How We Made Our ChatGPT Chatbot 10X Faster

A ChatGPT-based website chatbot can dramatically reduce your website's performance. A decent chatbot needs to download reCAPTCHA. This is a heavy library, blocking rendering during downloads, significantly impacting the performance of your website. A slow website scores badly on SEO, something we published an article about last week. You should, therefore, carefully measure the performance of your website both before and after including a chatbot on your website, or you might be up for a surprise as you see organic clicks from Google drop like a stone in water because you wanted "a cool ChatGPT-based website chatbot on your site."

We just made some huge performance gains on our own chatbot technology. The way we did it was by deferring the loading of reCAPTCHA libraries until the chatbot is activated. Let's face it, your chatbot is amazing, but most people come to your site to see (duh!) your site and not your chatbot. Hence, loading reCAPTCHA before it's needed is a waste. reCAPTCHA is also an extremely poorly written JavaScript library, blocking DOM rendering for 3 to 4 seconds on phones. Yes, I know, the irony...

A Roadmap For Building A Business Chatbot

The widespread adoption of chatbots was imminent with the stellar rise and consolidation of instant messaging. However, the accelerated pace at which chatbots have evolved from accepting scripted responses to holding natural-sounding conversations has been unprecedented. According to Google Trends, the interest in AI Chatbots has increased ten-fold over the last five years!

With chatbots getting smarter, value-driven, and user-friendly, it has fueled customer-led demand for chatbot-driven interaction at every touchpoint. As a result, businesses are scrambling to keep up with this requirement and investing aggressively in chatbot development; so much so that the market for chatbots is expected to reach a valuation of USD 10.2.29 in 2026 with an impressive CAGR of 34.75%.

On that note, it makes absolute sense to hop aboard this chatbot train. In fact, it is believed that about 80% of CEOs plan on revamping customer engagement with conversational chatbots. So, if you are looking for a way to get started, here is a step-by-step guide for chatbot creation!

What Is A Chatbot? And Why Does It Matter?

In its simplest sense, a “chatbot” is a portmanteau of human “chatter” as conducted by a “bot.” It is a software application or computer program that can simulate human conversations through speech or text.

Such a service can rake in the following advantages:

  • Unlike the unidirectional view of chatbots as customer service agents, they are highly versatile. Regardless of the industry, businesses can leverage chatbots for sales and marketing activities, HR and personnel management, IT service helpdesk, knowledge management, and more!
  • Chatbots can help with collecting and qualifying leads, booking product demos, and engaging audiences which can increase sales by a whopping 67%!
  • Almost 88% of consumers reported a positive or neutral experience with a chatbot, thereby paving the way for customer satisfaction and retention.
  • 69% of consumers attempt to resolve any issue by themselves, but only a third of companies offer this facility. Chatbot fills this gap by offering self-servicing options 24/7 and without depending on human resources!
  • About 67% of buyers expect an immediate response to their marketing, sales, or customer service inquiry — “immediate” being 10 minutes or less. With chatbots in the picture, businesses can set up live communication channels and cater to this need nearly 3x faster!
  • Apart from lending scalability to business operations, it can reduce costs by 30%. The banking, retail, and healthcare industries are expected to save 2.5 billion hours and USD 11 billion through the implementation of chatbots by 2023.
  • They will not only keep businesses relevant with the current times but also future-proof them by laying the foundation for conversational marketing, automation, and so on.
  • Speaking of automation, chatbots can singularly handle 68.9% of end-to-end customer interactions and 80% of standard, repetitive tasks, thereby reducing the personnel load by 65%. More importantly, they can deliver these results without any errors or bias.
  • In addition to increasing customer satisfaction levels through maximum engagement, omnichannel chatbots can reduce churn by plugging in leakage in a multi-touchpoint environment.
  • The personification of chatbots can humanize brands and help them foster emotional and meaningful customer relationships.

Given the whole suite of advantages listed above, the role of chatbots boils down to empowering businesses by making them human, accessible, responsive, and reliable. For some businesses, it can also function as a competitive differentiator that sets them apart from others. And as a culmination of these qualities, your organization can achieve the highest level of customer approval and satisfaction. Who doesn’t want that?

Roadmap For Building A Business Chatbot

Now that we’ve established that a chatbot can be a valuable addition to your business allow us to lead the way. We have formulated a detailed step-by-step guide on how to build a business chatbot — from identifying when it is the right fit, understanding the different types of chatbots, and defining goals, to launching and improving the chatbot. The following is your almanac to building a business chatbot:

Identifying Whether A Chatbot Is A Right Fit

While chatbots offer a plethora of advantages, it is not advisable for all businesses to hop on this trend. After all, the process of building a business chatbot from scratch is not easy on the pocket. Plus, it is a time-consuming and resource-intensive process.

Therefore, it would be wise for business leaders and C-suite executives to involve the crucial stakeholders and ask probing questions, such as those illustrated below, to audit the business processes and identify the need for a chatbot as a solution:

  • Is the workforce heavily engaged in routine, repetitive tasks?
  • Do customers often consult on similar topics?
  • Is the business looking to reduce the customer service load and corresponding costs?
  • Is the business a multilingual customer base spread across time zones?
  • Does the business want to streamline sales and marketing activities?
  • Is the business anticipating peak internal and/or external interactions during specific seasons?
  • Is the business looking for ways to delight customers and stand out from the competitors?

If the answer is a resounding yes to the above questions, then it is time to give it serious thought. Apart from the intangible and non-monetary benefits, a cost-to-benefit analysis and Return on Investment (ROI) calculation can be performed to justify the impending financial implications.

Understanding The Different Types Of Chatbots

As cliche as it may sound, not all chatbots are created alike. Depending on various factors (some of which we discussed in the previous section), businesses can settle for something as simple as a menus-based chatbot. Alternatively, businesses with resources and bandwidth could create something as elaborate as a conversational chatbot with sentiment analysis and Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities. Frankly, that’s your decision to make. However, to help you in this direction here’s a quick overview of some of the commonly available options:

  • Menu-Based Chatbots
    Being one of the simplest forms of chatbots, these are essentially decision tree hierarchies presented in a chatbot form. Users can select the appropriate options that will eventually lead to the answer. They are often employed to answer FAQs.
  • Rule-Based or Linguistic Chatbots
    These chatbots construct conversational flows along the if-then-else logic. Developers often embed business rules in the form of algorithms, and accordingly, the chatbots will navigate the conversation. However, do bear in mind that the research stage of this chatbot development would have to be exhaustive as one has to account for every permutation and combination of questions that may be asked.
  • Keyword Recognition-Based Chatbots
    Unlike menu-based chatbots that participate passively, keyword recognition-based chatbots seek customized trigger words to respond appropriately. These chatbots often employ NLP, a subset of Artificial Intelligence (AI), to hybridize menu-based chatbots with keyword recognition.
  • Contextual Chatbots
    These chatbots are a powerhouse of possibilities. They combine a blend of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to understand context, learn from previous iterations, and improve with use and time. They also retain user preferences to make the experience more personalized and customer-centric.
  • Hybrid Chatbots
    Hybrid chatbots feature cherry-picked models, architectures, and frameworks from any or some of the chatbot types discussed above, to cater to specific business requirements.
  • Voice Bots
    As smart speakers gain more traction amongst end-users and digital assistants like Siri and Alexa become more popular, businesses are harnessing their capabilities to dive into voice bot development. The vernacular approach is found to be more in demand, as evident by a PwC survey.) that highlighted how 71% of consumers prefer voice searches over typing.

Knowing these basics will help one understand what is right for the business. Once that is out of the way, you can define the chatbot goals, as discussed in the subsequent section. (Or the following sections may shed light on how to make this decision. It works both ways!)

Defining The Chatbot Goals

Chatbots are as versatile as they are diverse. One could use them in lead generation activities, closing deals, upselling or cross-selling during sales, offering technical support, and more! As such, businesses must define their goal right at conception to stay focused on the outcomes.

To understand the primary objective of the chatbot, ask the beneficiary team or department the following questions:

  • What problem will the chatbot solve?
  • How will the chatbot solve the problem?

Outline the answer according to the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) format, and one can stay laser-focused on the results and workflows during development. As an illustration, say that one wants to develop a chatbot to help with customer service requests. The SMART goal in this regard could be that the chatbot will automate 30% of customer queries regarding product details and specifications within the first three months of implementation.

Upon defining the roles and responsibilities of the chatbot, you can then move on to fleshing out additional details using the following steps.

Selecting The Chatbot Channels And Languages

Once the basics of the chatbot are outlined t, it is time to make a few strategic decisions, namely the channel and the language. Though chatbots are commonly found on websites and landing pages, they can also be implemented across instant messaging platforms like WhatsApp or Messenger. As such, businesses must identify the viable channels they wish to target.

One will have to gather user data to make a well-rounded decision in this regard. For instance, determine the following:

  • What channels do the employees or customers prefer while availing of chatbot services?
  • How do the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), such as response rates, Net Promoter Score (NPS), and so on, reflect across these environments?

Based on these findings, shortlist about three to five media for a truly multichannel experience. Follow a similar approach while deciding on the language support offered by the chatbot. After determining the channels and languages, you can move on to assimilating such a solution within your business infrastructure.

Addressing The Integrations

Chatbots do not operate in a vacuum; they have to function in harmony with other tools and systems employed by your business. Making such provisions right at the design and development stage will lend immense flexibility and scalability to the chatbot and make it future-proof to some degree. Given this fact, one will have to work out integrations between the chatbot environment and disparate systems, such as the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform, calendar, cloud storage, maps, payment systems, and more. Again, one will have to take a call on the impact and importance of certain integrations and prioritize them over the others.

Hiring Talent

Businesses taking on the mammoth task of in-house chatbot development will have to put together a robust team that can lead the mission to success. Start by treating the process as any other digital transformation project. Prepare a requirement report containing all the features, specifications, and outcomes expected from the chatbot; one may have already done that by following the preceding steps.

After completing the homework, one will need to add the following members to the chatbot development team:

  • Project Manager: to oversee the chatbot development process, manage resources, budget, and timelines, and handle risks.
  • Flow Designer: to orchestrate the chatbot conversation flow.
  • User Researcher: to understand the needs and preferences of the target audience.
  • Copywriter: to work with the flow designer and create responses that are appropriate, branded, and consistent.
  • Developer: to carry out all the under-the-hood chatbot building by creating databases, building APIs, establishing protocols, and so on.
  • AI/ML trainer: to teach the AI/ML engine to understand user inputs better and make smarter decisions.
  • Data analyst: to extract meaningful, data-driven insights, whether related to chatbot performance or user.

Put together your A-team by handpicking experts from various fields, or we have another shortcut approach that you can try — outsourcing!

Outsourcing Chatbot Development

Building a chatbot development team and maintaining them can be costly, especially when complexities get involved. Not to mention, it is also a hassle to recruit and retain talent, sustain engagement and productivity, and keep everyone motivated towards the goal. In this scenario, outsourcing appears to be a viable alternative.

That being said, choosing the right chatbot development agency is key to the project’s success. Here’s how one can find the right fit:

  • Find an agency that can operate as the developer, strategist, partner, and tech enabler. In other words, they should have the business’s best interests in mind.
  • Explore their main services, target industries, typical clients, area of expertise, channels, languages, etc.
  • Seek recommendations from the networks or get in touch with agencies that may have developed chatbots for the business’s competition.
  • Make it a point to conduct thorough background research on the shortlisted agencies by checking out customer testimonials and feedback.
  • Request portfolios or past projects to establish credibility and have them vetted too.
  • Screen in agencies that understand business’s custom requirements and possess the skill and competencies to realize a unique chatbot.
  • Discuss the budget by comparing chatbot development packages. Account for any additional charges relating to integration, maintenance, post-development support, and so on.
  • Ask questions related to chatbot and source code ownership.

Sharing Project Requirements

Once a chatbot development team has been put together, or the expertise of an agency has been engaged, it is time to get down to business. Whatever chatbot-related details that one has collected, such as expectations, desired outcomes, and project deliverables, will have to be shared with the developer/development team. This information will act as a baseline for them and allow them to ideate and innovate without losing focus on the primary goal. At this point, the team might also refine the ideas or negotiate on certain terms so that your chatbot is realistically possible.

Upon discussing all these nitty-gritty, prepare a roadmap with well-defined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), milestones, deliverables, timelines, and so on.

Now that you’ve laid down the complete foundation, you can start chatbot development!

Developing The Chatbot

Based on all the inputs, the development team will work on creating the chatbot as per the business requirements. One may be required to actively participate in the development process, so be prepared to step up!

The Dry Run

Rather than delivering a fresh, out-of-the-box chatbot solution, the development team will first deliver a Proof of Concept (POC) or a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). This prototype, of sorts, will help to test the chatbot’s performance in real-world conditions.

A prototype gives the opportunity to identify and fix issues before they turn catastrophic. As such, the typical chatbot performance assessment will evaluate across the following spheres:

  • Personality: Does the chatbot communicate per the brand’s voice and tone?
  • Onboarding: How do new users respond to the chatbot, and how fast do they adopt it?
  • Understanding: How effectively can the chatbot understand customer requests?
  • Answering: What are the elements of a typical response? Are they relevant and contextual?
  • Navigation: How easily can chatbots go through an end-to-end conversation? What is its impact on engagement?
  • Error management: What is the fallback rate? How efficient is the chatbot in handling the resulting errors and recovering from them?
  • Security: How secure is the conversation? Is the chatbot compliant with any data security and privacy regulations?
  • Intelligence: Can the chatbot retain any information, and does it use it to gain context about the user?
  • Response times: How quickly can the chatbot resolve queries?

Of course, this list is purely indicative, and you will have to modify it according to your industry, chatbot type, roles and responsibilities, and other variables.


After the beta testing is a success, the development team will start creating the full version of the chatbot. All the necessary changes will be implemented, additions will be incorporated, and integrations will be tested. Once the chatbot performs to expectations, it is time to launch it into the real world!

Bup bup bup! Hold your horses because that’s not all! You have one final consideration to make for the continuous improvement of your chatbot. We discuss that in the final section.

Testing, Measuring, Tracking

Simply launching a chatbot is not enough. After all, chatbots are not “build it and forget it” things.

Businesses need to vigilantly monitor their performance to pave the way for continuous growth. First, the business will have to define certain KPIs and corresponding parameters that serve as benchmarks to analyze the chatbot’s performance. Next, businesses will have to take note of every anomaly or discrepancy and find justification for the same. Then, perform corrections are required to get the performance back to optimal values. Finally, the business will have to detect any underlying patterns.

In the meantime, one will also find opportunities to scale and expand your chatbot capabilities based on market conditions, ongoing trends, customer feedback, and metrics like satisfaction rates. Such a holistic approach will allow your chatbot to improve at every iteration!

Tips And Tricks To Master Chatbot Development

Now that we have indulged in some heavyweight reading about chatbot development, let’s polish this knowledge with a few important tips and tricks to make the process fun:

  • For a cash-strapped startup or a small business looking for a DIY approach, they might find some chatbot builder platforms online.
  • Grant a unique name and personality to the chatbot and maintain it consistently on all fronts.
  • Humans want to connect with humans. So, put in the effort to humanize the chatbot and make it friendly and approachable.
  • Train the chatbot to communicate in simple language so that they are easily understood by various users.
  • Delegate complex and repetitive tasks to chatbots but also grant users the opportunity to switch to a human agent.
  • Evaluate and optimize the bot regularly, but avoid overwhelming audiences by unveiling all features at once. Follow a graded approach.
Closing Thoughts

Considering that nearly 3 out of 4 customers expect to encounter a chatbot while visiting a business website, chatbots have become more of a necessity than a “nice-to-have” feature. Fortunately, the business already has a head-start in meeting this expectation, given that it has reached the end of this manual.

As a treat for your perseverance, here’s a quick recap of the detailed 10-step process:

  1. Start by identifying whether or not a chatbot is a right fit for your business model.
  2. Understand the different types of chatbots and identify the ones you need.
  3. After settling on a type, give your chatbot a purpose by defining its goals.
  4. Once the end goal is in view, iron out the details surrounding the language, channels, and so on.
  5. Work out the different integrations that will be required and find out ways to accommodate them.
  6. Recruit a team of experienced professionals or outsource the entire job (you do you)!
  7. Regardless of your choice above, document and share defined project requirements so you can get a chatbot as per your expectations.
  8. Get started with the chatbot development, and once ready, send the prototype on a dry run.
  9. Finally, when you have worked out the kinks, gear up for D-day as you launch the chatbot.
  10. Round up the chatbot development process with continuous testing, measuring, and tracking its progress so that it continues delivering value to your business.

Sure, the process seems overwhelming, but it is well worth the effort. All it takes is a little initiative to get the ball rolling, and once such an ambitious project gains momentum, it would put your business on the fast track to customer-friendliness.

So, get started with building the business chatbot now!

BotsCrew Review

BotsCrew is one of the best chatbot development companies out there. 

In fact, it’s already a reliable chatbot developer for innovative, customer-centric companies such as Virgin, Samsung Next, and MARS.

What sets BotsCrew apart from its competitors is its in-depth collaborative approach to chatbot development. 

Unlike other chatbot providers, BotsCrew is extremely customizable. BotsCrew works alongside you throughout the entire development process in order to bring to life a product that perfectly suits your unique business needs. 

Below, we take a look into the specifics of what makes BotsCrew the impressive solution it is and what a comprehensive chatbot solution is going to cost your business in the long run.

BotsCrew Pros and Cons


  • Intuitive, easy-to-use platform
  • Custom development
  • White label chatbots
  • Integrate with any third-party software
  • Handle inquiries across multiple platforms in a single inbox
  • Communicate in over 100 languages
  • Excellent customer support from developer’s themselves
  • Personalized analytics 


  • No free plan or free trial available
  • No mobile app
  • Quite expensive
  • No chatbot templates for DIY users

BotsCrew Features

Knowing the pros and cons is a quick way to assess whether or not BotsCrew is the right solution for you. However, taking an in-depth look at the specific features is where you’ll really find out a solution’s suitability. 

Custom Chatbot Development

Are you looking for a way to better qualify your prospects before they reach your sales team? Or perhaps you want to serve your customers faster for quick and easy troubleshooting. No matter the reason, BotsCrew can help you build a custom chatbot solution to suit your business needs. 

BotsCrew takes a hands-on approach to turning your chatbot idea into a reality and will coach you every step of the way. First, you’ll work together to create your chatbot vision based on your business needs and goals. You’ll even design your chatbot’s personality in this phase. 

Then you’ll workly closely along the way to eventually build up to a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). This is a beta version of your final chatbot and allows you to test, validate, and refine your chatbot’s design and functionality. You can even have real end-users use this version to make sure it ticks the boxes on the consumer side. 

Once you’re happy with the final product, your chatbot is ready to scale. 

Building a custom chatbot is a significant investment. But you can rest assured knowing that your dedicated account manager will have your back, every step of the way. Development is completed in iterations, so if you’re ever unhappy with the direction the chatbot is taking, you can redirect it in a moment’s notice. 

Furthermore, you’ll own your data, right from the get-go. So if in the unlikely event you decide to move away from BotsCrew, you’ll be able to take your hard work and investment with you. 

Offer Support Across Multiple Platforms

Your customers are hanging out on multiple platforms, so why not reach them on the one they fancy most? 

BotsCrew can help you build one chatbot that connects to multiple channels such as Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, SMS, website, and more. You can use any platform that has an open API. 

The best part is, you’ll be able to handle all inquiries in a single inbox straight out of your BotsCrew dashboard. There is no need to duplicate the bot across every single platform either. Not only will this save your customer support team from having multiple tabs open, but it will also streamline inquiries to ensure nobody is missed. 

But what if you’re a multinational company with an international customer base? 

BotsCrew can help you with that too. You see, your chatbot can be multilingual, speaking more than 100 different languages. Communicating with your customers in their own language is a great way to build a supportive and loyal customer base. It also allows you to cut costs on multilingual support. 

SaaS Platform

No matter whether you create a completely customized solution or a DIY chatbot, you’ll have access to BotsCrew’s comprehensive SaaS platform. 

BotsCrew’s SaaS platform is simply designed and easy to use, no matter your technical expertise. It’s designed to make it super easy for you to make small changes to your chatbot without needing the assistance of a developer every time.

Your chatbot will inevitably need some tweaking along the way as your customer base grows and changes. Within the SaaS platform, you’ll be able to train your chatbot to be smarter and more intuitive without needing to understand code. 

This is particularly useful for anyone starting with a DIY chatbot instead of a customized solution. You can add more questions and answers and build on existing conversations as you learn. You’ll also be able to ensure there is a seamless handover from chatbot to live chat, to make life easier for both your customers and your representatives. 

