Aggregate Functions in Stargate’s GraphQL API

A new release of was applied to Astra DB that includes an exciting new feature: aggregate functions! If you’re not familiar with aggregate functions, they are functions that look at the data as a whole and perform a function like min(), max(), sum(), count() and avg().

Until now, aggregate functions were only available using cqlsh (the CQL Shell). However, with the Stargate 1.0.25 release they are now also available using the GraphQL API. In this blog entry, I’ll walk you through the process to get early access to this exciting new functionality in Stargate, and how to setup everything you need to test your own aggregate queries.

Authentication Using Server Side X.509 Certificates With N1QL

Authentication and authorization to the query service in Couchbase works in multiple ways - 

  1. Passing credentials through a rest request - curl http://localhost:8093/query/service?pretty=true -d "statement=select * from system:keyspaces" -u Admin:pwd
  2. Passing credentials using the creds named parameter and/or query parameter - curl http://localhost:8093/query/service?pretty=true -d "statement=select * from system:keyspaces&creds=[{user:“Administrator”,”password”:”pass”}]"
  3. Using basic auth in the request 
  4. Request from cbq (similar to 1,2) using the -u -p -creds options and \SET command. 
  5. X.509 Certificates for TLS
  6. Node to Node encryption

With the addition of RBAC, the creds query parameter was made redundant but is still supported for backward compatibility.

15+ Examples for Linux cURL Command

Learn more about the Linux cURL commands in these examples.

In this tutorial, we will cover the cURL command in Linux. Follow along as we guide you through the functions of this powerful utility with examples to help you understand everything it's capable of.

Running Spring Boot Application on Kubernetes Minikube on Windows (Part 1)

Learn more about running Spring Boot applications on Kubernetes in Windows.

This is part one of the series "Running a Spring Boot Application on Kubernetes Minikube in Windows." This article assumes that the reader has previous experience with Spring Boot, containers, and Kubernetes. I will try and touch upon all of them in this post. After finishing this series, the reader will be able to:

1.    Create a Spring Boot application

Analyzing API Call Performance From Different Global Locations Based on cURL Metrics

My previous post presented “A Graphical View of API Performance Based on Call Location.” In that post, we analyzed the performance of a week of calls to the World Bank Countries API (which is served from Washington DC) from four different locations around the globe: Washington DC, USA; Oregon, USA; Ireland; and Tokyo, Japan. The API performance across the week showed remarkable consistency. Calls to the API from Washington DC had by far the best performance; calls from Ireland generally outperformed calls from Oregon, which generally outperformed calls from Tokyo. Here’s the data for the week (the Y-axis is logarithmic):

The timings for calls to APIs are broken down into components by cURL, “a command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs.” In addition to providing total performance timing (shown in the above plot), the API Science Performance Report API also provides individual cURL component timings. The cURL component timings are: