What Are SpeedUp and ScaleUp in DBMS?

In this article, we will discuss all the SpeedUp and ScaleUp in DBMS, two of the fundamental concepts from Parallel Processing for Databases that are used for tweaking databases.


Data warehouses carrying several hundred gigabytes of data are now relatively typical due to the steady increase in database sizes. Even several terabytes of data can be stored in some databases, referred to as Very Large Databases (VLDBs). 

Need help with this DBMS interview Concept

Hey Peeps,
Hope all are doing well. Happy to be a part of this community. So am fairly new in the programming world and exploring a few job opportunities in this field.

Coming to my query, So was going through this list of questions, although concepts seem easy to understand here, examples could be super helpful. Especially since these are interview questions, I wanted to go in-depth to understand each concept.

Q)Explain the difference between intention and extension in a database...Would be extremely grateful if someone out here can explain this with a help of a query.


2 Tier Architecture vs 3 Tier Architecture in DBMS

There are multiple ways to fetch the data stored in the Database management system. We have classified the architecture of DBMS based on their structure. 

Multiple architectures are used for various purposes, and I have discussed their structure, advantages, features, etc., in this article. 

Hot Database Connections for Serverless Functions

Preamble — Problems to Solve

Firing up new Serverless containers — a.k.a. cold starts — takes from one to several seconds (time varies per platform). To eliminate such cost/latency, Serverless frameworks keep already started containers warm for a period of time (duration varies per provider).

Serverless functions might make database access. Although less costly than starting new Serverless container, database connection creation and tear down may cost tens or even hundreds of milliseconds depending on your DBMS environment. This problem is exacerbated with Serverless functions that are are short-lived and cannot afford such cost on every call.