Dancing Leaves And Spooky Fellows (October 2023 Wallpapers Edition)

The leaves are shining in the most beautiful colors and pumpkins are taking over the front porches. It’s time to welcome the spookiest of all months: October! To get your desktop ready for fall and the upcoming Halloween season, artists and designers from across the globe once again challenged their creative skills and designed inspiring wallpapers for you to indulge in.

The wallpapers in this post come in versions with and without a calendar for October 2023 and can be downloaded for free. And since so many beautiful and unique designs evolve around our little wallpapers challenge every month, we also dived into our archives to find some timeless October treasures from past years to add to the collection. Maybe you’ll rediscover one of your almost-forgotten favorites in this post, too? A huge thank you to everyone who shared their wallpaper with us this month! Happy October!

  • You can click on every image to see a larger preview,
  • We respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience through their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.
  • Submit a wallpaper!
    Did you know that you could get featured in our next wallpapers post, too? We are always looking for creative talent.
Autumn’s Splendor

“The transition to autumn brings forth a rich visual tapestry of warm colors and falling leaves, making it a natural choice for a wallpaper theme.” — Designed by Farhan Srambiyan from India.

Dancing Leaves Of October

“Before it becomes winter, we spend beautiful autumn days enjoying the beautiful colors and autumn moods. So I designed this wallpaper to remember the impressions and colors in the city park.” — Designed by Stephan Bender from Germany.

Embracing Autumn’s Beauty

“We were inspired by the breathtaking beauty of autumn, with its colorful foliage and the symbolic pumpkin, which epitomizes the season. Incorporating typography allows us to blend aesthetics and functionality, making the calendar not only visually appealing but also useful.” — Designed by WPclerks from India.

National Fossil Day

“Join us in commemorating National Fossil Day, a day dedicated to honoring the wonders of Earth’s prehistoric past. On this special day, we invite you to step back in time and explore the remarkable world of fossils. These ancient remnants of life on our planet offer a glimpse into the evolution of life, from the tiniest microorganisms to the towering giants that once roamed the Earth.” — Designed by Boris Rabasovic from Serbia.

The Crow And The Ghosts

“If my heart were a season, it would be autumn.” — Designed by Lívia Lénárt from Hungary.

Sleeping Beauty

“Sleeping Beauty is a classic fairy tale that has been adapted into various forms of literature, film, and other media over the years. The story typically revolves around a beautiful princess who is cursed to fall into a deep sleep for a specific period, often after pricking her finger on a spindle or needle. The curse is usually cast by an evil fairy or sorceress. In most versions of the story, the princess can only be awakened from her slumber by the kiss of a prince who truly loves her.” — Designed by Bhabna Basak from India.

Happy Halloween

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

A Walk Through Atoms

“We leave the madness of September to begin this October in a much more serene way. We are entering autumn, one of my favorite months, and we travel to Brussels to enjoy the city and be able to walk around while the temperatures allow.” — Designed by Veronica Valenzuela Jimenez from Spain.

Lack Of Self-Reflection

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.


“I was influenced by the changing colors of nature. Fall is a busy period, so I wanted to make a messy drawing. There are things turning around, like a circle. It’s the link with the first letter of this month.” — Designed by Philippe Brouard from France.

Oldies But Goodies

Creepy Halloween fellows, a nice cup of tea on a rainy day, and magical fall forests — the October wallpapers that we rediscovered in our archives pay tribute to all those big and small October moments. Please note that these designs don’t come with a calendar.

The Night Drive

Designed by Vlad Gerasimov from Georgia.

Magical October

“‘I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.’ (L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables)” — Designed by Lívi Lénárt from Hungary.

Dreamy Autumn Girl

“Our designers were inspired by the coziness of autumn and the mood that it evokes — the only desire that appears is to put on a warm cozy sweater, take a cup of warm tea, and just enjoy the view outside the window.” — Designed by MasterBundles from Ukraine.

Autumn Vibes

“Autumn has come, the time of long walks in the rain, weekends spent with loved ones, with hot drinks, and a lot of tenderness. Enjoy.” — Designed by LibraFire from Serbia.

Goddess Makosh

“At the end of the kolodar, as everything begins to ripen, the village sets out to harvesting. Together with the farmers goes Makosh, the Goddess of fields and crops, ensuring a prosperous harvest. What she gave her life and health all year round is now mature and rich, thus, as a sign of gratitude, the girls bring her bread and wine. The beautiful game of the goddess makes the hard harvest easier, while the song of the farmer permeates the field.” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

Bird Migration Portal

“October is a significant month for me because it is when my favorite type of bird travels south. For that reason I have chosen to write about the swallow. When I was young, I had a bird’s nest not so far from my room window. I watched the birds almost every day; because those swallows always left their nests in October. As a child, I dreamt that they all flew together to a nicer place, where they were not so cold.” — Designed by Eline Claeys from Belgium.

Game Night And Hot Chocolate

“To me, October is all about cozy evenings with hot chocolate, freshly baked cookies, and a game night with friends or family.” — Designed by Lieselot Geirnaert from Belgium.

First Scarf And The Beach

“When I was little, my parents always took me and my sister for a walk at the beach in Nieuwpoort, we didn't really do those beach walks in the summer but always when the sky started to turn grey and the days became colder. My sister and I always took out our warmest scarfs and played in the sand while my parents walked behind us. I really loved those Saturday or Sunday mornings where we were all together. I think October (when it’s not raining) is the perfect month to go to the beach for ‘uitwaaien’ (to blow out), to walk in the wind and take a break and clear your head, relieve the stress or forget one’s problems.” — Designed by Gwen Bogaert from Belgium.

Haunted House

“Love all the Halloween costumes and decorations!” — Designed by Tazi from Australia.


Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Spooky Town

Designed by Xenia Latii from Germany.

Hello Autumn

“Did you know that squirrels don’t just eat nuts? They really like to eat fruit, too. Since apples are the seasonal fruit of October, I decided to combine both things into a beautiful image.” — Designed by Erin Troch from Belgium.

Shades Of Gold

“We are about to experience the magical imagery of nature, with all the yellows, ochers, oranges, and reds coming our way this fall. With all the subtle sunrises and the burning sunsets before us, we feel so joyful that we are going to shout it out to the world from the top of the mountains.” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

The Art Of History

“History has always fascinated me. I started looking for people who changed the world and history and who were born in October. I discovered different people like John Lennon, Picasso, Niels Bohr… In the end, it was Gandhi who gave me the most inspiration. It’s a work in which you see the variety of colors that are both a call against racism and inequality and also a wink to Picasso’s oeuvre.” — Designed by Johannes Hermans from Belgium.

Say Bye To Summer

“And hello to autumn! The summer heat and high season is over. It’s time to pack our backpacks and head for the mountains — there are many treasures waiting to be discovered!” Designed by Agnes Sobon from Poland.

Tea And Cookies

“As it gets colder outside, all I want to do is stay inside with a big pot of tea, eat cookies and read or watch a movie, wrapped in a blanket. Is it just me?” — Designed by Miruna Sfia from Romania.

Flying Home For Halloween

“You can only fully master the sky wearing an aviator hat and goggles. Like this little bat, flying home to celebrate Halloween with his family and friends.” — Designed by Franke Margrete from the Netherlands.


“The term ‘Hanlu’ literally translates as ‘Cold Dew.’ The cold dew brings brisk mornings and evenings. Eventually the briskness will turn cold, as winter is coming soon. And chrysanthemum is the iconic flower of Cold Dew.” — Designed by Hong, ZI-Qing from Taiwan.

Autumn Deer

Designed by Amy Hamilton from Canada.

The Return

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Discovering The Universe!

“Autumn is the best moment for discovering the universe. I am looking for a new galaxy or maybe… a UFO!” — Designed by Verónica Valenzuela from Spain.

Trick Or Treat

“Have you ever wondered if all the little creatures of the animal kingdom celebrate Halloween as humans do? My answer is definitely ‘YES! They do!’ They use acorns as baskets to collect all the treats, pastry brushes as brooms for the spookiest witches and hats made from the tips set of your pastry bag. So, if you happen to miss something from your kitchen or from your tool box, it may be one of them, trying to get ready for All Hallows’ Eve.” — Designed by Carla Dipasquale from Italy.


Designed by Mad Fish Digital from Portland, OR.

Autumn Gate

“The days are colder, but the colors are warmer, and with every step we go further, new earthly architecture reveals itself, making the best of winters’ dawn.” — Designed by Ana Masnikosa from Belgrade, Serbia.

King Of The Pirates

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.


“I’m just a sucker for Halloween, candy, tiny witches, and giant kittens. And you can’t tell me that October is not Halloween, because I’ve waited the whole year for this. I thought that I would make illustration central to this calendar so I started with the idea of a tiny witch who’s stolen a ton of candy along with her cat — who’s gotten herself in trouble and can’t unstick the bubble gum from her giant teeth. A typical Halloween scene, right?” — Designed by Kalashniköv from Spain.

Smashing Halloween

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

A September Of Never Ending Adventures (2023 Wallpapers Edition)

September is just around the corner, and that means it’s time for some new wallpapers! For more than twelve years already, our monthly wallpapers series has been the perfect occasion for artists and designers from all across the globe to challenge their creative skills and dive into a little project just for fun. Telling the stories they want to tell, using the tools they love. This always makes for an inspiring and unique collection of wallpapers each month anew, and, of course, this month is no exception.

In this post, you’ll find wallpapers for September 2023, created by the community for the community. The designs come in versions with and without a calendar and can be downloaded for free. As a little bonus goodie, we also compiled some timeless favorites from past September editions at the end of this post. Maybe you’ll spot one of your almost-forgotten favorites in there, too? A big thank-you to everyone who shared their artwork with us — this post wouldn’t exist without you!

  • You can click on every image to see a larger preview,
  • We respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience through their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.
  • Submit a wallpaper!
    Did you know that you could get featured in our next wallpapers post, too? We are always looking for creative talent.
Palette Of Autumn

“The stunning transformation of nature during the fall season, with its rich hues and textures, served as a primary inspiration. Capturing the essence of autumn’s beauty in a digital format was a central goal.” — Designed by Farhan Srambiyan from India.

Rainy Flowers

Designed by Teodora Vasileva from Bulgaria.

Science Is Magic

“Science is like magic, except it’s real.” — Designed by Bhabna Basak from India.

Get Fired

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Made In China

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

National Lazy Mom’s Day

“Because every now and then, we deserve the right to enjoy a lazy day! No chores, just a day to oneself.” — Designed by Storyville Tales from the United Kingdom.

Oldies But Goodies

Whether it’s memories of summer vacation, the approach of fall, or, well, cats — below you’ll find a selection of September goodies from our wallpapers archives that are just too good to be forgotten. Please note that these designs don’t come with a calendar. Enjoy!

Autumn Rains

“This autumn, we expect to see a lot of rainy days and blues, so we wanted to change the paradigm and wish a warm welcome to the new season. After all, if you come to think of it: rain is not so bad if you have an umbrella and a raincoat. Come autumn, we welcome you!” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.


“With the end of summer and fall coming soon, I created this terrazzo pattern wallpaper to brighten up your desktop. Enjoy this month!” — Designed by Melissa Bogemans from Belgium.

Funny Cats

“Cats are beautiful animals. They’re quiet, clean, and warm. They’re funny and can become an endless source of love and entertainment. Here for the cats!” — Designed by UrbanUI from India.

Cacti Everywhere

“Seasons come and go, but our brave cactuses still stand. Summer is almost over, and autumn is coming, but the beloved plants don’t care.” — Designed by Lívia Lénárt from Hungary.

Stay Or Leave?

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Listen Closer… The Mushrooms Are Growing

“It’s this time of the year when children go to school and grown-ups go to collect mushrooms.” — Designed by Igor Izhik from Canada.

Flower Soul

“The earth has music for those who listen. Take a break and relax and while you drive out the stress, catch a glimpse of the beautiful nature around you. Can you hear the rhythm of the breeze blowing, the flowers singing, and the butterflies fluttering to cheer you up? We dedicate flowers which symbolize happiness and love to one and all.” — Designed by Krishnankutty from India.

Summer Ending

“As summer comes to an end, all the creatures pull back to their hiding places, searching for warmth within themselves and dreaming of neverending adventures under the tinted sky of closing dog days.” — Designed by Ana Masnikosa from Belgrade, Serbia.


Designed by Elise Vanoorbeek from Belgium.

Never Stop Exploring

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Bear Time

Designed by Bojana Stojanovic from Serbia.

Geometric Autumn

“I designed this wallpaper to remind everyone that autumn is here.” — Designed by Advanced Web Ranking from Romania.

Maryland Pride

“As summer comes to a close, so does the end of blue crab season in Maryland. Blue crabs have been a regional delicacy since the 1700s and have become Maryland’s most valuable fishing industry, adding millions of dollars to the Maryland economy each year. With more than 455 million blue crabs swimming in the Chesapeake Bay, these tasty critters can be prepared in a variety of ways and have become a summer staple in many homes and restaurants across the state. The blue crab has contributed so much to the state’s regional culture and economy, in 1989 it was named the State Crustacean, cementing its importance in Maryland history.” — Designed by The Hannon Group from Washington DC.


Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Still In Vacation Mood

“It’s officially the end of summer and I’m still in vacation mood, dreaming about all the amazing places I’ve seen. This illustration is inspired by a small town in France, on the Atlantic coast, right by the beach.” — Designed by Miruna Sfia from Romania.

Long Live Summer

“While September’s Autumnal Equinox technically signifies the end of the summer season, this wallpaper is for all those summer lovers, like me, who don’t want the sunshine, warm weather, and lazy days to end.” — Designed by Vicki Grunewald from Washington.

Lucha Libre

“This month is Mexico’s independence day and I decided to illustrate one of the things Mexico’s best known for: the Lucha Libre.” — Designed by Maria Keller from Mexico.

Early Autumn

“September is usually considered as early autumn so I decided to draw some trees and leaves. However, nobody likes that summer is coming to an end, that’s why I kept summerish colors and style.” — Designed by Kat Gluszek from Germany.

Wine Harvest Season

“Welcome to the wine harvest season in Serbia. It’s September, and the hazy sunshine bathes the vines on the slopes of Fruška Gora. Everything is ready for the making of Bermet, the most famous wine from Serbia. This spiced wine was a favorite of the Austro-Hungarian elite and was served even on the Titanic. Bermet’s recipe is a closely guarded secret, and the wine is produced by just a handful of families in the town of Sremski Karlovci, near Novi Sad. On the other side of Novi Sad, plains of corn and sunflower fields blend in with the horizon, catching the last warm sun rays of this year.” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

The Rebel

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

National Video Games Day Delight

“September 12th brings us National Video Games Day. US-based video game players love this day and celebrate with huge gaming tournaments. What was once a 2D experience in the home is now a global phenomenon with players playing against each other across statelines and national borders via the internet. National Video Games Day gives gamers the perfect chance to celebrate and socialize! So grab your controller, join online and let the games begin!” — Designed by Ever Increasing Circles from the United Kingdom.

Daydreaming In March (2023 Wallpapers Edition)

We all need a little inspiration boost every now and again. Maybe your secret is to go for a walk, have a chat with a friend, or listen to your favorite playlist. Whatever it might be that refuels your creative batteries, our new collection of desktop and mobile wallpapers could help, too.

To bring you a regular dose of inspiring wallpapers, we started our monthly wallpapers series more than eleven years ago. Each month, artists and designers from across the globe contribute their designs to it, and, well, it wasn’t any different this time around.

The wallpapers in this collection all come in versions with and without a calendar for March 2023 and can be downloaded for free. As a little bonus goodie, we also compiled some March favorites from our wallpapers archives at the end of this post. Maybe you’ll spot one of your almost-forgotten favorites in there, too? A big thank-you to everyone who submitted their wallpaper designs this month — this post wouldn’t exist without you!

  • You can click on every image to see a larger preview,
  • We respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience through their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.
  • Submit a wallpaper!
    Did you know that you could get featured in our next wallpapers post, too? We are always looking for creative talent.
The Power of Words

“On this Day Of Poetry, we celebrate the power of words, the beauty they create. We honor the poets who have come before. Their wisdom and insight, forever in store. So let us celebrate, with a heart full of glee. This day of poetry, let our spirits be free. For in these verses, we find solace and hope. And with each word, we learn to cope.” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

A Magic Place

“Spring is here and what better than seeing its arrival from one of the most impressive buildings in the world: the Taj Mahal. We sit and enjoy this marvel as the sun rises.” — Designed by Veronica Valenzuela Jimenez from Spain.

The Beauty Of New Beginnings

“Spring and hope are definitely those things that inspired our designers to create such a wallpaper. It’s pure and beautiful — just like every month and every day of spring. We have way more options in our post with March calendars.” — Designed by MasterBundles from Ukraine.

Shave The Whales

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Raining, Hope So

“Thinking about March, I think of water, not only because of a famous song. In France, it’s usually a rainy period, but this year there is a serious lack of rain since February. We are beginning to pray for this sky water to come.” — Designed by Philippe Brouard from France.

How To Draw A Zebra

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.


“Daydreaming of better things, of lovely things, of saddening things.” — Designed by Bhabna Basak from India.

Oldies But Goodies

Women’s Day, the beginning of spring, or, well, pizza — a lot of things have inspired the community to design a March wallpaper in the past years. Below you’ll find some favorites from our wallpapers archives that are just too good to be forgotten. (Please note that these wallpapers don’t come with a calendar.)

Spring Is Coming

“This March, our calendar design epitomizes the heralds of spring. Soon enough, you’ll be waking up to the singing of swallows, in a room full of sunshine, filled with the empowering smell of daffodil, the first springtime flowers. Spring is the time of rebirth and new beginnings, creativity and inspiration, self-awareness, and inner reflection. Have a budding, thriving spring!” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.


Designed by Vlad Gerasimov from Russia.

Queen Bee

“Spring is coming! Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, bees are flying… Enjoy this month!” — Designed by Melissa Bogemans from Belgium.


“A day, even a whole month, isn’t enough to show how much a woman should be appreciated. Dear ladies, any day or month are yours if you decide so.” — Designed by Ana Masnikosa from Belgrade, Serbia.

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

“March the 2nd marks the birthday of the most creative and extraordinary author ever, Dr. Seuss! I have included an inspirational quote about learning to encourage everyone to continue learning new things every day.” — Designed by Safia Begum from the United Kingdom.</p

Spring Bird

Designed by Nathalie Ouederni from France.

St. Patrick’s Day

“On the 17th March, raise a glass and toast St. Patrick on St. Patrick’s Day, the Patron Saint of Ireland.” — Designed by Ever Increasing Circles from the United Kingdom.

Spring Is Inevitable

“Spring is round the corner. And very soon plants will grow on some other planets too. Let’s be happy about a new cycle of life.” — Designed by Igor Izhik from Canada.

Let’s Spring

“After some freezing months, it’s time to enjoy the sun and flowers. It’s party time, colours are coming, so let’s spring!” — Designed by Colorsfera from Spain.

March For Equality

“This March, we shine the spotlight on International Women’s Day, reflecting on the achieved and highlighting the necessity for a more equal and understanding world. These turbulent times that we are in require us to stand together unitedly and IWD aims to do that.” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

Bunny O’Hare

“When I think of March, I immediately think of St. Patrick’s Day and my Irish heritage… and then my head fills with pub music! I had fun putting a twist on this month’s calendar starring my pet rabbit. Erin go Braugh.” — Designed by Heather Ozee from the United States.


“I am the kind of person who prefers the cold but I do love spring since it’s the magical time when flowers and trees come back to life and fill the landscape with beautiful colors.” — Designed by Maria Keller from Mexico.

Time To Wake Up

“Rays of sunlight had cracked into the bear’s cave. He slowly opened one eye and caught a glimpse of nature in blossom. Is it spring already? Oh, but he is so sleepy. He doesn’t want to wake up, not just yet. So he continues dreaming about those sweet sluggish days while everything around him is blooming.” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

Let’s Get Outside

Designed by Lívia Lénárt from Hungary.

Exploring New Worlds Through Books

“For me, every book has a new world in it. Whether it is a fairytale or thriller storybook, they always take us into a new world where we can explore new things, meet new people, and witness a new story every time.” — Designed by Suman Sil from India.

MARCHing Forward

“If all you want is a little orange dinosaur MARCHing (okay, I think you get the pun) across your monitor, this wallpaper was made just for you! This little guy is my design buddy at the office and sits by (and sometimes on top of) my monitor. This is what happens when you have designer’s block and a DSLR.” — Designed by Paul Bupe Jr from Statesboro, GA.

A New World

Designed by Kellie Heath from Portland, Oregon.

Fresh Lemons

Designed by Nathalie Ouederni from France.


“Jīngzhé is the third of the 24 solar terms in the traditional East Asian calendars. The word 驚蟄 means ‘the awakening of hibernating insects’. 驚 is ‘to start’ and 蟄 means ‘hibernating insects’. Traditional Chinese folklore says that during Jingzhe, thunderstorms will wake up the hibernating insects, which implies that the weather is getting warmer.” — Designed by Sunny Hong from Taiwan.

Pizza Time

“Who needs an excuse to look at pizza all month?” — Designed by James Mitchell from the United Kingdom.


“Doodles are slowly becoming my trademark, so I just had to use them to express this phrase I’m fond of recently. A bit enigmatic, philosophical. Inspiring, isn’t it?” — Designed by Marta Paderewska from Poland.


Designed by Romana Águia Soares from Portugal.

Explore The Forest

“This month, I want to go to the woods and explore my new world in sunny weather.” — Designed by Zi-Cing Hong from Taiwan.

On The Edge Of November (2022 Desktop Wallpapers Edition)

November tends to be a rather gray month in many parts of the world. So what better remedy could there be as some colorful inspiration? To bring some good vibes to your desktops and home screens, artists and designers from across the globe once again tickled their creativity and designed beautiful and inspiring wallpapers to welcome the new month.

This monthly wallpapers challenge has been going on for more than eleven years already, and we are very thankful to everyone who has put their creative skills to the test and contributed their artworks to it — back in the early days, just like today.

The wallpapers in this collection all come in versions with and without a calendar for November 2022 and can be downloaded for free. As a little bonus goodie, we also compiled some timeless treasures from past November editions at the end of this post for you. Enjoy!

  • You can click on every image to see a larger preview,
  • We respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience through their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.
  • Submit a wallpaper!
    Did you know that you could get featured in our next wallpapers post, too? We are always looking for creative talent.

Anbani means alphabet in Georgian. The letters that grow on that tree are the Georgian alphabet. It’s very unique!” — Designed by Vlad Gerasimov from Georgia.

Cozy Autumn Cups And Cute Pumpkins

“Autumn coziness, which is created by fallen leaves, pumpkins, and cups of cocoa, inspired our designers for this wallpaper. You can find more calendar options in our collection.” — Designed by MasterBundles from Ukraine.

A Jelly November

“Been looking for a mysterious, gloomy, yet beautiful desktop wallpaper for this winter season? We’ve got you, as this month’s calendar marks Jellyfish Day. On November 3rd, we celebrate these unique, bewildering, and stunning marine animals. Besides adorning your screen, we’ve got you covered with some jellyfish fun facts — they aren’t really fish, they need very little oxygen, eat a broad diet, and shrink in size when food is scarce. Now that’s some tenacity to look up to.” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

Snoop Dog

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Sunset On The Mississippi

“After a long day, a walk along the Mississippi renews our soul, and more, if we do it in great company.” — Designed by Veronica Valenzuela Jimenez from Spain.

No Shave November

“The goal of No-Shave November is to grow awareness by embracing our hair, which many cancer patients lose, and letting it grow wild and free. Donate the money you typically spend on shaving and grooming to educate about cancer prevention, save lives, and aid those fighting the battle.” — Designed by ThemeSelection from India.

Star Wars

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.


“I created simple geometric lines which can refer to the month’s name. I chose sweet colors so the letter ‘o’ looks like a donut. It’s a nightmare, NO donut for NOvember!” — Designed by Philippe Brouard from France.

Oldies But Goodies

Umbrellas, autumn winds, mushrooms, and, well, cats, of course — a lot of things have inspired the design community to design a November wallpaper in the years we’ve been running our monthly series. Below you’ll find a selection of oldies but goodies from the archives. Please note that these wallpapers don’t come with a calendar.

Colorful Autumn

“Autumn can be dreary, especially in November, when rain starts pouring every day. We wanted to summon better days, so that’s how this colourful November calendar was created. Open your umbrella and let’s roll!” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

The Kind Soul

“Kindness drives humanity. Be kind. Be humble. Be humane. Be the best of yourself!” — Designed by Color Mean Creative Studio from Dubai.

Me And The Key Three

“This wallpaper is based on screenshots from my latest browser game (I’m an indie games designer).” — Designed by Bart Bonte from Belgium.

Time To Give Thanks

Designed by Glynnis Owen from Australia.

Tempestuous November

“By the end of autumn, ferocious Poseidon will part from tinted clouds and timid breeze. After this uneven clash, the sky once more becomes pellucid just in time for imminent luminous snow.” — Designed by Ana Masnikosa from Belgrade, Serbia.

Moonlight Bats

“I designed some Halloween characters and then this idea came to my mind — a bat family hanging around in the moonlight. A cute and scary mood is just perfect for autumn.” — Designed by Carmen Eisendle from Germany.

Mushroom Season

“It is autumn! It is raining and thus… it is mushroom season! It is the perfect moment to go to the forest and get the best mushrooms to do the best recipe.” — Designed by Verónica Valenzuela from Spain.

On The Edge Of Forever

“November has always reminded me of the famous Guns N’ Roses song, so I’ve decided to look at its meaning from a different perspective. The story in my picture takes place somewhere in space, where a young guy beholds a majestic meteor shower and wonders about the mysteries of the universe.” — Designed by Aliona Voitenko from Ukraine.

Sad Kitty

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

November Nights On Mountains

“Those chill November nights when you see mountain tops covered with the first snow sparkling in the moonlight.” — Designed by Jovana Djokic from Serbia.

Hello World, Happy November

“I often read messages at Smashing Magazine from the people in the southern hemisphere ‘it’s spring, not autumn!’ so I’d like to design a wallpaper for the northern and the southern hemispheres. Here it is, northerners and southerns, hope you like it!” — Designed by Agnes Swart from the Netherlands.

Outer Space

“This November, we are inspired by the nature around us and the universe above us, so we created an out-of-this-world calendar. Now, let us all stop for a second and contemplate on preserving our forests, let us send birds of passage off to warmer places, and let us think to ourselves — if not on Earth, could we find a home somewhere else in outer space?” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

Captain’s Home

Designed by Elise Vanoorbeek (Doud) from Belgium.

Welcome Home Dear Winter

“The smell of winter is lingering in the air. The time to be home! Winter reminds us of good food, of the warmth, the touch of a friendly hand, and a talk beside the fire. Keep calm and let us welcome winter.” — Designed by Acodez IT Solutions from India.

Deer Fall, I Love You

Designed by Maria Porter from the United States.

Sailing Sunwards

“There’s some pretty rough weather coming up these weeks. Thinking about November makes me want to keep all the warm thoughts in mind. I’d like to wish everyone a cozy winter.” — Designed by Emily Trbl. Kunstreich from Germany.

A Gentleman’s November

Designed by Cedric Bloem from Belgium.

Hold On

“We have to acknowledge that some things are inevitable, like winter. Let’s try to hold on until we can, and then embrace the beautiful season.” — Designed by Igor Izhik from Canada.

The Collection Of Birds

“The collection of birds are my travels. At each destination I buy a wood, bronze, stone bird, anything the local bazaars sell. I have all gathered at a modest vitrine in my house. I have so much loved my collection, that, after taking pictures of them, I designed each one, then created a wallpaper and overdressed a wall of my living room. Now my thought is making them as a desktop wallpaper and give them to you as a gift.” — Designed by Natasha Kamou from Greece.

November Fun

Designed by Xenia Latii from Germany.

October Vibes For Your Desktop (2022 Wallpapers Edition)

When we look closely, inspiration can lie everywhere. In the leaves shining in the most beautiful colors in many parts of the world at this time of year, in a cup of coffee and a conversation with a friend, or when taking a walk on a windy October day. Whatever your secret to finding new inspiration might be, our monthly wallpapers series is bound to give you a little inspiration boost, too.

For this October edition, artists and designers from across the globe once again challenged their creative skills and designed wallpapers to spark your imagination and make the month a bit more colorful than it already is. Like every month since we embarked on this wallpapers adventure more than eleven years ago.

The wallpapers in this collection all come in versions with and without a calendar for October 2022 — so no matter if you want to keep an eye on your deadlines or plan to use your favorite design even after the month has ended, we’ve got you covered. Speaking of favorites: As a little bonus goodie, you’ll also find some oldies but goodies from past October editions at the end of this post. A big thank-you to everyone who shared their designs with us — this post wouldn’t exist without you!

  • You can click on every image to see a larger preview,
  • We respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience through their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.
  • Submit a wallpaper!
    Did you know that you could get featured in our next wallpapers post, too? We are always looking for creative talent.
Dreamy Autumn Girl

“Our designers were inspired by the coziness of autumn and the mood that it evokes — the only desire that appears is to put on a warm cozy sweater, take a cup of warm tea, and just enjoy the view outside the window. If you want more free calendars on other thematic, check out our listicle.” — Designed by MasterBundles from Ukraine.

Spooky Season

“Trick or treating, Tim Burton movies, Edgar Allan Poe poems — once these terms rise up to the top of Google searches, we know that the spooky season is here. We witch you a happy Halloween!” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.


Designed by Mad Fish Digital from Portland, OR.

Fall Colors

“Fall is about orange, brown, and earthly colors. People still enjoy waling through the parks, even if it’s a little bit colder, just to take in the fall palette of colors.” — Designed by Andrew from the United States.

King Of The Pirates

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Tarzan In The Jungle

“We start this October with Tarzan in his jungle. Luckily Chita helps us!” — Designed by Veronica Valenzuela from Spain.

Happy Halloween

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Design Your Thinking

“Thinking helps us challenge our own assumptions, discover new things about ourselves and our perspective, stay mentally sharp, and even be more optimistic. Using divergent thinking strategies can help you examine a problem from every angle and identify the true root of the issue. Deep thinking allows you to try on perspectives that you may not have considered before.” — Designed by Hitesh Puri from Delhi, India.

Welcome Maa Durga!

“Welcome the power — Shakti. Welcome the love. Welcome her blessings. Welcome Maa Durga!” — Designed by Rahul Bhattacharya from India.

Old Tree

“No surprise, with October, Halloween time is back. In the north, days are becoming shorter. The night atmosphere takes place and a slightly scary feeling surrounds everything. It’s not only a matter of death. I had taken a picture of this old tree. Who knows if there is really noone in there?” — Designed by Philippe Brouard from France.

Oldies But Goodies

Hidden in our wallpapers archives, we rediscovered some almost-forgotten treasures from past October editions. May we present… (Please note that these designs don’t come with a calendar.)

Autumn Vibes

“Autumn has come, the time of long walks in the rain, weekends spent with loved ones, with hot drinks, and a lot of tenderness. Enjoy.” — Designed by LibraFire from Serbia.

The Night Drive

Designed by Vlad Gerasimov from Georgia.

The Return Of The Living Dead

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Goddess Makosh

“At the end of the kolodar, as everything begins to ripen, the village sets out to harvesting. Together with the farmers goes Makosh, the Goddess of fields and crops, ensuring a prosperous harvest. What she gave her life and health all year round is now mature and rich, thus, as a sign of gratitude, the girls bring her bread and wine. The beautiful game of the goddess makes the hard harvest easier, while the song of the farmer permeates the field.” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

Bird Migration Portal

“October is a significant month for me because it is when my favorite type of bird travels south. For that reason I have chosen to write about the swallow. When I was young, I had a bird’s nest not so far from my room window. I watched the birds almost every day; because those swallows always left their nests in October. As a child, I dreamt that they all flew together to a nicer place, where they were not so cold.” — Designed by Eline Claeys from Belgium.

Game Night And Hot Chocolate

“To me, October is all about cozy evenings with hot chocolate, freshly baked cookies, and a game night with friends or family.” — Designed by Lieselot Geirnaert from Belgium.

Magical October

“‘I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.’ (L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables)” — Designed by Lívi Lénárt from Hungary.

Hello Autumn

“Did you know that squirrels don’t just eat nuts? They really like to eat fruit, too. Since apples are the seasonal fruit of October, I decided to combine both things into a beautiful image.” — Designed by Erin Troch from Belgium.

First Scarf And The Beach

“When I was little, my parents always took me and my sister for a walk at the beach in Nieuwpoort, we didn't really do those beach walks in the summer but always when the sky started to turn grey and the days became colder. My sister and I always took out our warmest scarfs and played in the sand while my parents walked behind us. I really loved those Saturday or Sunday mornings where we were all together. I think October (when it’s not raining) is the perfect month to go to the beach for ‘uitwaaien’ (to blow out), to walk in the wind and take a break and clear your head, relieve the stress or forget one’s problems.” — Designed by Gwen Bogaert from Belgium.

Haunted House

“Love all the Halloween costumes and decorations!” — Designed by Tazi from Australia.

Autumn Gate

“The days are colder, but the colors are warmer, and with every step we go further, new earthly architecture reveals itself, making the best of winters’ dawn.” — Designed by Ana Masnikosa from Belgrade, Serbia.


Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Spooky Town

Designed by Xenia Latii from Germany.

Strange October Journey

“October makes the leaves fall to cover the land with lovely auburn colors and brings out all types of weird with them.” — Designed by Mi Ni Studio from Serbia.

Autumn Deer

Designed by Amy Hamilton from Canada.

Dope Code

“October is the month when the weather in Poland starts to get colder, and it gets very rainy, too. You can’t always spend your free time outside, so it’s the perfect opportunity to get some hot coffee and work on your next cool web project!” — Designed by Robert Brodziak from Poland.

Tea And Cookies

“As it gets colder outside, all I want to do is stay inside with a big pot of tea, eat cookies and read or watch a movie, wrapped in a blanket. Is it just me?” — Designed by Miruna Sfia from Romania.

Discovering The Universe!

“Autumn is the best moment for discovering the universe. I am looking for a new galaxy or maybe… a UFO!” — Designed by Verónica Valenzuela from Spain.


“To me, October is a transitional month. We gradually slide from summer to autumn. That’s why I chose to use a lot of gradients. I also wanted to work with simple shapes, because I think of October as the ‘back to nature/back to basics month’.” — Designed by Jelle Denturck from Belgium.

A Very Pug-o-ween

“The best part of October is undoubtedly Halloween. And the best part of Halloween is dog owners who never pass up an o-paw-tunity to dress up their pups as something a-dog-able. Why design pugs specifically in costumes? Because no matter how you look at it, pugs are cute in whatever costume you put them in for trick or treating. There’s something about their wrinkly snorting snoots that makes us giggle, and we hope our backgrounds make you smile all month. Happy Pug-o-ween from the punsters at Trillion!” — Designed by Trillion from Summit, NJ.


“A vector illustration of a dragon tipping over a wheelbarrow of pumpkins in a field with an illustrative fox character.” Designed by Cerberus Creative from the United States.

Inspiring Wallpapers For February 2021 And A Little Creativity Challenge

Did you know that this February is the perfect month? Well, layout-wise at least: It starts on a Monday, ends on a Sunday, and has exactly four full weeks. To fill these four perfectly aligned weeks with some life, artists and designers from across the globe challenged their creative skills and designed beautiful and inspiring wallpaper calendars for your desktop and mobile devices.

The wallpapers in this post come with and without a calendar for February 2021, and, as a little bonus goodie, you’ll also discover some familiar faces here and there: February favorites from our archives that are just too good to be forgotten (please note that these designs don’t come with a calendar). A huge thank-you goes out to everyone who shared their artworks with us this time around! It’s fantastic to see how this monthly wallpapers series still tickles your ideas after all these years that we’ve been running it.

Get Creative And Win A Workshop Ticket

Now before you scroll on to find your favorite design for this month, we’d love to invite you to a little creativity challenge: Get your pens, paintbrushes, camera, or favorite illustration tools ready and design a wallpaper for March 2021. Or maybe you have some doodles or sketches lying around that are too good not to be shared? Now’s the opportunity to turn them into a wallpaper and brighten up someone’s day. As a reward, we’ll give away a ticket to one of Vitaly Friedman’s upcoming online workshops (Interface Design Patterns or Navigation) for the best design.

How To Join In

You have the full freedom to explore your creativity with your wallpaper, to let your imagination flow, and use your favorite tools. There are only a few things you need to know before you get started:

  1. Please design two versions of your wallpaper: one with and one without a calendar for March 2021. This way, your wallpaper remains useful even after the month has ended. The calendar should be in English.
  2. Make sure that the wallpaper contains a Smashing Magazine logo. You can download different versions of the logo at http://smashed.by/logos (ZIP, 736KB). (And, of course, please feel free to include your own logo, too.)
  3. Submit your design in as many different screen resolutions as possible.
  4. Fill in this form (no worries, it’ll only take a minute) to help us get your wallpaper published.

Once you have your assets and the form file ready, please bundle everything up in a ZIP file and send it to us via wallpapers@smashingmagazine.com. A Dropbox or Google Drive link works, too, of course.

The deadline is Thursday, February 25, 11:59 PM CET.

If you have any further questions, our Wallpapers Guidelines PDF has got your back. Please feel free to also take a look around the wallpapers archives for some inspiration.

So, What Can You Win?

The first prize is a workshop ticket for one of Vitaly’s upcoming workshops of your choice:

We’ll choose the best wallpaper among all entries and announce the winner in the March wallpapers post which will be published on February 28.

Have fun! We are already looking forward to seeing your artworks! ❤️

Dog Year Ahead

Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

Good Times Ahead

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Out There, There’s Someone Like You

“I am a true believer that out there in this world there is another person who is just like us, the problem is to find her/him.” — Designed by Maria Keller from Mexico.

The Great Beyond

“My inspiration came mostly from ‘The Greay from’. It’s about a dog and an astronaut exploring a strange new world.” — Designed by Lars Pauwels from Belgium.

Happy Birthday Charles Dickens!

“Charles Dickens is most famous for writing Oliver Twist and A Christmas Carol. The 7th of February is Charles Dickens birthday, so to honour his birthday I created this wallpaper with a quote from my favourite book, Oliver Twist!” — Designed by Safia Begum from the United Kingdom.

In Another Place At The Same Time

“February is the month of love par excellence, but also a different month. Perhaps because it is shorter than the rest or because it is the one that makes way for spring, but we consider it a special month. It is a perfect month to make plans because we have already finished the post-Christmas crunch and we notice that spring and summer are coming closer. That is why I like to imagine that maybe in another place someone is also making plans to travel to unknown lands.” — Designed by Verónica Valenzuela from Spain.

February Ferns

Designed by Nathalie Ouederni from France.

True Love

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Lakefront Winter Dawn

“The winter sky just as the sun rises above the chilly lake can have some of the most amazing colors.” — Designed by Ernesto Perez from the United States.

Darwin Day

“Let’s celebrate Darwin’s birthday on February 12th.” — Designed by Dan Di from Italy.

Winter Music

“February 2nd is National Ukulele Day and this four-stringed Hawaiian instrument inspired us to wander into some warmer regions. The days are longer, the sun is shining through the clouds, the birds are chirping… However, her highness Winter has only begun, ready to bring tumult, and we ought to wait a couple more months until spring warms us.” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

On The Light Side

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Free Your Mind

“People should have the right to believe and think what they want. They should be free in choosing their opinion. The wallpaper (especially the birds) reminds me of the great freedom we have in many countries of the world.” — Designed by Daniela Faltz from Germany.

It’s A Cupcake Kind Of Day!

“Sprinkles are fun, festive and filled with love… especially when topped on a cupcake! Everyone is creative in their own unique way, so why not try baking some cupcakes and decorating them for your sweetie this month? Something homemade, like a cupcake or DIY craft is always a sweet gesture.” — Designed by Artsy Cupcake from the United States.

Savannah Stroll

“February is a month focused on romance and as a southerner, I can’t think of a more romantic way to spend a day than strolling the historic moss-draped streets of Savannah, GA. Spending time sitting on a bench on one of the many beautiful squares, holding hands and people watching as you sip a cappuccino.” — Designed by Heather Ozee Designs from the United States.

Dark Temptation

“A dark romantic feel, walking through the city on a dark and rainy night.” — Designed by Matthew Talebi from the United States.

Principles Of Good Design

“The simplicity seen in the work of Dieter Rams which has ensured his designs from the 50s and 60s still hold a strong appeal.” — Designed by Vinu Chaitanya from India.


Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Snowy Sunset

Designed by Nathalie Croze from France.

Minimalistic Love

“This minimalistic love logo is designed from geometric shapes, where the heart represents the letter ‘O’ and love. The anchor represents the letter ‘V’ very delicately and stylish and it symbolizes your wanderlust. The anchor is a symbol of adventure and travels.” — Designed by Antun Hirsman from Croatia.

Time Thief

“Who has stolen our time? Maybe the time thief, so be sure to enjoy the other 28 days of February.” — Designed by Colorsfera from Spain.

Ice Cream Love

“My inspiration for this wallpaper is the biggest love someone can have in life: the love for ice cream!” — Designed by Zlatina Petrova from Bulgaria.

Love Angel Vader

“Valentine’s Day is coming? Noooooooooooo!” — Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Heart On A String

“For hopeless romantics that let others play with their heart.” Designed by Jacob Giesler from the United States.


“The Groundhog emerged from its burrow on February 2. If it is cloudy, then spring will come early, but if it is sunny, the groundhog will see its shadow, will retreat back into its burrow, and the winter weather will continue for six more weeks.” — Designed by Oscar Marcelo from Portugal.

Lucky Day

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Beating The End Of The Year Rush (December 2019 Wallpapers Edition)

Beating The End Of The Year Rush (December 2019 Wallpapers Edition)

Beating The End Of The Year Rush (December 2019 Wallpapers Edition)

Cosima Mielke

As the year is coming to a close, many of us feel rushed, trying to meet deadlines, finishing off projects, and preparing for the holidays. Do you remember what December felt like when you were little? It was a time of wonder and expectation, a time to slow down and enjoy the small things: watching the first snowflakes fall, drinking hot chocolate, and admiring the Christmas decorations in your neighborhood, for example.

This month’s wallpapers post is a little reminder to treat yourself to some quiet moments like these in the midst of this end of the year rush. To refuel your batteries and gather some fresh inspiration. The wallpapers in this collection might be a good start.

As every month since more than nine years already, the wallpapers were designed by artists and designers from across the globe, and each one of them is available with and without a calendar for December 2019. For some extra variety, we also added a selection of wallpaper favorites from past editions at the end of this post. We wish you happy holidays and a lovely, and hopefully not too stressful, December!

Please note that:

  • All images can be clicked on and lead to the preview of the wallpaper,
  • We respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience through their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.

Submit your wallpaper

Do you have an idea for a wallpaper to welcome 2020? We are always looking for creative talent to be featured in our wallpapers posts. Don’t be shy, join in! →

Dear Moon, Merry Christmas

“Please visit Vladstudio website if you like my works!” — Designed by Vlad Gerasimov from Russia.

Dear Moon, Merry Christmas

Christmas Mood

Designed by MasterBundles from the United States.

Christmas Mood

The Month of Winter Songs

“Here comes the finale of a dazzling year. The month of snow with a tinge of warmth from the carols in the wind. All made merrier with the mistletoe, cakes and gifts. Let’s welcome the winter of our lives as spring is not far away now.” — Designed by Odoo Apps from India.

The Month of Winter Songs

The Camels Wish You A Merry Christmas!

“The year is coming to an end and we say good-bye with a very christmassy animal, the camel. We wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.” — Designed by Veronica Valenzuela from Spain.

The Camels Wish You A Merry Christmas!

Hanukkah Candles

“Hanukkah is a joyous celebration of all that is important in life; family, freedom, and light. So we wanted to make a calendar that celebrated this Jewish holiday and what better way than by featuring the beautiful Hanukkiyah. Happy Hanukkah everyone!” — Designed by Ever Increasing Circles from the United Kingdom.

Hanukkah Candles

Happy Holidays!

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Happy Holidays!

Reindeers Go Rah-Rah!

“Reindeers go rah-rah when the season of snow is on the way. Let’s get excited as our beloved Santa comes with gifts for the tiny tots and fill the air with nothing but cheer! It’s Christmas time, y’all!” — Designed by Riddlebook from London.

Reindeers Go Rah-Rah!

Oldies But Goodies

Since the beginning of our monthly challenge, December and the holiday season have inspired so many designers to create a wallpaper. Below we collected some favorites from our archives that are just too good to be forgotten. Enjoy! (Please note that these designs don’t come with a calendar.)

Silver Winter

Designed by Violeta Dabija from Moldova.

Smashing Wallpaper - January 2011

Cardinals In Snowfall

“During Christmas season, in the cold, colorless days of winter, Cardinal birds are seen as symbols of faith and warmth! In the part of America I live in, there is snowfall every December. While the snow is falling, I can see gorgeous Cardinals flying in and out of my patio. The intriguing color palette of the bright red of the Cardinals, the white of the flurries and the brown/black of dry twigs and fallen leaves on the snow-laden ground, fascinates me a lot, and inspired me to create this quaint and sweet, hand-illustrated surface pattern design as I wait for the snowfall in my town!” — Designed by Gyaneshwari Dave from the United States.

Cardinals In Snowfall

Sweet Snowy Tenderness

“You know that warm feeling when you get to spend cold winter days in a snug, homey, relaxed atmosphere? Oh, yes, we love it too! It is the sentiment we set our hearts on for the holiday season, and this sweet snowy tenderness is for all of us who adore watching the snowfall from our windows. Isn’t it romantic?” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

Sweet Snowy Tenderness

’Tis The Season Of Snow

“The tiny flakes of snow have just begun to shower and we know it’s the start of the merry hour! Someone is all set to cram his sleigh with boxes of love as kids wait for their dear Santa to show up! Rightly said, ’tis the season of snow, surprise and lots and lots of fun! Merry Christmas!” — Designed by Sweans Technologies from London.

’Tis The Season Of Snow

Abstract Winter

“Winter is cold and dark up here in the north.” Designed by Terese Brännström from Sweden.

Abstract winter

All That Belongs To The Past

“Sometimes new beginnings make us revisit our favorite places or people from the past. We don’t visit them often because they remind us of the past but enjoy the brief reunion. Cheers to new beginnings in the new year!” Designed by Dorvan Davoudi from Canada.

All That Belongs To The Past

All Of Them Lights

“I created this design in honor of the 9th of December, the day of lights.” — Designed by Mathias Geerts from Belgium.

All Of Them Lights

Tongue Stuck On Lamppost

Designed by Josh Cleland from the United States.

Smashing Wallpaper - december 11

Christmas Wreath

“Everyone is in the mood for Christmas when December starts. Therefore I made this Christmas wreath inspired wallpaper. Enjoy December and Merry Christmas to all!” — Designed by Melissa Bogemans from Belgium.

Christmas Wreath

Winter Garphee

“Garphee’s flufiness glowing in the snow.” Designed by Razvan Garofeanu from Romania.

Smashing Wallpaper - December 2012

Ice Flowers

“I took some photos during a very frosty and cold week before Christmas.” Designed by Anca Varsandan from Romania.

Smashing Wallpaper - january 10

Winter Morning

“Early walks in the fields when the owls still sit on the fences and stare funny at you.” — Designed by Bo Dockx from Belgium.

Winter Morning

Celebration Galore Is Here Again

“Christmas bells are swinging above the snow fields, we hear sweet voices ringing from lands of long ago… It’s time to count your blessings, sing your Christmas carols, open your gifts, and make a wish under the Christmas tree!” — Designed by Norjimm Pvt Ltd from India.

Celebration Galore Is Here Again


“Surprise is the greatest gift which life can grant us.” — Designed by PlusCharts from India.


Enchanted Blizzard

“A seemingly forgotten world under the shade of winter glaze hides a moment where architecture meets fashion and change encounters steadiness.” — Designed by Ana Masnikosa from Belgrade, Serbia.

Enchanted Blizzard


“Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.” — Designed by StarAdmin from India.



“The winter solstice has always been special to me as a barren darkness that gives birth to a verdant future beyond imagination, a time of pain and withdrawal that produces something joyfully inconceivable, like a monarch butterfly masterfully extracting itself from the confines of its cocoon, bursting forth into unexpected glory. (Gary Zukav)” — Designed by Dipanjan Karmakar from India.


Merry Christmas

Designed by Delphine Pagès from France.

Christmas Wallpaper — Merry Christmas

Season Of Joy

Designed by Antun Hirsman from Croatia.

Season Of Joy

Christmas Fail

Designed by Doud - Elise Vanoorbeek from Belgium.

Christmas Wallpaper — Christmas Fail

The Matterhorn

“Christmas is always such a magical time of year so we created this wallpaper to blend the majestry of the mountains with a little bit of magic.” — Designed by Dominic Leonard from the United Kingdom.

Christmas Wallpaper — The Matterhorn

Season’s Greetings From Australia!

Designed by Tazi Designs from Australia.

Christmas Wallpaper — Season’s Greetings From Australia!

December Deer

“I love the simplicity of the deer head silhouette trend with just a touch of hand-drawn detail. Happy December my dears!” — Designed by Jordan Thoma from the United States.

December deer

Father Frost

Designed by Cheloveche.ru from Russia.

Smashing Wallpaper - december 11

Winter Solstice

“In December there’s a winter solstice; which means that the longest night of the year falls in December. I wanted to create the feeling of solitude of the long night into this wallpaper.” — Designed by Alex Hermans from Belgium.

Winter Solstice

Have A Minimal Christmas

“My brother-in-law has been on a design buzzword kick where he calls everything minimal, to the point where he wishes people, “Have a minimal day!” I made this graphic as a poster for him.” — Designed by Danny Gugger from Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

Have a Minimal Christmas

Delicate Frost

“Don’t let Jack Frost nip too much at your nose but do let him decorate your windows!” Designed by Tirelessweaver from Canada.

Smashing Desktop Wallpapers - January 2012

The Deer In My Garden

“Every year at the onset of winter, a deer appears in my garden looking for food. I usually catch it early in the morning and we’ll be exchanging glances through the patio doors.” — Designed by Andrea Ludszeweit from Germany.

The deer in my garden

Don’t Stop

“It’s been such an incredible year for space; I wanted to celebrate that with a simple wallpaper to keep everyone inspired this month. The year isn’t over yet — don’t stop pushing yourself!” — Designed by Shawna Armstrong from the United States.

Don’t Stop

The Twelve Days Of Christmas

“This wallpaper celebrates the classic carol ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’. Each day is represented with a cheerful illustration representing gifts.” — Designed by Daphne Firos from Cleveland.

The 12 Days of Christmas

It’s In The Little Things

Designed by Thaïs Lenglez from Belgium.

It's in the little things


“‘December is plowing yet. When the smoke-clouds break, high in the sky shines a field as wide as the world. There he toils for the Kingdom of Heaven’s sake. Ah, he is taller than clouds of the little earth. Only the congress of planets is over him, and the arching path where new sweet stars have birth. Wearing his peasant dress, his head bent low, December, that angel of Peace, is plowing yet; Forward, across the field, his horses go.’ (Based on Chinese Nightingale, 1917).” Designed by Dynomite from Germany.

Smashing Wallpaper - December 2012

Best Friends

“Best friends posing for a photo.” Designed by Nenad S. Lazich from Serbia.

Smashing Wallpaper - December 2012

Catch Your Perfect Snowflake

“This time of year people tend to dream big and expect miracles. Let your dreams come true!” Designed by Igor Izhik from Canada.

Catch Your Perfect Snowflake

Cool Winter

“Wanted to showcase the cool, crisp colors and give an overall feeling of winter. Designed by Matt Noa from the United States.

Cool Winter

Robin Bird

“I have chosen this little bird in honor of my grandfather, who passed away. He was fascinated by nature, especially birds. Because of him, I also have a fascination with birds. When I think of winter, I think of the birds, flying around searching for food. And why a robin? Because it is a cute little bird, who is also very recognizable.” — Designed by Engin Seline from Belgium.

Robin Bird

Join In Next Month!

Thank you to all designers for their participation. Join in next month!

Beneath The Autumn Leaves (October 2019 Wallpapers Edition)

Beneath The Autumn Leaves (October 2019 Wallpapers Edition)

Beneath The Autumn Leaves (October 2019 Wallpapers Edition)

Cosima Mielke

Misty mornings, pumpkins, leaves shining in bright red, yellow, and orange hues — these are just some of the things about October that inspired artists and designers to participate in this month’s wallpapers challenge.

The monthly challenge has been going on for more than nine years already, and each time anew, creatives from all across the globe submit their designs to it to cater for some variety on your desktop and mobile screens — and for a bit of fresh inspiration, of course.

In this collection, you’ll find their wallpaper designs for October 2019. They come in versions with and without a calendar so that you can continue to use your favorite even after the month has ended. Speaking of favorites: As a little extra goodie, we compiled some favorites from past wallpapers editions at the end of this post. A big thank-you to everyone who shared their designs with us this time around. Happy October!

Please note that:

  • All images can be clicked on and lead to the preview of the wallpaper,
  • We respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience through their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.

Submit your wallpaper

We are always looking for designers and artists to be featured in our wallpapers posts. So if you’re feeling creative, please don’t hesitate to submit your design. We’d love to see what you’ll come up with for November. Join in! →

First Scarf And The Beach

“When I was little my parents always took me and my sister for a walk at the beach in Nieuwpoort, we didn’t really do those beach walks in the summer but always when the sky started to turn grey and the days became colder. My sister and I always took out our warmest scarfs and played in the sand while my parents walked behind us. I really loved those Saturday or Sunday mornings where we were all together. I think October (when it’s not raining) is the perfect month to go to the beach for ‘uitwaaien’ (to blow out), to walk in the wind and take a break and clear your head, relieve the stress or forget one’s problems.” — Designed by Gwen Bogaert from Belgium.

First Scarf And The Beach

Rain And Acorns

“Waiting at the bus stop when it’s raining in October can be a sad and wet experience. The bus is late, the dry spot is taken by other people and you’re just standing there in the rain with your hands in your pockets with nowhere to go. Acorns must have a hard time like that too! Waiting in the rain for the squirrels to come and pick them up.” — Designed by Casey Dulst from Belgium.

Rain And Acorns


“To me, October is a transitional month. We gradually slide from summer to autumn. That’s why I chose to use a lot of gradients. I also wanted to work with simple shapes, because I think of October as the ‘back to nature/back to basics month’.” — Designed by Jelle Denturck from Belgium.


Autumn Is In The Air

“October reminds me of autumn, the season where you see fall leaves, squirrels, the weather that’s changing. Ever walked into the woods when it’s autumn? You can hear the magical sound of the wind blowing away the leaves. The woods are the most beautiful at fall, everything starts to color into yellow, orange, and brown. And you can meet some nice squirrels at the corner of a tree.” — Designed by Delphine Wylin from Belgium.

Autumn Is In The Air

The Return

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

The Return

Sleepy Hedgehog

“Hedgehogs usually start to hibernate around October. This little hedgehog is celebrating Halloween on his own terms, while he is asleep.” — Designed by Aaron Harinck from Belgium.

Sleepy Hedgehog

The Month Of Tricks And Treats

“The fiery pumpkins blaze in the dark. The bonfires, the songs, the dancing around and the sumptuous feast. There is so much to look forward to this month.” — Designed by Mobile App Development from India.

The Month Of Tricks And Treats

Turtles In Space

“Finished September, with October comes the month of routines. This year we share it with turtles that explore space.” — Designed by Veronica Valenzuela from Spain.

Turtles In Space

Halloween House Call

“Halloween brings a nighttime of fun for all the family. With trick-or-treating round the neighborhood, it’s a pastime families love to take part in nationwide. We wanted to celebrate this event by coming up with a design concept that would pay homage to the most iconic Halloween fruit of them all, the mighty Pumpkin! What better way to look forward to this spooktacular night than with a geometric art pumpkin calendar. Enjoy your night, whatever you have planned!” — Designed by Ever Increasing Circles from the United Kingdom.

Halloween House Call

Create More

“The colors of the sun inspired me.” — Designed by Hitesh Puri from India.

Create More

Sober October

“Every year when October begins, my family and I light up the fireplace for the first time. This time of the year the leaves start falling and it starts to become cold outside which makes it even cosier.” — Designed by Jasper Vermeulen from Belgium.

Sober October


“October 2019 will always be remembered as Brexit-month so I wanted to create a wallpaper that’s inspired by Brexit. At the same time I wanted to stay away from the classic Brexit/Europe colours. I came up with a pop-up window to imply that maybe, before really exiting the EU, the UK should reconsider what they are doing. ‘Is it ok to take this huge decision while people are screaming for another referendum’ is only one of the questions I want the British government to ask themselves.” — Designed by Nand Rogge from Belgium.


Month Of Gratitude

“As autumn advances, the leaves descend in great gratitude, they return to Earth to rise again. Under the shedding tree the students and teachers learn, for a teacher sheds her years so that the students can grow.” — Designed by Mindster from India.

Month Of Gratitude

Disarmament Week

“According to research, 44 million Americans own firearms. The last week of October is Disarmament Week, so we are inspired by states like Liechtenstein, who abolished army and don’t use weapons. This monthly calendar is dedicated to all those who follow this trend. If the whole world was like Liechtenstein, we would be happier and cheerful. So, let’s all stand together against guns and bombs and establish a world without ammunition.” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

Disarmament Week


“Apples are known all throughout the world yet barely anyone knows about Apple Day. For this reason I decided to put Apple Day in an extra spotlight and create a calendar about it. I hope others may enjoy apples as much as I do.” — Designed by Miguel De Pelsmaeker from Belgium.


Wandering In Woods

“The icy mountains keeping the body frozen, yet the mind wandering over the expansive woods.” — Designed by Sweans Technologies from London.

Wandering In Woods


“When I think about October, I immediately say ‘Oktoberfest’, partly for the obvious October part, but mostly for the ‘fest’ one. As we all know, Oktoberfest is a German traditional celebration dedicated to beer, that annually gathers friends from everywhere around the world, all having in common the passion for good beer (in large quantities), traditional food and the fun factor. And what can be more entertaining than having fun with your friends while drinking beer in an authentic German scenario?” — Designed by Loredana Codau (@loricacucrizanteme on Instagram) from Romania.


Oldies But Goodies

Hidden in our wallpapers archives, we rediscovered some nearly-forgotten treasures from past editions. May we present… (Please note that these designs don’t come with a calendar.)

Shades Of Gold

“We are about to experience the magical imagery of nature, with all the yellows, ochers, oranges, and reds coming our way this fall. With all the subtle sunrises and the burning sunsets before us, we feel so joyful that we are going to shout it out to the world from the top of the mountains.” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

Shades Of Gold

Flying Home For Halloween

“You can only fully master the sky wearing an aviator hat and goggles. Like this little bat, flying home to celebrate Halloween with his family and friends.” — Designed by Franke Margrete from the Netherlands.

Flying Home For Halloween


“The term ‘Hanlu’ literally translates as ‘Cold Dew.’ The cold dew brings brisk mornings and evenings. Eventually the briskness will turn cold, as winter is coming soon. And chrysanthemum is the iconic flower of Cold Dew.” — Designed by Hong, ZI-Qing from Taiwan.


Strange October Journey

“October makes the leaves fall to cover the land with lovely auburn colors and brings out all types of weird with them.” — Designed by Mi Ni Studio from Serbia.

Strange October Journey

Fallen Woods

Designed by Dan Ioanitescu from Canada.

Desktop Wallpaper - October 2012

Autumn Gate

“The days are colder, but the colors are warmer, and with every step we go further, new earthly architecture reveals itself, making the best of winters’ dawn.” — Designed by Ana Masnikosa from Belgrade, Serbia.

Autumn Gate

Discovering The Universe!

“Autumn is the best moment for discovering the universe. I am looking for a new galaxy or maybe… a UFO!” — Designed by Verónica Valenzuela from Spain.

Discovering The Universe!

All The Things

“During our recent rebrand, everyone in our team got their very own icon, each one has been custom illustrated by a lovely man called Paul, who wears glasses. The icons have all been chosen to represent something personal to each individual as well as all the other usual suspects you’d expect from an iconset.” — Designed by Engage Interactive from the United Kingdom.

All the things


“In my travels to Selinsgrove, PA this past month, I had another opportunity to appreciate the beauty that surrounded me: trees, mountains, streams, rivers and fauna. This exploration was the inspiration for this piece encouraging others to explore new places and cherish the experience of being outdoors.” — Designed by Gabrielle Gorney from the United States.



“The moment when you just walk and your imagination fills up your mind with thoughts.” — Designed by Gal Shir from Israel.


Say “Bye” To Summer

“And hello to Autumn! The Summer heat and high season is over. It’s time to pack our backpacks and head for the mountains — there are many treasures waiting to be discovered!” Designed by Agnes Sobon from Poland.

Desktop Wallpaper - October 2012

Haunted House

Designed by Mad Fish Digital from the United States.

Trick Or Treat


“Autumn is the mushroom season. Be vigilant. Do not abuse.” Designed by Cheloveche.ru from Russia.

Free Desktop Wallpaper - October 2011

Save Water, Drink Rain

Designed by Marika Smirnova from Russia.

Smashing Wallpaper - october 11

Autumn Colors

“I love the autumn colors and making pictures, this is a collage of bits and pieces of various autumn photos from previous seasons. Enjoy!” — Designed by Agnes Swart from the Netherlands.

Autumn colors

A Time For Reflection

“‘We’re all equal before a wave.’ (Laird Hamilton)” — Designed by Shawna Armstrong from the United States.

A Time for Reflection

Join In Next Month!

Thank you to all designers for their participation. Join in next month!

Blissful Thoughts And Embracing Change (September 2019 Wallpapers Edition)

Blissful Thoughts And Embracing Change (September 2019 Wallpapers Edition)

Blissful Thoughts And Embracing Change (September 2019 Wallpapers Edition)

Cosima Mielke

Lush green slowly turning into yellows, reds, and browns in the Northern hemisphere; nature awakening from its slumber in the Southern part of the world: September is a time of change. A chance to leave old habits behind and embrace the beginning of something new. And, well, sometimes a small change of routines is already enough to spark fresh inspiration and, who knows, maybe even great ideas.

With that in mind, we embarked on our monthly wallpapers challenge more than nine years ago, and since then, artists and designers from all across the globe have accepted the challenge and submitted their designs to it to cater for a bit of variety on the screens we look at so often. Of course, it wasn’t any different this time around.

This post features their wallpapers for September 2019. All of them come in versions with and without a calendar, so it’s up to you to decide if you want to have the month at a glance or keep things simple. As a bonus goodie, we also collected some timeless favorites from past years’ editions at the end of this post. A big thank-you to all the artists who have submitted their wallpapers and are still diligently continuing to do so. Happy September!

Please note that:

  • All images can be clicked on and lead to the preview of the wallpaper,
  • We respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience through their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.

Submit your wallpaper

We are always looking for creative designers and artists to be featured in our wallpapers posts. So if you have an idea for an October wallpaper, please don’t hesitate to submit your design. We’d love to see what you’ll come up with. Join in! →

Stay Or Leave?

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Stay Or Leave?

Bear Time

Designed by Bojana Stojanovic from Serbia.

Bear Time

National Video Games Day Delight

“September 12th brings us National Video Games Day. US-based video game players love this day and celebrate with huge gaming tournaments. What was once a 2D experience in the home is now a global phenomenon with players playing against each other across statelines and national borders via the internet. National Video Games Day gives gamers the perfect chance to celeberate and socialize! So grab your controller, join online and let the games begin!” — Designed by Ever Increasing Circles from the United Kingdom.

National Video Games Day Delight

Finding Jaguar

“Nature and our planet have given us life, enabled us to enjoy the most wonderful place known to us in the universe. People have given themselves the right to master something they do not fully understand. We dedicate this September calendar to a true nature lover, Vedran Badjun from Dalmatia, Croatia, who inspires us to love our planet, live in harmony with it and appreciate all that it has to offer. Amazon, Siberia and every tree or animal on the planet are treasures we lose every day. Let’s change that!” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

Finding Jaguar

Celebrate Like A Hispanic

“September marks the start of the Hispanic Heritage Month, a multicultural tradition we should all be proud of.” — Designed by Yaiza Narganez Gomez from Belgium.

Celebrate Like A Hispanic

Cheerful September

“Wanted to create something colorful and happening for this month.” — Designed by Ciara from India.

Cheerful September

Cozy Times

“As the days are getting shorter and colder, fall is here again. Enjoy these cozy times!” — Designed by Melissa Bogemans from Belgium.

Cozy Times

Blissful Thoughts

Designed by Thamil G from Chennai, India.

Blissful Thoughts

Give Life A Chance

“Life is all about taking chances. God is going to give you all the opportunities in life, it’s on you to take the chance and make a successful life out of it.” — Designed by Pragya from India.

Give Life A Chance

Even The Cactus Needs A Little Moist

“Even the toughest of hearts need a tiny bit of gentleness and kindness just like the cactus that needs to be nourished with a little bit of water and sunlight to stay bright and blooming in the bumpy journey of life.” — Designed by Sweans Technologies from London.

Even The Cactus Needs A Little Moist

Do Better

“Character is what you do when no one else is watching. A friend recently posted the 2nd half of this quote on their Instagram and it’s been my mantra lately.” — Designed by Marie Newell from Missouri, USA.

Do Better

For Poor Children

“We created this wallpaper, wanted to show what we wanted and done!” — Designed by Vạn Đăc Phúc from Vietnam.

For Poor Children

The Mythical Land Of School

“Going back to school is always a thrill no matter how big or small you are, facing new knowledge and challenges is one of the most satisfying feelings a human can encounter in life.” — Designed by Maria Keller from Mexico.

The Mythical Land Of School

Online Learning

“Online learning is the most popular way learning nowadays and, thus, I created a view which represents that.” — Designed by Ritu from India.

Online Learning

Put Some Green Everywhere

“I took this photo in Chaumont France, at the garden festival. For example, plants and concrete are in good association in that corner. That’s why I think we should put more plants in the cities and everywhere.” — Designed by Philippe Brouard from France.

Put Some Green Everywhere

Oldies But Goodies

Some things are too good to be forgotten. That’s why we dug out some September favorites from our wallpapers archives. Please note that these designs don’t come with a calendar. Enjoy!

Cacti Everywhere

“Seasons come and go, but our brave cactuses still stand. Summer is almost over, and autumn is coming, but the beloved plants don’t care.” — Designed by Lívia Lénárt from Hungary.

Cacti Everywhere

No More Inflatable Flamingos!

“Summer is officially over and we will no longer need our inflatable flamingos. Now, we’ll need umbrellas. And some flamingos will need an umbrella too!” — Designed by Marina Bošnjak from Croatia.

No More Inflatable Flamingos!

Funny Cats

“Cats are beautiful animals. They’re quiet, clean and warm. They’re funny and can become an endless source of love and entertainment. Here for the cats!” — Designed by UrbanUI from India.

Funny Cats

Talk Like A Pirate Day

“This calendar was inspired by International Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19) — one of the many obscure and quirky days we celebrate in New Orleans. Our fair, colorfully corrupt city has entertained its share of outlaws over the years, but none as infamous as the pirate Jean Lafitte, a Frenchman who terrorized sailors and ships in the Gulf of Mexico and distributed his booty from a warehouse in New Orleans in the early 1800s. This calendar is a playful tribute to all of the misfits, outcasts and swashbucklers who call New Orleans home.” — Designed by Sonnie Sulak from New Orleans, LA.

Talk Like A Pirate Day

Geometric Autumn

“I designed this wallpaper to remind everyone that autumn is here and they are still reading the best design website, Smashing Magazine” — Designed by Advanced Web Ranking from Romania.

Geometric Autumn

Summer Ending

“As summer comes to an end, all the creatures pull back to their hiding places, searching for warmth within themselves and dreaming of neverending adventures under the tinted sky of closing dog days.” — Designed by Ana Masnikosa from Belgrade, Serbia.

Summer Ending

Flower Soul

“The earth has music for those who listen. Take a break and relax and while you drive out the stress, catch a glimpse of the beautiful nature around you. Can you hear the rhythm of the breeze blowing, the flowers singing, and the butterflies fluttering to cheer you up? We dedicate flowers which symbolize happiness and love to one and all.” — Designed by Krishnankutty from India.

Flower Soul

Penguin Family

“Penguins are sociable, independent and able to survive harsh winters. They work as a team to care for their offspring and I love that!” — Designed by Glynnis Owen from Australia.

Penguin Family

Shades Of Summer

“You can never have too many sunglasses” — Designed by Marina Eyl from Pennsylvania, USA.

Shades of Summer

Be The Wind Of Change

“Be the wind of change. Nature inspired us in creating this wallpaper as well as the Scorpion’s song “Wind of change” we dedicate to all creatives worldwide.” — Designed by Design19 from Romania.

Be the wind of change

Laughing In Flowers

“A colorful wallpaper to brighten up your day.” — Designed by Shavaughn Haack from South Africa.

Laughing in flowers

Colors Of September

“I love September. Its colors and smells” — Designed by Juliagav from Ukraine.

colors of September


“The moon will become the roundest in mid-autumn and Japanese will eat Dango (sweet rice dumpling) while admiring the moon.” — Designed by Evangeline Neo from Japan.


Red Beetle

Designed by Oxana Kostromina from Russia/Germany.

Smashing Wallpaper - september 11

It’s September But I Can Still Ride The Waves

“Summer seems to be over… but the weather is still warm and we definitely can enjoy the sea for a little longer. So… let’s go and ride the waves! Are you coming?” — Designed by WebOlution from Greece.

It’s September But I Can Still Ride The Waves

Join In Next Month!

Thank you to all designers for their participation. Join in next month!

The Joys Of July (2019 Wallpapers Edition)

The Joys Of July (2019 Wallpapers Edition)

The Joys Of July (2019 Wallpapers Edition)

Cosima Mielke

A scoop of their favorite ice cream, a bike ride in the summer rain, or listening to the frog concert by the nearby lake — a lot of little things and precious moments have inspired the design community to create a wallpaper this July.

This monthly wallpapers challenge has been going on for more than nine years now, and each time anew, artists and designers from across the globe take it as an occasion to tickle their creativity and cater for beautiful, unique, and thought-provoking wallpaper designs. Wallpapers that are bound to get your ideas sparking, too.

The wallpapers in this collection all come in versions with and without a calendar for July 2019 and can be downloaded for free. A big thank-you to everyone who submitted their designs! At the end of this post, we also compiled some July favorites from past years’ editions that are just too good to be forgotten. Enjoy!

Please note that:

  • All images can be clicked on and lead to the preview of the wallpaper,
  • You can feature your work in our magazine, too. So if you have an idea for an August wallpaper design, please don’t hesitate to submit it. We’d love to see what you’ll come up with.

Further Reading on SmashingMag:

Hello, Strawberry Sundae!

“Is there anything more refreshing (and more delicious!) than a strawberry sundae on a hot summer day? Well, we don’t think so. And did you know that strawberry celebration is on its way in the U.S. Oh, yes! July 7th is the National Strawberry Sundae Day, and we predict that it’s going to be sweet and yummy. So, make your favorite dessert and start preparing yourself for the festive July days.” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

Hello, Strawberry Sundae!

Riding In The Drizzle

“Rain has come, showering the existence with new seeds of life… Everywhere life is blooming, as if they were asleep and the falling music of raindrops have awakened them… Feel the drops of rain… Feel this beautiful mystery of life… Listen to its music, melt into it…” — Designed by DMS Software from India.

Riding In The Drizzle

We All Scream For Ice Cream

“There are two things that come to mind when I think about July: ice cream and the Fourth of July!” — Designed by Alyssa Merkel from the United States.

We All Scream For Ice Cream

My July

Designed by Cátia Pereira from Portugal.

My July

Alentejo Plain

“Based on the Alentejo region, south of Portugal, where there are large plains used for growing wheat. It thus represents the extensions of the fields of cultivation and their simplicity. Contrast of the plain with the few trees in the fields. Storks that at this time of year predominate in this region, being part of the Alentejo landscape and mentioned in the singing of Alentejo.” — Designed by José Guerra from Portugal.

Alentejo Plain

Frogs In The Night

“July is coming and the nights are warmer. Frogs look at the moon while they talk about their day.” — Designed by Veronica Valenzuela from Spain.

Frogs In The Night

July Rocks!

Designed by Joana Moreira from Portugal.

July Rocks!

Plastic Bag Free Day

“The objective of this date is to draw attention to the production and over-consumption of plastic bags worldwide, presenting alternatives to solve this serious environmental problem. It is urgent to change the behavior of all human beings regarding the use of plastic bags. For the preservation of the environment, we should use the same plastic bag for shopping, recycling or use paper bags. In this wallpaper I drew a plastic bag with a turtle inside it, as if it was imprisoned by its own bag, as if the ocean was reduced to a plastic bag, emphasizing the seriousness of this environmental problem, which has tortured both turtles and many others marine species.” — Designed by Carolina Santos from Portugal.

Plastic Bag Free Day

Save The Tigers

“Global Tiger Day, often called International Tiger Day, is an annual celebration to raise awareness for tiger conservation, held annually on July 29. It was created in 2010 at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit. The goal of the day is to promote a global system for protecting the natural habitats of tigers and to raise public awareness and support for tiger conservation issues.” — Designed by Athulya from Calicut.

Save The Tigers


“I was inspired by Hawaii type of scenarios with some reference to surf.” — Designed by Sónia Fernandes from Portugal.


Friendship Day

“The lower part of the image is represented in a more realistic and detailed form and represents the basis of the friendship, conveying a strong connection both in the simplicity and strength of the gestures, hands and medals that both children wear around their necks are symbols of this union. In terms of color I chose to use the ash scale, referring to the old photograph, implying the idea of a long duration of the relations of friendships and the memories we keep of our childhood friends, the illustration represented portrays a memory of mine, which makes it very personal. At the top of the wallpaper, the identity of the two characters appears pixelated, suggesting an idea of building deconstruction, through colored squares that come together and move away, as a symbol of connections and the sharing of emotions, which build and strengthen bonds of friendship.” — Designed by Carolina Santos from Portugal.

Friendship Day

Yellow Lemon Tree

“Summer is here, enjoy it and cool and stay hydrated!” — Designed by Melissa Bogemans from Belgium.

Yellow Lemon Tree

Summer Energy

Designed by IQUADART from Belarus.

Summer Energy

Heat Wave

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Heat Wave

Season Of Wind

“Summer is the season of wind. I like to stand on top of the mountains, hearing the song of the wind flying through the meadow.” — Designed by Anh Nguyet Tran from Vietnam.

Season Of Wind

Oldies But Goodies

Let’s go an a journey back in time: Down in our wallpaper archives, we rediscovered some July classics that are just too good to gather dust. May we present… (Please note that these designs don’t come with a calendar.)

Fire Camp

“What’s better than a starry summer night with an (unexpected) friend around a fire camp with some marshmallows? Happy July!” — Designed by Etienne Mansard from the UK.

Fire Camp

Heated Mountains

“Warm summer weather inspired the color palette.” — Designed by Marijana Pivac from Croatia.

Heated Mountains

Tutti Frutti

“July is National Ice Cream Month and who needs an invitation for a scoop or two, or three! Lacking the real thing, our Tutti Frutti wallpaper can satisfy until your next creamy indulgence.” — Designed by Karen Frolo from the United States.

Tutti Frutti

Memories In July

“Words are few, thoughts are deep, memories of you we’ll always keep.” — Designed by Suman Sil from India.

Memories In July

Cactus Hug

Designed by Ilaria Bagnasco from Italy.

Cactus Hug

Keep Moving Forward

“Snails can be inspiring! If you keep heading towards your goal, even if it is just tiny steps, enjoy the journey and hopefully it will be worth the effort.” — Designed by Glynnis Owen from Australia.

Keep Moving Forward

Sand And Waves

“What do you do in summer? You go to the beach. Even if you can’t go — feel the waves and sand and sun through this funny wallpaper.” — Designed by Olga Lepaeva from Russia.

Sand And Waves

Island River

“Make sure you have a refreshing source of ideas, plans and hopes this July. Especially if you are to escape from urban life for a while.” — Designed by Igor Izhik from Canada.

Island River

Ice Cream vs. Hot Dog

“It’s both ‘National Ice Cream Month’ and ‘National Hot Dog Month’ over in the US, which got me thinking — which is better? With this as your wallpaper, you can ponder the question all month!” — Designed by James Mitchell from the UK.

Ice Cream vs. Hot Dog

Summer Heat

Designed by Xenia Latii from Berlin, Germany.

Summer Heat

Peaceful Memories

“July is one of the most beautiful months of the year. Enjoy every day, every hour, which gives us this month!” — Designed by Nikolay Belikov from Russia.

Peaceful Memories

Floral Thing

“The wallpaper which I created consists of my personal sketches of Polish herbs and flowers and custom typography. I wanted it to be light and simple with a hint of romantic feeling. I hope you’ll enjoy it!” — Designed by Beata Kurek from Poland.

Smashing Desktop Wallpapers - July 2012

An Intrusion Of Cockroaches

“Ever watched Joe’s Apartment when you were a kid? Well that movie left a soft spot in my heart for the little critters. Don’t get me wrong: I won’t invite them over for dinner, but I won’t grab my flip flop and bring the wrath upon them when I see one running in the house. So there you have it… three roaches… bringing the smack down on that pesky human… ZZZZZZZAP!!” — Designed by Wonderland Collective from South Africa.

An Intrusion Of Cockroaches

Celebrate Freedom

“This wallpaper encourages you to appreciate and celebrate the country’s freedom as well as your own!” — Designed by Marina Zhukov from the USA.

Desktop Wallpaper

Hot Air Balloon

Designed by Studcréa from France

Hot Air Balloon

Only One

Designed by Elise Vanoorbeek from Belgium

Only one

Cool Summer

“Even though it is not summer in my country, I made a summer theme. A cool approach to summer themes, tough, very fresh and ‘twilighty’.” — Designed by Marcos Sandrini from Brazil.

Smashing Desktop Wallpapers - July 2012

Birdie Nam Nam

“I have created a pattern that has a summer feeling. For me July and summer is bright color, joy and lots of different flowers and birds. So naturally I incorporated all these elements in a crazy pattern.” — Designed by Lina Karlsson, Idadesign Ab from Sweden.

Smashing Desktop Wallpapers - July 2012

Sun In July

”…enjoy the sun in July!” — Designed by Marco Palma from Italy/Germany.

Smashing Desktop Wallpapers - July 2012

Join In Next Month!

Please note that we respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience throughout their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.

Thank you to all designers for their participation. Join in next month!

Smashing Editorial (il)

Inspiring Wallpapers For A Colorful June (2019 Edition)

Inspiring Wallpapers For A Colorful June (2019 Edition)

Inspiring Wallpapers For A Colorful June (2019 Edition)

Cosima Mielke

No matter if June means the beginning of summer for you, that monsoon season is here, or that winter is just around the corner, our new wallpapers are bound to sweeten the beginning of the month with some fresh inspiration.

Created by artists and designers from across the globe, the designs featured in this collection are part of our wallpaper series which has been going on for more than nine years already. Every month, we challenge you, the community, to submit your wallpaper designs to it. It’s an opportunity to let your creative ideas run free and use your favorite tools — without the pressure of meeting project requirements or satisfying stakeholders. It’s only you and your creative process. And, well, we are very thankful to everyone who has taken on this challenge and is still continuing to do so to cater for diverse and unique results each time anew.

To accompany you through the new month — and beyond — the wallpapers all come in versions with and without a calendar for June 2019 and can be downloaded for free. For some extra variety, you’ll also find a selection of favorites from past years’ editions at the end of this post. Enjoy!

Please note that:

  • All images can be clicked on and lead to the preview of the wallpaper,
  • You can feature your work in our magazine, too. So if you have an idea for a July wallpaper design, please don’t hesitate to submit it. We’d love to see what you’ll come up with.

Further Reading on SmashingMag:

Summer Is Coming

“Imagine a sunny beach and an endless blue sea. Imagine yourself right there. Is it somewhere in Greece? The Mediterranean? North Africa? Now turn around and start wandering through those picturesque, narrow streets. See all those authentic white houses with blue doors and blue windows? Feel the fragrance of fresh flowers? Stop for a second. Take a deep breath. Seize the moment. Breathe in. Breathe out. Now slowly open your eyes. Not quite there yet? Don’t worry. You will be soon! Summer is coming…” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

Summer Is Coming

Melting Away

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Melting Away

It’s Bauhaus Year

“This year is Bauhaus year - therefore I created a screenprint of one of the most famous buildings from the Bauhaus architect Mies van der Rohe for you. So, enjoy the Barcelona Pavillon for your June wallpaper.” — Designed by Anne Korfmacher from Germany.

It’s Bauhaus Year

Sunset With Crabs

“In the sunset the crabs come to the surface. That little boat can’t sail, but after seeing the crabs it gets power and finally… it sails!” — Designed by Veronica Valenzuela from Spain.

Sunset With Crabs

Monsoon Season

“Rain is the art of nature, and umbrella the art of man. Walking with your umbrella on a rainy day, you connect these arts!” — Designed by Themehigh from Calicut.

Monsoon Season

Take Your First Step In Spirituality

“Yoga is a way of finding your true self. This International Yoga Day, take a path of a spiritual journey and see where it leads you in your life.” — Designed by Kiran Shirke from India.

Take Your First Step In Spirituality

Oldies But Goodies

So many beautiful, unique, and inspiring wallpapers have come to life as a part of our monthly challenge in the past nine years. Here are some June favorites from past editions. Please note that these wallpapers don’t come with a calendar.

Deep Dive

“Summer rains, sunny days and a whole month to enjoy. Dive deep inside your passions and let them guide you.” — Designed by Ana Masnikosa from Belgrade, Serbia.

Deep Dive

Pineapple Summer Pop

“I love creating fun and feminine illustrations and designs. I was inspired by juicy tropical pineapples to celebrate the start of summer.” — Designed by Brooke Glaser from Honolulu, Hawaii.

Pineapple Summer Pop

Travel Time

“June is our favorite time of the year because the keenly anticipated sunny weather inspires us to travel. Stuck at the airport, waiting for our flight but still excited about wayfaring, we often start dreaming about the new places we are going to visit. Where will you travel to this summer? Wherever you go, we wish you a pleasant journey!” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

Travel Time

Summer Surf

“Summer vibes…” — Designed by Antun Hirsman from Croatia.

Summer Surf

Shine Your Light

“Shine your light, Before the fight, Just like the sun, Cause we don’t have to run.” — Designed by Anh Nguyet Tran from Vietnam.

Shine Your Light

Tropical Vibes

“With summer just around the corner, I’m already feeling the tropical vibes.” — Designed by Melissa Bogemans from Belgium.

Tropical Vibes

Window Of Opportunity

“‘Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better,’ A.E.” — Designed by Antun Hiršman from Croatia.

Window Of Opportunity

Start Your Day

Designed by Elise Vanoorbeek from Belgium.

Start Your Day

Doughnuts Galore

“Friday, June 6th is National Doughnut Day. Designer Dorothy Timmer found inspiration in the sweet treats and brought the obscure holiday into the spotlight. Doughnuts are delicious. That is all.” — Designed by Clarity Creative Group from Orlando, FL.

Doughnuts Galore

Nine Lives!

“I grew up with cats around (and drawing them all the time). They are so funny… one moment they are being funny, the next they are reserved. If you have place in your life for a pet, adopt one today!” — Designed by Karen Frolo from the United States.

Nine Lives!

Getting Better Everyday

“The eternal forward motion to get better and excel.” — Designed by Zachary Johnson-Medland from the United States.

Getting Better Everyday

Expand Your Horizons

“It’s summer! Go out, explore, expand your horizons!” — Designed by Dorvan Davoudi from Canada.

Expand Your Horizons

Handmade Pony Gone Wild

“This piece was inspired by the My Little Pony cartoon series. Because those ponies irritated me so much as a kid, I always wanted to create a bad ass pony.” — Designed by Zaheed Manuel from South Africa.

Hand made pony gone wild

The Kids Looking Outside

“These are my cats looking out of the window. Because it is Children’s Day in June in a lot of countries I chose to make a wallpaper with this photo of my cats. The cats are like kids, they always want to play and love to be outside! Also, most kids love cats!” — Designed by Kevin van Geloven from The Netherlands.

The Kids Looking Outside

Good Design Is A Tough Knitted Job

“I came across this awesome tutorial on Tuts+, about creating a card with knitted effect, so I took it up a notch and said, hey, why can’t I make a couple wallpapers using what I’ve learnt… So here we are.” — Designed by Brian Jangima from Kenya.

Good Design is a Tough Knitted Job

Viking Meat War

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Viking Meat War

Sunset In Jamaica

“Photo from a recent trip to Jamaica edited to give a retro look and feel.” — Designed by Tommy Digiovanni from the USA.

Sunset In Jamaica — Preview

Gipsy Spirit

“Soft spring colors and boho feathers.” — Designed by Denise Johnson from Chicago.

Gipsy Spirit
  • preview
  • without calendar: 1024x768, 1280x800, 1280x1024, 1440x900, 1600x1200, 1920x1200
  • Hello Winter!

    Designed by Tazi Design from Australia.

    Hello Winter!

    Join In Next Month!

    Please note that we respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience throughout their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.

    Thank you to all designers for their participation. Join in next month!

    The Wonders Of May (2019 Wallpapers Edition)

    The Wonders Of May (2019 Wallpapers Edition)

    The Wonders Of May (2019 Wallpapers Edition)

    Cosima Mielke

    We always try our best to challenge your creativity and get you out of your comfort zone. A great occasion to do so is our monthly wallpapers challenge which has been going on for nine years already. It’s an opportunity to let your creative ideas run free and try something new, to indulge in a little project just for fun. Whatever technique you fancy, whatever story you want to tell with your wallpaper, the submissions to this challenge make for a unique bouquet of community artworks each month anew. Artworks that adorn desktops and, who knows, maybe even spark new ideas.

    In this post, you’ll find wallpapers for May 2019, created with love by designers and artists from across the globe. The wallpapers all come in versions with and without a calendar and can be downloaded for free. At the end of this post, we also collected some May favorites from past years’ wallpapers editions that are too good to gather dust somewhere down in the archives.

    Now before you decide on your favorite this month, we want to say thank-you to everyone who shared their artworks with us. And, well, if you’re feeling inspired, did you know that your work could get featured in one of our upcoming wallpapers posts, too? We’re always looking for fresh talent, so don’t be shy, join in. ;-)

    Further Reading on SmashingMag:

    April Showers Bring Magnolia Flowers

    “April and May are usually when everything starts to bloom, especially the magnolia trees. I live in an area where there are many and when the wind blows, the petals make it look like snow is falling.” — Designed by Sarah Masucci from the United States.

    Drawing of Magnolia petals dancing in the air.

    The Wriggling Glory of River Uvac

    “Did you know that there are around 65 pairs of griffon vultures in Serbia? And did you know that one of their natural habitats is located at the river Uvac canyon? Nested between Zlatibor and Zlatar mountains, the wriggling flow of river Uvac is one of the most recognizable marks of Western Serbia and one of the most beautiful natural scenes in the country. And yes, May is just the perfect time to visit and enjoy its glory.” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

    Photo collage of a main enjoying the view over the river Uvac and its canyon.

    Floral Impression

    “My main inspiration behind this were the blooming flowers in May. My mother collects blue and white Japanese china which was the pot inspiration. The blues and pinks together are what I find to be one of the most complimentary color palettes.” — Designed by Olivia Osborne from Pennsylvania.

    Floral Impression

    Lookout At Sea

    “I wanted to create something fun and happy for the month of May. It’s a simple concept, but May is typically the time to adventure out into the world and enjoy the best of Spring.” — Designed by Alexander Jubinski from the United States.

    Illustration of a tiny island in the sea which houses a lighthouse and a small house.

    Happy Birthday To Papú!

    “May is the month of celebration! We are happy to share with you the Papú’s birthday.” — Designed by Veronica Valenzuela from Spain.

    Illustration of two cats with balloons, a birthday cake, garlands, and a Happy Birthday sign.

    May Mountains

    Designed by Harley LeBlanc from the United States.

    Abstract illustration of pink mountains with the sun rising.

    Cool As An Octopus

    “A fear I need to conquer inspired this wallpaper design. I never really liked the ocean because of how much we don’t know about it or anything that lives in it. However, I have decided to try and focus on the beautiful parts of this great unknown by choosing an octopus.” — Designed by Alexandra Covaleski from the United States.

    Cool As An Octopus


    Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

    Illustration of the Smashing Cat’s rocket which has landed on the moon and seems to have technical difficulties.

    Sun’s Out, Tongues Out

    “May reminds me of long car rides while the cool breeze whips through the open windows. What better companion to have than a big friendly dog? Cool breeze, warm sun, and a furry friend.” — Designed by Samantha Strausser from the United States.

    Drawing of a Saint Bernard dog sticking its head out of the car window, enjoying the ride.

    Hello Spring!

    “I was at a local bike shop the other day, and I saw one of the vintage bikes. I loved the shape of it. I also was inspired by May flowers.” — Designed by Olivia Bartoli from the United States.

    Illustration of a pennyfarthing decorated with red flowers.

    Oldies But Goodies

    Whimsical, adventurous, delicate — the May wallpapers which reached us in the past few years are as different as the artists who created them. Here are some of our favorites from the past. Which one is yours? (Please note that these designs come from our archives, and, thus, don’t include a calendar.)

    Lake Deck

    “I wanted to make a big painterly vista with some mountains and a deck and such.” — Designed by Mike Healy from Australia.

    Illustration of a beautiful lake landscape as seen through the open flap of a roof top tent.

    It’s Finally May, My Deer

    “After going through a super long winter, I was inspired to create this whimsical wallpaper because I wanted to highlight the beauty of nature and how I envision it to be during the warmer seasons that have yet to come.” — Designed by Michaela Schmidt from Maryland.

    Illustration of a pair of deer antlers decorated with colorful flowers.

    All Is Possible In May

    “Edwin Way Teale once said that ‘[t]he world’s favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May.’ Now that the entire nature is clothed with grass and branches full of blossoms that will grow into fruit, we cannot help going out and enjoying every scent, every sound, every joyful movement of nature’s creatures. Make this May the best so far!” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

    Illustration of a couple having a picknick.

    Spring Gracefulness

    “We don’t usually count the breaths we take, but observing nature in May, we can’t count our breaths being taken away.” — Designed by Ana Masnikosa from Belgrade, Serbia.

    Abstract illustration of a swan.

    Cruel Life

    Designed by Elise Vanoorbeek (Doud Design) from Belgium.

    Illustration showing three kids. Two kids are happily eating ice-cream, while the other kid is sad because it dropped his ice-cream. The text on the wallpaper reads ‘Sometimes life is cruel’.

    Stone Dahlias

    Designed by Rachel Hines from the United States.

    Watercolor illustration of pastel-colored stones with stone dahlias growing on top of them.

    Field Wild Flowers

    “Springtime festival celebrated with May blossoms.” — Designed by Richard George Davis from South Africa.

    A photo of a wild flower field.

    Enjoy May!

    “Springtime, especially Maytime is my favorite time of the year. And I like popsicles — so it’s obvious isn’t it?” — Designed by Steffen Weiß from Germany.

    The wallpaper reads ‘Enjoy May’. The word May is made up of popsicles.

    Birds Of May

    “A little-known ‘holiday’ on May 4th known as ‘Bird Day’. It is the first holiday in the United States celebrating birds. Hurray for birds!” — Designed by Clarity Creative Group from Orlando, FL.

    Illustration of four flying birds.

    Always Seek Knowledge

    “‘As knowledge increases, wonder deepens.’ (Charles Morgan) So I tried to create an illustration based on this.” — Designed by Bisakha Datta from India.

    Always Seek Knowledge

    Magical Sunset

    “I designed Magical Sunset as a friendly reminder to take a moment and enjoy life around you. Each sunset and sunrise brings a new day for greatness and a little magic.” — Designed by Carolyn Warcup from the United States.

    Illustration of a reading woman sitting on top of a ladder in the light of a street lamp.

    Mental Health Awareness Day

    Designed by Kay Karremans from Belgium.

    Cartoon illustration of a brain.

    Game Boy

    Designed by Sander Geenen from Belgium.

    Illustration of a vintage handheld Game Boy.

    Join In Next Month!

    Please note that we respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience throughout their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.

    Thank you to all designers for their participation. Join in next month!

    Spread The Love! Inspiring Wallpapers For February 2019

    Spread The Love! Inspiring Wallpapers For February 2019

    Spread The Love! Inspiring Wallpapers For February 2019

    Cosima Mielke

    As designers we usually turn to different sources of inspiration, and, well, sometimes the best inspiration lies right in front of us. With that in mind, we embarked on our wallpapers creativity mission more than nine years ago. The idea: to provide you with unique and inspiring desktop wallpapers each month anew. Wallpapers created by the community for the community.

    We are very thankful to all artists and designers who have contributed and are still diligently contributing to this challenge, who tickle their creativity to keep the steady stream of wallpapers flowing. This post features their artworks for February 2019. All wallpapers come in two versions — with and without a calendar — and can be downloaded for free. At the end of this post, we also collected some wallpaper favorites from past February editions for you. After all, some things are just too good to be forgotten, right?

    Please note that:

    • All images can be clicked on and lead to the preview of the wallpaper,
    • You can feature your work in our magazine by taking part in our Desktop Wallpaper Calendar series. We are regularly looking for creative designers and artists to be featured on Smashing Magazine. Are you one of them?

    Further Reading on SmashingMag:

    Savannah Stroll

    “February is a month focused on romance and as a southerner, I can’t think of a more romantic way to spend a day than strolling the historic moss-draped streets of Savannah, GA. Spending time sitting on a bench on one of the many beautiful squares, holding hands and people watching as you sip a cappuccino.” — Designed by Heather Ozee Designs from the United States.

    Savannah Stroll

    Love Is Worth Fighting For

    Designed by Maria Keller from Mexico.

    Love Is Worth Fighting For

    Dark Temptation

    “A dark romantic feel, walking through the city on a dark and rainy night.” — Designed by Matthew Talebi from the United States.

    Dark Temptation

    Feel The Love!

    “We’re celebrating Valentine’s Day with our February wallpaper. Whatever Valentine’s Day means to you we’re on board, love, relationships or the best of friends. It’s something to be celebrated!” — Designed by Focus from the United Kingdom.

    Feel The Love!

    Cold And Frost

    “Frosts in Russia are very severe. Walking through the Park, I found these branches at the top and decided to capture the moment.” — Designed by Nikolay Belikov from Russia.

    Cold And Frost

    What Is Love

    “We all feel it, even if we cannot define it. But, who needs a definition anyway? When you sense it in your gut and feel like standing on the top of the world. Happy. From the bottom of your heart. ‘Where there is love, there is life,’ said Mahatma Gandhi. And we couldn't agree more. May the love be with you. Always.” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

    What Is Love

    Polar Cold

    “February is the month of the bear. I would like to be in the Arctic and play with the bears.” — Designed by Verónica Valenzuela from Spain.

    Polar Cold

    Lovely Day

    Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

    Lovely Day

    Let Love Speak

    “As it’s February, we just thought of celebrating Valentine month. Let the love between nature and human being prosper. These days we are forgetting to take care of our nature. So it’s a kind of gentle reminder for all of us.” — Designed by Sweans Technologies from London.

    Let Love Speak

    Umbrella Day

    “Always good to have an umbrella, on rainy or sunny days! On the 10th of February we celebrate the umbrellas.” — Designed by Melissa Bogemans from Belgium.

    Umbrella Day


    “I want to emphasize February 14th because it’s Valentine’s Day. I thought it would be fun to use two cats that are in love watching the sunset in the park. I have tried to use as many warm and loving colors as possible, such as red, rose, orange and purple.” — Designed by Vince Teckmans from Belgium.


    World Radio Day

    “Music is an important element in our everyday lives. It connects people all over the world, regardless of culture, religion etc.” — Designed by Ilke Cauwenbergh from Belgium.

    World Radio Day

    Oldies But Goodies

    No matter if it’s a brave icebreaker that confronts even the most adverse weather conditions, a piece of design wisdom, or a pun — a lot of things have inspired our artists to design a February wallpaper in the past few years. Below you’ll find a little best-of. Please note that these wallpapers don’t come with a calendar.

    Dog Year Ahead

    Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

    Dog Year Ahead


    Designed by Xenia Latii from Germany.



    “I was doodling pictures of my cat one day and decided I could turn it into a fun wallpaper – because a cold, winter night in February is the perfect time for staying in and cuddling with your cat, your significant other, or both!” — Designed by Angelia DiAntonio from Ohio, USA.


    Minimalistic Love

    “This minimalistic love logo is designed from geometric shapes, where the heart represents the letter ‘O’ and love. The anchor represents the letter ‘V’ very delicately and stylish and it symbolizes your wanderlust. The anchor is a symbol of adventure and travels.” — Designed by Antun Hirsman from Croatia.

    Minimalistic Love

    “Greben” Icebreaker

    “Danube is Europe’s second largest river, connecting 10 different countries. In these cold days, when ice paralyzes rivers and closes waterways, a small but brave icebreaker called Greben (Serbian word for ‘reef’) seems stronger than winter. It cuts through the ice on Đerdap gorge (Iron Gate) – the longest and biggest gorge in Europe – thus helping the production of electricity in the power plant. This is our way to give thanks to Greben!” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

    “Greben” Icebreaker

    Winter Wonderland

    “In February, nature shows its creativity. Our artwork occurs when it is being drawn.” — Designed by Ana Masnikosa from Belgrade, Serbia.

    Winter Wonderland

    Love Angel Vader

    “Valentine’s Day is coming? Noooooooooooo!” — Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

    Love Angel Vader


    “I live in Madison, WI USA, which is famous for its breweries. Wisconsin even named their baseball team “The Brewers.” If you like beer, brats, and lots of cheese, it’s the place for you!” — Designed by Danny Gugger from the United States.


    Farewell, Winter…

    “Although I love winter (mostly because of the fun winter sports), there are other great activities ahead. February, the last winter month, this year is even one day longer. But I don’t mind. Thanks, winter, and see you next year!” — Designed by Igor Izhik from Canada.

    Farewell, Winter...

    Principles Of Good Design

    “The simplicity seen in the work of Dieter Rams which has ensured his designs from the 50s and 60s still hold a strong appeal.” — Designed by Vinu Chaitanya from India.

    Principles of Good Design- Dieter Rams

    I Believe I Can Fly

    Designed by Elise Vanoorbeek from Belgium.

    Smashing Wallpaper - february 13

    Out There, There’s Someone Like You

    “I am a true believer that out there in this world there is another person who is just like us, the problem is to find her/him.” — Designed by Maria Keller from Mexico.

    Out There, There’s Someone Like You

    The Great Beyond

    “My inspiration came mostly from ‘The Greay from’. It’s about a dog and an astronaut exploring a strange new world.” — Designed by Lars Pauwels from Belgium.

    The Great Beyond

    Join In Next Month!

    Please note that we respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience throughout their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.

    Thank you to all designers for their participation. Join in next month!

    New Year, New Beginnings (January 2019 Wallpapers Edition)

    New Year, New Beginnings (January 2019 Wallpapers Edition)

    New Year, New Beginnings (January 2019 Wallpapers Edition)

    Cosima Mielke

    Maybe you’ve already started into the new year when you read this, maybe you’re still waiting for the big countdown to begin. No matter what: Let’s welcome 2019 with a fresh wallpaper!

    To give you a little inspiration boost, artists and designers from across the globe once again tickled their creativity and designed unique wallpapers for you to indulge in. All of them come in versions with and without a calendar for January 2019 and can be downloaded for free — just like every month since more than nine years already. At the end of this post, we also compiled some January favorites from past years that are too good not to share. Have an exciting new year!

    Further Reading on SmashingMag:

    Please note that:

    • All images can be clicked on and lead to the preview of the wallpaper,
    • You can feature your work in our magazine by taking part in our Desktop Wallpaper Calendar series. We are regularly looking for creative designers and artists to be featured on Smashing Magazine. Are you one of them?

    Let The Magic Begin

    “When the noisy holidays stay behind us, and everything calms down to a peaceful setting, it is a perfect moment for the magic to step in and start making our wishes, hopes, and decisions come true. Happy January, everyone!” — Designed by PopArt Web Design from Serbia.

    Let the Magic Begin

    New Year

    “The dawn of January the 1st of 2019 is the beginning of a new year which gives dreams, hopes and a lot more to billions of people around the world.” — Designed by Sweans Technologies Ltd. from London.


    A New Beginning

    “I wanted to do a lettering-based wallpaper because I love lettering. I chose January because for a lot of people the new year is perceived as a new beginning and I wish to make them feel as positive about it as possible! The ideia is to make them feel like the new year is (just) the start of something really great.” — Designed by Carolina Sequeira from Portugal.

    A New Beginning

    Intense Winter

    “Winter brings both Christmas & New Year together. A season which provides time for comfort, food, warmth, and touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire.” — Designed by Call Taxi Software from India.

    Intense Winter

    New Year, New Chances

    “The climate is changing very fast. 2019 is a new chance to save the earth, the people and the animals who suffer from global warming.” — Designed by Melissa Bogemans from Belgium.

    New year, new chances

    A Cold But Happy 2019

    “January is a cold but cozy month so i tried to make my illustrations in cold and cozy colors. Blue and white as the cold colors and red darkblue as the cozy colors. I made some small details like reindeers, clouds snowflakes and trees to make it look better.” — Designed by Vince Teckmans from Belgium.

    A cold but happy 2019

    Cold... Penguins!

    “The new year is here! We waited for it like penguins. We look at the snow and enjoy with it!” — Designed by Veronica Valenzuela from Spain.

    Cold penguins

    Hidden Gem

    “Kingfishers are called ‘ijsvogels’ (ice-birds) in Dutch. Not because they like winter cold, but because of the intense blue and teal colors...” — Designed by Franke Margrete from the Netherlands.

    Hidden Gem


    Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.


    Freezy Hope For 2019

    “I took this photo while walking around the city where I live. It's located in the Vosges, France. It was cold but without snow. White color is coming from freezy touchs of the fog remaining on everything. I found it amazing. White is a color for hope. Let's have a pleasant year 2019” — Designed by Philippe Brouard from France

    Freezy hope for 2019

    Oldies But Goodies

    The past New Year’s editions have brought forth some timeless wallpaper goodies that work equally well in 2019. Please note that they don’t come with a calendar. May we present…

    Open The Doors Of The New Year

    “January is the first month of the year and usually the coldest winter month in the Northern hemisphere. The name of the month of January comes from ‘ianua’, the Latin word for door, so this month denotes the door to the new year and a new beginning. Let’s open the doors of the new year together and hope it will be the best so far!” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

    Open the Doors of the New Year

    Start Somewhere

    “If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives. Start today - somewhere, anywhere.” — Designed by Shawna Armstrong from the United States.

    Start Somewhere

    Winter Leaves

    Designed by Nathalie Ouederni from France.

    Winter Leaves


    Designed by Elise Vanoorbeek from Belgium.


    January Fish

    “My fish tank at home inspired me to make a wallpaper with a fish :)” — Designed by Arno De Decker from Belgium.

    January Fish

    Angel In Snow

    Designed by Brainer from Ukraine.

    Angel in Snow!

    Happy Hot Tea Month

    “You wake me up to a beautiful day; lift my spirit when I’m feeling blue. When I’m home you relieve me of the long day’s stress. You help me have a good time with my loved ones; give me company when I’m all alone. You’re none other than my favourite cup of hot tea.” — Designed by Acodez IT Solutions from India.

    Happy Hot Tea Month!

    Dare To Be You

    “The new year brings new opportunities for each of us to become our true selves. I think that no matter what you are — like this little monster — you should dare to be the true you without caring what others may think. Happy New Year!” — Designed by Maria Keller from Mexico.

    Dare To Be You

    White Mountains

    “In Central Europe, we’ve had a very warm beginning of winter. I hope there will be lots of powder for snowboarding soon. I’d love to see the French Alps again as white as in 2015 when I took this photo.” — Designed by Annika Oeser from Germany.

    White Mountains

    Winter Getaway

    “What could be better, than a change of scene for a week? Even if you are too busy, just think about it.” — Designed by Igor Izhik from Canada.

    Winter Getaway

    Be Awesome Today

    “A little daily motivation to keep your cool during the month of January.” — Designed by Amalia Van Bloom from the United States.

    be awesome today

    Japanese New Year

    Designed by Evacomics from Singapore.

    Japanese New Year

    A New Start

    “The new year brings hope, festivity, lots and lots of resolutions, and many more goals that need to be achieved. This wallpaper is based on the idea of ‘A New Start’.” — Designed by Damn Perfect from India.

    A New Start

    The Way To Get Started

    “January is all about renewing efforts and making plans, but sometimes we need little reminders that plans don’t matter if you don’t do anything about them. Initially, I was inspired by the idea of a fresh sheet of paper, which became the background for some great words from Walt Disney.” — Designed by Resa Barillas from the United States.

    The Way To Get Started

    Three Wise Men Of The East

    “In Belgium remember the Three Wise Men of the East is a tradition. It involves children going from door to door, dressed up as the three Wise Men. They sing a little song, in exchange for sweets and/or money. The design is very minimalistic and ‘flat’. I hope you like it :)” — Designed by Jeroen Bartels from Belgium.

    Three Wise Men of the East

    Rest Up For The New Year

    “I was browsing for themes when I found this “Festival of Sleep” that takes place on the 3rd, and I’m a big fan of sleep… Especially in these cold months after the holiday craziness, it’s nice to get cozy and take a nice nap.” — Designed by Dorothy Timmer from Central Florida, USA.

    Rest Up For The New Year

    Hello Summer In Australia

    Designed by Tazi Designs from Australia.

    Hello Summer in Australia!

    Join In Next Month!

    Please note that we respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience throughout their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us, but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.

    Thank you to all designers for their participation. Join in next month!

    Smashing Editorial (il)