Best Practices for Batch Processing in IBM App Connect Enterprise as a Service

Batch processing is a capability of App Connect that facilitates the extraction and processing of large amounts of data. Sometimes referred to as data copy, batch processing allows you to author and run flows that retrieve batches of records from a source, manipulate the records, and then load them into a target system. This post provides recommendations for designing flows that use batch processing. It also includes a few pointers on how to troubleshoot any issues that you might see, and in particular which log messages to look out for.

Here's some more information about batch processing in App Connect:

Batch Processing for Data Integration

In the labyrinth of data-driven architectures, the challenge of data integration—fusing data from disparate sources into a coherent, usable form — stands as one of the cornerstones. As businesses amass data at an unprecedented pace, the question of how to integrate this data effectively comes to the fore. Among the spectrum of methodologies available for this task, batch processing is often considered an old guard, especially with the advent of real-time and event-based processing technologies. However, it would be a mistake to dismiss batch processing as an antiquated approach. In fact, its enduring relevance is a testament to its robustness and efficiency. This blog dives into the intricate world of batch processing for data integration, elucidating its mechanics, advantages, considerations, and standing in comparison to other methodologies.

Historical Perspective of Batch Processing

Batch processing has a storied history that predates the very concept of real-time processing. In the dawn of computational technology, batch processing was more a necessity than a choice. Systems were not equipped to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. Jobs were collected and processed together, and then the output was delivered. As technology evolved, so did the capabilities of batch processing, especially its application in data integration tasks.

Batch Processing vs. Stream Processing: Why Batch Is Dying and Streaming Takes Over

In the digital age, data is the new currency and is being used everywhere. From social media to IoT devices, businesses are generating more data than ever before.
With this data comes the challenge of processing it in a timely and efficient way.
Companies worldwide are investing in technologies that can help them better process, analyze, and use the data they are collecting to better serve their customers and stay ahead of their competitors.
One of the most important decisions organizations make when it comes to data processing is whether to use stream or batch processing. Stream processing is quickly becoming the go-to option for many companies because of its ability to provide real-time insights and immediately actionable results. With the right stream processing platform, companies can easily unlock the value of their data and use it to gain a competitive edge. This article will explore why stream processing is taking over, including its advantages over batch processing, such as its scalability, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility.

Let’s recap some of the basics first.

Batch Processing in Go

Batching is a common scenario developers come across to basically split a large amount of work into smaller chunks for optimal processing. Seems pretty simple, and it really is. Say we have a long list of items we want to process in some way. A pre-defined number of them can be processed concurrently. I can see two different ways to do it in Go.

The first way is by using plain old slices. This is something most developers have probably done at some point in their careers. Let's take this simple example:

Book Review: Designing Data-Intensive Applications (Part 3)

This is part 3 of a three-part review. You can find part 1 here and part 2 here.

10. Batch Processing

This is the first chapter of the part of the book dealing with derived data. There is a distinction between systems of record (holds the authoritative version of the data) and derived data systems. Data in derived data systems is existing data transformed or processed in some way. For example, a cache or a search index.