This Week in Spring: OAuth Security, Reactive Applications, and More

Check out all the latest happenings this week in Spring!

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another of This Week in Spring. We’ve got a lot to cover, so let’s get to it!

This Week in Spring: SpringOne Platform 2019 Edition

It's here; it's finally here! My favorite time of the year! Happy SpringOne Platform week! This week, I'm in the amazing Austin, TX, talking to anybody who wants to know about all things Spring. There have been a ton of amazing things announced at this show, but one thing I've been excited to share with y'all is that we just announced the new Azure Spring Cloud runtime. (More on that in the links below!)

I've been busy! I'm doing one talk with Microsoft on Azure Spring Cloud, and another with Okta /Google on simplifying the dev lifecycle. Also, I'm hosting the keynote tomorrow morning. So much to do, so little time!