RPA, Low-Code, SaaS/COTS, Custom – Which Is Right for You?

The year was 1994. I worked full-time as a software engineer and went to graduate school part-time to get my master’s degree. One of my professors told us that we would not be writing software with code within the next five years. Fourth Generation Languages (4GL) will make it so anyone can build software, and visual drag-and-drop tools will let us build anything. Fast forward 26 years, and we are still writing code. Even in 2020, recent articles predict the end of custom software development. Coming soon, robots will be writing code for us using GPT-3.

The current state of software options to solve your business problems is quite complex, and it can often become overwhelming. You read articles about robotic process automation (RPA) saving the world, or low-code/no-code solutions saving 80% of your costs, or software as a service (SaaS) solutions like Salesforce, ServiceNow, and others being the answer to all your problems. What if none of these work for you? When is it time to build your own software?

Open Source and Its Tools Are Critical to Modernization

I have always wondered what the exact definition of software modernization is. Is it upgrading the software technology stack to the current one? Is it bringing in process automation? Or, has it more to do with replacing custom build apps with COTS or vice-versa? Can it be as simple as bringing in a better hosting solution in the form of the cloud? On further reflecting on drivers and need for modernization, you realize that its more to do with:

  • Improving User Experience
  • Bringing in Agility and Efficiency
  • Reducing Cost
  • Entrusting better Operation Resilience

While many among us would have various definition of modernization, I would rather think of dividing modernization into five categories: