your site (including your local email list and any integrated third-party lists you’ve set up) in the Email Lists section.

Just select the type and the name of your module and click the Show Email List button to display your list of email subscribers.

View all your email subscribers without leaving your WordPress dashboard.

If you have a sizeable email list, use the filters on the submission page to save time bulk editing, finding, viewing, and sorting specific subscribers or segments of your email list.

You can filter your list by keyword or date range, sort by date submitted or id, and bulk delete subscribers.

The filters on the submission page can be very handy when filtering through a huge list.

For more details on using the Email Lists section, check out our documentation.

6. Configure Main Plugin Settings

So far, we’ve covered just about everything you need to know to get the most out of using Hustle.

There are just a few additional important things to cover in the Settings section of the plugin.

Hustle’s Settings section lets you finetune your modules’ effectiveness and performance.

In addition to configuring things like what to do with Hustle’s data and settings if you uninstall the plugin, setting viewer’s privacy options, assigning different kinds of permissions to user roles (e.g. who can edit your modules and integrations or access your email list), adding a captcha to forms, enabling support for accessibility enhancements, and customizing unsubscribe options, the sections described below also let you finetune the effectiveness of your modules’ performance:

General Settings

The General settings screen lets you customize your Hustle dashboard and subscriber notifications, and choose the number of items to show per page on your submissions or module listing pages.

Hustle - General Settings screen.
Customize your Hustle dashboard and subscriber notifications.

Color Palettes

You can create custom color palettes for your pop-ups, slide-ins, and embeds. Start with one of the default color palettes or import a color scheme from one of your existing modules and customize it further to create a new palette.

Hustle - Color Palette Settings screen.
Create custom color palettes for your modules.

Dashboard Analytics

You can display an analytics tracking widget for your Hustle modules on your WordPress dashboard.

Configure the options in this section to give the widget a custom title, define which user roles can view the widget, and select the modules you want the widget to track.

Hustle Dashboard Analytics widget.
Add an analytics tracking widget for your Hustle modules.

Top Metrics

Earlier, we mentioned that you can select three metrics from a list of options to display in the Hustle dashboard. Here is where you select these metrics.

Hustle - Top Metrics Settings screen.
Set the top metrics that will help you achieve your goals with Hustle.

Time To Get Hustling

As you can see, Hustle is not your ordinary pop-up plugin. It’s the ultimate WordPress marketing plugin for building a mailing list and converting traffic on your site.

Start with the free version of Hustle to collect email addresses and grow your mailing list or upgrade to Hustle Pro to generate more leads with unlimited pop-ups, slide-ins, embeds, social sharing modules, and marketing campaigns, plus white label plugin branding.

To learn about all the features of Hustle, refer to the plugin’s documentation and check out our roadmap for new features and improvements coming soon to Hustle.