How to Point a Domain to WPMU DEV Hosting

Pointing domains… nameservers… figuring out DNS… it can all feel daunting! Fortunately, WPMU DEV makes it easy, whether you’re working with a domain purchased from us or from another provider. We break it all down in this article.

Keep reading to learn how to easily connect your domain to our hosting service.

Here are the topics we’ll be covering:

Connecting Your Domain To WPMU DEV Hosting

With our new domain service recently rolled out, you can directly purchase domains and register them through WPMU DEV – in which case we automatically do the DNS hookup (i.e., the pointing part) for you.

If you purchased your domain through another DNS provider and are hosting with us, the tutorial below will show you exactly what you need to do and explain why this is also a great choice.

Prepping for a Change in Domain Nameservers

Nameservers are often referred to as the phone book of the internet, sending you to the correct domain when you type in a web address.

There are two primary components to making your website accessible to the public:

  1. Your domain name (purchased from a registrar)
  2. Nameservers (provided through a host)

The first must point to the second to connect the two.

The registrar you purchased your domain from also has its own nameservers (if it offers hosting), however if you want them managed elsewhere you must change the DNS records.

Doing it all from a single location is ideal, as it cuts out the middle agent and puts the same quality that powers your sites behind your DNS.

DNS propagation is the term for your site’s nameservers and other records (e.g., A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, etc) updating across the web. This process can take anywhere from a few minutes to a couple days to finalize.

If your site was already live, it might become briefly inaccessible to visitors during the nameserver change. You could create a temporary page with info regarding the approximate downtime, then publish it just prior to the server change. (Remember to change it back once the process is complete).

It’s also helpful to handle nameserver changes during a period when traffic volume is typically on the low end.

Importing Your Domain Records to WPMU DEV

Alright, we’re ready to start our edits. The first thing we’re going to do is navigate to The Hub on WPMU DEV.

Click on Domains from the top menu bar, then Connected Domains from the submenu, then the Connect Existing Domain button.

connected domains - populated and unpopulated (wpmudev)
Connecting domains in WPMU DEV’s The Hub.

The Add New Domain modal will pop up. Here you will enter your domain name in the text field – making sure to include the extension (e.g. .com, .net, .xyz) – then click the blue button.

add domain (step 1)
Step 1 of 2 in WPMU DEV’s Add New Domain modal.

The Hub DNS Manager will run a scan for common DNS records, then automatically import and list them for your verification.

setup dns (step 2)
Verifying the scanned records to import into a WPMU DEV DNS configuration.

Here you’ll see the summary of record information, which will include:

  • Type – A, CNAME, MX, TXT
  • Hostname – @ for root; www for www. subdomain
  • Value – if record is an alias, directs, or returns
  • TTL (seconds) – Time To Live is how long the DNS query caches before expiring and needing a new one. (The lower this number, the better/faster.)

You can remove any records, if you want to exclude them from being imported, by clicking on the Trashcan icon.

You can also manually add any records that are missing. See Add or Edit DNS Records for details.

If you’re in any doubt as to whether records should be added or deleted, just reach out to support (any time, day or night) and they’ll happily walk you through it.

Once you’re satisfied with the populated DNS records, click the blue button once more.

After the ellipsis bounce, the page will load with the imported information specific to your domain.

WPMU DEV nameservers are listed towards the top of this page, where you’ll see there are three of them.

wpmudev nameservers
WPMU DEV’s trio of nameservers, ready to copy/paste into your domain registry records.

Keep your Hub page open, as we’ll be copying & pasting the nameservers in the next step. (Or, do what I do, and just copy the first one, then replace the “1” with “2” then “3” as you paste each, since these ordinal numbers are the only difference.)

Putting WPMU DEV Nameservers in Your Domain Registry Records

Now that we’ve imported your domain details into WPMU DEV, the next step is to overwrite the nameserver records of your registrars with ours.

There are a lot of registrars, so how your domain details are kept and displayed will vary, but they should all have the same key elements. We cover more than a dozen of the most popular ones here.

In the case of registrars that serve as hosts, what they permit when it comes to allowable changes in nameservers can vary. For example, pointing nameservers to another host is not permissible for a Wix-purchased domain. However, you can transfer your domain away from them (although it involves a different process).

Assuming your domain registrar allows for pointing nameservers away from them, or that you’ve taken any necessary prior steps in preparation, login to their website and locate the records for your domain.

namecheap nameservers (orig)
Changing nameservers through the Registrar; in this case, Namecheap.

Popping back over to the Hub, copy that first nameserver, then head back to your domain registrar details page, pasting it in the appropriate text field. Do this for all three nameservers, then save your input.

Depending on your registrar, you’ll probably get a confirmation message with time estimates on how long it will take the DNS hosting server to update.