Limitless Integrations

One area in which BotsCrew really stands out for users is its limitless integrations. BotsCrew allows you to integrate your chatbot with any software you currently use–even a competing one! This is particularly impressive as it’s something no other software offers. 

All you need is for your software to have an open API and the rest is easy. And if you are struggling to integrate your tech stack, BotsCrew will guide you through the process to ensure you succeed. 

We’re talking about software such as email automation, point of sale, information sharing, accounting, CRM, analytics and reporting, and business management solutions. Seamlessly sharing important data across all software means that everyone is on the same page and there is no double handling of data.

Having the ability to integrate your chatbot with your entire software stack also means you have adjustability and scalability like never before. 

More Than Just a Sales Tool 

Think BotsCrew is only designed to help you drive sales? Think again! 

BotsCrew also has extensive experience in creating customized solutions for the healthcare industry. In fact, you could even say that BotsCrew is helping to revolutionize communication in the healthcare industry in order to improve communication between doctor and patient. 

For example, Dr. Dean is a chatbot that was created to offer patients reliable and trustworthy information about their symptoms or conditions and treatment options. It even checks on the patient a few days later to provide additional advice if it’s required. 

This kind of solution offers doctors an opportunity to connect with their patients on another level and also ensure their patients aren’t following unwarranted advice they found on Google. 

BotsCrew also places a significant focus on chatbots for genetic testing. The chatbot is HIPAA-compliant and shares important pre-test information with patients in the lead-up to their test. After all, your genetic testing counselors likely spend much of their time answering the same questions about the tests. Instead of having patients wait to get answers, your chatbot can deliver them instantly.

Furthermore, your chatbot will automatically track everything in your EMR system which saves hours of manual logging and ensures medical records are always up to date.

There have been other successful cases of non-sales-related chatbots by BotsCrew too, such as Annabot, a chatbot that is helping elderly people fight loneliness and isolation during the worldwide pandemic. There is also Ailira, a chatbot that is making legal services more widely accessible to people in Australia.

It’s easy to see that a chatbot can have many functions and capabilities and offers an array of benefits to your business.

BotsCrew Pricing and Package Options

BotsCrew’s pricing is neither straightforward nor forthcoming, but that’s because developing a custom chatbot is not a straightforward task. We had to do quite a bit of digging to understand BotsCrew’s pricing and even then, the figures we are about to share are only estimates. You’ll need to contact BotsCrew for customized pricing and package options. 

Reports suggest that BotsCrew’s DIY chatbot product starts at around $600 per month, while others suggest a total investment in the vicinity of $5,000.  

However, BotsCrew says that the estimated price range for a true, high-quality chatbot sits between $10,000 and $150,000. 

So how much is it really going to cost you? Well, only BotsCrew can tell you that. But here is what we can tell you about the costs involved in a customized chatbot with BotsCrew.

Discovery Phase

During the Discovery phase, BotsCrew will learn all about your business needs and goals, building a roadmap for your chatbot design. This phase can take anywhere between two days and six months and can cost between $5,000 and $20,000. 

Proof of Concept (POC)

Following the Discovery phase, BotsCrew will work closely with you to agree on the scope for the Proof of Concept (POC). A POC is an early model that doesn’t have all the final product’s functionality. You’ll be able to test and refine important features like chatbot design and function. 

The POC can add between $10,000 and $30,000 to your chatbot pricing. 

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Finally, BotsCrew builds a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) or a beta version. At this stage, your chatbot is essentially fully developed, but you’ll still have some wriggle room to modify the product and to agree on goals, estimates, and deliverables. 

An MVP costs between $15,000 and $100,000. 

From here, BotsCrew can scale the MVP to the fully-fledged chatbot. At this stage, further integrations can cost you between $1,000 and $10,000. But you’ll also have access to the BotsCrew platform where you can easily add small changes without the help of your developer. 

Although BotsCrew might be on the more expensive side, it is far more customizable than any of its competitors. In time, your chatbot will also save you in training and wages of live customer support representatives, while still providing your prospects with excellent customer service. 

To get a rough idea of what your ideal BotsCrew chatbot might cost you, take this quick quiz

BotsCrew Reputation

BotsCrew has a reputation for developing highly customized, professional chatbots from scratch. The expert development team is transparent, attentive, and proactive throughout the entire development process. 

One of the things that stand out for most is the limitless integration opportunities. Users say that this aspect makes the software extremely flexible and allows for the smooth transfer of data across all business systems. 

Users also really like how intuitive and easy-to-use the platform is and that it allows you to handle inquiries from multiple platforms from a single dashboard. 

One thing that BotsCrew is lacking is a mobile app. This means that users cannot easily review inquiries or provide support to customers on the go and must revert to the desktop app instead. 

It’s also quite expensive to develop a chatbot with BotsCrew, but users acknowledge that its customization is far beyond that of competitors. And although there is no free plan or trial available, BotsCrew is happy to take you through multiple demos of chatbots it has developed in the past to provide insight into its capabilities. 

So if you’re a medium business or large enterprise looking to better qualify your prospects, serve your customers faster, or cut back on the number of support representatives you employ, BotsCrew is the perfect solution for you. It will help you do all this and more without compromising the level of customer service you already provide.

But if you’re a small business, startup, or want to validate the idea to higher management and don’t have the budget for a customized solution, platforms like Drift, Chatfuel, or Botsify would be better suited to your needs.

9 Best Customer Service Software for Business in 2021 (Compared)

Are you looking for the best customer service software for your business?

Using the right customer service software can streamline your customer support workflow and help you create better customer relationships.

In this article, we’ve hand picked some of the best customer service software that you can use along with your WordPress site. We’re using these tools in our various businesses to help deliver top-notch customer support.

9 best customer service software for business in 2021 (compared)

Why Use Customer Service Software?

Customer service software makes it easy for your business to provide a great customer experience. This leads to improved customer retention, which means more revenue for your business over the long run.

As your WordPress website or online store grows, it can be hard to maintain high customer satisfaction, but the customer service software makes this easy.

Since customers will make or break your success, investing in the right support software stack can give you a competitive advantage.

The best customer service software:

  • Enables you to deliver a faster and more consistent support experience
  • Lets you gather customer insights and data to improve your business
  • Allows you to scale up your customer support easily as your business grows
  • Helps you build a more efficient customer service team

That being said, let’s take a look at the top customer support software that you can use along with your small business website.

1. Help Scout

Help Scout

Help Scout is one of the best all in one customer support tools. It’s packed with nearly every feature you need to streamline your customer support processes.

Note: we use Help Scout here at WPBeginner and across all of our other businesses for our email support needs.

It lets you simply manage your email and chat support from a single tool. This lets your customers contact you from where they feel the most comfortable, and your team can work from a single support queue.

Your customer support team can create saved replies, so they can quickly respond to common questions and save time.

There’s a knowledge base feature that lets you build your own help center. This makes it easy for your customers to find the answers they need on their own while reducing the number of support requests.

Help Scout also provides detailed reporting data and metrics, so you can quickly get an overview of what’s working and where your team can improve. Their time tracking report helps you see where your agents are spending the most time, so you can improve your product workflows to improve time to resolution.

For business owners who want to add more support channels, there’s a live chat feature available. It’s not as powerful as other market leading live chat software, but it can be a good solution for many businesses.

Help Scout Live chat feature also known as Beacon has a self-service answer feature that recommends articles to your users. If they can’t find an answer, then they can quickly start chatting with your team.

Plus, there are over 40 integrations with tools your business is using like HubSpot, Slack, Google Apps, WooCommerce, and more.

Pricing: An affordable Basic plan starts at $20 per user per month. This provides 3 mailboxes, live chat, and more. Bigger teams can opt for the Plus plan that starts at $35 per user per month.

2. LiveChat


LiveChat is the best live chat software in the market today. It’s very flexible and feature rich, plus there’s a WordPress plugin that makes it easy to integrate with your website.

The LiveChat apps are very easy to use and work across mobile, desktop, and tablet devices. So, you don’t have to be logged in to WordPress to access your customer service hub.

You can set up LiveChat to work during your team’s off hours so that live chat requests will go directly to your support ticket management system.

Note: we use LiveChat across all of our eCommerce businesses to support our pre-sales staff. Their customization options make it easy to match the chat window to our company branding.

One stand out feature of this service is speed. The chat window loads much faster, has a better user experience, and works across every device. A lot of other live chat providers can’t match this.

When it comes to customer support, speed is essential, and this tool shines.

It integrates with nearly all the marketing services you’re already using, like Google Analytics, HelpDesk, and HubSpot.

You’ll find many additional tools to elevate support quality like visitor tracking, smart API that integrates with your knowledge base, and proactive chat.

The thing that we absolutely love about Live Chat is that they focus on sales conversion. They have built-in conversion tracking, and they have additional tools to help you get more leads / sales.

Pricing: You’ll find different plans for all businesses sizes. The starter plan begins at $16 per agent per month for a yearly plan, or $19 monthly. Every plan has a 14 day free trial to test out the service.

Deal: WPBeginner readers can get 30% off the first payment by using our LiveChat coupon code.

3. Nextiva


Nextiva is the best business phone service provider in the market today. They also offer a customer service CRM that’s very simple and easy to use.

It offers your business multichannel support including, email, phone, live chat, social media, and SMS messaging. You can view customer data from every source in a single dashboard.

Plus, you can respond to inquiries from one place, no matter how your customers reach you.

If you’re using other Nextiva services like Nextiva business VoIP or the Sales CRM, then these can integrate instantly.

You’ll find other features like call routing, a self-service knowledge base, canned responses, and a mobile app.

Note: we use Nextiva at WPBeginner for all of our phone support needs. If you need to offer phone support, then it’s the best option available.

There are a ton of other powerful features to help your phone support team as well, like call forwarding, call routing, custom greetings, call analytics, virtual business phone number, and a lot more.

Nextiva is a perfect platform for both small businesses as well as large call centers who’re looking for a customizable solution to help automate their sales and support contact center.

Pricing: The plans start at $18.95 per month for between 20-99 users. If you want support for SMS and additional integrations, then the Pro plan starts at $22.95 per month.

4. is the best chatbot software in the market today. It make it easy for small business owners to unlock the power of AI chatbots to improve customer service.

It’s effortless to create your customer service chatbot with the drag and drop interface.

You can also use one of their pre built templates created specifically for your industry. You can use these conversation templates to develop your unique chatbot based on common questions and scenarios.

In the past, making a chatbot was very difficult, but this tool makes it very easy.

Adding a chatbot to your customer service workflow can make your customer support system more effective.

Your chatbot can handle simple requests and ask your users preliminary questions, then forward this to your team for a more detailed response.

Note: we use in several of our SaaS businesses. It lets us automate portion of our pre-sales questions while seamlessly forwarding our support requests to our live support teams when needed.

ChatBot also integrates easily with both WordPress and WooCommerce. Plus, it integrates with your live chat software of choice, along with dozens of other popular apps.

Pricing: The starter plan is $50 per month and gives you up to 1,000 chats per month. Pricing and the number of chats scale up from here. Every plan has a 14 day free trial, so you can see if it’s right for your business.

5. FreshDesk


FreshDesk is another very popular customer service solution. It’s packed with features while still being intuitive and easy to use.

It’s an all-in-one tool and can bring all of your support channels together in one place. You’ll find live chat support, chatbots, modern messaging, omnichannel support, automation features, and more.

The ticketing system has features like a team inbox for fast and easy collaboration and problem solving. You can also route support tasks based on team member availability.

You’ll find a wealth of reporting data to help refine your support service over multiple channels, including social media.

There are plenty of additional customer self service tools like a chatbot, help widget, forum support, and more.

For business owners and startups on a budget, a free version of the tool that supports an unlimited number of agents is available. However, it only offers basic ticketing and knowledge base functionality.

Pricing: The basic version of the help desk software starts at $15 per month. Full omnichannel plans start at $79 when billed annually, or $99 when billed monthly.

Note: We have used Freshdesk in the past for few of our businesses, but over time have switched everything to Help Scout, so we can centralize our processes.



HelpDesk is a very easy to use customer support software. The interface is incredibly clean and intuitive.

It can help you and your team manage tickets simply. You can manage emails, customer requests from contact forms, and more, all in one place.

Plus, there are advanced ticketing, sorting, and tagging features to prioritize what’s most important.

The team collaboration features let you create multiple mailboxes, add private notes to ticket threads, and create agent groups.

There are automation features available, like canned responses, automated task assignments, and fully automated workflows.

You can also integrate HelpDesk with LiveChat, so you can solve support tickets and talk to customers in chat from one app.

Beyond that, there are various other integrations like Slack, Zapier, HubSpot, Salesforce, and more that you can use to improve your workflow.

Pricing: The Starter plan is $5 per month per user, while the Team plan is $24 per month and adds the ticketing system and support for larger teams. There’s also a 14 day free trial for you to test out the service.

7. HubSpot


HubSpot offers small business owners a wide range of tools to grow and improve customer interactions. They have one of the best CRMs for small businesses and offer an excellent customer support software solution.

The support software is an all-in-one solution and has a ton of different tools. You’ll find help desk software and a ticketing system to keep track of long-term support requests.

There’s also knowledge base software to help your customers quickly resolve their problems.

On top of that, there’s live chat and chatbot functionality for real-time communication with your customers.

The free plan is free forever and has all the features you need to help your customer support staff.

Plus, everything integrates with the HubSpot CRM, so it’s easy to start using this software if you’re already using the CRM software for managing customer relationships.

Pricing: The entry level plan is free forever. The Starter plan begins at $45 per month and gives you access to more automation tools and support for a bigger team.

8. WPForms


WPForms is the best contact form plugin for WordPress used by over 4 million websites. Not only is it the most beginner friendly form plugin, but it’s very powerful and packed with features.

