From Chaos to Control: Nurturing a Culture of Data Governance

The evolving nature of technology, increased data volumes, novel data regulations and compliance standards, and changing business landscapes in the last decade are resulting in data chaos and inconsistency for many enterprises, and that is resulting in enterprises going towards adopting a data governance culture. Data governance is a set of practices and policies that ensure high data quality, data management, data protection, and overall data stewardship within an organization. It involves defining and implementing processes, roles, responsibilities, and standards to ensure that data is managed effectively throughout its lifecycle.

Data governance generally includes:

Data Governance and DevOps

In the age of information, "data is treasure." With trillions of datasets encapsulating the world, data is fragile. Safeguarding data is imperative, and data governance ensures data is managed, safe, and in compliance.

Data Governance

Data governance overlooks data. It lists down processes that set policies, ensure availability, security, integrity, and schedule performance metrics. Data governance is crucial as it lays down the foundation that supervises and administers data. The heart of data governance is “Data Policy and Compliance.” 

The Role of Data Governance in Data Strategy: Part II

In the previous article, we discussed the importance and role of Data Governance in an organization. In this article, let's see how BigID plays a vital role in implementing those concepts w.r.t Data Privacy, Security, and Classification.

What Is BigID? How Does This Tool Help Organizations Protect and Secure Personal Data?   

BigID is a data discovery and intelligence platform that helps organizations identify, classify and protect sensitive and personal data across various data sources. It uses advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to scan and analyze large data sets and automatically identify sensitive data such as PII, PHI, and credit card numbers, allowing organizations to comply with data privacy regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA.

The Role of Data Governance in Data Strategy: Part 1

Data volumes are more than tripping every year in the industry, which is making data quality a big concern in many organizations. The information is in high demand but organizing it in a way to make it consumable is a challenge many are trying to solve.

Every organization has its own set of database systems and platforms for storing various types of data in the data warehouse. The stored or ingested data is maintained, but most of them are generally behind the curve in creating organization-wide solutions to manage the data.

Data Governance and Data Management


Enterprises that dont embrace data or are late to the party face serious consequences compared to early adopters. As to talking about good data practices, most people associate the word with only a few of the multitude of practices that constitute a successfully run, data-driven enterprise.   

Besides data analysis, data management is what readily comes to mind. Though equally universal — and perhaps are even more critical — data practice is the practice of data governance.   

Seclore Adds Endpoint Auto-Protector SDK to Their Platform

Seclore, a company working to unify data-centric security solutions, announces the addition of the Seclore Endpoint Auto-Protector SDK to their Data Centric-Security Platform.

The Seclore Endpoint Auto-Protector SDK, a configurable cross-platform tool, enables rapid integration of data-centric security with applications that run on end-users' devices including Endpoint DLP, eDiscovery, Data Classification, and Data Governance solutions.

Writing Java APIs Using Apache Atlas Client

In the previous blog, Data Governance using Apache ATLAS we discussed the advantages and use cases of using Apache Atlas as a data governance tool. In continuation to it, we will be discussing building our own Java APIs, which can interact with Apache Atlas using Apache atlas client to create new entities and types in it.

How to Create New Entities and Types Using Atlas Client

Atlas Client Maven Dependency

The following dependencies can be used to update pom.xml: