Latest Features of Angular.js

The latest version of Angular was slated to release in March-April 2019. But, it eventually happened in 2019. Yes, we are talking about Angular 8 — the latest version of Angular.js. 

However, Angular 7.0 is supported until April 2022. So, it becomes imperative for organizations to explore the new features incorporated in Angular 8 and decide on embracing Angular 8 whether or not they should upgrade from Angular 7.0. 

Var vs. Let in JavaScript

In this article, we wil be discussing the long running debate of var vs. let in JavaScript. We will also be discussing why the use of let is increasing in dev communities.

Var vs Let in JavaScript


Declaring variables in JavaScript was not a cake walk until 2015 when ECMA 2015 was introduced and hence let and const was introduced and we got rid of var (it still works though!).