10 Steps to Execute an AI Transformation Project

AI Transformation in Medical Diagnoses

Within every aspect of healthcare, time is considered the most valuable component. Even minutes of delay can result in the loss of life. Early diagnosis lies at the heart of healing patients, and timely execution of treatment is of primary importance. At an average, doctors spend 15 minutes with each patient, which when considered intently, is grossly insufficient in providing a comprehensive diagnosis of the illness. In an ideal situation, a diagnosis should be made after careful consideration of all relevant patient information, including similar cases and demographics.

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As the healthcare industry gradually moves toward an AI-driven world, things that were previously considered a hindrance or unlikely are now fairly simple tasks. Over the years, more than 90% of hospitals in the county have moved from paper-based systems to electronic processes. When it comes to medical diagnoses, patients' records are of primary importance. Risks towards critical illnesses can be caught through predictive analysis, thereby saving lives and costs. Early diagnosis is no longer a distant hope, but an actuality that can be easily accomplished through advanced systems.

Reimagining the EHR Data on Mobile Apps With the Power of AI

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are meant to ease the everyday workings of physicians, clinicians, and administrative staff in the healthcare sector. However, the reality is quite different. The usability has rarely lived up to its expectation, and healthcare employees seem to be spending a considerable amount of time on managing this data to make it meaningful. This has resulted in a prevailing disappointment over EHR documentation and patient interaction.

We notice that some of the biggest software developers in the market have identified the frustrations linked to EHR and are working on innovative solutions to close the gap between what EHR is perceived to achieve and the current reality. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a tool that can turn basic EHR into "Smart EHR" through Machine Learning (ML) and voice recognition technologies. From improvising patient visits to the clinic or other healthcare organizations to accurate and availability of care, the possibilities are endless.