How to Create a Yes/No Optin for Your WordPress Site

Are you looking for a way to create popups with Yes/No buttons on your website?

Maybe you have seen these popups used as an email list optin or another special offer on a big website. Multi-step Yes/No campaigns can improve your conversion rate by encouraging users to click on your promotion.

In this article, we will show you how to create a Yes/No optin for your WordPress site.

How to create a yes no optin for your WordPress site

What Is a Yes/No Optin, and Why Should You Use One?

A Yes/No optin is a popup form that has 2 options, which are either buttons or links. You can click ‘Yes’ to opt in or ‘No’ to refuse the offer.

Sometimes these are called 2-step optins or multi-step optins because they require the user to take 2 steps instead of 1.

Here’s an example of a Yes/No optin from Advanced Coupons offering a discount deal. Users can either click on the ‘Claim Your Discount’ button or the ‘Maybe next time’ option.

Discount offer on advanced coupons

Note: The options don’t necessarily need ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ labels.

It might seem strange to get users to go through an extra step before they can join your email newsletter or take some other action.

However, Yes/No popups can be highly effective. This is because they use a psychological tactic called the Zeigarnik Effect.

The Zeigarnik Effect says that when someone starts a process, they are likely to finish it. In this case, it means that someone who clicks ‘Yes’ will likely go ahead and put in their email address.

Plus, a Yes/No optin gives your visitors a choice. That feeling of freedom is powerful. It makes it more likely that your visitors will make the positive choice to opt in to your email list.

Even better, you can use the ‘No’ option effectively, too.

For instance, you could create an optin like this one from WP Mail SMTP. It appears if a user looks like they are about to leave the WP Mail SMTP site’s pricing page.

Yes no optin on WP mail smtp

If the user clicks ‘Get WP Mail SMTP Now’, then they stay on the pricing page. Or if they click ‘I have a few questions first’, then they are directed to the Contact page. Here, they can easily contact your sales or support team, which may ultimately lead to a successful conversion.

Creating a Yes/No Popup Using OptinMonster

The easiest way to create a yes/no popup in WordPress is by using OptinMonster. It is the best lead-generation software that helps you convert website visitors into customers and subscribers.

It allows you to create beautiful popups, countdown timers, slide-in forms, and more to nudge users in the right direction.

OptinMonster is the best solution if you are looking for powerful display options for your popup. It offers multiple display rules that help detect user behavior and trigger your campaigns.

For instance, you can show the yes/no optin when a user is about exit your site or when someone clicks a link or visits a specific page.

That said, let’s create a yes/no optin using OptinMonster.

Setting Up OptinMonster and Creating a New Campaign

First, you will need to sign up on the OptinMonster website. Simply visit the website and click the ‘Get OptinMonster Now’ button.

The OptinMonster lead generation tool

For this tutorial, we will be using the OptinMonster Pro plan because it includes the Yes/No optins.

You will need to install and activate the free OptinMonster WordPress plugin. For more details, please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

This lets you connect your WordPress site with your OptinMonster account. If you don’t have a premium account with OptinMonster yet, go ahead and get it.

Upon activation, you will see the OptinMonster welcome screen and a setup wizard. Go ahead and click the ‘Connect Your Existing Account’ button.

Connecting an OptinMonster account to WordPress

You will now see a small window where you can sign in to your account.

Simply click the ‘Connect to WordPress’ button to add your WordPress website with OptinMonster.

Connect OptinMonster to WordPress

Now, go to the OptinMonster » Campaigns page in your WordPress admin.

Simply click the ‘Create Your First Campaign’ button to make a new campaign.

Create first OptinMonster campaign

OptinMonster will now ask you to select a template or use a playbook. If you select the template option, then you can create your yes/no popup and customize it. OptinMonster also has ready-to-use campaigns inspired by successful brands.

You can go ahead and select the ‘Templates’ option.

Choose a template or playbook

After that, OptinMonster will show you different campaign types to choose from.

We will use a Popup campaign type and the Split template for this tutorial.

Choose a campaign type and template

Next, you will be asked to give your campaign a name.

Once that’s done, simply click the ‘Start Building’ button.

Enter a name for your campaign

Your chosen template will now open in the OptinMonster drag-and-drop campaign editor.

Here, you will find different options to customize your campaign. You can add different blocks like images, videos, buttons, progress bars, social media icons, and more from the menu on the left and drop them onto the template.

Customize yes no campaign

Editing Your Yes/No Optin in OptinMonster

By default, OptinMonster will have the Yes/No optin option enabled.

However, some templates will not have a built-in Yes/No view. With these, you will get a blank canvas to design your optin.

To enable the optin, simply click on the ‘Yes/No’ tab near the bottom of your screen. From here, you need to click the ‘Enable Yes/No for This Campaign’ button.

Enable yes no option

Next, go ahead and edit the Yes/No view as you want.

Simply click on the part of the template you want to change. For instance, you can change the text in the headline.

Edit the text in the yes no campaign

It’s also easy to edit the image in the campaign builder. Just click on it and then upload the image you want to use.

You can upload an image from the WordPress media library or use a stock image.

Add images to yes no campaign

You may also want to change the Yes and No buttons. Simply click on them to edit the buttons. It’s super easy to change their text, color, and more.

Just make your changes in the left-hand panel, and the preview of your optin will automatically update on the right.

Edit the buttons in the campaign

By default, clicking the ‘Yes’ button will take the user to the optin view of the campaign. Clicking the ‘No’ button will simply close the campaign.

You can change these actions by selecting the button and then clicking the ‘Button Click Action’ dropdown.

For example, you can redirect users to a URL, reload the page, open an email client, copy the text, click to call, and more.

Change button click action

Next, you now need to edit the optin view of your campaign. This is what your users will see upon clicking on the ‘Yes’ button.

Simply click on the ‘Optin’ tab at the bottom of the screen to edit the optin view. Then, edit the text, image, and anything else you want to change.

Edit the optin view

Finally, you need to change the ‘Success’ view of the campaign. This is the screen users will see after entering their email addresses.

First, click the ‘Success’ tab at the bottom of the screen. Then, go ahead and change the design until you are happy with it.

Edit the success view

Once you have finished creating your optin, make sure to click the ‘Save’ button at the top of the screen.

Connecting Your Optin to Your Email List

If you are using your optin to gather email addresses, then you need to connect it with your email marketing service.

To do this, you must open the ‘Integrations’ tab at the top and then click the ‘Add a New Integration’ button.

Add email integration

Next, you can select your email provider from the list. You can also search for an email service using the search bar.

OptinMonster will then give instructions for connecting your account to your preferred email provider.

Select your email marketing tool

Once you have connected your account, go ahead and click the ‘Display Rules’ tab for your campaign.

Setting the Display Rules for Your Yes/No Campaign

By default, your optin will appear after the user has been on any page for 5 seconds. However, you can use different types of display rules.

For instance, you can show the yes/no optin on a specific page, after scroll distance, based on a user’s physical location, and more.

For our optin, we will use the ‘Exit Intent’ display rule. This way, our yes/no popup will appear just as a user is about to leave our WordPress blog.

Select exit intent display rule

OptinMonster also lets you choose the sensitivity of the Exit Intent technology.

Lastly, you can select where the campaign will appear on your website. OptinMonster will use the ‘current URL path is any page’ option by default. This way, the popup will appear on your entire website.

Set exit intent sensitivity and page location

When you have set your display rules, click the ‘Save’ button at the top of the screen.

Making Your Yes/No Optin Live on Your Site

Now, it’s time to make your optin live on your site.

First, you need to click the ‘Publish’ tab at the top of the screen. Then, change the ‘Publish’ Status to ‘Publish’.

Publish the yes no campaign

Your Yes/No optin will not be live on your site yet. Simply click the ‘Save’ button at the top and exit the campaign builder.

Next, you will see the WordPress Output Settings for your campaign.

Just make sure that your campaign status is ‘Published’. If not, then you must click the dropdown menu and select the ‘Published’ option.

Ensure the campaign is published

Your campaign will now be live on your website.

Here is how ours looked on our demo site.

Preview yes no campaign

That’s it! You’ve successfully created a yes/no optin for WordPress using OptinMonster.

Alternative method: Another way to add a yes/no popup to your site is by using Thrive Leads. It is part of Thrive Themes suite and helps you generate leads, grow your email list, and boost conversions. The plugin lets you create lightbox popups, alert bars, slide-in popups, and more.

Yes/No Popup Types to Create to Get More Conversions

Now that you know how to make a yes/no popup, there are different types of campaigns you can create to get more conversions.

Let’s look at a few examples of yes/no popups that you can design for your WordPress website.

1. Offer Content Upgrades to Grow Your Email List

A yes/no content upgrade offers users bonus content if they sign up for your email list. For instance, you might offer spreadsheets, PDF files, eBooks, videos, and more.

Snacknation content upgrade preview

This is great for getting more leads on your website. You can easily grow your email list by offering free valuable content to users.

To learn more, please see our guide on how to add content upgrades in WordPress.

2. Show Special Offers and Discounts

Another way to use yes/no popups is by offering exclusive discount coupons or promoting special offers to your visitors.

This will help inform users about an offer they can take advantage of. Plus, it will boost conversions and sales on your website.

You can pair this with OptinMonster’s Exit Intent technology and show a popup just as the user is about to leave the website. For example, OptinMonster shows a yes/no optin on their website, displaying a special offer.

Full mat yes no campaign with discount

3. Guide New Users with a Welcome Mat

You can also show new website users a welcome mat or a full-screen popup with yes/no options to help them better understand your brand.

This is great to point people in the right direction when they first arrive on your site. You can inform them about your products and services by redirecting them to a specific blog post or landing page.

Fullscreen welcome mat preview

4. Convert Abandoning Visitors

Additionally, you can convert abandoning visitors by showing a yes/no popup. Simply show the popup when a user adds items to the cart but doesn’t check out.

You can offer different incentives like discounts or free downloadable content to keep visitors on your site and convert them into paying customers.

For example, Easy Digital Downloads shows a popup with yes/no options when a user tries to abandon the checkout page.

Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) exit intent popup example

You may also want to see our guide on how to increase your landing page conversions by 300%.

We hope this article helped you learn how to create a Yes/No optin for your WordPress site. You might also like our expert picks for the best WordPress survey plugins to boost your user engagement and our guide on how to get more traffic to your website.

The post How to Create a Yes/No Optin for Your WordPress Site first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Open a WordPress Popup Form On Click of Link or Image

Do you want to create a popup that appears when visitors click on a link or an image on your site?

This is a proven way to grow your email list. It is more effective since it starts with an action taken by a user. Popular sites often use it to offer an optin incentive to get even more subscribers.

In this article, we’ll show how to open a WordPress popup on click of a link or an image, step by step.

How to Open a WordPress Popup Form on Click of Link or Image

What Is an ‘On Click’ Popup Form?

On-click popup forms are lightbox popups that open when a user clicks on a link, button, or image on your WordPress website.

Normally, popups appear on websites when a user arrives or when they are about to leave. On-click popup forms are triggered by user interaction.

We also use on-click popups on WPBeginner to grow our email list. For instance, a popup will appear when a user clicks the email icon in the sidebar next to all social icons.

On click popup preview

Why Are On-Click Popup Forms So Effective?

On-click popup form is effective because it uses the powerful Zeigarnik effect. This is a psychological principle that states users who start an action themselves are more likely to finish it.

When someone clicks a link or button to trigger your popup, they’ve already shown interest. When the form popup appears, they’ll be more likely to use it.

For example, you can use an on-click popup to offer a lead magnet. This could be a free downloadable resource like an ebook or PDF file that users can get in exchange for their email address.

However, there are other ways to use on-click popups on your website. For instance, you can ask users to claim a coupon code, learn more about a product, fill-out surveys, and more.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily make an on-click lightbox popup for your website.

Creating an On-Click Popup in WordPress

The easiest way to create an on-click popup is by using OptinMonster. It is the popup plugin for WordPress and lead generation software.

First, you’ll need to sign up for an OptinMonster account. You’ll need the Pro account (or higher) because it includes the MonsterLinks™ feature that lets you create on-click popups.

Simply visit the OptinMonster website and click the ‘Get OptinMonster Now’ button to get started.


Next, you need to install and activate the OptinMonster plugin on your WordPress website. For help, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

This lets you connect your OptinMonster account to your WordPress site.

Once you’ve activated the plugin, you’ll need to connect your account. You should be taken to the Welcome page automatically in your WordPress dashboard.

Go ahead and click the ‘Connect Your Existing Account’ button.

Connect your existing account

After that, a new window will open.

You can click the ‘Connect to WordPress’ button to add your site to OptinMonster.

Connect OptinMonster to WordPress

Once you’ve connected your OptinMonster account to your WordPress site, you can create your on-click popup.

Simply go to OptinMonster » Campaigns from your WordPress dashboard and click the ‘Create Your First Campaign’ button.

Create your first campaign

You’ll be taken straight to the OptinMonster website.

The Campaign Type should already be set to Popup. If not, just click on Popup to select it. Next, you’ll need to choose a campaign template.

Choose a campaign type and template

You’ll be able to modify the template exactly how this looks later. We’re going to use the ‘Basic’ template for this tutorial.

Simply run your cursor over the template and click the ‘Use Template’ button.

Select the basic template

Now, you’ll be prompted to enter a name for your campaign. This is just for you. The users will not see it.

Simply enter a name and click the ‘Start Building’ to create your popup.

Enter a name for your campaign

OptinMonster will automatically load up the template in the drag-and-drop campaign builder.

You can edit the default text and add or remove elements from your template. Simply drag blocks from the menu on your left and drop them on the template.

Add blocks to onclick campaign

You can also remove any element in the form by clicking on it and using the menu options to the left. For instance, we will remove the ‘Name’ field from the form.

First, you’ll need to click on the ‘Optin’ tab at the bottom of the screen. After that, click on the field to select it, and you’ll see the available options in the left column, including the option to remove it.

Delete name field

Once you have designed the popup, the next step is to design the Success view, which people see after filling out the form.

Simply switch to the ‘Success’ view at the top of the screen.

Edit the success view for onclick popup

You can edit the success view just like you edited the optin view. For instance, you may want to change the text or include a link to download a lead magnet.

Connecting Your Popup to Your Email List

Once you’re happy with your popup, click on the Integrations tab at the top of the screen. You’ll need to link OptinMonster to your email marketing service so that you can add people to your email list.

From here, click the ‘+ Add New Integration’ button on the left-hand side of the screen.

Add an email marketing tool

Next, you can select your email provider from the dropdown list.

From here, simply follow the instructions to connect it to OptinMonster.

Select your email provider

Setting Your Popup to Appear On Click

Now, you need to configure your popup to appear when the user clicks a link.

Go ahead and click on the Display Rules tab at the top of the screen.

Select display rules

The default display rule set by OptinMonster is ‘time on page.’ This means that the default pop-up will appear after the user has been looking at that page for a certain amount of time.

However, you can click the dropdown and select the ‘MonsterLink™’ (On Click)’ option instead.

Select MonsterLink display rule

After that, you should see your MonsterLink™ in the display rules.

You can click the button to copy your MonsterLink™ Code. You’ll need this in a moment.

Copy the MonsterLink

Making Your On-Click Popup Live

Next, you can go to the ‘Published’ tab at the top of the page and change your campaign’s status from ‘Draft’ to ‘Publish.’

Publish your on click campaign

Once you’ve done that, click the ‘Save’ button at the top of the screen and close the campaign builder.

Next, you’ll see the ‘WordPress Output Settings’ for your campaign. You can click the ‘Status’ dropdown menu and change it from ‘Pending’ to ‘Published.’ When that’s done, click the ‘Save Changes’ button.

Change status from pending to published

Adding Your MonsterLink to Your WordPress Website

Now, you need to add the special MonsterLink™ to your site. If you didn’t copy this earlier, you can get it by going back to the ‘Display Rules’ setting for your campaign.

First, you’ll need to create a new post or page, or edit the one where you want to add your link.

The MonsterLink™ is HTML code, so you need to paste it into a custom HTML block.

When you’re in the WordPress content editor, click the (+) button to add a Custom HTML block.

Add a Custom HTML Block to Your Page

Now, copy your MonsterLink™ into that block. It should look something like this:

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Subscribe Now!</a>

You can change the words ‘Subscribe Now!’ to whatever text you want to use for your link.

Enter the MonsterLink Code

Once you’ve placed the link, you can preview your page or post to ensure it’s working.

Here’s our link in action. Note we’ve applied some styling to the text to create a box with larger text to help promote the lead magnet:

On click popup preview

Tip: You’re not limited to just text links using MonsterLinks™. You can also use MonsterLink with call-to-action buttons, images, banners, or navigation menus on your website.

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to trigger a WordPress popup form on click. You may also want to see our tutorial on how to speed up your WordPress site and our ultimate WordPress SEO guide.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Open a WordPress Popup Form On Click of Link or Image first appeared on WPBeginner.