Top 6 Benefits of AWS Certification

The worth of the Cloud Computing market is estimated to hit USD 1,614.10 billion with a projected CAGR of 17.43 percent by the year 2030. The big giants that hold the market share in the cloud market are AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and MS Azure & among others.

Cloud computing refers to the flexible and scalable delivery of IT services over the Internet, accompanied by a pay-as-you-go pricing model. It eliminates the necessity for companies to invest in and manage physical data centres and servers. Instead, they can rely on cloud providers like AWS to access a wide range of technology services on demand.

How to Develop SaaS Application

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a new approach that is replacing traditional software license purchase. That is why the SaaS delivery model has gained a lot of popularity in the last decade.

According to research conducted by The Insight Partners, “the SaaS market accounted for US$31.57 billion in 2015 and is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 18.6% between 2016 to 2025, accounting for US$ 172.20 billion in 2025.

DevOps: 11 Things You’re Forgetting to Do

DevOps is a critical component of an effective development strategy and an integration tool that all companies can leverage. It sets apart quality production mechanics from generic-level outputs. That’s why the DevOps market is set to be worth around $12.85 billion by 2025 (CAGR: 18.60%) according to estimates. Engineers need to focus on these 11 areas so that they can maximize the potential of the core framework. These are key areas within DevOps that can be optimized keeping best practices in mind.

1. Integrated Communication

One of the most challenging aspects of introducing new products in the market is communication errors. The development and operations teams aren’t on the same page many times, which leads to launch-time errors and running bugs that need fixes. In certain areas, there is a lack of communication in the way that the features are integrated. Having a coherent communication strategy is essential to building a successful product under the DevOps framework.

6 DevOps Trends to Watch in 2019

DevOps has evolved over the last few years, but it’s still in the early part of its journey. In the next five years, the global DevOps market is expected to reach $12.85 billion. Accelerated growth will kick off in 2019 when the market will begin to experience an 18.6 percent CAGR through to 2025.¹

At Flexagon, we’re excited for how DevOps has evolved and grown to this point, but we’re even more excited about where we see the field heading. As we look ahead to the new year, we’ve rounded out the six trends that will drive DevOps growth and shape its future.

Common Myths About Software Testing

If there is something that has registered constant growth and evolution over the years, it has to be the software testing industry.

According to a study conducted by Technavio, the Global Software Testing System Integration Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of +15 percent from 2018-2022. Thus, the field is on an all-time high.