Vector Database for LLMs, Generative AI, and Deep Learning

Understanding Vector Databases

A vector database is a type of database specifically designed to store and manage vector data using arbitrary but related coordinates to related data. Unlike traditional databases that handle scalar data (like numbers, strings, or dates), vector databases are optimized for high-dimensional data points. But first, we have to talk about vector embeddings.

Vector embeddings are a method used in natural language processing (NLP) to represent words as vectors in a lower-dimensional space. This technique simplifies complex data for processing by models like Word2Vec, GloVe, or BERT. These real-world embeddings are highly complex, often with hundreds of dimensions, capturing nuanced attributes of words.

Deep Learning in Image Recognition: Techniques and Challenges

In the vast realm of artificial intelligence, deep learning has emerged as a game-changer, especially in the field of image recognition. The ability of machines to recognize and categorize images, much like the human brain, has opened up a plethora of opportunities and challenges. Let's delve into the techniques deep learning offers for image recognition and the hurdles that come with them.

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

Technique: CNNs are the backbone of most modern image recognition systems. They consist of multiple layers of small neuron collections that process portions of the input image, called receptive fields. The results from these collections are then tiled so that they overlap, to obtain a better representation of the original image; this is a distinctive feature of CNNs.

5 Steps for Getting Started in Deep Learning

5 Steps for How to Learn About Deep Learning

Learning about deep learning methods and technologies has made a surge with new powerful models displaying capabilities we have never seen before. AI models built for the average user like ChatGPT and DALLE-2 have brought a mainstream spotlight on artificial intelligence.

Understanding the inner workings of deep learning can be as confusing. While the math and the development of a functioning AI model are extensive, the general idea can be broken down into easier steps to learn how you can get started on your journey. Let’s go over the basics of where to start to grasp the complex topic of artificial intelligence and deep learning.

IoU Score and Its Variants for Deep Learning

Scores and metrics in machine learning are used to evaluate the performance of a model on a given dataset. These provide a way to understand how a model is performing and also compare different models and choose the one that performs the best.

In this article, we will focus on the IoU score, which stands for Intersection over Union. IoU is a widely used metric in the field of object detection, where the goal is to locate and classify objects in images or videos. We'll also identify limitations and solutions.

The Difference Between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning

Technology continues to evolve. Who would have dreamt of smartphones, Alexa, electric cars, and all the modern technology we see today back in the 90s. It’s incredible to see devices around us with intelligence sometimes surpassing the human minds.

You may ask, what made this possible? The answer is Artificial Intelligence. You must have heard about Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence before, probably thousands of times.

How to Use Automatic Mixed Precision Training in Deep Learning

Why Use Mixed Precision Deep Learning?

As advancements have been made in the field of deep learning, the discussion about mixed-precision training of deep learning models has seen a similar increase. These improvements and natural evolution of the scope, sequence, and raw power of neural networks mean that the size of these models has had to increase to compensate accordingly. Larger and more complicated deep learning models require advancements in technology and approach.

This has led to multi-GPU setups with distributed training which can get out of hand quickly as more GPUs are integrated into training. Getting back to the basic training principles of deep learning and brushing up on fundamental techniques can ease the stress of the training phase of neural networks and optimize GPU usage. Mixed precision training or automatic mixed precision training can be a simple way to do exactly this.

Efficient Model Training in the Cloud with Kubernetes, TensorFlow, and Alluxio

Alibaba Cloud Container Service Team Case Study

This article presents the collaboration of Alibaba, Alluxio, and Nanjing University in tackling the problem of Deep Learning model training in the cloud. Various performance bottlenecks are analyzed with detailed optimizations of each component in the architecture. Our goal was to reduce the cost and complexity of data access for Deep Learning training in a hybrid environment, which resulted in an over 40% reduction in training time and cost.

