How can I learn about digital marketing?

Learning about digital marketing can be an exciting and rewarding journey. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Understand the Basics:
    Begin by familiarizing yourself with the fundamental concepts of digital marketing, such as SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEM (Search Engine Marketing), social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and more.
  2. Online Courses and Tutorials:
    Enroll in online courses on platforms like Udemy, Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, and Skillshare. Look for courses specifically focused on digital marketing. Some recommended courses include "Digital Marketing Specialization" on Coursera and "The Complete Digital Marketing Course" on Udemy.
  3. Read Blogs and Books:
    Follow reputable digital marketing blogs such as Neil Patel, Moz, HubSpot, and DigitalMarketer. Reading books like "Contagious" by Jonah Berger and "Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook" by Gary Vaynerchuk can also provide valuable insights.
  4. YouTube and Webinars:
    Watch educational YouTube channels and webinars that cover various aspects of digital marketing. Channels like "Google Ads" and "Digital Marketer" offer insightful content.
  5. Practice Hands-On:
    Apply what you've learned by creating your own website or blog. Experiment with different digital marketing strategies and tactics to see what works best.
  6. Google Analytics and Google Ads:
    Gain proficiency in using tools like Google Analytics and Google Ads. Google's online resources and certification programs can help you understand how to analyze website traffic and create effective ad campaigns.
  7. Social Media Platforms:
    Learn how to leverage different social media platforms for marketing purposes. Each platform has its own nuances and best practices.
  8. Content Creation and SEO:
    Study content creation techniques and SEO principles to improve your website's visibility on search engines.
  9. Email Marketing:
    Explore email marketing tools and learn how to create engaging email campaigns that resonate with your target audience.
  10. Networking:
    Join online communities, forums, and social media groups dedicated to digital marketing. Engage with professionals in the field, ask questions, and share your insights.
  11. Certifications:
    Consider earning certifications such as Google Ads Certification, HubSpot Academy certifications, and others. These can boost your credibility and demonstrate your expertise.
  12. Stay Updated:
    Digital marketing is a rapidly evolving field. Subscribe to industry newsletters, follow influencers, and keep up with the latest trends and updates.
  13. Hands-On Projects:
    Work on real-world projects to apply your knowledge and build a portfolio. This can be immensely valuable when seeking job opportunities or freelance work.
    Remember, digital marketing is a broad field, so take your time to explore different areas and find what resonates with you the most. Continuously learn, adapt, and experiment to stay ahead in this dynamic landscape.

How Content Creates Content

A big part of many developer advocacy programs is content. Content can be in the form of tutorials, blog posts, videos, and hands-on workshops and other forms. Coming up with content ideas is not always easy. In this blog post, I'm going to share some ideas how to simplify content creation.

The IBM Developer SF team hosts weekly events. We host at least one in-person event and one online event (webinar/online meetup). For every in-person workshop, we host an online event. It's usually best to host the online event after the in-person event, as people who couldn't make the in-person event can watch the online version (but the other way is also fine). The in-person event is about two hours and the online event is usually 40 minutes. So yes, the content covered will be different, but the basis will be the same. This is the first example where doing a hands-on workshop easily creates content for an online event. The in-person event doesn't necessarily need to be a meetup/workshop-type event. It can also be a conference talk, a panel, or a Q&A. It can really be anything.

Content Creation vs Content Promotion: Where is the Balance?

A few days ago we published a post on ProBlogger titled ‘Forget about Marketing: Concentrate on Blogging‘, which led to some interesting discussion on Twitter and in the comments.

I love the points author Nicholas Whitmore made in the post but I wanted to give a few thoughts, based on my own experience, on developing great content and promoting your blog.

Nicholas wrote some great arguments for focusing your energy on writing great content as the central way of growing your blog. He writes:

“When you write and publish awesome content on your blog, good things will come your way.”

I completely agree with this sentiment. As a blogger your #1 focus needs to be on producing content that is useful, engaging and of as high a quality as possible. Without it, all the marketing you might do will be wasted as you’ll just be directing people to something that is of no value to them.

As Nicholas goes on to write:

“When you write and publish boring content then spend hours on end building links to it, trying to force people to your website, good things will never come.”

Again, I agree with the sentiment expressed here.

However, on Twitter a discussion among some of my followers highlighted that some bloggers differ quite a bit on how much effort should be put into promoting a blog vs developing content for it.

  • On one hand, there were certainly people who felt that if you build a great blog that it markets itself.
  • On the other hand, there were people who felt that if you didn’t get out there and market your blog you ran the risk of all your hard work in developing great content going completely unseen.

While I think we all agree that the content on your blog needs to be of a very high focus, I’m also of the belief that if a blogger wants to grow their readership they also need to put effort into promoting that blog.

I like the idea of the marketing being taken care of by your visitors, if you have good enough blog post. In my experience, there are things you can do to promote your blog to help speed the process up, without compromising the quality of your posts.

In the early days of my own current blogs (here on ProBlogger and at dPS) I estimate I probably spent almost as much time writing content as I did working on growing the readership. In fact, I’m sure there were some weeks where I did spend considerably more time promoting my blog than writing content!

In short, I don’t see marketing and creating content as mutually exclusive – both are really important to me.

How did I grow my readership (or market my blogs)?

I recorded a webinar last year on this very topic with a load of tips in it. You can listen to it and see the slides here so I won’t rehash all of that but here’s a summary slide of the points I talked through.

Screen Shot 2013-06-18 at 1.53.20 PM.png

You can see that my process actually talks about the content that you develop as being a part of finding readers for your blog (both in points 2 and 8). But by getting off your blog to promote what you do you are certainly able to significantly grow your blog.

For me, I’d say that the balance of creating content and promoting has changed over the life of my blogs over the years. This is probably partly because the life cycle of a blog but also due to my own personal circumstances and how much time I have available to work.

That said , I would always prioritise both on a daily basis… and would probably also add in that I prioritise other things too such as ‘engaging with readers/building community’ and also a focus upon ‘monetization’ (without which I can’t sustain what I do).

Where is the Balance of Promotion and Content Creation for You?

I’d love to hear how others get this balance right in your blogging?

Content Creation vs Content Promotion: Where is the Balance?
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