Helping CEOs Make Sense of the Modern IT ‘Acronym Soup’

The domain of enterprise software is littered with acronyms that may be intimidating even to seasoned managers. Things get even murkier for those seeking to develop their own mobile enterprise app and encountering design-specific terms. The fact that some of them are often used interchangeably also doesn’t help. So the best place to start figuring out these terms is to understand their similarities and differences and identify the areas where they overlap.

Acronyms in Enterprise Systems Context


ERP stands for enterprise resource planning – the process of managing business-related data. In the modern business context, the term refers specifically to software solutions that collect, process, store, and interpret data. The idea of ERP was introduced in the domain of manufacturing but has since expanded to cover:

Deploy Friday: E18 Funding Free and Open Source Software

A Question and Answer session with guests: 

Free Software and Open Source development have taken over the world; virtually every organization runs on Free Software in some capacity, whether it realizes it or not.  But all too often Free Software ends up meaning "free labor," and companies leverage Open Source projects without contributing back to them. 

Quality Sense Podcast: Mobile App Performance With Sofia Palamarchuk

In today’s Quality Sense episode, Federico Toledo sits down for a chat with a colleague and friend, Sofia Palamarchuk. She’s a Director and Board Member of Abstracta and the co-founder and CEO of Apptim, a tool that helps you to test and analyze native mobile app performance.

After beginning her career as a performance engineer at Abstracta, she led our expansion to the United States – heading up business development. After seeing the challenges that mobile development teams face, in 2019, she embarked on a mission to transform the way global mobile teams create quality apps.

Drive Continuous Delivery (CD) on Kubernetes With GitOps

In software engineering, there’s always a new technology that everyone’s talking about:

  • Way back when everything started (around 2006), it was cloud computing.
  • In 2015, it was Kubernetes 1.0.
  • Next, everyone wanted to jump on the boat known as GitOps, which was first publicized by Weaveworks in 2017 in a blog by Alexis Richardson (Co-founder and CEO of Weaveworks, and chairman of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Technical Oversight Committee (TOC)).
  • Most recently, on April 7, 2020, the CNCF TOC voted to accept the Argo Project (a set of Kubernetes-native tools for running and managing jobs and applications on Kubernetes) as an incubation-level hosted project. Part of the Argo Project is Argo CD, which provides support for declarative GitOps-based deployment of any Kubernetes resource.

At nClouds, we care about GitOps because we strive to use the latest and greatest technologies where they help our clients deliver innovation faster. It’s one of our core values at nClouds: Innovation culture that delivers client value. And we’re using Argo CD, a GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.

Two Data Points the VP of Engineering Should Show the CEO Every Week

“Are we on track to deliver XYZ feature by the deadline?” 

For software development leaders, this is the question we get most. We get it from the CEO. We get it from the other VPs. We get it over Slack from the PMs and SREs. We get it from our technical support leads as we pass them in the hallway. We get it by text message early in the morning from a sales rep who is on-site with a big prospect. 

Three Books Scrum Masters Should Add to Their Reading List [Video]

As a seasoned Scrum Master, you’ve probably already read every good book there is about Scrum. As you look to broaden your knowledge you may now find yourself craving something different. If you’re anything like me, you may appreciate learning complementary ideas that can help expand your skillset. Watch Robb Pieper, CEO of Responsive Advisors share his top three books you should add to your reading list and why.

Further Reading

5 Books I'll Read to Facilitate Software Engineering Practices

How Microservices Enable Multi-Cloud at the Expense of Developers

This article was originally posted on the blog by CEO and Founder, Ethan J. Jackson. Kelda is Docker compose for Kubernetes. It allows you to quickly test your code changes in a remote environment that matches production, without the complexity of interacting with Kubernetes directly.

escape 19 graphic
Learn more about multi-cloud!

I recently had the pleasure of speaking about at — the multi-cloud conference, in New York City. It was a fantastic event packed full of sharp folks with interesting perspectives.

Hasura Brings Declarative Programming to GraphQL API Development

During Day 1 of GraphQL Summit, Tanmai Gopal, CEO, and co-founder of Hasura introduced his company’s declarative approach to creating GraphQL APIs during an exclusive interview with ProgammableWeb. Hasura is an open-source solution that provides complete support for the GraphQL specification but does so in a way that stresses declarative configuration over text-based type definition.

Advice for Threat Hunting

Threat... hunted.

We had the opportunity to speak to Greg Bell, CEO,  Brian Dye, CPO, and Alan Saldich, CMO of Corelight during the IT Press Tour in San Francisco. Corelight is the enterprise offering of Zeek (formerly Bro) initially developed to protect the severe environment of the Department of Energy and the Energy Sciences Network including the NERSC supercomputing facility at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Want to see where threat hunting fits in with the broader security landscape? Check out The Future of Security, Part One.

The threat hunting workflow includes:

New Distribution of PostgreSQL Provides Expanded Support for Open Source Databases

Tom Smith speaks with Peter Zaitsev

I had the opportunity to speak with Peter Zaitsev, CEO and Founder, Percona following his presentation on Distributed MySQL Architectures, Past, Present and Future at the Distributed SQL Summit in San Jose.

Earlier in the week, Percona announced the new distribution of PostgreSQL to provide expanded support for open source databases. According to Peter, as Percona started providing support to need single source to run PostgreSQL, they realized the need for monitoring from one source with the most appropriate versions and compatibility.

Top 5 Challenges of DevSecOps and How to Overcome Them

DevSecOps emphasizes the need for better collaboration between development, operations, and security. It is the constant integration of efforts of all teams at every step of the process. The ultimate goal is to move into a world that is automated and synced, making most of the manual tasks obsolete.

But to get there, there are changes to be made not just to the process but to the behavior as well. However, according to a survey by Threat Stack, 68% of companies state that their CEO demands security and DevOps teams not do anything that slows down the business. This is one of the biggest challenges of DevSecOps and why many quit the transition halfway.

Trip Report: Percona Live 2019

I had the opportunity to attend Percona Live in Austin, Texas between May 28 and May 30 along with more than 700 attendees. This was at least the 20th Percona Live event over the past 10+ years held in the U.S. and Europe. Percona Live 2019 Europe will be in Amsterdam September 30 to October 2.

The event began with keynotes from Peter Zaitsev, CEO and Founder of Percona, sharing his thoughts on the current state of Open Source databases. Peter’s presentation wrapped up with the introduction of Percona’s new cloud-native autonomous database initiative (C-NADI).

Microservices on Rails

In the intro to this blog series, I promised to reconcile the apparent incongruence of strategic business objectives (move fast) with traditional IT must have paradigms (be safe). In the last post, we chugged away at the surrounding ecosystem that's needed to support the velocity promised by the former. In this post, I pause at the pre-production station to discuss some of those system safety properties that we can't leave behind.

The Pragmatic Conductor

Competitive strategy is about being different. It means deliberately choosing a different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of values.

Take any CEO in any industry, and they will likely say that they have three primary goals:

How to Reduce the Cost of an API Outage on Your Mobile App

In this article, Mark Petrie, CEO of Kumulos, examines why APIs have outages, what the cost of such outages can be and therefore the importance for you, as a mobile app developer, to monitor all of the API Endpoints your app depends on to function, in order to reduce the cost of an API outage on your mobile app.