Using a Body With an HTTP Get Method Is Still a Bad Idea

The HTTP GET Method and Using a Body With the Request

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) has several methods, or "verbs," to allow clients and servers to communicate effectively. One of the most commonly used methods is the GET method, which retrieves data from a server. While HTTP specifications do not forbid sending a body with a GET request, doing so is non-standard and can lead to various problems.

Background: What Is the HTTP GET Method?

In HTTP, the GET method is designed to retrieve data from a server without causing any side effects. Typically, this data is fetched based on parameters sent as part of the URL's query string. For instance, in a URL like represents a parameter passed to the server.

Why Using Generative AI for OKRs Is Generally a Bad Idea

Setting objectives and key results (OKRs) is a powerful way to align an organization's efforts toward a common goal. However, as the amount of data and complexity of objectives increase, it can become challenging to set effective and achievable goals. One solution that has gained popularity in recent years is to use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to automate the OKR creation process. While this may seem like a convenient and efficient solution, it comes with significant security implications that organizations need to consider.

Generative AI for OKRs: The Basics

Generative AI is a type of machine learning algorithm that can create new data from existing data. In the context of OKRs, this means that the AI can generate new objectives and key results based on the historical data and patterns it has learned from an organization's past performance. This can save time and effort for managers who would otherwise need to manually analyze data and create objectives based on their insights.

When Microservices Are a Bad Idea

On paper, microservices sound wonderful. They are modular, scalable, and fault tolerant. A lot of companies have had great success using this model, so microservices might naturally seem to be the superior architecture and the best way to start new applications.

However, most firms that have succeeded with microservices did not begin with them. Consider the examples of Airbnb and Twitter, which went the microservice route after outgrowing their monoliths and are now battling its complexities. Even successful companies that use microservices appear to still be figuring out the best way to make them work. It is evident that microservices come with their share of tradeoffs.

Why Is Branching in GitOps a Bad Idea?

GitOps is a pattern for the continuous deployment of cloud-native apps. The infrastructure is operated with the help of continuous deployment tools and a Git repository, which contains information concerning the necessary infrastructure and automated processes. You only need to update your Git repository to update a specific app or deploy a new cloud app.

For instance, the GitOps environment makes it possible to deploy apps more often, safely, and faster without switching between diverse options. Developers possess a unique opportunity to release updates up to several times a day and implement them, deploying instantly and monitoring the results in real-time. Moreover, they can collect feedback, and, if necessary, make changes or roll back to a previous version of the product. So, GitOps is the best thing you can do with configuration as code. But there are nuances too.

Why Betting on a Single Process Automation Strategy Is a Bad Idea

In the digital age, success depends on properly automating business processes. Digitizing and standardizing processes and repetitive tasks reduce operating costs by 90%. Companies that want to be future-proof must introduce process-automation systems and position themselves for growth. 

Automation increases efficiency drives down costs and improves both customer and employee satisfaction. Businesses that stand out are those that have adopted automation and have become more agile and cost-efficient. They are paperless and have very few manual processes.