It’s rare, but on the outside chance your domain registrar requires identifying our nameservers by IP address, you can find them here.

Double-Checking Your Changes

As with any significant edit, verifying everything is working as it should is an important last step.

Some registrars will send you an email notifying you that the propagation is complete. With others, you might need to revisit the site and continue checking.

Either way, we can verify things through The Hub. Let’s head there, and navigate to Domains > Connected Domains.

For the domain name in question, if you see the green check marked Propagated correctly under Nameservers Status – you’re good to go. If it says Pending, click on the vertical ellipsis icon to the right, and select Manage DNS from the dropdown.

onnected domains manage dns (wpmudev)
Managing DNS through WPMU DEV’s The Hub is effortless.

If everything was done properly and the process has completed, you’ll see a row of green highlighted text, confirming Your nameservers are propagated correctly. If that message isn’t displayed, click on the Check nameservers button.

check dns - nameservers propagating correctly (wpmudev)
Success! Nameservers have been propagated to WPMU DEV.

You’re all set! Your nameservers are successfully pointing to WPMU DEV as your acting DNS provider.

If you don’t get a confirmation or see an error message, check out our detailed documentation, or reach out to our always-on-call support team.

As an additional option, you can use this DNS propagation checker to verify the current IP address and DNS record information for your domain name(s).

The Benefits of Pointing Domains to WPMU DEV Nameservers

Nameservers are essential in directing internet traffic as they locate and translate hostnames into IP addresses.

If you host your own or your client sites with WPMU DEV, pointing your domains to our nameservers has definite advantages.

For starters, subpar nameservers will experience difficulties more often, and your visitors could get “DNS server not responding” messages. Quality nameservers, like ours, can limit or avoid that altogether.

Additionally, pointing your domains to our nameservers allows you to keep the settings with your current email client as is, eliminating the hassle of making a bunch of changes in that regard. (Just make sure existing MX records are imported during the DNS record setup.)

Finally, with the ability to purchase domains now directly through WPMU DEV, managing client sites becomes even more centralized, as your hosting provider and domain provider will be one in the same.

This gives you all of your domains in one place/one dashboard, with auto renewal, free protection, and a built-in grace period; priced incredibly low for Agency members.

Not a member yet? Give us a go, and see how much our hosting has to offer. If you’re not thrilled, we’ll refund you 100%; simply cancel within 30 days. Chances are good you’ll find our value and service are unmatched.

Free Wildcard SSL For Multisite Subdomains Now On WPMU DEV Hosting

Setting up SSL on Multisite subdomains was complex and expensive…until now! WPMU DEV hosting with Free Wildcard SSL automatically included on all hosted sites solves this issue!

One of the most powerful features of WordPress is that you can set up and manage multiple sites under one parent WordPress Multisite environment using subdomains. That’s Multisite in a nutshell.

Simple, huh?

Well…not quite.

You see, most legit sites today require SSL. SSLs are always bound to specific domains. So, to set up subdomains on Multisite, each with their own valid SSL certificate, you have to mess with a bunch of stuff like editing files and configuring different domain settings and DNS records or hand over fistfuls of dollars for custom SSL certificates.

If this just seems all too hard and difficult, we agree! So, we figured that, since we are the Multisite experts (our own hosts over 4 million educational sites), we had to find an easier, simpler, and far less expensive way to set up sites with SSL on a Multisite environment.


Free Wildcard SSL on WPMU DEV Hosting

Before we explain the benefits of using Wildcard SSL and show you how to set up Multisite subdomains with it, let’s get something straight:

Most hosts don’t allow you to host multisite on their basic plans…and certainly not for less than US$10 per month.

With our WPMU DEV hosting, you get this for free!

Even better, Wildcard SSL is automatically set up and configured for you as soon as you turn the Multisite option on your site on (see the tutorial further below to see how easy setting up Multisite is!).

Also, because we offer free Wildcard SSL and massive SSD storage FOR EVERY SITE hosted with us, you get unlimited, compartmentalized hosting, each with access to Wildcard SSL, so if you plan to run several multisite installations using different domains, you can set up, umm..let’s see…loads of sites on unlimited subdomains, each with SSL fully enabled automatically.

Please be aware, however, that WordPress Multisite networks use more server, CPU, and memory resources than standard WordPress single installs. So, if you plan to have more than a handful of sites, you might need one of our higher plans to meet your WordPress Multisite network’s needs.

Ok, so now that we got you all excited about Free Wildcard SSL…

What is Wildcard SSL?

