What I Learned About IT From Rocking My Son

This adorable child has clearly taken a nap today.

In April, my wife Nicole ended up having shoulder surgery to repair a torn labrum, frozen shoulder, and a nearly detached bicept. As a result of this procedure and recovery, she currently isn't able to rock our son before his naps. Since I work from home a majority of the time, this task has fallen to me each afternoon.

From my experience, toddlers maintain the urge to fight nap time, regardless of their level of fatigue. In fact, the more exhausted they are, the worse the struggle. After some amount of time, though, the resistance gives way to acceptance. He is not in tears or upset, just resisting taking a much needed break from an already long day.

Dependencies: It’s Not Just Your Code You Need to Secure

Original article published by Cristián Rojas at Hackmetrix Blog

The EQUIFAX USA event of 2017 put a spotlight an under-considered aspect of software security: it’s not just our code that we need to secure. The facts of the case are widely known, but its cause? Not so much. Little is said about the fact that this leak would not have taken place if the developers of the EQUIFAX application had upgraded their Apache Struts web framework to a more secure version.