Everything I Need to Know About Coping With a Pandemic, I Learned From the Agile Manifesto

We’re many weeks into the COVID-19 crisis and, I don’t know about you, but things still feel chaotic to me. Part of it is trying to work from home while also homeschooling a 6-year old and 9-year old. Part of it is trying to keep up with all the recommendations and requirements from our public health officials. The big reason things feel chaotic to me, though, is all the uncertainty.

At times like these, our impulse is to impose order – even if that order exists only in our heads. We need ways of understanding the unsettling things we observe. Tools for mentally organizing what we read in the news. A framework, if you will. Some people may look to religious texts for this, but as a Certified Scrum Master and nerd, I’ve been thinking about the Agile Manifesto.

How To Make Progress In Your Agile Career (After Scrum Master)

It's time to begin your Agile career!

Now, you have completed Certified Scrum master classroom training. Two days of classroom training is sufficient to become familiar with Scrum and Agile framework and you are looking to enhance your career as an Agile Leader.

This article is in the context of the prospects after the Certified Scrum Master. These certifications will help you to enhance your professional growth and learning.