Intellyx Predictions for 2021: Cyberwar, Crypto Crash, and COVID End

Welcome to our eighteenth annual installment of our retrospective and predictions Cortex. Eighteenth counting the ZapFlash newsletter at my previous company, ZapThink, anyway. Intellyx’s Cortex retrospective and predictions newsletter dates to 2015.

Unlike most other pundit predictions, we score ourselves on the previous year’s prognostications. Even better, we rotate the authorship of these articles so that no one is in the position of critiquing his own clairvoyant capabilities.

How Small Businesses Can Overcome Challenges During a Pandemic

Pandemics are rare. In the past century, we have seen only two major pandemics. This means that rarely people will see two pandemics in their lifetime. But why am I telling you this? The rarity adds unpredictability and exposes how we are not ready to handle the situation.

If you are a small business, you would agree with it. Right now, keeping your small business can be a big challenge. This is entirely different from what the big giants have to go through. The pandemic helped Amazon reach double profit over the year as they netted a $5.2 billion profit compared to their last year’s profit(2019) for $2.6 billion.

How Healthcare Sectors Can Make Use of the CIoMT to Fight Against Covid-19

The unprecedented outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus, termed as COVID-19 by the World Health Organization (WHO), has placed numerous governments around the world in a precarious situation.

The scarcity of resources to endure the COVID-19 outbreak combined with the fear of overburdened healthcare systems has forced a majority of these countries into a state of partial or complete lockdown. The number of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases has been increasing at an alarming rate throughout the world, with a report from WHO stating that there are more than 3.23 million confirmed cases as of August 2020. Adding to these woes, numerous false reports, misinformation, and unsolicited fears in regards to coronavirus, are being circulated regularly since the outbreak of COVID19.

Why Data-Driven Customer Success is Essential in Today’s COVID World

In today’s unprecedented economic downturn, it’s more difficult than ever to find and close new customers. The onus is now on maintaining existing customers as productive users of your product. By closely monitoring API metrics, Customer Success Management (CSM) teams can get an early warning on those that are at risk of churning, and rectify things before it’s too late.

Customer Acquisition Versus Customer Retention: At Least 5X Difference in Cost

According to different surveys, the average cost of acquiring a new customer is between 5X and 25X the cost of retaining an existing one. That was in the pre-COVID era. In today’s world, it’s probably more.

Conceptualization of IoT-Enabled Smart Kitchen

We all agree that COVID has turned our lives upside down. Each one of us is now under house arrest and struggling to adapt to this new lifestyle of managing home and work simultaneously.

This new lifestyle has not only taken a toll on our physical health but also on our mental health. I am no different, with the added household responsibilities, it has become arduous for me to manage it along with the office work especially when it comes to maintain a grocery list. Every time a grocery item was missed out of the list, the task became more daunting.

Sustaining Your Business the Remote Way in Pandemic

We have heard about the world has had to face uncertainties over various periods in the past. But I am sure most of us would agree that there has been nothing more severe than the present COVID 19 Pandemic, which has completely turned the world upside down if I would like to put it that way! Not only has it claimed millions of lives across many countries but has also severely dented many smooth sailing businesses as well as prospective businesses that were being planned.

With most of the countries having slipped into a complete Lockdown mode for the past 2 months, there has been a severe effect on the global economy as the world now goes through one of its worst recession times. For all the organizations big or small, it is about surviving the pandemic first and subsequently plan strategies to build an economy by putting businesses back on track. The Pandemic business recovery plan has to be strategized right now during the period of lockdown so that things can get moving as soon as the period of Lockdown ends.