Animated Custom Cursor Effects

So I have been playing with distortion effects using SVG filters recently and wanted to now try and apply these to a custom cursor. Imagine animating a circular custom cursor with those distortions when hovering over links (or any other element). Here are four demos that explore this idea.

The effects are done by applying SVG filters to a custom cursor element which is an SVG. Besides animating the cursor itself (scaling it up), the SVG filter is animated when hovering over anchors (or any other element you’d like this to interact with).

If you are interested in more of these kind of effects, have a look some previous related experiments:

I really hope you enjoy these and can make use of them! As always, feel free to use the designs in your projects.

Show me what you come up with and ping me @codrops!


Animated Custom Cursor Effects was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.

Collective #595

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Why Are We Talking About CSS4?

Around the web and within the CSS Working Group, there has been some discussion about whether we should specify a version of CSS — perhaps naming it CSS4. In this article, Rachel Andrew rounds up some of the pros and cons of doing so, and asks for your feedback on the suggestion.

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A fantastic little tool for designing and exporting lo-fi border decorations. By Max Bittker.

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From Our Blog

Awesome Demos Roundup #14

Over the past weeks we’ve collected super interesting and creative web experiments for your inspiration. These demos will warm your coding soul.

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Collective #595 was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.