Exchange 2016 CU17 Shows Incorrect Name In Add/Remove Programs RRS feed

Hello Support,

Our Current Exchange Server 2016 (CU3) was running and last week upgraded to Latest CU17

Issue we have noticed below:

After installing Exchange 2016 CU17,we have notice that there is a cosmetic issue with how the update is listed in Add/Remove programs. In the screenshot below, note that Exchange 2016 Cumulative Update 3 is listed, but the version number is not the CU17 version number.

For reference the versions of the relevant CUs are shown below. Note that the above screenshot shows the CU17 version, but the text string shows CU3.

Exchange 2016 CU3 is 15.01.0544.027
Exchange 2016 CU17 is 15.01.2044.004
as the version information shown in Exchange Management Shell is correct. On the Exchange server, we can check the version information using something like:

Note that PowerShell shows the correct version information for CU17 15.01.2044.004

This issue is discussed in KB XXX Cumulative Update 3 appears in Programs and Features after you install Exchange Server 2016 Cumulative Update 17.

Also in our vulnerability tools show CU3 in Outdated version,

Please advise

Diuscussion, Go Configure This

In an earlier Discussion post, I complained about MS changing my preference settings with each update. Since, I have found many more changes. One was, I had gone to CMD Properties and set CMD to always open with elevated privileges. You guesses it. It was switched back.

With the 1909 Cumulative Update we lost our ability to search within folders. After trying eleven 'fixes' touted on the Internet, I had to uninstall these latest updates to get my search option back. I do wish MS would spend more time correcting errors such as this rather than on inventing witty and meaningless terminology.

Case in point:

I use to spend a lot of time developing my Speech Recognition dictionary. In the past two years, I haven't devoted any time to it. Today, I decided to pick it up again. I was greeted with this heading:

Configure your Speech Recognition experience

In essence, Configure an experience.

Is there any one of you who can tell me just how you can configure an experience?

Me thinks I will need hip boots for future 'new' terminologies.