Working With Transactions in Entity Framework Core and Entity Developer

Entity Framework Core, a lightweight cross-platform version of the Entity Framework, gives you a standard method to retrieve data from various data sources using the Entity Framework. It supports working with transactions as well, so you can create and manage transactions elegantly.

This article presents a discussion on how we can work with transactions using Entity Framework Core and Entity Developer for data access.

Working With Lazy Loading and Eager Loading in Entity Framework Core and Entity Developer

Entity Framework is an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) tool from Microsoft that has been an extremely popular from the time it was available. It enables developers to create data-centric applications by programming against a conceptual model rather than the relational model thereby solving the impedance mismatch between the way data is represented in the application and how it is actually stored in the database. While Entity Framework runs on .NET Framework, Entity Framework Core can run on .NET Core environment.

While Entity Framework runs on .NET Framework, Entity Framework Core can run on .NET Core environment.

Working With Queries Using Entity Framework Core and Entity Developer


Entity Developer is a popular ORM tool from Devart with many interesting features. In this article, we’ll use Entity Developer to generate an entity data model and its corresponding classes.

Once your data model is available, you can create a new query from the Tools -> Entity Developer menu option inside Visual Studio. This article discusses how to work with queries in Entity Developer.

Working With ORMs Using Entity Developer

Entity Developer from Devart is a modeling and code generation tool that lets you design your data access layer visually - at the drop of a hat. You can take advantage of Entity Developer to generate data access layer code automatically using one unified interface – as a result, chances of error creeping into your Data Access code are minimal.

In this article we’ll take advantage of Entity Developer to connect to and work with various ORM tools such as, EF Core, NHibernate, Telerik Data Access and LinqConnect. This article starts with a brief discussion on what ORMs are, why Entity Developer is useful, and how you can leverage Entity Developer to connect to and work with all these ORMs.