Props to Rosie the Riveter and Women Who Pioneered the Digital Revolution

Originally published March 8, 2021

With the pandemic, worker burnout, and the horror of war in Ukraine, it’s easy to feel conflicted about celebrating Women’s History Month. But for decades women have been pulling double shifts as mothers and wage earners, often doing the same work as men for less pay, even making less than men for doing the same work at the same company. In other words, it’s always a good time to recognize women for keeping our culture and technology moving forward.

Using DevOps Managed Services to Improve Operations With Automated Deployments and Data

In the Digital Revolution, timelines for product delivery and information analysis are slim. Customers set the pace by consuming products and information on-demand — their way. This places immense pressure on businesses to deliver continuously and reliably to satisfy the rapidly escalating demand for all types of goods. Software is the center of the business universe, vital to all aspects of operations. Building and reliably delivering software is now vital to short and long-term success.

According to IDC, as of 2017 more than 580 million software applications were on the market, and another 500 million applications are expected to surface by 2022. Even if they are off by a couple of hundred million, this volume presents a tremendous amount of stress on operations. Our own research indicates that there are more than 100 million companies and government organizations worldwide (~30% in the United States).