Note: we use WPForms on WPBeginner and all of our other websites.

You can use the drag and drop builder to simply create a contact form for your users to submit a support request.

The free version has basic contact form features, including basic form fields, spam protection, email notifications, and more.

The pro version extends these features and makes it a more helpful customer service tool. You can create forms with conditional logic, geo-location, form abandonment, and much more.

You can see all of your form submissions directly in your WordPress dashboard, making it easy to manage requests. You can even have these requests sent to the right team member in charge of support.

There’s also instant form notification, which will automatically email you when a user submits a form. You can choose to notify yourself or your entire team.

The user journey reports addon lets you see what your visitors did on your site before submitting a request. This can help you resolve their issue faster and see where they got confused.

WPForms lets you connect your forms with over 3000+ other software integrations including most marketing automation tools, project management software, service desk, human resources (HR software), and more. This makes it easy for you to streamline your workflow and save time.

Pricing: For simple form creation, the Basic plan starts at $39.50 per year, however, to get access to advanced integrations, user journey reports, and more the Pro plan is $199.50 per year.

9. Slack


Slack is a popular communication and team collaboration tool for remote teams, businesses, and bloggers. However, it also can be used as a unique customer service management solution and support channel.

It can be a great way to offer VIP support for your enterprise customers and clients. It provides a very open and collaborative environment, which can help you resolve the issue quickly and move forward on big projects.

Note: we offer VIP support through private Slack channels and receive enterprise support the same way. It’s one of the most effective remote communication tools.

With various integrations available, you can also pair this tool with another support software on this list. You can drop support team issues into Slack to have team members collaborate easily.

You can also integrate Slack with WordPress to receive website notifications, like form entries, directly in Slack. For more details, see our beginner’s guide on how to integrate Slack with WordPress.

There’s an advanced AI powered search feature to find documents and past conversations quickly. You can also bring in team members from different departments all in one place.

Best of all, it’s very cost effective. You can create communication channels for your important clients and customers and add them as guests, which is entirely free.

Pricing: The free plan should be enough for most businesses. The Pro plan is $8 per month and offers more secure outside collaboration. Businesses that require enhanced communication security can opt for the Business plan for $15 per month.

What is the Best Customer Service Software (Expert Pick)?

In our expert opinion, there are a several services that can qualify for the best customer support software title, but it depends entirely on your needs.

If you need the best email support software, then Help Scout is the best option.

If you want a live chat tool to provide instant customer support, then LiveChat is the best choice.

If you are looking for a customer support phone system with addon features like live chat, then Nextiva is perfect.

If you like the idea of live chat support, but would prefer to automate with a chatbot, then is a great choice.

If you were going to choose just one customer service software to support your business, then we recommend using Help Scout.

Besides the stand out email tools, you can also add live chat, create a knowledge base, plus integrate with popular tools like Slack, WooCommerce, and more.

Aside from the top customer service software on our list, we also looked at other providers like Zendesk, Salesforce, Zoho Desk, LiveAgent, and more.

However, we decided not to list them, so you can avoid choice paralysis and quickly find the best customer service software for your business.

We hoped this article helped you find the best customer service software for your business. You may also want to see our list of the best SEO tools to increase your traffic and our expert picks of the must have WordPress plugins for business websites.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 9 Best Customer Service Software for Business in 2021 (Compared) appeared first on WPBeginner.

9 Best WordPress Facebook Plugins to Grow Your Blog

Are you looking for the best Facebook plugins for WordPress?

Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform with more than 2 billion monthly active users. That’s why there are many WordPress Facebook plugins that can help you maximize your online presence.

In this article, we have hand-picked the best WordPress Facebook plugins to grow your website and get more traffic.

Best Facebook plugins for WordPress

Editor’s Note: If you’re looking for chatbot or messenger bot plugins, then please see our list of the best chatbot software for small businesses.

1. Smash Balloon Custom Facebook Feed Pro

Smash Balloon Custom Facebook Feed Pro

Smash Balloon Custom Facebook Feed Pro is the best Facebook plugin for WordPress. It lets you connect your WordPress site to your Facebook account with the click of a button.

With Custom Facebook Feed Pro, you can easily add your Facebook posts to any WordPress post, page, or sidebar. It comes with multiple layout choices with easy to use styling options.

You can take full control of your feed. You can choose to hide things like comments, likes, reactions, and shares.

It supports multiple feeds, so you can use them in different areas of your site. This plugin works with both Facebook pages and groups and helps you drive more engagement towards your Facebook community.

You can also use it to display your Facebook user reviews, embed your Facebook photo albums, create a carousel, and more.

Note: There’s also a free Facebook Feed plugin by Smash Ballon with limited features that you can use.

2. RafflePress


RafflePress is the best contest and giveaways plugin for WordPress. It lets you easily run a contest where people need to take specific actions to enter.

Contests are one of the fastest ways to get a ton of likes and engagement for your Facebook page. RafflePress comes with a built-in giveaway template for growing your Facebook page.

To enter your contest, people will need to visit your page on Facebook and/or view one of your posts or videos.

It comes with a drag and drop contest builder where you can simply add actions and assign them different numbers of entries into the contest.

You can also use it with other popular social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, or run giveaways to grow your email list.

RafflePress lets you easily draw a winner, too. In fact, you even get a link to email the winner from inside the app itself.

3. Shared Counts

Shared Counts

Shared Counts is one of the best social media plugins for WordPress. It allows you to easily add social sharing buttons to your WordPress posts. This includes buttons for Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more.

It is highly optimized for speed and performance and can accurately show shares count for different social sites. It even comes with multiple button styles. This means you can choose the style that looks best on your site.

4. Pixel Cat – Conversion Pixel Manager

Pixel Cat – Conversion Pixel Manager

Pixel Cat – Conversion Pixel Manager allows you to add Facebook retargeting pixel to your WordPress site. This pixel allows you to show customized ads to Facebook users who have visited your website.

Pixel Cat also helps you track WooCommerce customers and show them better ads in their Facebook feed.

There’s also a Pro version that gives you extra power and flexibility.

5. Social Reviews and Recommendations

Social Reviews and Recommendations

Social Reviews and Recommendations lets you display Facebook page reviews on your WordPress website. It comes with an easy to use widget that allows you to connect your website to your Facebook page and display Facebook users’ reviews.

This helps you add social proof to your website and build trust in your brand. The free version works fine, but you will need to pay for the ‘Business’ version to display reviews in the rich snippets format.

6. Facebook Page Like Widget

Facebook Page Like Widget

Facebook Page Like Widget allows you to easily add a Facebook page plugin to your blog’s sidebar. It is extremely easy to use and comes with a shortcode that you can use to display the Facebook Like box anywhere on your website.

It comes with the same customization options as the default Facebook page plugin. You can show or hide profile pics, include your page cover, customize width and height, and select language.

7. Nextend Social Login and Register

Nextend Social Login and Register

Nextend Social Login and Register plugin allows users to register and login on your website using their social profiles. It supports login with Facebook, Google, and Twitter.

This plugin works seamlessly with the default WordPress login and registration forms. Users have the option to use Facebook or use the default signup method. Once registered, a user can disconnect their social account at any time by visiting their user profile page inside the admin area.

8. FAuto Poster

FAuto Poster

FAuto Poster allows you to automatically share new articles on your Facebook page or profile. Upon activation, you will need to connect it to your profile and authorize your website.

It allows you to choose which content you want to share: posts, pages, and custom post types. You can even disable sharing for a single item before publishing it.

FAuto Poster is a lightweight plugin that’s quick and easy to install and configure. There’s also a pro version, which lets you automatically post to Twitter, LinkedIn, and Tumblr as well as to Facebook.

9. Social Snap

Social Snap

Social Snap lets you automatically post your content to Facebook. You can use it for other social media sites as well, including Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

It doesn’t just work for your new content, either. You can also use Social Snap to automatically re-share older content. That way, you can drive more traffic to content you’ve created in the past.

Social Snap also lets you add social links to your posts and pages and display follower counts. This can be a great form of social proof and can help grow your Facebook following.

Bonus: All in One SEO

All in One SEO

All in One SEO is one of the best WordPress SEO plugin on the market. It has a huge range of features that let you optimize your content to rank higher in search engines.

Although it’s not a social media plugin, we’ve included it as a bonus on this list for one very important feature. All in One SEO lets you add Open Graph metadata to your content. This means you have more control over how your content displays when it’s shared on Facebook.

Using All in One SEO, you can set a custom image thumbnail to appear alongside your content on Facebook. You can even give your content a different title or description to use on Facebook. Most importantly, it fixes the incorrect thumbnail issue on Facebook.

We hope this article helped you discover the best WordPress Facebook plugins to grow your blog. We also recommend going through our proven tips to drive traffic to your WordPress site, and our comparison of the best email marketing services to connect with your readers.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 9 Best WordPress Facebook Plugins to Grow Your Blog appeared first on WPBeginner.

Understanding Sentiment Analysis

A simple chatbot is not enough to talk to enhance your clients’ experience and boost your business performance. When it comes to development, you realize that you require sentiment analysis to understand their feedback.

It might not seem a particularly difficult task to a human, but discerning intent behind each comment requires significant effort and specific algorithms. Our texts, blog posts, and any other form of written communication is riddled with emotion. An AI system may have little trouble understanding what a short and straightforward “I like it” means, but, in most cases, a single message contains more layers of context, subtext, irony, and other distorting factors. To classify each message correctly and respond appropriately, AI-powered communication systems rely on sentiment analysis.

How to Build Your Own Chatbot With Dialogflow

High-quality conversational interfaces (chatbots and voice assistants) have traditionally been difficult and expensive to build. An effective chatbot requires Natural Language Processing/Understanding (NLP, NLU) and other Deep Learning techniques to understand the underlying intent of human language.

These techniques require skills that are difficult for individuals to acquire and expensive for organizations to hire. Even if you have the skillset at hand, the amount of conversation data required to build natural interactions is labor intensive and expensive to collect. Given these facts, building a chat interface for your application or product likely does not offer enough value for the cost. Until now.

What Should You Do When A Web Design Trend Becomes Too Popular?

What Should You Do When A Web Design Trend Becomes Too Popular?

What Should You Do When A Web Design Trend Becomes Too Popular?

Suzanne Scacca

I read an interesting article on Forbes recently about language saturation. Here’s the problem:

Consumers don’t always understand the technicalities of what businesses do or the solutions they’ve created for them. So, copywriters use jargon that translates something like “Internet-connected devices with computing capabilities” into “smartphones”, “smart watches” and “smart speakers”.

Some of these buzzwords spread like wildfire and it soon becomes impossible to find a brand or website that doesn’t use them. When that happens, the words — and the associated product or service — become meaningless in the minds of consumers because everyone is saying the same thing.

The same thing happens when design trends become too popular. This is something Vitaly Friedman talked about last year with regards to cookie consent notices and banner blindness.

But what choice do you have? Are you supposed to hop on the design bandwagon anyway so your website doesn’t get left behind? Today, we’re going to look at what your options are.

To be clear, I’m not suggesting that you ignore any and all rising design trends.

There are certain trends that we absolutely need to adopt across the board. Like minimalism and mobile-first design. When there’s substantial, quantifiable proof that a design technique is needed, please don’t ignore it.

What I’m talking about are design trends that aren’t aimed at strengthening the web. Instead, they’re solely about driving up engagement on websites.

Brutalism. Facebook Messenger pop-ups. Home page hero sliders. The second that popular websites begin to adopt these trends and once writers and designers start including them in design trend roundups, it’s only a matter of months before consumers are inundated with them. And this is when banner blindness kicks in.

So, what are your options when you learn about a new design trend that promises big results?

Option 1: Ignore It and Stick with What Works

There are a few reasons you should consider going with this option:

You work on short-term website projects.

For those of you who build websites, hand them over to clients and then wish them luck as you move onto the next, it’s probably not a good idea to play around with fad-like design trends.

You know how quickly design trends change, so why put your client in a position where they have a website with an outdated design? One of three things is going to happen:

  1. They’ll leave the outdated feature as is and have no idea that it’s costing them conversions.
  2. They’ll ask you for help in removing the feature not too long after launch and won’t be happy about needing a rework so soon.
  3. They’ll ask another designer for help because they’re upset you put them in this less than ideal position.

Unless your client has a very good reason why they need to exploit a passing design trend, try to dissuade them from it. If they understand the fleeting nature of some of these trends, as well as how banner blindness develops from oversaturation, they should be onboard with you sticking to what works.

You’re designing (or redesigning) a site for a very well-established company.

When building a website for a company that has a long-standing reputation with its audience as well as a tried-and-true formula for success, adopting a passing trend could be risky.

Take Zillow, for example.

Zillow homepage on mobile
The homepage for Zillow on mobile (Image source: Zillow) (Large preview)

This is the mobile homepage as it stands today. It’s simple, sleek and intuitive by nature.

Can you imagine what would happen if the designer decided to add a video background to the hero banner? Or to interrupt the property browsing experience with a pop-up advertising a free ebook download?

You have to really think about what disruptions to the expected design would do to the flow of things. So, when building something for a brand that’s known for its consistency and convenience, it’s best to ignore passing trends.

This doesn’t mean that a website like this shouldn’t be redesigned. Like I said before, lasting design “trends” can’t be ignored as they enable us to move websites in the right direction (like responsive design). For example, this was Zillow in 2017:

Zillow mobile homepage in 2017
The mobile homepage for the Zillow website in 2017 (Image source: Zillow) (Large preview)

See how far we’ve come in terms of making websites mobile responsive and mobile-first in just a few years? These are the kinds of popular changes that don’t require debating.

The company’s goal is to build relationships; not to increase sales.

I realize that every website needs conversions in order to survive. However, many business models can’t sustain with just one-off sales. It costs too much money to constantly market to new customers, which is why some businesses focus on building long-term relationships with their customer base.

And that’s why you need to steer clear of conversion-boosting design trends on these kinds of websites.

Take, for instance, Gary Vaynerchuk’s website:

Gary Vaynerchuk mobile site
The mobile website for Gary Vaynerchuk is free of passing design trends and elements. (Source: Gary Vaynerchuk) (Large preview)

Remember when every website seemed to have a pop-up containing two buttons — one of which would be super-positive like “Yes, I want to change my life!” and the other which was meant to shame the visitor with something like “No, I like living in squalor.”

How do you think Vaynerchuk’s always-growing loyal following would feel if the site displayed one of those pop-ups? Not only would they be annoyed by the disruption keeping them from the content, but they’d probably be upset that he’d use such a shameless ploy to bully them into signing up.

If the brand you’re building a website for is on a similar mission — to build long-lasting and meaningful relationships — you don’t want to sully that with bad design decisions.

Option 2: Adopt the Trend But Keep an Eye on Market Saturation

Patrick Ward, the author of the Forbes article mentioned above, explained that many writers in the fintech space have had to pivot towards a simpler style of writing:

“At first, new startups used jargon and buzzwords to highlight their brand new tech and give themselves a competitive edge.”

I think this is a good lesson for designers as well. It’s not always a bad thing to hop on a design trend’s bandwagon — especially if it’s proven to work and it’s still in the very early stages of public awareness.

So, while there are clear cases where it makes sense to avoid design fads, I think there are times when it makes sense to take advantage of them. The only thing is, you can’t just implement the design and then leave it be.

For instance, this is the 15 Finches website on desktop:

15 Finches website animation
A walk-through of the animation on the 15 Finches website on desktop. (Source: 15 Finches) (Large preview)

Now let’s compare this same animated experience to what users get on their mobile devices:

15 Finches mobile website
A walk-through of the 15 Finches website on mobile with layering errors and no animation. (Source: 15 Finches)(Large preview)

There are a number of design choices made on this mobile site that should’ve been long phased out.

  1. The vertical typography in the background should go. It might add texture to the desktop site, but it’s just a confusing distraction on mobile.
  2. The animation on the desktop site doesn’t translate to mobile. To present visitors with a consistent experience, the designer should commit to mobile-first design.
  3. There are also layering errors all over the mobile site, with text often covering other bits of text as well as missing call-to-action buttons.

As I said, there are some sites where it’s okay to adopt short-term design trends. Just keep an eye on them.

For example, the Hubspot site design is always changing, but any design trends it adopts never seem to overstay their welcome. Hubspot tends to cut out just before they become too much. And that’s a key thing to remember.

Hubspot mobile site with chatbot widget
Hubspot’s mobile site continues to use a chatbot widget to guide prospective customers in the right direction. (Image ource: Hubspot) (Large preview)

As you can see, the mobile site still uses a chatbot widget. For a business that sells sales and marketing software, it’s an important element to retain even if other sites have since ditched theirs.

That said, I’m positive that Hubspot keeps close tabs on its user data so it probably has confirmation that the element continues to work well. This is just one of the things you should be mindful of when monitoring a trend.

If you want to utilize popular design trends, you need to be in it for the long haul with your clients. That way, the second you start to notice:

  • Oversaturation in the market,
  • The trend has gone completely stale,
  • Or your users aren’t responding positively to it.

You can immediately move the website to safer ground.

Option 3: Go in a Similar But Different Direction

When a design technique or element immediately and universally becomes popular, there’s more value to it than just its ability to increase conversions or create a prettier design.

Take a look at why it’s caught on the way it has. If you understand what’s driving the popularity of the fad, you can leverage the strongest parts of it, make it your own and have something with real staying power.

Do you remember the New York Times’ Snow Fall article in 2012? This was shortly after parallax scrolling started to pick up speed in web design. And despite some websites utilizing the trend, it was the way the NYT creatively integrated it along with interactive and animated images that really blew people away — so much so that it won a number of journalism awards for it.

Notice that the NYT didn’t try to redesign its website with parallax scrolling or interactivity. It took the basic principles gaining in popularity and applied it to one groundbreaking story. By considering how the trend could be best used for maximum impact, the NYT turned a short-term fad into something that would make its story memorable.

If you understand what’s driving the popularity of the fad, you can leverage the strongest parts of it, make it your own and have something with real staying power.

Let’s take a look at a more recent example of a site using this approach.

You’re all familiar with the trend of split-screen design, right? It worked really well on desktop, both in its static form as well as when one half of the screen would remain put while the other moved. But on mobile? It wasn’t so great.

While we’ve seen a lot of split screen designs get phased out, EngineThemes has made the trend its own:

EngineThemes mobile site with split screen design
EngineThemes has put a playful twist on the once-trendy split screen design. (Source: EngineThemes) (Large preview)

Upon entering the site, it’s a look we’re familiar with as consumers. But it doesn’t take long to realize that this is going to be a different experience.

For starters, the bobbing bird and red double-headed arrow are something you don’t see much of, if at all, on other sites. I can’t imagine many visitors scroll past this banner without engaging with it.

Secondly, there are no words in this banner on mobile. (There are on the desktop website.)

One of the reasons why this design trend doesn’t work anymore is because it can’t be used on mobile sites — there just isn’t enough space to split the screen and fit enough words in there. Or is there?

EngineThemes hidden message to mobile visitors
EngineThemes has hidden a message in its animated, split screen graphic. (Image source: EngineThemes) (Large preview)

Eagle-eyed visitors will notice that there’s a message carefully hidden in the bird graphic when the arrow is moved to the right. Granted, the text should be bigger, but mobile visitors can zoom in if they’re struggling to read it.

It’s a string of code that reads:

"EngineThemes provides effective business solutions with simple and powerful WordPress app themes."

But do you see what I mean? When a design trend suddenly becomes popular — for a short or long while, too — it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to use the same exact version of it like everyone else. This is why oversaturation quickly turns once great-looking websites stale.

By taking what’s so innovative about a design trend and making it your own, though, you can give the trend real staying power while making your site a standout in the process.

Wrapping Up

When we overdo it by leveraging the same design trends as everyone else, we put our websites at risk of becoming redundant or, worse, invisible. So, how do we establish a cutting edge if we can’t make use of design “jargon”?

The truth is, there’s no one clear-cut answer. You need to be able to read the room, so to speak, and figure out which approach is best for you. You could leave the passing trend alone, you could adopt it temporarily or you could make it your own.

Further Reading on SmashingMag:

Smashing Editorial (ra, il)

Build Chatbots with Dialogflow – Step By Step Guidelines

Dialogflow from Google (earlier known as is a great platform for developing chatbots for multiple platforms. Earlier when Dialogflow was known as, they had an Android and iOS client library to integrate chatbot into mobile apps. But after merging into Google, the existing library is not getting updated; rather we are seeing Dialogflow added to Google’s Cloud platform and a new Java-based client API is being developed.

In this article, I will show you how you can integrate a chatbot developed in Dialogflow using the new Java client API.