Cognitive AI Meets IoT: A Match Made in Heaven

Over the last decade, the Internet of Things (IoT) has caused widespread disruption in every sphere of our life. The evolution of IoT is not influenced by advancement in the unique technology segment; instead, a series of emerging technologies and innovation trends have converged together to create a unified experience of the ubiquitous world. The emergence of Edge computing, the 5G/ 6G revolution, and cloud computing have introduced a set of architectural patterns to minimize latency, network bandwidth requirements and allowed systems to scale beyond the limit. In the world of ‘new normal, the endless opportunities with both business and social transformations will weave IoT applications into our everyday life with billions of sensors seamlessly interacting with each other. Big Data and advanced analytics have transformed the massive volume of sensory signals and multimedia feeds into actionable insights and new revenue streams across the digital value chains.

A rapid expansion in exposing pervasive channels and deploying intelligent automation have brought critical challenges towards the future of digital transformation in the 21st century. The promising applications of AI and ML are mostly executed within the centralized cloud ecosystem, far from the point of action. Such intelligence is not designed to gain situational awareness from within the operating landscape. Harnessing the benefit of capturing and analyzing temporal data and timely interpretation of sensory events within the active window of the operational cycles are emerging as the key imperatives to gain strategic advantage and address cybersecurity concerns. As the diversity of sensors and applications grow exponentially, structured intelligence or prebuilt rule-based automation deployed in the edge runtime will not be efficient and extensible to elevate process automation and autonomic functions.

How Readable Is Your Code? Part 1

There Is No Perfect Implementation?

Every developer has his own preferences and vision about problem-solving. Any problem can be solved in my différent ways following know practices like SOLID, KISS, etc. But how to compare 2 different implementations? Smaller is better? Only Object-Oriented? How practically evaluate notions like code maintainability, readability, transparency? Well, I'm not sure that there is absolute truth in such questions, but in this article, you will find a metric that can help you find out. 

Cyclomatic Complexity — Number of Scenarios in Code.

Cyclomatic complexity is a metric invented to find out the number of tests to cover the given code fully. This metric also can be used to measure the readability of your code.  Cyclomatic Complexity shows how many scenarios consist of your code (or how many independent ways inside its graph)

5 Amazing Examples of Artificial Intelligence in Action

As scientists and researchers strive harder to make Artificial Intelligence (AI) mainstream, this ingenious technology is already making its way to our day to day lives and continues ushering across several industry verticals. From voice-powered personal assistants like Siri and Alexa to autonomously-powered self-driving vehicles, AI has been rearing itself as a force to be reckoned with. Many tech giants such as Apple, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft have been making huge bets on the long-term growth potential of Artificial Intelligence.

According to a report published by the research firm Markets and Markets, the AI market is expected to grow to a $190 billion industry by 2025. More and more businesses are looking to boost their ROI by leveraging the capabilities of AI. In this blog post, we are going to list out the applications of AI in use today. 

Growing Volume of Technological Advancements Propel the Cognitive Computing Industry Forward

The advent of artificial intelligence has resulted in numerous technological developments in recent years. One of the AI-related fields that are becoming popular and promises to take the current digitized economy to the next level is cognitive computing. It makes use of machine learning and reasoning, natural language processing, speech recognition, and data mining processes such as AI; however, it takes things to the next level. Cognitive computing technologies can grasp and manage vast amounts of data, apply reason, gain insights, and constantly learn when interacting with individuals and machines. They provide us with a great opportunity to make smarter and more informed decisions.

The market for cognitive computing is growing rapidly. Driving it are factors such as the increasing volume of large complex data and the growing trend of increasing cloud-based services, big data analytics, and harnessing the internet speed. As per Allied Market Research, the market generated $13.8 billion by 2020, thereby growing at a CAGR of 33.1 percent during the forecast period, 2015 - 2020.

Cognitive Computing: How Enterprises Are Benefitting From Cognitive Technology

AI has truly been a far-flung goal ever since the conception of computing, and every day we seem to be getting closer and closer to that goal with new cognitive computing models.

Coming from the amalgamation of cognitive science and based on the basic premise of simulating the human thought process, the concept, as well as applications of cognitive computing, are bound to have far-reaching impacts on not just our private lives, but also industries like healthcare, insurance and more. The advantages of cognitive technology are well and truly a step beyond the conventional AI systems.