Get Started With Milvus_CLI

In the age of information explosion, we are producing voice, images, videos, and other unstructured data all the time. How do we efficiently analyze this massive amount of data? The emergence of neural networks enables unstructured data to be embedded as vectors, and the Milvus database is a basic data service software, which helps complete the storage, search, and analysis of vector data.

But how can we use the Milvus vector database quickly?

10 Things You May Not Know About CLI

I was playing around with the CLI to see how I can incorporate it into demos and wanted to share a couple of things to remind people of its capabilities.

1. Log In as a Human

Note for interactive usage of the CLI, i.e., as a human, you can log in to the platform using your organization's domain name and password if your organization is delegating authentication to your corporate IdP. Typing the command below will open a browser for you to log in:

3 Ways to Continue Using ASK CLI 1.x With the New ASK CLI 2.x

At the time of this writing, the ASK CLI 2.6.0 has just been released. Along with it comes a fair bit of breaking changes the extend of which can be seen in this migration guide

This has caused a fair bit of challenge in the community especially for developers who have multiple skills prior to ASK CLI 2.x being introduced. A lot of automation tools would also have to be rewritten and some even have no viable workarounds when using 2.x. The VSCode extension functionality that allows convenient ASK CLI support is also broken

Which Is the Best PostgreSQL GUI? 2019 Comparison

PostgreSQL GUI Comparison

PostgreSQL graphical user interface (GUI) tools help these open source database users to manage, manipulate, and visualize their data. In this post, we discuss the top 5 GUI tools for administering your PostgreSQL deployments. PostgreSQL is the fourth most popular database management system in the world and is heavily used in all sizes of applications. The traditional method to work with databases is using the command-line interface (CLI) tool, however, this interface presents a number of issues:

  • It requires a big learning curve to get the best out of the DBMS
  • Console display may not be something of your like, and it only gives very little information at a time
  • It is difficult to browse databases and tables, check indexes, and monitor databases through the console

Many still prefer CLIs over GUIs, but this set is ever so shrinking. I believe anyone who comes to programming after 2010 will tell you GUI tools increase their productivity over a CLI solution.