Let’s use Wikipedia’s definition…

“a wildcard certificate is a public key certificate that can be used with multiple subdomains of a domain. The principal use is for securing web sites with HTTPS, but there are also applications in many other fields. Compared with conventional certificates, a wildcard certificate can be cheaper and more convenient than a certificate for each subdomain. Multi-domain wildcard certificates further simplify the complexity and reduce costs by securing multiple domain and their subdomains.”

Source: Wikipedia

So, let’s say you want to set up the following sites on subdomains with SSL:


Instead of having to purchase and set up an SSL certificate for every subdomain listed above, you can use a single wildcard certificate that lets you add SSL to every subdomain automatically like this:


So that’s basically what a wildcard SSL does.

Now, I hear a bunch of you thinking the following questions aloud…

What about subdirectory Multisite?

Wildcard SSL also works for subdirectory (i.e. subfolder) Multisite installations, e.g.:*

Note that if you want to use a subdirectory Multisite, Wildcard SSL is not required.

However, if you plan to set up a subdirectory Multisite and then map domains to it as subdomains (e.g. set up a subdirectory multisite like this:  and then map to it) you will need a Wildcard SSL for domain *

That’s why we also allow Wildcard SSLs to be used on subdirectories.

What if I want to set up a number of WordPress Multisite environments, all using different domains?

Ahhh…the multi Multisite developer.

No problem! As mentioned earlier, if you choose to host your sites with WPMU DEV, each of your domains is set up on a fully compartmentalized hosting account with free Wildcard SSL already built-in and automatically configured for you.

All you have to do is click a few buttons and connect a few things, as shown in the tutorial below.

How to Set Up Multisite Subdomains with Wildcard SSL on WordPress with WPMU DEV Hosting

To set up https on Multisite subdomains, do the following:

1. Set up hosting for your domain

The first step is to create a new site in your hosting hub.

From The Hub, select Add a website.

The Hub - Add a Website
Add a new website in The Hub.

Next, select the option to create a new site.

WPMU DEV Hosting setup
Create a new site in your hosting hub.

Go through the steps and complete the site creation process. If you need help creating a new site in your hosting hub, check out our documentation.

2. Convert to Subdomain Multisite

Once your new site has been created, click on the Tools tab in your hosting area and bring up the Tools screen.

Hosting - Tools
Tools tab.

Scroll down to Multisite and click on the ‘Off >’ link.

Tools screen.
Let’s enable Multisite…

You have the option of converting your single WordPress site installation into a Multisite network using subdirectories or subdomains.

Choose Subdomain and click Continue.

Convert Multisite to Subdomain
Choose Subdomain.

The last step is to confirm that you really want to convert your installation to Multisite by entering your account password. As pointed out, once you change your site Multisite, the change is irreversible. (Tip: if this is a brand new install and you didn’t want to set up Multisite on your domain, just delete your installation and start again!).

Convert to Multisite- Password confirmation screen.
Once you convert there’s no way to revert.

Congratulations! Your site is now a Multisite with subdomains.

Multisite setup with subdomains.
Check the Hosting Tools screen to confirm that your Multisite uses subdomains.

3. Update Your Nameservers

Now that your Multisite environment is all set up, the next step is to point your domain to nameservers and set up your DNS records (<- check this post if you need help).

Note: There’s no need to point your domain to our nameservers. The CNAME record we provide for our wildcard SSL can be used on any registrar as it’s a normal DNS entry.

For this tutorial, I’ve set up a free domain name at Freenom (you can use any domain you like from your preferred domain registrar).

Free domain name
We’ll use this domain name in this tutorial.

Once you have your domain name, the next step is to:

  1. Add the domain to our DNS Manager, and
  2. Obtain your name server records

If you need help learning how to add a domain to our DNS Manager, see this tutorial.

Note: You don’t need to use our DNS Manager, your DNS can be hosted anywhere you like, but you do have to use a service that allows you to use wildcard DNS records because not all DNS services support this (hint: we support it!)

Once your domain has been added to the DNS Manager, the following DNS records will display for pointing your domain to our nameservers.

Add domain to DNS
Add your domain to The Hub’s DNS.

Make a note of these records or select and copy a record to your clipboard.

Next, go to your domain registrar and update their nameserver records, as shown below.

Update nameserver records
Update your nameserver records.

If you need help, check our documentation. We provide guidance and links to the DNS documentation of several popular registrars.

After updating your nameserver records, wait a little bit for these to propagate. You can use a tool like DNSChecker or WhatsMyDNS to check when your changes have propagated.
Our nameserver records have propagated. Source:

4. Grab the Wildcard SSL DNS record

To use wildcard SSL, you will need to add a new CNAME entry to your DNS records.

To obtain this record, go to the Domains tab in your hosting hub and scroll down to the bottom of the screen.

You will see a new DNS record named _acme-challenge.yourdomain. Click on these details and copy these records to your clipboard.