1. New Trends in AI: Kubernetes-Based Deep Learning in The Cloud


Artificial neural networks are trained with increasingly massive amounts of data, driving innovative solutions to improve data processing. Distributed Deep Learning (DL) model training can take advantage of multiple technologies, such as:

How to Build Your Own Chatbot With Dialogflow

High-quality conversational interfaces (chatbots and voice assistants) have traditionally been difficult and expensive to build. An effective chatbot requires Natural Language Processing/Understanding (NLP, NLU) and other Deep Learning techniques to understand the underlying intent of human language.

These techniques require skills that are difficult for individuals to acquire and expensive for organizations to hire. Even if you have the skillset at hand, the amount of conversation data required to build natural interactions is labor intensive and expensive to collect. Given these facts, building a chat interface for your application or product likely does not offer enough value for the cost. Until now.

Deep Learning at Alibaba Cloud With Alluxio – Running PyTorch on HDFS

Google’s TensorFlow and Facebook’s PyTorch are two Deep Learning frameworks that have been popular with the open source community. Although PyTorch is still a relatively new framework, many developers have successfully adopted it due to its ease of use.

By default, PyTorch does not support Deep Learning model training directly in HDFS, which brings challenges to users who store data sets in HDFS. These users need to either export HDFS data at the start of each training job or modify the source code of PyTorch to support reading from HDFS. Both approaches are not ideal because they require additional manual work that may introduce additional uncertainties to the training job.

Unboxing the Most Amazing Edge AI Device Part 1 of 3 – NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX

Fast, Intuitive, Powerful and Easy. 

This is the first of a series on articles on using the Jetson Xavier NX Developer kit for EdgeAI applications. This will include running various TensorFlow, Pytorch, MXNet and other frameworks. I will also show how to use this amazing device with Apache projects including the FLaNK Stack of Apache Flink, Apache Kafka, Apache NiFi, Apache MXNet and Apache NiFi - MiNiFi.

These are not words that one would usually use to define AI, Deep Learning, IoT or Edge Devices. They are now. There is a new tool for making what was incredibly slow and difficult to something that you can easily get your hands on and develop with. Supporting running multiple models simultaneously in containers with fast frame rates is not something I thought you could affordably run in robots and IoT devices. Now it is and this will drive some amazingly smart robots, drones, self-driving machines and applications that are not yet in prototypes.

Deep Learning with Spring Boot and DJL


This is another post on Spring Boot that will show how to build a sample web application using Deep Java Library (DJL), an open-source Deep Learning library for Java to diagnose COVID-19 on X-ray images.

The sample app is a Spring Boot based version of DJL's similar COVID-19 example and it has a simple static HTML page built using Twitter Bootstrap and JQuery where users can submit an image URL to a REST api where the DJL library will download the image and predict if it's an X-ray image of lungs infected with COVID-19 or not.

Use Configuration-Based Dependency Injection on TFLearn to Improve Iterative Deep Learning Development Process

How deep is your learning?
You may also like: Deep Learning and the Artificial Intelligence Revolution (Part 1)


Deep learning has been proven as a key benefit to all aspects of business development. By using the deep learning frameworks, such as TFLearn, a deep learning library featuring a higher-level API for TensorFlow, we can quickly develop and train a model to perform accurate and intuitive cognitive tasks.

To develop a good deep learning model is an iterative process consisting of steps and sub-tasks which require big collaborations from the teams of data scientists, machine learning engineers, and IT deployment support.

Udacity and Google Introduce New (and Free) TensorFlow Course for Deep Learning

When HackerRank released its Student Developer Report last year, there probably weren’t too many devs out there surprised by the fact that more than half of all developers are largely self-taught, with almost 30 percent being entirely so. As the report explains, “computer science programs lag behind the pace at which technology evolves, [so] for skills that are growing in the industry today, students have to rely on self-teaching to learn.”

And as this piece from CIO explains, machine learning skills are among the most coveted by today’s tech companies. Unfortunately, however, “demand continues to outpace the supply of qualified talent for these emerging skills.”