How to Evaluate MLOps Platforms

Companies that have pioneered the application of AI at scale did so using their own in-house ML platforms (uber, LinkedIn, Facebook, Airbnb). Many vendors are now making these capabilities available to purchase as off-the-shelf products. There's also a range of open-source tools addressing MLOps. The rush to the space has created a new problem — too much choice. There are now hundreds of tools and at least 40 platforms available:

(Timeline image from Thoughtworks Guide to Evaluating MLOps Platforms.)

Making Data Scientists Productive in Azure

Doing data science today is far more difficult than it will be in the next 5 to 10 years. Sharing and collaborating on workflows in painful, pushing models into production is challenging. Let’s explore what Azure provides to ease data scientists’ pains.

In this post, you will learn about the Azure Machine Learning Studio, Azure Machine Learning, Azure Databricks, Data Science Virtual Machine, and Cognitive Services. What tools and services can we choose based on a problem definition, skillset, or infrastructure requirements?