In a C# solution, how do I add an .EXE project to a solution of DLL’s?

In a C# solution, how do I add an .EXE project to a solution of DLL project's?

This is using Microsoft Visual Studio Professional.

I have been handed a solution file which contains three projects. But all three projects generate DLL files. It is kind of unique because I have uncovered that they contain XAML files. So there is the opportunity to use the dll's to display WPF style UI as long as I properly create a new project for the solution. And this is what I am asking. What are the steps involved in creating a new project in the solution that is an executable and loads the DLL's and displays the UI'S?

Doubly Linked List in Java

In this article, we'll have a look at a data structure known as a doubly linked list. If you're unfamiliar with linked lists, I highly recommend that you check out this tutorial on linked lists before proceeding.

A doubly linked list (often abbreviated as DLL) is very much like a regular singly linked list (SLL).
Both DLL and SLL contain a pointer to the next node, as well as a data field to represent the actual value stored in the node.