CNAME entry for Wildcard SSL DNS records.
Copy the CNAME entry for your Wildcard SSL DNS records.

5. Add DNS record and propagate

The next step depends on whether:

  1. WPMU DEV manages the DNS for your domain, or
  2. Another service manages the DNS for your domain

If WPMU DEV manages your domain DNS:

Go to The Hub, then select your temporary domain name and click on Hosting > Domains.

This brings up a screen with the DNS settings you will need to add to the DNS Manager for your domain name to work correctly.

Tip: We recommend copying and pasting these records into a plain text file, as you will need them in the next step.

Temporary domain and DNS settings
You will need to add these records to your DNS settings.

Next, go to The Hub and click on DNS.

If you followed step 3 above, your domain name should already have been added to the DNS Manager.

Click on the three dots next to your domain to bring up the options menu and select Manage DNS.

Domains - Manage DNS
Click Manage DNS

Click the Add button and select CNAME Record.

Add a CNAME record
You will need to add a new CNAME record.

Enter the wildcard details provided in point 4 into the fields as shown below, then click on the Add button.

Add New CNAME Record screen
Add your CNAME record details.

Your CNAME record will be added to your domain’s DNS records.

CNAME record added.
CNAME record added.

Now, go back to The Hub > Hosting > Domains screen (or refer to your plain text file with the pasted records) and add the A, AAAA, and CNAME records to the DNS Manager.

Your DNS records should look like the screenshot below:

WPMU DEV DNS Manager screen
Make sure all of the above records have been added correctly to the DNS Manager.

Make sure all of the details in this section are correct, otherwise your domain will not propagate correctly.

If another service manages your domain DNS:

If another service provider is managing the DNS for your domain (and they support using wildcard DNS records), then make sure you enter all of your DNS record details correctly, including the CNAME for your wildcard SSL.

Freenom namerver records

Again, if you need help updating your registrar’s DNS records, see our documentation for links to setup guides for the most popular registrars.

After updating your DNS records with the new CNAME entry, wait a little bit for the DNS to propagate (check propagation using a tool like DNSChecker or WhatsMyDNS).

DNSChecker domain name propagation tool.
Domain name propagation successful. Source:

6. Add your Domain to our Hosting

Now that we’ve taken care of nameservers and DNS, let’s add your domain name to our hosting.

In The Hub, click on your temporary domain to access your account settings, then click on Hosting > Domains.

In the Domains screen, click on Add domain.

Add domain button
Let’s add your domain to your hosting account.

Enter your domain name (and add the optional ‘www’ too if you like), then click on the blue ‘Add domain’ button.

Add a Domain screen.
Add your domain details.

Your domain name will be added to your hosting account settings.

Domain added
Your domain has been added to your hosting account.

Once domain records fully propagate (you may need to wait 24-48 hours), the Domains screen normally shows green ticks next to all domain entries.

However, if you have set up the domain for Multisite with subdomains, you will see an “info” icon, reminding you to confirm your wildcard SSL certificate.

SSL Status notice.
We’re almost done…just a couple more steps!

To do this, simply click the recheck acme button to reissue the certificate…

Recheck acme
Recheck acme

Your subdomain multisite should show SSL as being secured by a Wildcard Certificate.

Wildcard Certificate SSL Status
Your Multisite domain is now secured by our Wildcard SSL certificate.

Finally, set your primary domain in the Primary column and confirm that wildcard SSL is enabled in the SSL Status column.

Primary domain set with wildcard SSL
Set your primary domain and confirm wildcard SSL is enabled.

Any subsite you load in your subdomain multisite will now be secured using the same wildcard SSL certificate.

You’re all done!

You can check that wildcard SSL has been installed, set up, and configured correctly on your server via your web browser or using a tool like SSL Checker.

To check whether wildcard SSL is installed correctly and valid via your web browser, load your site in your browser, click on the HTTPS icon (secure padlock) next to your URL, and select ‘Certificate’.

Check SSL certificate using your web browser.
Check your SSL certificate using your web browser.

This brings up a screenshot like the one shown below.

SSL Certificate Details
SSL Certificate Details

Click on the Details tab and scroll to the Subject Alternative Name field. As you can see in the screenshot below, Wildcard SSL is installed, active, and valid.

SSL Certificate Details tab
Wildcard SSL confirmed.

If you need help adding entries to DNS records, check out our documentation. In addition to showing you how to configure DNS settings for Multisite wildcard SSL on WPMU DEV hosting, we also provide links to usage guides of other leading hosting providers, guides on setting up nameservers, etc.

And if you need any help setting up Multisite with subdomains or have any questions about using wildcard SSL feel free to contact our support team. We specialize in Multisite and we’re here 24/7 to provide you with all the help and assistance you need.