Tips for Optimizing Docker Builds

Docker images are used as the primary image in the Docker executor. They are the blueprints for containers, providing the instructions for how a container is spawned. In this post, I'm going to address a few often-overlooked concepts that will help with optimizing the Docker image development and build process.

How Do You Build a Docker Image?

Let's start with a brief description of the Docker build process. It is a process triggered by running the docker build command using the Docker CLI tool.

Creating WSO2 EI DataServices With Sybase Database

Creating WSO2 EI DataServices With Sybase Database

This post will show a quick example of how we can connect with the Sybase database using WSO2 EI DataServices. For this post, we have used WSO2 EI 6.5.0, but it should work with EI 7 as well. So, let's start.

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Starting a Local Sybase Instance

In order to have this example to work, we need to have an instance of Sybase. For that, we will use the following Docker Image available in Docker Hub: datagrip/sybase. This Docker image contains a Sybase 16.2, to start it we just need to run the following command: