Using XML Policies to Log and Analyze API Calls from Azure API Management

Azure API Management (APIM) is a powerful platform that enables you to publish and scale APIs while ensuring they are secured. One of the great features of Azure APIM is that you can add plugins and transforms to your APIs without any code change or restarts.

These capabilities are deployed using XML Policies which are a collection of statements. Moesif API Observability can be added in just a few minutes using an XML policy for APIM which makes it easy get visibility into API calls, even ones that are rejected and never reach your underlying service.

Business Activity Monitoring in Serverless360 With Real-Time Scenarios

This blog gives some interesting use cases of Business Activity Monitoring in Serverless360 using Cab Booking Management System. Let's take the booking scenario of this system backed with the Azure Serverless services and see how the business activity monitoring in Serverless360 will be useful in detecting the exceptions and tracking the custom properties of the messages flowing through the business process.


Scenario graphic

The above is a Cab booking application built with Azure Serverless. Consider a business user who would need to track message flows through every stage in the above business activity. They should be informed of any exceptions in the business transaction along with the reasons behind the failure. A business development manager would need to have analytic information on the booking trends at various locations.

Azure Monitor and Serverless360 Comparison


Do you have the following questions when considering Serverless360 as a monitoring solution for your Azure Serverless Applications?

  • Why should I use Serverless360 when the Azure portal already has Azure Monitor?
  • How different is Serverless360 from Azure Monitor?

Reasons Why Serverless360 Should Be Chosen Over Azure Monitor

1. Monitor Azure Serverless Applications

In real-time Azure Serverless services are put together to build orchestrations that solve critical business needs. What is required is a monitoring solution for these applications. What one can find in the Azure portal is Azure Monitor, a monitoring solution for an Azure entity. Serverless360 complements the Azure portal by providing the much-needed monitoring for serverless applications.

Monitor Applications Via Application Insights Using Log Alerts


In this article, I want to showcase how one can get an email notification as an alert when "Something went wrong" using Log Analytics query to evaluate resources and Logs every set frequency (fire an alert based on the results). This article covers the basic features of Application Insight Log Alert. 

Alerts in Microsoft Azure

Alerts proactively notify you when issues found with your infrastructure or application using your monitoring data in Azure Monitor. They allow you to identify and address issues before the users of your system notice them.

Export Kubernetes Logs to Azure Log Analytics With Fluent Bit

Every container you run in Kubernetes is going to be generating log data. No one has time to go through and regularly check individual container logs for issues, and so in production environments, it is often required to export these logs to an aggregator for automated analysis.

If you're using Azure, then Log Analytics may be your log aggregator of choice, and so you need a way to export your container logs into Log Analytics. If you are using AKS, you can deploy the Azure Monitor solution which does this for you, however, if you are running your own cluster, or even using another cloud provider and still want to use Log Analytics, then that it's not quite so simple. This is where Fluent Bit can help.